The Hidden Truths Series Box Set
Page 50
I shook my head. “What?” I shifted my attention to Bobby. “Yeah, I just—I don’t know what happened.” I kneeled down to help clean the mess before any of the customers slipped.
A pair of black loafers stopped in front of me. I pulled my gaze up the dark denim jeans to the trim waist and up to the hard chest—a chest I’d touched so many times before.
His hand was on my arm. He was helping me up.
No. Goddamn him. No.
I sucked in a breath as I lurched back to my feet, but his hand was still placed on my arm, like it had any business there . . .
God, the sound of my name on his lips still had the same old effect. Chills and heat all at the same time. I swallowed, pulled my arm away, and forced myself to look up into his soft green eyes.
He raked a hand through his freaking perfect brown hair—as always, it had that sweet, just-fucked look. Damn him. He focused on my lips for a moment and drifted back up to meet my eyes.
“Hi, I’m Lauren.”
I hadn’t even noticed the woman standing next to him. “Hi.”
“You two know each other?” The woman glanced in Connor’s direction.
No sound escaped his lips. A flash of a memory pushed forth in my mind—his mouth on my neck, trailing kisses down my body. Heat shot between my legs.
No. No. No. This couldn’t be happening.
“Um,” I finally forced out a word, but I wasn’t sure what I said. Was it English?
Since Connor seemed to have no intention of speaking, and I was tongue-tied, the brunette to his left spoke up. “Do you work here?”
I think I moved my head up and down, but I couldn’t be sure. I still couldn’t take my eyes off Connor, and he had yet to rip his heated gaze from my face.
“We have a meeting with Declan.”
Her words had me snapping my attention in her direction. “Oh. Okay.” Oh my God, that must mean . . . “Did your father—”
“Yes,” was all he afforded me, and his mouth tightened.
“So, you’re running the company now?”
He nodded. Clearly he had no desire to talk, which suited me just fine. I didn’t want to talk to him, either. “Follow me. Mr. Reid’s expecting you.” I turned my back, but I could feel his eyes on me.
When I showed him to Declan’s office, the two blonde playboy wannabes shifted their attention to him with the fury of hungry tigers. Had they both just wet their lips?
Connor didn’t seem to notice. He was still looking at me.
“I’ll just get you all something to drink.” I stole one last glance at Connor out of the corner of my eye and moved past him to the doorway.
On the other side, I shut the door and leaned forward, pressing my hands against my bare knees. I couldn’t breathe. Memories came hurtling back at me until I thought I might throw up.
Ten years. It had been ten years since I’d seen Olivia. She was one of the reasons—hell, the main reason—I detested New York. And there she was, looking better than I ever remembered.
How in the hell was I supposed to sit through a business meeting after having seen her? No—I needed to get out of there.
But if I rescheduled, I’d probably have to see her again.
“You okay, Connor?”
Lauren was staring at me. It didn’t take a genius to see the wall of tension in the room.
As I beat back the burning sensation that had crept into my chest, the man diverted my attention to the two half-naked women in the room.
“Ladies?” He cocked his head, and they started for the exit.
Declan was probably trying to communicate something with their presence, but I really couldn’t have cared less.
“I’m Connor Matthews.” I forced myself to get a grip and shook the man’s hand.
“Declan Reid. Nice to meet you.” Declan paused and cleared his throat. “My condolences about your father. He was a good man.”
My hand dropped to my side, and I studied the man before me. He wasn’t what I was expecting. He was young—probably younger than me. And there was an edginess to him, to his rocker-dark hair and the slim line of makeup beneath his eyes. I couldn’t imagine my father sitting in this office.
“Hi, Declan, good to see you again.” Lauren reached for his hand. “Oh shit,” she moaned. “I left my clutch in your Jeep.”
“I’ll get it,” I volunteered.
She placed her hand on top of mine. “No, you stay. The valet can just pull up your Jeep for me. No biggie.”
“Okay.” I handed her my valet ticket as Declan motioned for me to have a seat in front of the desk. He took a seat next to me as Lauren clicked the door closed behind her.
“Thank you for meeting with me, especially given the circumstances,” Declan said.
I nodded and heard the door opening.
It was her. It was Olivia. My pulse quickened.
“Come on in,” Declan called as she stood inside the door frame, holding a tray.
Was Olivia really working for this guy? It was a far stretch from what she had planned in college. What had her life been like for the last ten years?
I looked away. I had to focus on something else—anything else.
Were those cages?
“Your drinks, Declan.”
I fought like hell not to steal a look at her legs as she walked past, but the temptation was too damn hard. The memory of her legs wrapped around my hips—God, we had been so young.
She placed the drinks on the desk and ran a hand through her long chocolate brown hair. Her hair had been as soft and fine as silk. The feel of her hair on my fingers as I kissed her . . . shit.
I swallowed as my eyes met hers—they still had the same flecks of gold among the green.
“Do you need anything else?” Olivia focused on Declan.
“This is Connor Matthews.” Declan tipped his head in my direction.
She took a step closer to me, and I could smell her sweet perfume. “Hi. I’m Olivia Taylor.”
Taylor? Was that a married name? I didn’t see a ring. Maybe she was divorced.
“Hi,” I managed as I took her hand and released it just as fast.
She stepped back and bumped into the desk. Her cheeks reddened slightly beneath her bronzed skin.
Declan’s eyes became thin slits on Olivia. “Do you know each other?”
Did she want him to know? I’d let her take the lead on this, but it would come out at some point. She had basically admitted to knowing me in front of Lauren, already.
“We both went to NYU. It’s been awhile.” She blew out a barely noticeable breath, but I noticed it . . . anything she did with her mouth was obvious to me. “Anything else?”
Clasping his hands on his lap, he shook his head no.
Once the door shut behind her, Declan said, “She’s quite something, huh?” He crossed his leg over his knee. “So, I’m sure you have some questions.”
That was an understatement. I had a lot of questions, but honestly, at the end of the day, I wasn’t sure if I even cared who he was or what he did. The gig was short-term, after all. Perhaps I could get by without having to deal with him. But no—I was there for my brother. I wouldn’t leave a wreck on his hands.
“You and I are very much alike. I took over my father’s businesses a few years back. Unfortunately, Reid Enterprises was on the brink of bankruptcy. Everything from the factories to this very club was near closing.”
I toyed with the black band on my watch. “And you turned it around?” I was doing my best to focus on what Declan was saying, but thoughts of Olivia kept infiltrating my brain.
Declan nodded. “It wasn’t easy—I’ll be honest. It required me to make some deals I wasn’t a fan of, at first. But everything happens for a reason, and now look at me.” He opened his arms, palms up, gesturing . . . to what? His office? What an incredible narcissist.
“You must be wondering
about your father’s business relationship with me.” Declan rolled up his sleeves, exposing a black cross on one forearm and a skull on the other.
“Not really. I looked into your company—you guys bid on projects in the Middle East to help with the rebuilding efforts. The technology from our company would be of value to such projects, given our specialty in military-grade weapons design and manufacturing.” I cleared my throat, and one of the cages caught my eye again. So weird. “I guess I’m just curious why you two would meet at your club and at night.”
He stood and walked around behind his desk. “Not too long ago, your father was concerned for the future of his company. He was being outbid on defense contracts by the bigger guys, and he needed a big play to keep the company afloat. Matthews Tech is relatively a small fish in the game, but I have some influence in the Middle East, and so we began helping each other out. But our deals required some level of discretion if you will.” He leaned forward to press his hands on the back of his leather chair. “How familiar are you with your father’s business?”
Was this guy about to school me on my father’s company? “I’m still learning,” I admitted. “My brother will be taking over in five months. I’m just doing my best to keep the status quo until he takes the reins.”
His lips quirked a little, but he didn’t quite smile. “Totally understand. But, if you want to keep the business thriving, I’d suggest that you and I continue the relationship your father and I started.”
And what kind of relationship was that? Before I had a chance to probe, I heard the sound of the door opening, and my heart lodged in my throat.
But it wasn’t Olivia.
Lauren. Shit, I’d forgotten all about her.
“Miss me?” She moved with slow steps to where I sat.
Declan nodded at her and gestured to the drinks on his desk. She slipped the valet ticket into my hand before reaching for a glass.
I decided I could use a little something, as well. I swallowed a mouthful of the cocktail, and it sputtered in my throat.
“Do you like Vegas?” Declan also reached for his drink and perched himself on the edge of his desk.
Let’s see: gambling, dancing, and gorgeous women. “Sure.”
“I have a grand opening at one of my clubs out there this weekend. It’s a replica of The Phoenix, but Vegas style. Would you two care to join me? We can talk business in more detail, and you can decide if you want to continue a relationship between Reid and Matthews Tech.”
I rubbed my palms against my thighs. I expected board meetings and emails when I took over, not weekends in Vegas.
Lauren looked at me, her brown eyes widening with hope.
“Is it necessary to talk at a club?” I tried to hide the sneer that pulsed in my lip.
Declan shoved his hands in his pockets. “Your competition is watching every move you make, especially with the new technology you’ve just developed.”
I wondered what new technology he meant. I still hadn’t talked with the research and development department—I’d spent the last three days signing paperwork.
“It’s in the best interest of your company to keep your competitors in the dark.”
I swallowed the rest of my drink and set the empty glass on the desk as I stood. “I haven’t been to Vegas in a while. I guess it would be good to get away.”
Lauren quickly set her glass down and clapped her hands together.
“Why don’t we get another drink? Put business on the backburner until this weekend. The entertainment will be starting soon,” Declan suggested.
“Come on. Follow me.” Declan smiled at Lauren as he ushered us from the office.
She wet her red lips and ran her fingers through her dark hair. Was she flirting?
I suddenly realized that Olivia was out there somewhere. And God help me, I wasn’t sure if I could handle seeing her again.
“You okay?” Lauren asked as we made our way back to the main dance area.
“Sure,” I shouted over the booming music.
Declan stopped in front of the bar and pointed up to a pair of crystal chandeliers. “Had those specially imported from the Netherlands.”
The spiral staircase off to the left of the bar was wrapped in LED lights, and there were twenty-foot bird wings suspended in the air above the bar.
“Can I get you something else to drink?” he asked.
“Just a Corona.” Then again, Olivia was here. Maybe I needed something stronger. “Change that to a Jack and Coke.”
Declan grinned and turned to the bartender. “Two Jack and Cokes and Lauren’s usual.”
So, Lauren was a regular.
“Can you escort them to a VIP booth?”
I turned around to see who Declan was talking to.
“Sure.” Olivia looked at Lauren, offering her a small smile, which exposed only one of her dimples. “Follow me.”
I sucked in a breath as I watched the sway of her hips beneath the blue fabric of her dress. The dress fell just above her knees, leaving enough to the imagination while also teasing me with her toned legs. Clearly she hadn’t stopped working out. Even her shoulders and arms were sculpted and lean.
I forced my attention to the crowd and away from her ass. I didn’t want to be attracted to her. It pissed me off that I hardened at the simple memory of her tight body pinned beneath me.
“Connor?” Lauren scooted on to the red leather booth, and a hint of lace from the top of her black thigh-highs was exposed.
I blinked a few times. Anything to help pull my mind from thoughts of Olivia.
I slid in next to her. “Are you joining us?” I forced myself to ask Olivia. I wanted her to say no as much as I wanted her to say yes. God, I was still hard. Was it noticeable? My gaze lingered on her mouth for a moment, and I heard a small cough behind me. Was Lauren jealous of Olivia? She should be. Lauren was hot, but Olivia was in a class of her own.
Olivia touched her collarbone but remained quiet. Clearly, this was as awkward for her as it was for me.
“What’s your name again? I don’t remember seeing you here before,” Lauren said.
Olivia leaned forward a little to be heard. She was standing a few feet away like she was afraid to be in arm’s reach. “I just started working at the club a few weeks ago,” she answered. “I worked for Declan at Reid Enterprises before.”
The music was starting to increase in volume, and I noticed the so-called entertainment walking out onto the stage, which was rising from the center of the dance floor as red lights lit the walkway and blasts of cryogenic smoke began to cloud the room.
Women and men dressed in black leather began performing acrobatic feats. Was this a circus? What happened to clubs where people listened to music and just danced?
“Can I get you anything before I leave?” So Olivia wasn’t planning to stay.
“I’ll take another drink.” Lauren raised her half empty martini glass.
Even through the dim lighting, I could see Olivia was biting her lip.
“How about you? Anything else?” I glanced down at my hand, which held a nearly overflowing Jack and Coke. “I’m good. Thanks.” How had Olivia wound up here instead of law school?
Olivia turned and walked through the crowd and clouds of smoke.
“Sit down, cowboy.”
Cowboy? I smoothed a hand over my jaw and sat at the end of the booth. I didn’t want to give Lauren any ideas. I wasn’t sure about business protocol, but I was pretty sure it didn’t involve screwing employees. And, despite her sex appeal, the woman rubbed me the wrong way.
She scooted a little closer. “What do you think?” She twirled a strand of her hair between her fingers and pressed her lips together.
“About?” I looked away from her and to the dancers on the stage.
“Declan.” She placed her hand on my shoulder.
My instinctive flinch at her touch sent her scooting back.
“He’s interesting.” I didn’t know
what the hell to say. Clearly, she had some sort of . . . something . . . with the guy. And so had my father, apparently.
“Do you like the club?” Declan had come up behind us. He slid into the opposite side of the booth.
“The place is great,” the lie slipped from my tongue.
God, I couldn’t wait to get to a gym. Or maybe even a gun range.
I spotted Olivia at the bar across the room as the smoke began to settle. Her back was to me, and one of the bartenders was talking to her. “Can you excuse me for a moment? I think I need a stronger drink.”
“I can get someone—” Declan started.
“I’m good. Thanks.” I rose to my feet and moved through the crowd, Olivia still in my sights. Her hair was long, wavy, and had a wind-blown look to it, which reminded me of how her hair looked after one of our many days at the beach together.
She scratched the heel of her shoe against her calf muscle and began rubbing her neck. I scolded myself for imagining that it was my hands on her neck—massaging her.
“Can we talk?” I whispered in her ear as my hand rested on the small of her back.
She jerked from my touch and moved a few steps back. My hand dropped to my side. What the hell was I thinking, touching her?
“Connor.” The way she said my name sounded like a warning.
I pressed my back up against the bar and noticed Declan observing me from across the room. “What are you doing working here?”
“Please.” She moved a little closer. “Please don’t talk about me with Declan.”
“Why?” I’d had no plans to, but what was she trying to hide? “Are you married?”
“No, but please just don’t mention anything to Declan, okay?”
My hand caught her wrist, and she pulled away again. Shit—what was wrong with me? I had some damn instinct to touch her, despite the anger that had consumed me for years. “Olivia, are you in trouble?”
She shook her head and glanced in Declan’s direction. “If he asks anything, can you just say we hooked up once? Whatever you men say to each other . . . I don’t know. Just not the truth, okay? I need this job, and I sort of fudged my resume to get it.”