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The Storm of Garmr

Page 5

by Bo Luellen

  Henry guardedly stepped into the circle and felt a tingle come over his feet. Crossing the threshold, the true form of Hyde was revealed. The Demon’s salt-and-pepper wings were folded behind him, and he was dressed in a tunic made of black chain mail. His fingers were slightly elongated, and his hair was braided with leather and silver. On top of his head were a pair of onyx colored horns that curled like a ram. His skin was pitch black, matching the color of his eyes. The Angel stuck out his talon-tipped fingers in a gesture to join hands.

  In a moment of courage, Henry clasped hold of Hyde, “What do I do?”

  Hyde closed his eyes and muttered in a language that seemed both musical and rhythmical. The room around Henry went dark, and only the candles flamed in the icy blackness. He started to say something when the Demon let go of him and put his right index finger on the center of Henry’s forehead. The darkness vanished and was replaced by a snow-covered landscape. Henry was alone and dressed in a long-haired red fur coat. He ran a hand down the jacket and felt the softness of something akin to rabbit skin. When he pulled his hand away, he noticed it wasn’t his own. The flesh was a pale white, and his fingers seemed unusually long. In a flash of recognition, he discovered he was in Hyde’s pure Angelic form, from before his fall from grace.

  Hyde’s voice resonated from thin air, “This is the planet Ioarus in the galaxy your people call Messier 82. It once played host to a thriving civilization two million years ago. The Ioarusians stripped it of all its natural resources and left to conquer other worlds. Since that time, the remaining inhabitants evolved to survive in the harsh climate. Vegetation only grows in rare places, and the ecosystem is based on a cycle of carnivorous predation. Small larvae feed themselves through photosynthesis and, in turn, are consumed by a multitude of smaller predators. The result is some of the most successful species of hunters in the galaxy. The apex predator emerged and rules the tundra. To you, they would most closely identify as bears, but they are a sophisticated and intelligent race.”

  An impending sense of danger-filled his belly as he said, “Hyde, why am I in your body, and why are you telling me all of this?”

  The Demon’s voice shifted around him, “Because my child, I’ve added a few additional incantations to the Study. From this moment on, everything will feel real to you. Anything you experience here will happen to your body back in the Study. If you die here, our body dies too. I will transition back into the spiritual form of my Angelic perfection while you will simply pass on. You should focus because you are being hunted right now.”

  Henry’s heartbeat quickened as he looked around, “What? From where? I don’t see anything!”

  Only the whipping wind over the tundra could be heard for several minutes before Hyde responded, “You’ll have to do better. The Ioarusian beasts have a nasty habit of using the whiteout effect to blur your vision. They’ve learned to ride the mirage and become almost invisible.”

  Henry caught a glimmer from the reflection of a tooth tipped bone spear as it sailed from the nothingness towards his chest. He stepped to one side with astonishing speed and grace. As the weapon sailed past his face, Henry’s reflexes and mental acuity were so tuned in that he almost reached out and snatched the traveling spear. The massive shaft buried in the snow and he grinned at the sensation of having the Angelic abilities.

  The Demon’s voice whispered in his ear, “They are testing you, to see how you move, how fast you are, and whether they view you as a threat. I don’t think you impressed them that much.”

  Henry took a step back and picked up the white spear and said, “Okay, so I’m here to learn magic. So what next? Do I cast a fireball at them? Magic Missile? Do I wave my hands? Hyde! Talk to me!”

  The snow behind him exploded upwards into a fountain of ice, and an 8-foot tall humanoid sprang up. The creature was holding the jawbone of some large dog-looking animal in its hand as a weapon. The monster was covered in white fur that Henry couldn’t decide was a coat or its skin. The hands had no fingers, but highly articulating claws that seemed to bend around its weapon. It growled and bared its sharp teeth at the Angel. Henry sprang back and put his hands up. To his surprise, the creature turned and ran off into the snow. After two bounding strides, it dived headfirst into the white powder, disappearing from sight.

  Henry screamed, “What the fuck, man! What... the... fuck!”

  The Fallen Angel’s calm voice whispered in his ear, “They are testing your courage, and again, it seems they are not awestruck. I would guess their next attack will be in mass. Though they have evolved into a complex culture, their tribal society still holds onto some of the feral traits. One such characteristic is they have a tendency to eat their prey alive. Bears on earth do the same thing. Did you know that, Henry?”

  Jekyll turned and ran, shouting, “I’m going to die, Hyde! Show me one of those spells, or I’m going to die!”

  The Fallen Angel didn’t reply, and fear took over Henry. He turned and plowed through the snow at a full run. He had never moved this fast in his life, but it still didn’t feel quick enough.

  As he sprinted over the packed snow, the Demon replied, “You’re attempting to escape them on foot? Tisk, tisk. They will run you down.”

  In the blinding white powder, Henry heard a chorus of yells from behind him. The voices sounded like a cross between a lion and a bull. The howls sent a surge of fear into his borrowed body. Looking back, three massive six-legged cats stepped out of the blur of white and sprinted towards him. On their backs rode more Ioarusian hunters, who were sitting on leather saddles and spurring their mounts onward. The felines were no less than fifteen feet tall and had solid white coats. As they ran, their oversized footpads kept them on top of the snow. Henry looked down at his own feet, noticing he was sinking a foot down with each step. The aliens were gaining on him fast, and he was feeling his muscles burning.

  Henry sucked in the cold air and let out a yell, “Hyde! What do I do?”

  The dark mentor’s advice echoed out around him, “Why not start by taking off your coat?”

  Just then, the answer hit him, and he skidded to a halt. He pulled off the heavy fur jacket, while the angry roars of the snowcats heralded their approach. Henry was unaccustomed to this body, and the enhanced strength caught him by surprise. He ripped the hide jacket into two pieces before he knew what was happening. He threw the rest of the coat and flexed outward with his wings that were hidden beneath the parka. He looked to each side, as new muscles displayed his entire 16-foot wingspan. The black and white feathers thrust against the cold wind as Henry struggled to work out how to operate them. He thrust his wings and buffeted a vast blanket of snow at the approaching hunters.

  One of the cats penetrated the snow flurries and jumped towards him. Henry tried to thrust upward, but only managed to toss himself hard to the left. The beast skidded past where he had been, its teeth dripping with saliva and giving a frustrated grunt. As the rest moved out of the white cloud he had created, Henry’s right-wing jabbed into the ice, and his left continued to move around chaotically.

  Henry grabbed at the ground to stop himself and thought, Great! I’m going to die on Hoth, looking like a dying pigeon!

  He looked up just in time to see a massive paw swiping at him. Instinctively, he brought his right hand up to protect himself from the 12-inch white claws. Just like a puppeteer, his right-wing followed the path of his hand, and hit the side of the cat’s upper body and knocked the feline over. The Ioarusians rider went flying in the opposite direction and landed headfirst into the snow. Both creatures were groggy from the attack and struggled to find their feet. Jekyll let out a nervous laugh and whooped in victory, as he admired the feathered appendage. As if the planet was answering his war call, the two remaining riders strode out of the icy mist and locked eyes with him.

  With slush caked-on half of his face, Henry yelled, “Shit!”

  Their charge was wild and accompanied by Ioarusian howls of challenge. Both threw their bone spears with d
eadly accuracy at the Angel. His increased reflexes allowed him to roll out of the way of one of the projectiles. With the grace of a cat, Edward attempted to catch the other in his hand. Again, his wings mimicked his arms, and the massive wing slapped away the spear before he could grab it.

  Pushing the frustration aside, Henry realized a connection, The wings are controlled through my back and shoulder muscles.

  With a flex of his back, Henry felt the wings respond, and he floated off the ground a few feet. The gusts from the buffets threw ice and snow at the approaching cats hard enough to slow them down. Henry rocketed upwards at an astonishing speed and leveled out at 30 feet off the ground. He smiled at the thrilling feeling of flight and the powerful sense of being free of earthly bonds. He looked down at his enemies, who were enraged and spoiling for a fight.

  His mind went to the long hours he spent watching Lewis Turner’s old Indiana Jones movies and yelled, “Nice try Lao Che!”

  The lead cat lunged with a massive push from its muscular hind legs, bounding it upwards. Henry made a high-pitched scream and flapped frantically to gain altitude. The enormous animal missed his foot by inches, and Henry soared up towards the clouds. The Ioarusian and his steed hit the ground with the grace of a dancer. Henry watched as they shook their fists in a fury and attempted to follow him from the ground.

  He righted himself in the air and worked out the nuances of flight. Within a few minutes, he had discovered how to glide, turn, and even hover. He laughed to himself and streaked out over the horizon. He broke through the atmosphere. To his amazement, his body was unaffected by the vacuum of outer space. The celestial wings caught the cosmic currents and were thrust into an unbelievable velocity. He put one fist out in front of him, as if he was Christopher Reeves in Superman and let out a triumphant howl.

  Hyde’s voice chimed, “My child, your wings are no different than a hand or a leg to an Angel. They allow you to move about on planets with relative ease, but in the void of space, they can propel you to distant planets in just a few hours. They are also essential for some spell castings, and an integral part of the celestial aerial martial arts. Learning to use your wings was your first lesson.”

  Pivoting towards the purple Ioarus moon, Henry yelled, “You told me you were going to teach me magic first!”

  Hyde gleefully replied, “I lied.”

  Chapter 3: Richard VI

  Tulsa, Oklahoma – Thursday, November 1st, 2018 – 6:24 p.m. CST

  The heat from the hot lights was causing Richard Enfield to sweat through his undershirt. Brother Greyson Dunn showed no signs of having any issues as his broad grin and charismatic demeanor reflected only measured control. He nervously took a sip of the water sitting next to him as the preacher finished his question.

  He cleared his throat and stated, “Pastor, it wasn’t an option to do nothing. When I found out a Crimson Brotherhood member had infiltrated my law firm, it threw me into doubt. How many cases had I worked alongside Tom Chapman? Who else in the office was he in league with, and how could I feel safe being there? I knew if I was going to serve my community and fight this malevolence, I was going to need help.”

  The golden-haired televangelist nodded in approval and replied, “Who did you turn to?”

  Richard looked at the camera and back at the host, “God. He was the only person I could.”

  Brother Dunn rang out, “Praise Jesus!”

  A round of “praise Jesus” came from the audience as one unified voice. The Eastland worship center was packed to capacity, with over eight thousand Evangelical Christian followers of Brother Dunn in attendance. Walking the edges of the hall were armed members of the Tulsa Christian Crusaders, who displayed their rifles with pride. They wore black armbands that sported the shining golden lion of Eastland College. Most of those attending had been encouraged to bring in their firearms, and they hadn’t disappointed.

  The televangelist turned back to Richard, “After you turned to the Almighty, what happened?”

  He lifted his open hands to the sky and testified, “The spirit spoke to me. It said my direction was clear. I needed to dedicate my life to the Christian Crusaders.”

  Dunn got a serious look on his face, “God delivers to those in need. While the police department remained impudent, our congregation was taking action. It was then that the city bureaucrats and politicians tried to stop us from protecting our flock. They called our patrols “unlawful” and attempted to disarm us. Our attorneys did what they could, but they said their hands were tied. It was then that Richard Enfield took a knee before the glory of God and asked for divine inspiration in this very church. On that spot, he heard the voice of The Almighty.

  “In just two days, Richard had beaten them at their own game. He filed no less than 23 separate lawsuits, put body cameras on each of our patrolling Crusaders, and hired off-duty officers as campus security. The Chief of Police was forced to stop wasting the department’s time fighting the good Samaritans of the Tulsa Crusaders and put their attention back on rooting out the disgusting Crimson Brotherhood!”

  The applaud sign came on, and the crowd responded with cheers and clapping. A bell rang, indicating that the segment had ended, as the house lights came up. An announcement was made that there would be a 20-minute intermission, and the audience talked in a low rumble.

  Richard got up from his chair, “Pastor, I’m going to step out for some fresh air. All of this has been overwhelming, and my head is spinning.”

  Greyson stood up and replied, “Of course. Use the back door, but hurry back. The night’s not over for you. We still have a surprise to come.”

  Richard gave a broad smile and exclaimed, “I can’t wait! Whew, okay, see you in a minute.”

  He turned and marched off stage towards the rear of the studio. As he filed past the TV crew, he approached the guard at the back entrance. The security officer was a barrel-chested Crusader in his late 40’s that had an AR-15 slung against his chest.

  Richard flashed him his visitor’s badge, “Stepping out for some air.”

  The man’s deep voice returned, “I’ll have to escort you, Sir.”

  Richard nodded, “Of course.”

  As the two exited, and the soldier radioed in their excursion to the back parking lot. Richard put his hands in his pockets and took a deep breath. The night air filled his lungs, and he gave a little shiver, as he walked towards the metal fence that separated the church parking lot from the adjacent residential neighborhood.

  Samuel’s ghost hovered just on the other side and asked, “Have they made the announcement yet?”

  Richard looked back at the guard, who was smoking a cigarette and then shook his head. Eastland’s Worship Center and the TV studio were both sanctified ground. Samuel couldn’t cross the threshold to the building, a fact that irritated the spirit to no end.

  Richard didn’t dare speak out loud, Not yet. I’m confident he’s about to.

  Samuel clasped his hands behind his back, “Richard, I need you to focus and remember to watch what you say.”

  He wrinkled his forehead indignantly and thought, My actions have always been measured and led us down a path to Cthulhu’s favor!

  The spirit’s face drooped in defeat, “Of course it has. Let’s just hope that tonight pans out as expected. Cthulhu knows we’ve donated enough money to this church to build half of Eastland College twice over.”

  For the benefit of his guard, Richard lowered his head and acted as if he was praying, Are the Pearce Brothers on schedule?

  The ghost stuck his chin out in pride, “Yes. They are at the grotesque monument as we speak.”

  The guard stepped towards him and announced, “Mr. Enfield, it’s time to get you back.”

  He left the spirit and walked back inside to the warmth of the Eastland studios. Richard was shown back to his chair in time for the broadcast to restart. Brother Dunn had received a fresh application of makeup on his shiny face.

  He noticed a long table had been wheeled out
on stage. It was covered with a white cloth that had the Eastland gold lion insignia embroidered on the surface. Two of the highest-ranking Tulsa Crusaders were standing at attention at each end. The applause sign lit up as the audience welcomed them back on the air.

  Brother Dunn put a hand on Richard’s shoulder and announced, “Let us pray! Father, we ask for protection on this child of God and the faithful protector of his flock. We come to you humbly and ask you to anoint this man with your divine wisdom. In Jesus’s name, amen.”

  When the prayer was over, Brother Dunn looked at the cameras, “I have been searching for a soul of profound leadership and grace to aid me in my plight against the vile Crimson Brotherhood. I’m happy to say God has shown me such a person. Richard, stand up please.”

  He came off his chair and did his best to keep a controlled face. Richard enjoyed moments like this when his guile and planning settled him closer to his goals. The eyes of the Christian world, as well as the Brotherhood, were on him, and he reveled in what was to come.

  Brother Dunn pulled the cloth from the table to reveal a bulletproof vest, a ball cap, and a silver Glock 9 mm, all of which sported the Tulsa Crusader’s logo. A cameraman walked up on stage to give the audience a close up of the table’s contents. The crowd went silent as a twenty-person choir sang softly, Onward Christian Soldiers. Richard was guided over to the table by a Crusader, as Brother Dunn mumbled in Tongues for several minutes.

  Once the prayer was over, Dunn announced, “Brother Richard Enfield, you have taken up the fight against evil and defeated attempts to stop our Crusade against Cthulhu. You were able to protect the flock because God has blessed you with quick action and a sharp mind. The Lord has placed an anointing upon you. As a former Army Reserves officer, a community leader, and an ability to blaze a trail for the Crusaders, I have faith in the path God has put you on. Brother Enfield, I’m asking you to take up the calling to lead the Tulsa Christian Crusaders and stomp out the evil that is the Crimson Brotherhood. Will you accept this tremendous responsibility?”


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