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Wicked Dreams (The Dream Chronicles Book 2)

Page 8

by J. Clarice

She blinked again.

  The tree was twenty-five feet away.


  Twenty feet.

  Her heartbeat rose, and the tree heard it from its distance. Her fear fired its hunger enough to have it blow its cover. The tree rushed forward, and its trunk split down the middle to show rows of splintered wood with a single eye that stole Scarlett’s breath. It was a mustard brown with ripples that appeared as dark canyons leading to its eye's black center. The leaves poured with a redness Scarlett could only incur to be blood.

  Scarlett yelled as the monster drew closer when she felt hands latch onto her arms and legs. She sluggishly jerked before coming face to face with a smooth grey mask. “We’ve got you. Hold still.”

  Scarlett was slid onto a board, and the people hurried as they drew a sheet over their bodies. Something dragged them from the area, and the smooth ground moved beneath.

  The tree hesitated to continue before it saw a dust trail leading away. It let out a crunching screech before speeding through the plain. Due to the sled's blended appearance, the tree wouldn’t stand a chance in finding them unless they made more noise.

  They stopped moving, and silence filled the space. Scarlett observed the two figures that crouched at her sides. They wore big grey shawls over their bodies, the right shade to blend in with the sand.

  The creature’s screech filled Scarlett’s ears as she tried to calm her racing heart. The tree’s drag stopped and grew further away. Once silence fell again, the sled continued its path. Scarlett didn’t dare speak yet until they were in the clear from whatever that had been. If there was one, there was sure to be more.

  The person on Scarlett’s right sat up and pulled the sheet from over their head. It was dark, but after a few blinks, her eyes adjusted. They were in a rocky tunnel and from the tilt of her body, Scarlett knew they were continuing underground.

  “We’re clear!”

  The yell came from her left. They were looking at something Scarlett couldn’t see from her position. She glanced down at her toes, and the tunnel continued with no opening in sight. She tilted her head back to see where they headed, but the edge of the sled blocked her view.

  A dim light filled the space as they came to a stop. Scarlett’s two rescuers got off and lifted her from the board she laid on

  “Where am I? Who are you?”

  “He’ll explain everything to you. You’re safe now.”

  Scarlett couldn’t see their faces due to the masks but knew the one to her left was a woman. The other, yet to be identified.

  “Are my-” people.

  She caught herself as a thought arose. She shouldn’t give away information that could cause her more harm than good. Most of those in the Nether Realm were outlaws and banished. If she gave away that she was any kind of high order, things wouldn’t go smoothly.

  “My friends. Are they here?”

  Her masked rescuers looked at each other before down at her. “You’re with the others that just came in?”

  Scarlett hesitated before nodding.

  The pair continued toward the light which came from the guards by the entrance. They powered the two white orbs by the top corners of the door. They walked past, and the guards didn’t spare Scarlett another glance, holding their post. For a split second, Scarlett was able to see what they brought her in.

  The sled’s front curved with a thick grey rope wrapping snuggly around it. At the back was the wide flat area she laid on. They’d been dragged.

  ‘Why hadn’t they just flown?’

  The darkness continued until it broke open into a brightened rocky ceiling. There were five beds laid against one wall, and Scarlett was turned before she could see the other side.

  “What is this place?” Scarlett asked as she got swarmed by two women and a man. Their hair was no longer than their ears and they wore scrapped armors coated with different shades of grey.

  One of the women made eye contact with Scarlett before moving her sight to the two rescuers positioned outside the door.

  “We aren’t supposed to be talking to you,” whispered the one with golden eyes and freckled porcelain skin.

  The women who appeared the oldest elbowed the one who’d spoken. The man set his hands on Scarlett’s wrists while the others placed their hands on her knees and ankles. Warmth oozed from their powered hands and eased the aches in her bones.

  “This place is different from what you were used to.”

  Golden Eyes spoke again and kept her gaze on Scarlett despite her leader’s glaring eyes. She quickly glanced at the guards and continued, “Nobody has the same abilities as they did in the other Realms. You can’t fly or jump high. Your body is in pain because it entered this Realm which has similar Earth properties. Powers are still in use, but our athletic abilities are not.”

  Scarlett kept an eye on the guards by the door but listened to the woman’s words. The trio switched positions. The one speaking put her hands on the sides of Scarlett’s head as the guards turned into the room.

  “Is she almost done?” a gruff voice asked. The other masked figure was a male.

  The leader of the healers bowed her head. “She is. A few more points, and then she’s ready.”

  Content with her answer, they stepped back out and resumed their post.

  Golden Eyes glanced around and murmured, “Don’t trust anyone. Everyone is crooked, and if they weren’t before, they’ve been here long enough to become it. It’s you or them, always.”

  Before Scarlett could ask why Golden Eyes was helping her, the other woman rose from crouching over.

  “She’s ready.”

  The healers took their hands off Scarlett and stepped back. They kept their arms stiff at their sides and stared straight ahead. Scarlett managed to make one last eye contact with Golden Eyes and mouthed, thank you, before the masked ones approached.

  “Stand her up,” ordered the woman. The masked man gripped Scarlett by the shoulders and pulled her upright. The heaviness in her limbs dissipated and returned to normal. Before she could lift her hands, the woman walked around and quickly wrapped something around Scarlett’s wrists.

  “What is this?” Scarlett tugged against the bands. A Dreammare’s power.

  She was strong enough to break them apart but wasn’t going to waste her energy until she knew what part she had to play.

  “Security. Don’t speak, don’t move. We will take you to the man, and he’ll answer any questions you have.”

  Scarlett didn’t say another word and observed the hall they first came through and noticed another on the other end of the room. A jaggedly cut rock blocked the door that leaked light from the other side. Unlike the other entrances, this one was small and thin, only allowing people to walk in a single file line.

  Perfect for keeping everyone in and the things on the outside out.

  The door moved inward and slid to the side at the end. One guard walked through, and Scarlett was pushed to follow. The entrance opened to a domed ceiling and on the other side was a tunnel like the one she walked through. Other similar openings made themselves known as Scarlett surveyed the area. A buzz reached her ears making her lower her gaze.

  The sides of the dome continued down until they ended on the flat ground covered with rocky buildings. Specks of grey moved in between, dipping in and out of the jagged structures. The center was far down, and a fall would surely end someone’s life, but the walkways were wide enough that it was avoidable. The guards took Scarlett to the left, and they entered a spiraling hallway that led to the levels below.

  Along the edges of the wall were curves with a rounded bottom. The woman put her hand on the wall, and white filled each dip leading their way down.


  Without question, Scarlett followed the man’s order. Her people occupied every space of her mind - mixed with the fact she was clueless to the environment, and she needed not to alert any more suspicion. She knew that they had no other resources aside from the Rock Mountains and th
e sand covering the land. They most likely were able to make weapons from them, especially since powers were still in use.

  The walk down dragged, and Scarlett was reaching her endpoint. Without warning, she’s harshly jerked from behind.

  “We’re here.”

  Scarlett bit her tongue and briefly closed her eyes. ‘Of course, they were.’

  A hall opened up on the right side, and the guards led her down till they reached a doorway. It was wide open, and light brown poured from the room. They entered and pushed Scarlett forward. “Newcomer, Nate. She’s with the others.”

  Scarlett knew that whoever lived here was the person in charge. Despite the rocky interior, it was cut to precision and resembled a bachelor pad… but made out of rock. On the wall opposite of the entrance was a sweeping view of the city below. They had no glass, and the window was cut out of the rocky wall. Orbs of light brown were spaced on the walls and gave a soft glow.

  “Wait outside,” said a voice to Scarlett’s left.

  A figure sat in one of the chairs facing away. The masked guards stepped back and left the room, leaving her alone.

  “The cuffs?” Scarlett questioned.

  A raspy chuckle was accompanied by a shake of the man’s head. “My apologies, see that as a precaution. You’re new to my place, and I have yet to make out who you are.”

  The man rose from his chair and revealed his face as he turned around. Mossy green eyes ogled Scarlett, and her skin crawled as they traveled the length of her body. His dark skin reminded her of Trevor but minus the healthiness and luscious shine. This man’s skin was pasty and dry. Thick scars were displayed through his sleeveless armor and circled his arms like tattoos. He wore them as a sign of power.

  “You must be Nate,” Scarlett called.

  Golden eye’s words rang true when she laid eyes on the crooked man before her.

  “Seems my reputation proceeds me.”

  ‘They’d just called his name,’ Scarlett thought as she resisted the urge to raise a brow. “Who are you?”

  “I am the leader of Fort Vale. I run this underground city that’s become a haven for the ones thrown into the Nether Realms.”

  “You watch over criminals and those who had a reason for a banishment.”

  Nate’s eye twitched at Scarlett’s jab. “Death by those creatures should not be imposed on anybody.”

  Scarlett took the signs as they came. “I can agree with that.”

  “Of course, you would,” Nate vainly said as he faced the city below. “The above world is as deadly as it’ll come. People have tried living up there but always die one way or another by the jaws of those creatures. Underground was the best choice. Due to our powers, we’ve been able to shape the inside of hills.”

  “What are those things up there?” Scarlett genuinely inquired. She may not like the guy, but his information would be of great value once they bolted.

  “Nightmares,” he answered.

  “How is that possible? I’ve seen plenty and-,”

  “Yeah, yeah, they’ve never looked like the ones you and everyone else I’ve told, have seen,” Nate brushed off her words with a wave of his hand. “The Nightmares in the other Realms are in their true form. Here they can switch and appear as they would in a dream.”

  Scarlett’s mind was still wrapping around the new information when Nate settled back down in his chair. He spread his legs wide as he leaned back and eyed Scarlett.

  “Enough about me and this Realm. Tell me more about you,” Nate purred.

  Scarlett suppressed a shudder and brought up the main thing on her mind. She wasn’t to tell him anything about herself. “Where are my friends?”

  “Diverting from the personal question, aren’t we?” Nate raised a brow. “I’ll bite anyway. My people have them recouping from their travel through the portal much like you had to. None of them died for your information. My rescuers are pretty good at getting to the fallen ones before the Nightmares do.”

  “I want to see them.”

  “You’ll see them soon enough.”

  “That wasn’t a question,” Scarlett gritted out.

  “You are in my domain, and I expect to be treated with respect.” Nate stood and set his jaw as he neared Scarlett. “If you want the things you ask for, you will obey my word.”

  Scarlett’s body locked with frustration as her stomach churned. Nate broke into her personal space and brought his face near. “Unless you’d like to obey me in other ways, I could guarantee you your friends.”

  His finger trailed the end of her ear and wrapped around the short strands of her hair. Not taking anymore, Scarlett rammed her head back into Nate’s nose.

  “Fuck!” He hurriedly stepped back and cradled his injury.

  “Don’t fucking touch me,” Scarlett managed to say as her body shook with every word. Her hands were hot, with her fingernails digging into the palms. She was sure some blood had been drawn.

  The anger that flashed in his eyes didn’t go unnoticed. Nate blinked and tilted his head as he composed himself.

  “You are lucky I’m fond of you,” Nate dryly laughed. “You two! In here and take this bitch to the cage. Let’s show her what happens to those who cross me.”

  “Don’t say anything about who we are and why we’re here.”

  Jasper nodded at Jude's instructions as they looked around the room they were dumped in.

  “These people are here for a reason, and saying we’re righteous soldiers won’t exactly work in our favor,” Jude finished whispering as she placed her tied hands on the rock wall behind her. They were already wary of them, the Dreamer ties on their wrists confirming that.

  Jude woke up to grey surrounding her everywhere and Jasper not too far from where she landed. Her body was heavy, and her joints ached. She recognized it as the feeling the explorers predicted. It hadn’t been long before they came across their Nightmare – a little bird.

  Jasper couldn’t resist talking and attracted the animal’s attention. Its black beady eyes began to drip blood as its beak widened until the jaw was broken and unhinged. Arrows of black shot out of the bird’s mouth until they formed a black cloud. The cloud swarmed and rumbled with rapid flaps of wings – more birds. Jude and Jasper’s hearts plummeted when the swarm of bloodthirsty flying creatures darted their way.

  The masked people reached them in time but not without a couple of gashes from the teeth lining the birds' feet. Jasper had a freshly cleaned cut running along the edge of his cheek while Jude sported one across her forehead.

  “What do you think that’d been out there?” Jasper asked as he walked around the barred room.

  “I don’t know, but I’d have to guess it’s somewhat related to a Nightmare.”

  Jasper nodded in deep thought. “That shit was creepy. I never want to see another bird again.”

  He faked a shudder, and Jude didn’t bother suppressing her eye roll.

  “Ha! I did it!” Jasper jumped.

  “You did what?” she questioned with a raised brow.

  “I got a reaction from you,” Jasper smirked. “The first of many, I assure you.”

  Jude scoffed. “Please, I refuse to entertain your childish antics.”

  “You like my antics; you simply refuse to admit it,” Jasper teased. “It’s okay. They all deny my charms at first. I’ll just warn you, that stage doesn’t last very long.”

  Jude gave Jasper a deadpan stare before turning away to hide the tiny tilt of her lips.

  ‘He’s delusional.’

  Jude didn't have any time for his tricks and jokes. She didn’t have time to make friends. She didn’t have time to have a ‘life.’ Her sole duty was to Queen Esma, Cassandra, and her Realm. Her people. She knew the goal, clear as day. It was the right thing to do… right?

  Then, why did every minute with Jasper make her question that?

  Footsteps approached their area and snapped Jude out of her thoughts. The two straightened and neared each other as the masked ones ca
me into view.

  “You’re coming with us as your presence has been requested.”

  They unlocked the bars and grabbed ahold of Jude and Jasper. They walked down a hall, and a light appeared up ahead as a rumble filled their feet.


  They tried to get something out of Jayden and Trevor but didn’t get a peep.

  Jayden did what she did best and remained stoic while Trevor followed the lead. They both knew none of these people were to be trusted. Primarily due to the fact they got thrown into a dingy room with Dreamer ties around their wrists. Of course, they’d be able to break out of it but haven’t a need to just yet.

  They didn’t know what causing a fight would possibly do to the others, and they weren’t going to take any chances.

  “How do you think they’re doing?” Jayden asked.

  “Jasper is probably talking their ears off; it’s what he does best,” Trevor started and got the tilt of Jayden’s lips. “Scarlett and Jude are both capable of holding their ground. I don’t think we have any reason to worry yet.”

  The bleakness of Nether Realm surprised Jayden and Trevor when they awoke not far from each other. They’d been calling out when they were greeted by two lovely pine trees that opened wide and showcased their mustard brown crater eyes. The masked ones reached them in time, but while they were transported, one of the masked ones got snatched by the trees.

  The man writhed on the floor and shot spurts of his power before the trees leaned over him. Their cracked bark closed as soon as they contacted his skin and pulled with a force that surprised them all. The way his screams silenced when half of his face separated from his body will forever stay etched in Trevor and Jayden’s minds.

  Jayden shuddered, remembering the gruesome sight. She’d seen people die before, but none as gruesomely as that man had. She could clearly remember his skin hanging from the splintered wood within the tree's bite. Trevor concurred that they were a sort of evolved Nightmare and they only caught a glimpse of what that thing's full power could be.

  “Did you notice that when the man got eaten by those… trees, there wasn’t a single speck of blood on the floor?” Jayden asked.


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