Absolute Magic: Ancient Magic Series, book 5
Page 1
Chapter 1. High Priestess
Chapter 2. Bridesmaids
Chapter 3. Preparations
Chapter 4. And So They Were One
Chapter 5. Clan of the Rose
Chapter 6. The Druid Court
Chapter 7. What The Hell?
Chapter 8. The Mansion
Chapter 9. The Real World
Chapter 10. Unexpected Allies
Chapter 11. Then There Were Three
Chapter 12. Lost Prisoners
Chapter 13. Uncle
Chapter 14. One In The Light
Chapter 15. A New World
Epilogue. Princess Of Light
Reproducing this book without permission from the author or the publisher is an infringement of its copyright. This book is a work of fiction. The
names characters, places, and incidents are products
of the author’s imagination and are not to be construed
as real. Any resemblance to any actual events or persons,
living or dead, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental.
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Copyright © 2018 Stephany Wallace
All rights reserved.
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Edited by Stephany Wallace.
Proofread By Meghan Johnson
Cover Design by Stephany Wallace. All Rights Reserved.
Interior Design and Formatting By Stephany Wallace.
All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be used or
reproduced in any manner whatsoever without permission,
except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical
articles and reviews.
A S.W. Creative Publishing co publication: Jan 2018
New Adult Paranormal Romance
* * *
Ancient Magic Series:
*Hidden Magic, boo1
*Renewed Magic, book 2.
*Unwanted Magic, Eisha’s story, book3.
*Worthy of Magic, Art’s story, book4.
*Absolute Magic, book5.
* * *
Runes Universe: (Kindle World)
*Forsaken Souls,
A Runes Universe Novella
* * *
The Winter Court Chronicles:
Forgotten Kingdom, book1. (Coming March 2018).
Broken Kingdom, book2. ( Coming June 2018).
Kingdom of Ash- Novella. ( Coming Aug 2018).
Awoken Kingdom, book3. ( Coming Nov 2018).
Adult Contemporary Romance
A Love Through Time Series:
*Chasing Time, book 1.
*Destined Time, book 2.
Somewhere Inside Series
*Somewhere Inside My Mind, book 1.
*Somewhere Inside My Past, book2.
(Coming Feb 2018).
*Somewhere inside my Heart, Book 3.
(Coming 2019)
To check out Steph’s other books feel free to visit her Author Pages:
Paranormal Romance:
Website | AmazonUS |Amazon UK
Contemporary Romance:
Website |AmazonUS |Amazon UK
To all the beautiful readers,
who welcomed Cyn & Bri into their hearts.
Thank you for joining me in this adventure.
To the group of unexpected friends life has gifted me. Thank you for believing in me, supporting me and helping me through this journey. Kallie Kennon, Jaime Lingerfelt Rodriguez, Meghan S. Johnson, Hollian Rickman, Shawn Wood, Andie Ryder. THANK YOU. You have no idea how much you mean to me. I love you.
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To my Proofreader: Meghan S. Johnson, (#Residentfangirl) & my Omega Reader: Andie Ryder #Seima. Thank you for the invaluable feedback you provide, it helps me clean the story and make it the best it can be. Thank you for your honesty. You are amazing ladies.
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Thanks to my Beta Readers: Jaime Lingerfelt Rodriguez Kallie Kennon, Hollian Rickman, Shawn Wood, & Andie Ryder for being excited about every single chapter and helping me with the stubborn typos that always make their way onto the pages. #WriterStruggles.
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Thank you to my ARC TEAM for their support. I love you all.
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Thank you to my family for believing in me. I love you guys!
Victoria Secret
Victoria's Secret
La Perla
Prince Charming
The Drombeg Stone Circle
The Smithsonian
Maryhill Stonehenge
The 300
Glacier Park International Airport
xFold Dragon drone
Wreck it Ralph
John Wick
The Valley of the Temples
Secret Service
The Pentagon
The Force
Fortress of Solitude
Guinness Draught
A chara: Dear Friend
A chuisle: My Pulse
À sealladh: Disappear
A 'falach chaochlaidhean ar làthaireachd: Conceal our presence
A 'dìon a h-ann' ur daingneach: Protect her in your fortress
Adhair Bhalla: Air Fortress
Anam Sealgair, Soul Hunter
Air ais bhroinn: Restoring womb
Air mo pailme: Onto my palm
Anam fiosaiche: Soul seer , Seer of destiny
Anam neart: Soul strength
Anam Sealgair: Soul Hunter
Ar toirt dhachaigh: Take us home
Ar ais sláinte: Restore health
Àrd-shagart: High Priest, High Priestess
A rún mo chroí: Secret of my heart.
Baile Na Nèamh: City of Heaven.
Beannachdan: Blessings
Beannachdan dhuibh: Blessings to you
Bheith arís mar a bhí sé aon uair amháin: Be again as it once was
Bòidheach: Beautiful
Bhòidse seud-muineil: Voyage necklace
Coiseachd: Sanctuary
Cuiribh beannaich mi: Please bless me
Chan eil thu nad aonar, oir tha mi seasamh ri taobh thu: You are not alone, for I stand beside you
Claidheamhan: Swords
Daingnich: Fortify
Dannsa air na flùraichean: Dance of the flowers
Dhìon dha: Protect him.
Dúisigh: Awaken
Dùin: Close
Dh'èireas: Rise
Dhìon dha: Protect him
Fiosaiche Fàil: Seer of souls or seer of destiny
Gabh mi thuige: take me to him
Glanadh an t-slighe: Clear the way
Ion-mholaidh: Adorable
Laochra ceannaire: Warrior leader
Leantainn a 'ghealach: Follow the moon
Leig eil pian a 'tighinn gu aice: Let no pain come to her
Leig eil pian tighinn ris: Let no pain come to him
Leig leinn falbh: Let us disappear
Maighstir draoidheachd: Master of magic
br /> Meala-naidheachd: Congratulations
Meigeil orm fhaicinn taobh a-staigh: Allow me to see inside
Mar sin bithidh e: So it shall be
Mo chiad leannan: My first love.
Mo leanabh milis: My sweet child
Mo meantóir: My mentor
Mo bhalach: My boy
Mo mhac: My son
Mo Sgòthan: My Light
Mòr sagart: Great priest
Mo ghrá geal : My bright love.
Mòran toileachas: Much happiness
Mhà mi a 'cumail ah: May I hold her
Mhà agam dannsa: May I have a dance
Neach-sìth: Peace bearer
Nochdadh a-rithist: Reappear
Òga-solas: Young light
Ogha: Granddaughter
Phrìosan teine: Prison of Fire.
Sàmhach: Silent.
Sàmhach sìos: Quiet down
Sìth maille riut: Peace be with you
Sláinte a chur ar ais: Health be restored
Sleagh an t-Solais: Spear of Light.
Solas mo bheatha: Light of my life.
Spioradálta: Spiritual
Spioradálta Iris: Spiritual Journal
Tighinn air: feumaidh tu seo a dhèanamh: Come on, you must do this
Tighinn rium: Come to me.
Till mi dhachaigh: Return me home
Till dhan agaibh smior: Return to your essence
Trannsa cearcaill: Passage circles
Tha naomh bolg de aiseirigh: The sacred womb of rebirth
Tha mi duilich: I am sorry
Tha mise a'd 'shiorruidh: I am yours, forever
Tha mo bhràthair a 'tighinn fìor: My dream come true
The Sacred Womb of Rebirth.
The Darkness and I were one.
* * *
The cave was void of sound. There was no breeze. No life. Just me. And the paranoid image my mind had summoned of rats running around me and biting my toes. I was seriously going to kill Art for that joke.
Taking a deep breath, I tried to settle my nerves and closed my eyes. I crossed my legs under me, assuming a yoga pose. Not that I knew what that truly was, I had barely exercised in my life. I sat on the flat rock in the middle of the cave and wondered why I had closed my eyes? I couldn’t see anything anyway. I sighed and my shoulders slumped. It was going to be a long night.
“Ok, Bri. Time to concentrate.”
But did I really need to concentrate? What exactly was I supposed to do in here? Think? Pray? Repent of all my sins? The thought brought a pang of pain to my chest. Everything that had happened in the battle of the river was still fresh in my mind. The wounds were still tender.
The things I had done...
My eyelids lifted, and my gaze went to the natural sky light above me. It was in the corner of the cave, yet I could still see a glimpse of moonlight filtering through. I focused on it, while my mind tried to make sense of everything I’d been through since I met Cyn. My life had changed in every way that night, whether I knew it or not. Minutes passed, maybe hours, I wasn’t sure. I dissected every moment Cyn and I had spent together while I thought he was just a figment of my imagination. Conjured by my mind, in a desperate attempt to drive the loneliness away. To make sense of the strange life I lived with Grandpa. If only I knew then, how my life would come tumbling down. I was so innocent then. Ignorant of the truth that Grandpa kept from me.
“Grandpa… I miss you.”
I wasn’t sure I had any tears left; still, they fell from my eyes and traveled down my cheeks, while memories of Grandpa filled my mind. He left a hole in my chest that would never be filed again. Slowly, my arms wrapped around my body and I held myself, rocking as the flashbacks played before my eyes.
“I’m so sorry, Grandpa,” I whispered, lips trembling while the faces of the Romans I killed at the battle appeared and disappeared before me. I had done that. I was responsible for it. Those men had been fathers, husbands, brothers and sons. Their families would never see them again, and they would never be able to say goodbye.
I had to live with that for the rest of my life.
I covered my face with my hands and cried, asking the Goddess for forgiveness. Although I didn’t think I would ever deserve that. Too much blood was spilled.
“My beautiful Little Bee.”
I gasped at the sound of Grandpa’s voice, and opened my eyes searching for him even though I knew it wasn’t possible. It couldn’t be real.
“I’m here, Grandpa.”
My eyes widened as they settled on the furthest rock wall. It was illuminated by a soft light, and over the surface, a memory played as though it was a slide on a projector.
“Time for bed, my Little Bee. Come on.”
I stood in awe, and walked towards it. My fingers grazed the rock, as Grandpa smiled and reached for my hand, taking away the book he had brought me from the library. I sat on my reading chair, in the corner of the room.
“I know you love reading about magic, but it’s time for bed, and it’s a school night.”
“Awe, Grandpa! don’t be like that. I don’t actually go to school, remember? You are my teacher. We can start class a bit later tomorrow.”
I smiled as I saw my scrunched up freckled face. I remembered that night. I was ten years old, and I had just fallen in love with Merlin and his wonderful world of magic and honor, dragons and fairies. A new tear fell as I heard Grandpa laugh. A sound I never thought I would hear again.
“I am indeed your teacher, but one must have discipline in life. There will be time for magic tomorrow. Now, it’s time for bed.”
“Fine.” I chuckled as I saw myself stomp towards bed, and climb under the sheets. So did Grandpa.
“Now, close your eyes, and I will sing you a lullaby.”
“Lullabies are for babies, Grandpa. I’m a big kid now.”
He smiled and caressed my cheek tenderly. “Indeed you are, but I will sing to you nonetheless.”
He fixed the sheet, covering my arms, and kissed my forehead.
“Will you sing it with me, my beautiful Little Bee?”
I saw myself nod just as he began to hum.
* * *
“Look upon the sky, my Bri, that is all you need.
Stars will shine inside you soul, showing you the way.
When the light glows the brightest, see it with your heart.
Picture where you want to be, the light will take you there…”
* * *
The voices softly disappeared, leaving the cave in total darkness. My gaze searched the skylight but it was no longer visible. I carefully walked back to the stone where I sat before, and resumed my place. The memory of Grandpa singing to me remained. His voice resounded in my heart, and I wondered why that particular memory had come to me tonight. Grandpa sang me that lullaby every night, until I was almost fourteen years old. I knew it front and back, up and down and in every way possible. I supposed another fourteen-year-old would have been too cool for that, but I knew nothing other than what it was like living with Grandpa. Perhaps someone else would be bitter for the experiences they were reprised of. The relationships they never got to have, and the places they never got to see. Yet, now more than ever I was glad he had raised me that way, sheltered from the world around us, because it gave me the most amazing years with him.
I wiped the tears away, feeling my heart fill with the warmth of his love. The love he showed me every hour, minute, and second of every day while we were together. A love so powerful, that he sacrificed his life for me, without even a second thought.
“I love you, Grandpa. I always will,” I whispered, closing my eyes and seeing the sparkle that shone in his every time he looked at me. I could almost see his love.
“He is certain of that.” The melodic voice should have scared me, especially because I had never heard it before. Yet, it didn’t.
The first thing I felt when I opened my eyes, was
the warmth of the light surrounding me. When I saw her majestic wings, my lips curved into a smile. I stood.
“Hello, Queen Aine. Thank you for coming.”
The rainbow light rays shot out from her iridescent wings, and spread all through the cave while they fluttered. She held her hands in front of her as she floated, her head tilted as she bowed. “Hello, Priestess.”
“You didn’t speak last time we saw each other. Why?”
She hovered closer. “You were not ready to listen then.”
“And now I am?” She nodded, her lips stretched in a beautiful smile. “Are you meant to be here? I thought this was supposed to be my Fortress of Solitude or something.” Her eyes sparkled with amusement as she came even closer, this time stopping only a couple of feet from me.
“I am here for you, because you have summoned me.”
“I called you?”
She nodded, and pressed a delicate hand to her chest. “With your heart.”
“Oh.” I wasn’t sure what to say to that. I looked around us. “I don’t really know what exactly I should do in here. I think I’m supposed to have some kind of life altering moment, which will change me, but so far I’ve done nothing but cry.”
“Why have you cried?”