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The Demon Queen

Page 13

by Brandi Elledge

  His words conveyed he was pissed, but the way his eyes kept darting to my lips sent a whole different message. Maybe not admiration but definitely lust. I licked my lips just to test the theory, and sure enough he let out a small growl, tightly closing his eyes. He wanted me but was upset with himself for wanting me. How ironic. Somewhere along the way, I wondered what it would be like to have a willing recipient send me those kinds of looks. Obviously, he would never admire me because I was still a demon, and nothing more to him than a chess piece.

  Austin returned to regarding me scornfully, and all traces of lust were wiped from his face. It dawned on me that if I ever did go down the rabbit hole of intimacy with Austin, once I got him the object he desired, he would still cast me to the side like a toy he was done playing with until it was time to recycle that toy. For the first time, I felt a little sympathy for Sarah, and then I remembered I really didn’t like her and just like that it was quickly gone. That girl was a disaster. I stared up into Austin’s handsome, waiting face with one thought: I had to end him. Before he ended me. We were not friends. Not even close. But unlike him, I would not broadcast it so loud. A good queen knew how to judge her opponents. I would find his weaknesses and bring him to his proud knees, and the glory of it would be he would never see it coming.

  With that thought, I plastered a smile on my face. “You’re right, a deal is a deal.” I placed my hand on his arm. “Are we traveling through your airlines or mine?”

  He gave me a wary look. “I know the exact location, so I’ll take us. First, we will drop off your bag.”

  I hefted the bag up on my shoulder. Leaving my crown in my chambers didn’t sit well with me, but who knew where we would end up? I couldn’t just walk around with a huge crown on my head. The stares would be relentless. I released a heavy sigh as I closed the distance between us.

  His voice was thick and deep as my body molded into his. “Just hold onto me.”

  He bent and … smelled my hair? What in the gob smacker was he doing?

  Wrapped in his arms, I tilted my head up. “Did you just smell my hair?”

  He gave me a boyish grin, like he had been caught doing something he wasn’t supposed to. “You smell nice.”

  Um. Weird. And yet heat flooded my belly. I clenched my eyes at my weakness. I was supposed to be getting him to warm up to me and lower his defenses, so I could land a sneak attack. He wasn’t supposed to be doing that to me. I let my forehead hit his chest, as I gave myself a silent pep talk. I was fierce and strong. I would not allow anyone to strip me of my powers again, no matter how hot they were, or how gently they cradled me in their arms. I was a black mamba biding her time, waiting for the perfect time to strike, and when that time arose, I wouldn’t hesitate.

  Chapter Nineteen

  We were literally in the middle of freaking nowhere. A rusty, old metal building that had a Pepsi logo on the side stood in the middle of a potato field. There were various types of farm equipment parked in the building, but not a soul was to be seen. Knowing we were enemies, and it would eventually come to a showdown, I refused to talk with Austin, but it was hard to ignore his presence. We had both changed as soon as we’d arrived at my chambers. At the time, I was thankful he had changed out of the tight T-shirt and his swimming trunks that showed off his muscular legs. But I didn’t know if his current attire was much better. Those faded jeans molded to him like they were made for him, and his plain faded T-shirt was pulled even more taut over his muscular chest than the previous one.

  Why couldn’t my mortal enemy be hideous or at least not so mouthwateringly hot? His white-blond hair was such a contrast to his tan skin that, that in itself would make one take a second look. Then when you noticed how truly handsome he was, it was hard for one’s eyes not to roam over to him occasionally. At the moment, I felt him staring at my profile, so I refused to let any roaming of my eyes happen. I would pluck those babies out first.

  “Is this how it’s going to go? You ignoring me?” I pretended like I didn’t hear him. “Carmen, what do you want me to do? Apologize for holding you to a vow that you took?”

  Seriously? I could take that key away from those wolves the moment they landed here and complete my vow, but that wasn’t what he was asking. Forgetting my promise to myself to be silent, my eyes swiveled to him.

  “That’s not what you need to apologize for. You want the key? I’ll have it in your hands shortly. But no, you’re listening to that old hag, and you want me to go along with her plan. I’ll be away from my realm where chaos is probably ensuing right now because while the cat is away, the mouse will play, and not only that, but you threatened me again.”

  He came to stand in front of me. Bending his large frame and tilting his neck so he could study my face better, he put one long finger under my chin, forcing me to look at him. “Are your … your feelings hurt?”

  “Bahahaha! You are hilarious. Of course not. I’m a Demon Queen.”

  “I know.” His hand dropped from my face, as he stood up straight. “I know.”

  No doubt disappointment colored his words. He resented me. Resented everything I was and stood for, but yet there was a constant hunger in his gaze. It must be hell to hate someone and want them at the same time. He was at war with himself, and that made me smile. Whether we wanted to admit it or not, we were on a level playing field. We both were attracted to each other and neither of us wanted to be.

  Austin reached into his pocket. “I got you a little something, and I wanted to give it to you before we went into the portal.” He pulled out the beautiful bracelet I had been admiring at the Charleston market. He handed it to me, and my fingers shook as I reached for it. In all my life, I couldn’t remember anyone besides my mother giving me anything other than punishment.

  I just stared at it when he took it back from me and put it on my wrist.

  I ran a finger over the jewels that reminded me of his eyes. “It’s beautiful.”

  “Not nearly as beautiful as its keeper.”

  Words escaped me, and I was completely shocked he’d thought to get me something. The air grew thick, and the silence became awkward. He started to turn away from me. I reached out for his arm, stopping him. He glanced down at my pale hand on his tan arm, but didn’t pull out of my grasp.

  “Maybe it does hurt a little. The fact that you are probably planning in the near future to take away my powers upsets me. Even now you taunt me with stripping away the very thing that I’ve longed for.”

  “It’s a two-way street, you know. Can you look me in the eye and tell me you aren’t planning on stabbing me in the back with those pretty little claws when the perfect moment arises?”

  I released his arm. “We could be friends. Call a permanent truce. Vow not to destroy each other.”

  “Isn’t that a demons goal? To destroy the world or least to snuff out the good in the world?”

  I felt my blood boiling. With biting words, I said, “I don’t plan on destroying the world, so that shouldn’t be an issue. I just want my throne and peace. Is that too much to ask for?”

  “Maybe it is,” he said with remorse.

  “And maybe your hatred for demons will ruin us both.”

  For a few moments, he didn’t say anything. We just continued to stare at one another for answers we probably wouldn’t find.

  “Maybe,” he said. “Maybe we’re both damaged beyond repair.”

  Before I could agree with him, I saw the wolves from the corner of my eye. I grabbed hold of Austin’s arm and traced him behind the steel building. I put a finger to his lips, telling him to be quiet. He gave me a nod before I turned to peer around the building. As his warm scent engulfed me, his hands settled on my hips, making my heart race. I ignored it as we both leaned together to look and see exactly where the wolves were.

  They marched through the flat land laughing and telling crude jokes all the while, unaware they were being watched. Idiots. There was no Tally. What had they done with him? If they had harmed him, I wo
uld eviscerate them where they stood. I started to trace to them, but Austin, sensing my emotions, pulled me closer to his body, wrapping his arms around my chest. My blood turned to molten lava at his touch.

  He whispered in my ear, causing me to barely suppress a shiver. “Wait.”

  Still trapped in his embrace, my fists clenched by my sides, I watched the two wolves shove each other playfully, as they continued to cross the plains. They neared the shimmery air signifying they were closing in on the portal humans couldn’t see, but immortals could find just by the energy the portal pulsed with.

  I tilted my head back. My eyebrows rose in question. It seemed like now was our chance. Austin’s gaze roamed my face, so many emotions crossed his face. The lust didn’t surprise me, but the regret I saw had me silently questioning what he knew that I didn’t. His arms slid down my body and rested again on my hips. He shook his head and grimaced, as if he was in pain. He dropped his hands from me, taking a deep breath. He wanted me. It was in his hungry eyes, but there was something stopping him. Was it because I was a demon? Fury once again flooded me.

  The wolves’ laughter carried over to us, shaking me out of my anger. He took my hand in his, and right before he teleported us to the entrance of the portal, I decided that it was more than okay he wanted me. In fact that was great news. Using his desire might not be that bad of a plan. First things first, though: take the key back, find Tally, go rescue some King’s son, and then slay the hot beefcake currently teleporting me. I could do all of the above and be back in hell reigning over a horde of demons in less than a week. Because I had ambition, and I was a boss like that. When we landed in front of the wolves, I had a stupid grin on my face, even though my stomach rolled from Austin’s teleportation.

  Catching sight of us, they stopped in their tracks, as I gave the taller one a wink. “Why, hello, boys. So we meet again. I do believe you have something of mine.”

  The tall one crossed his arms over his barrel chest. “You’re not getting the key.”

  “Yeah, I was talking about the fairy.” I tilted my head towards Austin. “This big boy right here is the one lusting after the key.”

  The shorter, less stout of the two, must have had more brains because he knew a dead end when he saw one. He took off sprinting through the fields like he could escape me. I teleported five feet in front of him.

  “Was it something I said?” He shook his head, as he backed away from me. “Oh, I hope this doesn’t hurt my yelp reviews.” I crooked one finger at him, giving him a smile. “Come, love, it doesn’t have to hurt unless you want it to.”

  The taller of the two wolves started towards me. “Leave my brother alone.”

  Austin grabbed him by the shirt. “Whoa, not so fast. Let the lady work.”

  The wolf snarled, “What are you going to do? Take my powers from me, so you can beat my ass?”

  Austin smiled without humor. “I don’t have to take away your powers to beat your ass. Would you like a demonstration?” Austin’s fist was so fast it was almost hard to track. The bone-crunching wasn’t as hard to hear. It almost made me wince. The wolf called his true nature to him, as he morphed in front of our eyes. His bones enlarged, his shoulders widened, and he just became … more. Taller, stouter, and aggressive. Austin seemed to grow bored, as he waited for the wolf to settle into his new frame. Another difference between golden boy Austin and me. I would have struck while the iron was hot. There was no honor in killing, so I say get it done and over with fast. The smaller wolf tried to make another escape attempt while he thought my attention was divided. My smoke shot from my body, tangling the smaller wolf around his feet. With an unforgiving thud, he fell hard on the ground, my wisps slowly dragging his body through the dirt back towards me.

  Without looking at him, I said, “Isn’t this the second time I’ve done this to you? You’d think you would learn by now that you can’t run. Now, be a good boy and stay.”

  He called me a slew of dirty names, and in return I sent him an image that would be sure to haunt his dreams for nights to come. His mind was easy to project to, unlike Austin’s. He absorbed everything I sent him. When he screamed, I backed out of his mind nice and slow. I didn’t want his mind to crack because I needed him to know why he was in this situation in the first place. He should have never messed with an ally of the Demon Queen’s.

  I gave my attention to the other wolf circling around Austin. Right before he decided to attack, Austin anticipated the move and teleported behind the wolf, kicking him behind the knee, causing the wolf to stumble. Before the wolf could turn around, he teleported in front of the wolf. Austin threw an elbow and slammed it into the wolf’s already bloody face.

  I stage whispered to the smaller wolf writhing on the ground, whimpering at my feet. “Ugh. You know that had to hurt. Should we take bets on how long your brother will last? I’m going to say another fifteen seconds, but only because it looks as if Austin is growing bored.”

  Austin ignored me, as one leg swept out, knocking both the legs of the wolf right out from underneath him. The wolf barely hit the ground before Austin pounced on him, squeezing him by the jugular. “I could make it pop, you know? Do you concede?”

  The wolf made some sort of gurgling noise. Austin said, “I’ll take that as a yes. Now, I’ll strip you of your powers.”

  The wolf immediately rolled into a ball when Austin was through. I knew the feeling, bud. It totally sucked.

  I gave a slow clap. “Are you done showing off?”

  The power he just confiscated rolled off him in waves. His hands rested on his hips. His chest rose with adrenalin. “Admit it. You thought that was hot.”

  My stomach tightened, and I did have a sudden urge to fan myself. Wait! I was seducing him. He was supposed to yield to me, not the other way around. I made myself do an eye roll. “Well, if you’re ready to move on, I’d like to question the wolves about where Tally is.”

  Austin bent over and rifled through the now sobbing wolf’s pants and jacket until he found the key.

  “I can’t believe you made him cry,” I said.

  Austin pointed to the wolf lying at my feet. “Yeah, well, you made that one piss himself.”

  I gave a dainty shrug, because what could I say? I was freaking awesome. I knelt down next to the terrified wolf. “So where is my friend?”


  “Use your words like a big boy.”

  He swallowed hard before saying, “He’s in a dumpster. You know the gas station right before this exit? That’s where he is.”

  Austin gave me a look. “I’ll go retrieve him. Keep this one tied up.”

  Rage rocketed through my body. A dumpster? They threw my friend into a dumpster? Like trash?

  Austin was back in less than sixty seconds, cradling a worn-out looking Tally. I noticed two things at once: his body was bloody, and his wings were bent. A fairy’s wings were their most sensitive body part. The fact that they were folded like an accordion meant he was in severe pain.

  Through clenched teeth, I asked, “How bad is it?”

  Austin cupped Tally in his palm. “Pretty bad but I think he’ll live.

  “That’s more than I can say for this one,” I said, as I kicked the wolf groveling at my feet.

  “You could kill him,” Austin said, “or you could let me strip him of his powers, and we can take both of them through the portal. I can’t think of a worse fate.”

  I wanted this wolf’s head, but when the wolf started crying, “I can’t go over there with no way to return,” I decided he had just sealed his fate.

  Tally moaned. “My wings.”

  I scooped him up from Austin’s hand. “Tally, will you recognize me as your queen?”

  His words were barely audible. “I’m a fairy,” he croaked out.

  My voice boomed. “Will you recognize me as your queen?”

  “Yes, Carmen. I will pledge my allegiance with you.”

  “Then I command you to heal.” I made ti
ny circles with my hand over his broken body. “Sana, amicus meus.” He began to heal right before our eyes. I held onto him until his body was unbroken.

  Several moments later, he gazed up into my eyes with embarrassment. “I can’t believe I was foolish enough to get caught.”

  I shrugged.

  “Is this a bad time to point out that most demons would’ve let me rot?”

  I gently flicked his now healed body off the palm of my hand. “Shoo, bug.”

  He laughed as he flew over our heads in a circle, testing out his now healed wings. “So, what are we to do with these two?”

  “You’ve missed a lot,” I said. “We have to go into the portal to find someone the soothsayer wants. Then it seems everyone’s vows and promises will be complete, and this one,” I said, jerking my head towards Austin, “won’t try to steal my powers for a spell.”

  Tally glared at Austin. “You need therapy. I can help with that.”

  “Careful fairy,” Austin said, as he grabbed up a wolf by his shirt collar. “I don’t have an attachment to you like the Demon Queen does.”

  I crossed my arms over my chest. “First off, don’t threaten my friend …” Both of the guys’ eyebrows rose, either at the word “friend,” or my admittance of one. “Oh please. Evil reigning queens can have friends. That does not make me weak.”

  Austin looked confused. “You’re right, but does that make you evil?” His eyes lingered on me before he walked past, dragging a wolf towards the portal.

  I gave a smile. Yep, that boy wanted me.

  Tally flew over to my shoulder. “I’m not sure I like the devious look on your face.”

  “Oh, stuff it.” Turning to Austin, I said, “We won’t be able to use our powers once we go through.”

  “I won’t need to use my powers. I’m strong enough without them.” Cocky much? “But you will be able to use yours.”

  “Yeah, I’m pretty sure I read the community newsletter on the bulletin board of freaking nowhere that said no powers in portals.”

  Austin shifted the bulky weight of the limp wolf from one hand to the other, like he weighed no more than a carton of milk. “I said the same thing, although a little less witty, to the soothsayer, in which she replied that a select few can retain most of their powers in a portal. She went on to mention you were one of the few.”


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