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The Play

Page 25

by William Dolby


  I recall how, when during my life I was making merry with my sublime emperor in Western Palace, I enjoyed such splendid imperial love and favour! Now, all on a day, my ruddy countenance has suddenly been despatched, and my white bones sink with injustice, and within the cold posting-station’s deserted walls, my lone spirit “drowns and stagnates”, tarries wretchedly.

  Look, the moon’s grown pale and the stars chilly, and it’s already the hour of dusk again, so very forlorn and miserable!


  There’s nobody in the ancient posting-station,

  humans in the night are stilled,

  Slight clouds chasing,

  The shifting moon goes dark,

  Hiding hiding dodging dodging,

  For a little while stealthily its beams manifesting.

  There and then my heart with unforgettable memories is lit,

  I suddenly recall my old full-figured prettiness,

  And it makes me shed a tear at every thought.

  When I recall,

  Recall the prettiness of my movements in those days past,

  When I recall,

  Recall the gorgeous beauty of my made-up aspect,

  Truly they excelled at a perfected sketching in “malachite and cinnabar”, colour paints.

  A painting perfected.

  Little was I aware that I wouldn’t be staying,

  And soon would be chill skin and flesh cold.



  Suffering, I turned into an unreal ghost thing,

  And nobody would recognise my appearance as that of Yang Jade-bangle.

  (Sheds tears)

  These hairpins and this gold-strip-flower casket were given me by the sublime emperor as tokens to seal our love, and now I’ve retrieved them from my grave. I must for a while in the moonlight feel the pleasure of them in my hands.

  (Enter Local Land-god of Ma Wei’s Slope secretively)

  LOCAL LAND-GOD: That’s Most-prized-empress Yang’s spirit. Let’s listen to what she says.

  (Stands behind her)

  EMPRESS YANG’S SPIRIT: (Looking at the hairpins and casket)


  Seeing the heads of these two gold hairpins side by side,

  And furthermore the Shared-hearts of this gold-strip-flower casket reflecting each other,

  I just hoped that the love between us two might be as firm as this gold, and like this inlay,

  How was I to know that it would turn out a severed bucket-rope for well-water!

  If I’d known earlier that it would be a severed water-bucket-rope,

  I’d have realised it would have been pointless to keep these grievous tokens.

  I remember how perfumed the casket-bottom was fresh in the night,

  How beside the hairpins gleamed bright my dawn mirror,

  And how there was so much taking of cherishing and receipt of love’s joys.



  At the very mention of that love from the emperor,

  How am I to close my eyes, down in the Layered Springs!



  I suffer just because of these hairpins and this casket,

  And because that night’s twined loving,

  Has turned into this while of Yang Jade-bangle’s sad choking sobs.

  (Local Land-god, eavesdropping, nods his head)

  EMPRESS YANG’S SPIRIT: Ah me, I Yang Jade-bangle when alive suffered misery and viciousness, and, now dead, feel deep injustice. Perhaps I’ll be able to repent of my former error, and manage to attain lofty redemption one day. You never can tell! Stop a moment,


  I just recall that no item of what I did when I was alive wasn’t a case of crime. Moreover, that my brothers and sisters abused their power and manipulated with their authority, their sins and crimes swamping the sky, was all due to me, so how could I ever do penance and repent enough! I must avail myself of being beneath these stars and this moonlight to implore and make a prayer to Heaven.

  (Makes obeisance to Heaven)


  Facing the stars and moon

  I make my prayer with utmost sincerity,

  Making obeisance to Heaven and Earth,

  and with lowered head reflecting minutely.

  August Heaven,

  August Heaven!


  Bear Yang Jade-bangle in mind:


  She’s committed layer on layer of crimes and sins,

  And, punishment mitigated,

  calamity and violence encountered.




  I’m penitent for my errors and faults,

  And set forth my crimes and sins,

  Hoping that, dear Heaven,

  you will from on high judge and pardon me,

  and for me hang down exculpating testimonies.

  I’ve only one little bit of that foolish infatuated love left,

  And, sunk in the River of Love,717

  I’ve not yet managed to sober or revive.

  As I come to mention that,

  it’s too late for me to repent of it,

  And may you, Heaven, bear witness to that:

  Even if my cold bones aren’t restored to life,

  To await him in the Nine Springs I shall strive.


  That Local Land-god says I was originally an immortal of Erigeron-chenopodium paradise, banished into the mortal world. Oh Heaven, it’s just that my ill-karma’s heavy,


  But I still venture to hope to be one of the immortal throng around the Erigeron-chenopodium throne,

  And only pray my love-partner of the old days will to me, Yang Jade-bangle, return!

  LOCAL LAND-GOD: Most-prized-empress, I’m here.

  EMPRESS YANG’S SPIRIT: Why, it’s the honoured Local Land-god!


  Availing myself of the moonlight bright,

  I walked alone in the night.

  And seeing you do obeisance and pray with such deep fervour,

  I listened minutely,

  And that repentance of yours will be able ten thousand sins to clear outright.

  I guarantee it will move the emotions of Heaven’s court,

  Move the emotions of Heaven’s court,

  And some day you’ll in your old pledge reunite.

  EMPRESS YANG’S SPIRIT: I’m so grateful that you take my part me with sympathy, honoured god. I just fear that:


  My evil-karma barrier burdens me,

  My good-karma’s flimsy light.

  This night in vain I ashamedly repent of my life,

  Cut off from the Upper Purity718

  Is the Springs’ road far and faint.



  The mention of it grieves my feelings,

  The mention of it grieves my feelings,

  And I just end up with a thousand autumns utter regret.

  LOCAL LAND-GOD: Most-prized-empress, you don’t need to grieve. I’ll now issue you with a Road Permit, one sheet of paper, to give your spirit freedom to travel just as you wish within a thousand miles.

  (Hands her the Road Permit)

  Now listen to what I say.


  You originally had your name in the census register of Erigeron-chenopodium paradise,

  But because you fell into the sublime imperial palace,

  Your infatuated obsessions at once increased.

  Since the love-joy diversion passed,

  And you’ve gone through the pain and suffering,

  Even though you’ve withdrawn from your Dust Destiny,

  You can’t possibly return to the immortal court.

  I’m delighted you’ve woken from your dream this night,

  And let you wander free and airily travelling whichever road you s

  Don’t hanker after the Road of Confounding,

  Don’t hanker after the Road of Confounding,

  But quickly return to your old route.

  (Empress Yang’s spirit takes the Road Permit, thanking him)


  I’m deeply grateful to you, honoured god,

  For your direction clear.

  A repining ghost and sorrowful spirit,

  To hope to become an immortal soul does now venture.


  From now on,


  I’ll with the wind depart,

  Travel wherever my road me conduct,

  Wafting and fluttering,

  Hiding during the day and far-travelling at night,

  Leaning against the moon and close by the stars,

  Seeking once more our pledge of hairpins-and-casket.

  I still fear that when we encounter each other,

  I still fear that when we encounter each other,

  The pain of us two’s hearts will augment.

  LOCAL LAND-GOD: I’ll be off now.


  In dawn breeze and remnant moonlight I’m just now weepy,719

  LOCAL LAND-GOD: (Recites)

  Facing your form and hearing your voice, I already feel you’re lovely;720


  The prosperity and splendour of days of yore I today bitterly regret,721

  LOCAL LAND-GOD: (Recites)

  You should just seek and enquire after your rightful love-destiny.`

  Act Thirty-one: Extirpating the rebel

  (Enter Kuo Tzu-yi in battledress, leading four soldiers)


  I’ve undeservedly received a new appointment,

  elevated to exalted imperial steps,

  Have had the seal of command hung on me,

  and been promoted to mount

  Superior-general Altar-platform.723

  Embarrassed to admit my outstanding ability,

  I’ve made so bold as to promise myself

  I’ll be all crucial the nation’s peril to calm.


  I set up my command Tusk-flag,724 have my horns blown,

  hear no hullabaloo, Ascending the altar-platform at thirty, I’m honoured by all my troops; I strew a thousand pieces of my own gold in recompense for my soldiers who’ve died, Am left myself with one sword to requite my monarch’s loving favours.


  I’m Kuo Tzu-yi. By out sage emperor’s loving favour I’ve been appointed Military Commissioner of the Northern Region, and command forces to punish the rebels. Nowadays Sublime August-emperor is favouring Hsi-ch’uan, Shu, with a tour of inspection, and the present new emperor, Emperor Solemn-progenitor725 has ascended the throne in Ling-wu. In this autumn, this autumn of our country’s many troubles, it’s precisely the days for me it’s subject to establish fine deeds for it, and I vow that I shall sweep it clean of the all the rebel incursors, take back our two capitals, re-build the state altars to the gods of soil and millet, and survey once more the Chinese government’s grandeur. Only by so doing shall I not prove unfaithful to my whole life’s aims and aspirations.

  My generals all, today is a Yellow Way auspicious day, so let us here and now mobilise our forces and advance.

  (Soldiers respond with their assent, shout war-cries, and issue orders to commence the advance.)

  TOGETHER: (Sing)

  Crowding round our roc-flags and feather canopies,

  We kick up dust and dirt-puffs.

  Our horses are draped with campaign saddles,

  We generals don layered armour,

  Our ornamented dagger-axes and carven bows sparkle their hues.

  The army orders are given crisply,

  We vie to see our bold and mighty commander-in-chief striving vigourously, like a whisked-aloft eagle, onwards.

  Truly he’s a Sun Wu726 or Wu Ch’i727 unrivalled,

  And we guarantee he’ll sweep clean away the goblin miasmas of rebellion and the vicious murderers.

  We’ll wield our plans and stratagems,

  We’ll organise our battle arrays,

  In one battle we’ll take the capital,

  And tranquillity and prosperity bring to all the myriad regions.

  (Enter non-Chinese generals, A and B, leading soldiers, on the march)


  Relying on our soldiers’ being strong and our generals valorous,

  Relying on our soldiers’ being strong and our generals valorous,

  To one beat of the drum we come advancing.

  Our arrays are like mountains pushed crumbling,

  Our élan resembles seas tumbling.

  Unbrokenly our campaign-clouds dense press,

  Demons wailing and gods howling,

  Everywhere’s stained by our frowzy wind,

  And we kill people like mowing mustard.


  We’re the Grand Generals Shih Ssu-ming and He Ch’ien-nien728 under the command-flag of the Sublime August-emperor of the Great Yen dynasty. The House of T’ang has set up a new emperor, and sent Kuo Tzu-yi rushing this way on the attack. We’ve respectfully received the order to meet and oppose him.

  NON-CHINESE GENERAL HE CH’IEN NIEN: We’ve heard that Kuo Tzu-yi’s coming in great force, so we two have divided up into two armies, and one of us will join battle with him, while the other will come charging out at him crosswise. We’re bound to obtain a great victory.

  NON-CHINESE GENERAL SHIH SSU-MING: Yes, you put it correctly. Officers and men of our Three Armies, divide up right now into separate armies, and advance to the attack.

  (Four soldiers respond with their assent, divide ranks and proceed)


  We divide our force into two, and advance to attack,

  And in the first joining of battle we trail our swords, feigning defeat.

  Our banners drooping dejected,

  Our battle drums making lament.

  We’ll summon our valour, to be first to do battle,

  To fire up our awesome boldness, and snatch their banner of command.

  (Exit Shih Ssu-ming first, leading his army)

  (Enter Kuo Tzu-yi with his army. Does battle face to face with He Ch’ien-nien)

  NON-CHINESE GENERAL HE CH’IEN NIEN: What’s your name, you approaching general?

  MILITARY COMMISSIONER KUO TZU-YI: I’m Kuo Tzu-yi, the Great T’ang dynasty’s Military Commissioner of the Northern Region. Now our celestial force has arrived here, why don’t you dismount and accept your bonds? Or how much longer are you going to wait!

  NON-CHINESE GENERAL HE CH’IEN NIEN: No need for any more chatter: loose your horse and come over here.

  (They do battle. He Ch’ien-nien is defeated. Exit fleeing)

  (Enter non-Chinese general Shih Ssu-ming, leading soldiers. He intercepts Kuo Tzu-yi and does battle with him)

  MILITARY COMMISSIONER KUO TZU-YI: Rebel general approaching, surrender and be quick about it.

  NON-CHINESE GENERAL SHIH SSU-MING: Do you think you can win against me, Kuo Tzu-yi!

  MILITARY COMMISSIONER KUO TZU-YI: Don’t shoot off your mouth!

  (They do battle. Re-enter non-Chinese general He Ch’ien-nien. They all do tangled battle. Shih Ssu-ming and He Ch’ien-nien are routed, and exeunt fleeing)

  MILITARY COMMISSIONER KUO TZU-YI: Let’s rejoice that the rebel generals have been routed and fled. We’re not far from Ch’ang-an here, so let’s just carry on through the night, charging forward on the attack.

  ALL: Order received!

  (They move off)

  TOGETHER: (Sing)

  Our Three Armies open their laughing mouths in unison arrayed,

  In unison arrayed,

  Our banners and flags all over the road vie displayed,

  Vie displayed.

ding round the Grand General,

  Our vital breath-energy’s cock-bold, oh!

  We’re fit Cloud Terrace729 in portraits to ascend.

  We hurriedly tailor a military dispatch,

  Hurriedly tailor it,

  Our victory news on the Golden Steps to report,

  Our victory news on the Golden Steps to report.

  Our two capitals now await comforting clouds and rainbows

  as after long drought,

  Our emperor’s ancestral Nine Temples730 gaze ahead anew at the opening of sun and moon,731

  To restore to the throne the august T’ang dynasty for millions of years.


  Lamenting winds and killing-vapours are all over the mountains and rivers of our land,732 An army’s conquests have always been by co-operation and concord;733 We march towards the phoenix capital, shortly our victory to declare,734 In bright moonlight over a thousand mountains,

  poleaxes and dagger-axes stilled.735

  Act Thirty-two: Weeping over her statue

  (Enter emperor)


  The water of the Shu River Yangtse’s emerald, the Shu mountains’ malachite, I was able to win her love every dawn and every dusk as well; I do but regret it’s impossible

  to find my beautiful lady again, How would I have known she’d be a toppler of state and of citadel!


  After I favoured Ch’eng-tu with a visit, I passed on my throne to my crown prince, and changed my title to Sublime August-emperor736 I rejoice that Kuo Tzu-yi has greatly roused the overwhelming prestige of our forces, and any day now will utterly quell the rebels. But now I recall how my Most-prized-empress gave up her life for the sake of the state, and I’ve no way of vindicating her, so I’ve made a point of instructing Ch’eng-tu prefecture to build a temple to her. I’ve also selected craftsmen of high skill to carve white sandalwood into a statue of my Most-prized-empress as she was when alive, which I’ve commanded Eunuch-chamberlain Kao to usher into my palace, so that I can in person deliver it into the temple to be made offerings to. He’s probably arriving just now.


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