[Lady Justice 12] - Lady Justice and the Class Reunion
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Drop a pebble in the water: just a splash and it is gone;
But there's half-a-hundred ripples circling on and on and on.
These are words found in James Foley's famous poem, Drop a Pebble, and part of which is repeated at the conclusion of Robert Thornhill's 12th novel of the Walt Williams Mystery/Crime series, Lady Justice and the Class Reunion.
Thornhill masterly interweaves Walt's job as a policeman with the KCPD and his 50 year high school class reunion into a tale which includes three seniors who are friends now residing in a senior living center who come into possession of dangerous information about a Mexican drug cartel which has set up shop in KC; the problem of student bullying and a resultant weapons incident at Walt's alma mater; and the stalking and a subsequent shooting of a person at the local dinner/theater involving two former classmates...all told with exciting chases and moments of Thornhill's humor.
Even Elvis makes a re-appearance in solving one of the cases.
When the dust settles and the bad guys have been eliminated, Walt's lesson from Pastor Bob is that we all makes splashes in the water with decisions we make in our lives, and that these splashes create ripples, effecting others and their subsequent decisions, and on and on. It is good when these ripples, even if they are personally painful, help Lady Justice restore balance to our world.
I found this book to have just the right balance of action, topical subject matter, and humor!
Christina Jones, Independence, MO.
Lady Justice and the Class Reunion is another great addition to the Lady Justice series. Once again we follow Walt and Ox as they investigate a series of robberies at a local gym, track down a merciless drug lord who has taken residence in their town and catch a stalker who has been holding a torch for one of his fellow classmates.
As always, Walt finds himself in situations that you cannot imagine. In the latest installment, he takes on a bull, a drug lord and learns how to play Mario Kart with his longtime tenant Jerry. There is never a dull moment in Walt’s world. This time he and Ox receive help from an unlikely trio who believe that it is their duty to bring down the drug dealer who is enticing young women to become drug mules. Without their help, the police department would have no leads and still be at square one in their investigation.
If you are a fan of the Lady Justice series, you will not be disappointed with the latest installment. All of the characters that we have come to love are back. Walt even convinces Mary to participate in an aerobics class! If you are new to the series, the well-written characters and all of the unbelievable antics that Walt gets into will draw you in. This is a great series and I highly recommend it to everyone. Michelle Castillo, Article WriteUp
A priest hears a confession regarding drug smugglers. The drug cartel is using young women to smuggle drugs, and how they do it can cause the death of the young drug runners. Wanting to help these people get caught, yet wanting to keep his vows as a priest, the Padre and two of his friends decide to put out some hints in the hopes the police will figure it out. Walt and gang are hot on the case. Will they get to catch the criminals before more young women turn up missing and dead?
Add to this, it is Walt's 50th High School Reunion, and he is dragged into the planning committee. The plot thickens as a man ends up shot and it appears one of his classmates could be the main suspect.
Filled with laugh-out-loud moments, all the lovable characters are back and put in some hilarious situations. A fast paced fun read that will leave a smile on your face making you want more of Walt & The Gang. Sheri Wilkinson, Princeton, IL.
What Readers Are Saying
About The Lady Justice Series
This book is laugh-out-loud funny, on par with today's most popular writers! It's great see that old age and wisdom triumph over youth and exuberance again. Walt and his senior friends prove that there are still new adventures and opportunities for senior citizens. We can't wait for the next set of adventures! Go get 'em Walt! Lee & Marilyn, Santa Maria, CA
Another awesome mystery/ comedy from Robert Thornhill!
The mark of a really excellent author (in my opinion) is one who can bring the characters to life in such a way that I laugh with them and cry with/for them. Robert Thornhill does this.
I love Walt and all his friends. They are the type of friends everyone wants in their life. I loved their Thanksgiving dinner celebration. Elizabeth, Lexington, KY.
Each book in the Lady Justice series is better than the last, which is saying a lot because the first one was fantastic. Mr. Thornhill has a wonderful sense of humor that he sprinkles liberally throughout his stories. If you have a grandfather, a dad in his retirement years, or you yourself are of the AARP generation you will not be able to hold back your laughter as you read your way through the Lady Justice series. Can’t wait for the next installment! Barbara, La Porte, IN.
This book was such a cute light read. I didn't have to try to remember who all the characters were or how difficult the plot was. I just got to read it and enjoy it. I could put it down and come back and easily remember where I was.
Some novels I have to backtrack to remember characters and plot. With this one I just laughed ‘til I cried and loved the crazy people. I look forward to the next installment to see what trouble they would get into the next time. Vicky, Independence, MO.
A Walt Williams
Mystery/Comedy Novel
Lady Justice and the Class Reunion
Copyright February, 2013 by Robert Thornhill
All rights reserved.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any way, by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording or otherwise without prior permission of the author except as provided by USA copyright law.
This novel is a work of fiction. Names, incidents and entities included in the story are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, events and entities is entirely coincidental.
Published in the United States of America
Cover design by Peg Thornhill
1. Fiction, Humorous
2. Fiction, Mystery & Detective, General
Frank Pollard and Patrick O'Brian waited anxiously for their old friend, Earnest Harding to emerge from the exam room.
"What do you think, Paddy? He's been in there a really long time."
"I want to think the best, Frank, but I fear the worst. He hasn't been his old self for the past few weeks."
"I was counting on your connection with the Man Upstairs to bring us good news."
Father O’Brian could imagine what his friend was experiencing. Just a few months earlier, he had been in that same exam room and received the news that his days on earth were numbered. Shortly after, he retired from the priesthood.
"Unfortunately, Frank, my having been a priest for fifty years doesn't give me any more influence with the Almighty than you --- well, maybe a little more, you being an agnostic and all."
"Now, Paddy, you know as well as I that I'm not denying the existence of a Higher Power. I'm just one of those guys that has to see it to believe it. A good report from Ernie would certainly help convince
"There you go again, Frank. What you want is proof, but what you need is faith --- the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen, Why I ---"
"Hold that thought, Paddy. Here he comes."
The two friends watched as Earnest padded across the reception room floor.
"Well, what, Frank?"
"Cut the crap, Ernie. We've been sitting out here two hours. We're not looking for a weather report. What did Doc Johnson say?"
"I think I'd rather talk about the weather. I'm afraid my forecast is a bit gloomy."
Frank and Paddy exchanged glances.
"So it's not good news."
Ernie shook his head. "Looks like the cancer has spread to my pancreas. The Doc thought we had it whipped, but it's back --- big time! Well, Paddy, I guess you and I will be riding off into the sunset together. He's giving me six months --- tops.
Ernie turned to Frank. "So as of today, you're the only one of the Three Amigos that hasn’t got their ticket to the Promised Land punched. I hope you're not feeling left out."
"I'm so sorry, Ernie. It's just not right to lose both of my best friends at the same time. Paddy, maybe you can see why I'm a little short on faith right now."
"Of course I understand, Frank. You seem to be taking the news harder than Ernie."
"Yeah, how about that, Ernie? You don't seem to be too upset."
"Hey, I've had a good run. Eighty-five years, a beautiful wife and two wonderful kids. What more can a man ask for? Nobody lives forever. Anyway, Martha's been gone five years now and I miss her. How about it, Paddy? Will I get to see her on the other side?"
"I believe you will, Ernie, I ----."
"Hang on a dang minute," Frank interjected. "You guys are talking like you've already been planted. Six months! We've got six more months together and I figure we need to make the most of it. You're not going to throw in the towel on me, are you?"
“We’re just being realistic,” Ernie replied. “We’re all in our eighties, the monthly fees at Whispering Hills have pretty much tapped out our savings and all three of us are in bed at nine o’clock every night. Exactly what did you have in mind?”
“I --- I don’t know. I just know I’m not ready to give up and say that it’s all over. Don’t either of you have something left undone --- something you always wanted to do before you kick the bucket?”
Paddy and Ernie looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders. “Can’t think of anything offhand,” Ernie said.
“You guys are pathetic!” Frank growled.
Frank shook his head in disgust. “Well, here we are. Dinner’s over. Time for the six o’clock news. Then we’ll watch a couple of stupid TV shows and hit the sack. Tomorrow, it will be the same thing all over again. I just don’t want it to end this way!”
“Like I asked earlier today,” Ernie replied, “what do you have in mind?”
Frank looked around the room. How about something carnal? Earl told me that Minnie was a willing lass. Paddy, you’re not a priest anymore. Don’t you want to dip your wick before you go?”
Paddy grinned. “First of all, you really don’t know whether my wick has been dipped or not, and in either case, when I joined the priesthood, I took a vow of abstinence. I’m not about to renege on that this close to the finish line.”
“I should have known. How about you, Ernie? One last fling?”
“Oh sure! When I meet Martha on the other side, I’ll be sure to tell her that my dying wish was to bed Minnie Potter. Why don’t you take a crack at it, Frank?”
“Honestly, the old tool has been in the shed so long, I’m not sure it still works. Kinda rusty. We’re pathetic! We can’t go gamble at the casinos because we got no money. I can’t drink no more. Every time I have a beer, it gives me gas ---.”
“Shhh, quiet!” Paddy said, pointing to the TV set. “I want to hear this.”
A reporter was standing outside a Westport nightclub. “Tonight, the body of a young woman was discovered in the alley behind Kelly’s Westport Inn. The police are not releasing the name of the victim but patrons inside the club are saying the death might have been caused by a drug overdose. If that is the case, this would be the third drug related death in Westport this month.”
Paddy made the sign of the cross.
Ernie saw the look of concern on his friend’s face. “What is it, Paddy? Did you know the woman?”
“No I didn’t know her --- but I know where the stuff came from that killed her.”
“How could you possibly know that?” Frank asked with astonishment.
“Never mind. Forget it. I’ve already said too much.”
“What do you mean, forget it? A woman is dead and you say you know who killed her and we’re supposed to pretend that it never happened? No way! Now spill the beans!”
“I --- I can’t. You wouldn’t understand.”
“I think I do,” Ernie said, putting his hand on Paddy’s arm. “It’s the confessional, isn’t it?”
Paddy nodded his head.
Frank couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “You mean to tell me that some low-life confessed about these drugs and you never reported it to the cops!”
“I knew you wouldn’t understand.”
“Calm down, Frank,” Ernie interjected. “Any information learned in a confessional is privileged and protected by law --- much the same as in a doctor-patient or lawyer-client relationship. If I’m not mistaken, a priest is strictly forbidden to reveal anything he hears in a confessional.”
“But ---!”
“Ernie’s right, Frank. According to Roman Catholic Canon Law, priests may not reveal what they have learned during confession to anyone, even under the threat of their own death or that of others. For a priest to break confidentiality would lead to automatic excommunication. It’s a pretty big deal.”
“But people are dying ----!”
“Some already are, including the poor soul that made the confession.”
“Wait just a cotton-picking minute,” Frank said. “What you’re saying is that someone told you about the drugs in the confessional and now that someone is dead?”
“I believe so. Shortly after the confession, this person went missing and hasn’t been seen since.”
“Probably at the bottom of the Missouri River wearing cement shoes.”
Ernie had been quietly listening to the exchange. “Paddy, let me ask you a hypothetical question. I understand about confessional confidentiality, but does it extend to others outside the confessional?”
“You mean like to other people related to the crime?”
“Yes, like that.”
A long silence.
“I think I see where you’re going and it could be a really gray area. Let me think about that for a minute.”
“Well I get it,” Frank said. “What’s there to think about? This poor schlup gets hooked up with a drug dealer, has second thoughts and spills his guts to a priest. The drug dealer sees the guy getting shaky and offs him. I can see you protecting the guy that confessed, but what about the dealer? Now he’s probably a murderer too. What’s to stop you from taking everything you know to the cops?”
“And when I sit down with a detective, he is going to want to know where I got the information. If I tell him the truth, then I’ve violated the confessional sanctity. If I don’t, I have nothing to back up my story.”
“Yeah, I can see where that could be a problem.”
“So,” Ernie said, “in the confession, you learned about not only the perpetrator, but his operation as well?”
“Yes, there was quite a bit of detail.”
“Then what we need to do is to somehow draw the attention of the police to this dealer and leave enough evidence to make them investigate without revealing anything about your confessor. Would that be acceptable within the framework of your Canon Law?”
“You know, I believe that it would.”
�Then I think we have our work cut out for us, and we’ve got six months to get the job done. What do you think, Frank?”
A big grin spread across Frank’s face. “Now that’s what I’m talking about!”
My name is Walter Williams.
I’m a sixty-nine-year-old cop that just returned from a seven day Alaskan Cruise with my wife, Ox my partner, and his new bride, Judy.
It was their honeymoon and Maggie and I had been invited to join them for the week, relaxing aboard a luxury liner, enjoying good food and sitting in deck chairs marveling at the beauty of the Alaskan wilderness.
Naturally, it turned out to be anything but that.
Somehow, fate had seen to it that ‘relaxing’ was never on our itinerary.
A double murder our first night on the high seas led us into a century-old mystery.
During the week that we were supposed to be relaxing, we were almost blown to bits --- twice, we were thrown off of a moving train and nearly skewered in our sleep by deranged gold thieves.
After miraculously surviving all of that, we boarded our plane in Anchorage and arrived back in Kansas City twenty-two hours later.
Thinking that we would return rested and revived, we had scheduled our return to work the next day --- in retrospect, a bad decision.
After a mere three hours of shut-eye, I stumbled out of bed and into the shower. Somehow I managed to shave without slitting my throat. I threw on my uniform, climbed into my car and headed for the closest Starbucks.
Maggie was still sawing logs when I left --- one of the perks of being a self-employed real estate agent.