Finding Home

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Finding Home Page 8

by K. L. Humphreys

  Whoa, she doesn’t like him, how the hell did I not know this? Was I oblivious to everything before Trent? God, I feel like a jackass, after everything she has done for me.

  “Hey Missy, what’s got your face looking like that?”

  I get up off the sofa and walk over to her, wrapping my arms around her. “I’m sorry, I’ve neglected you. I’m so sorry.” I hurt because I’ve been so wrapped up in my own world, trying to block everything and everyone out that I forgot to let those who love me in.

  “Shelly, you’ve been hurting, and Agnes and I know that if we ever needed you, you’d be here in a heartbeat. Don’t beat yourself up. I’m so happy for you.” She whispers into my ear as she pulls me tightly against her.

  “Love you Ethel,” I confess, the way her eyes glass over makes me hurt. I hurt because I’ve never told her those words before, when I really should have. I love Ethel. She’s my family, and I hate myself for not telling her sooner.

  She’s places her fragile hand over mine, giving it a reassuring squeeze. “Love you too, girly.” She kisses my cheek, and as we pull apart I spot Trent staring at us, I don’t meet his eyes because if I do he’ll only have a stupid happy grin on his face, that he’ll be proud that I’ve opened up. As I take a seat, I catch Ethel mouthing “thank you” to Trent, and I let him have it. After all, it is due to him that I’m finally able to be myself, finally able to see what I’ve been missing by being so closed up.

  I’ve got the approval of Mrs. Ethington that is something I never thought would happen. While Ethel likes me, I didn’t believe that she’d ever think I was good enough for Michelle, I mean, I have been in prison. I couldn’t help but smile as Michelle gave Ethel a hug, whatever Michelle said, Ethel appreciated it. Her eyes widen, and a smile smooths out a few of her wrinkles, she looked five years younger in the space of a few seconds.

  “Mrs. Eth—” She coughs as she narrows her eyes at me. “Ethel, what did you mean when you said what’s he done now?”

  She leans forward. “Now I’m not one to gossip, Shelly here can attest to that.” I call bullshit, I was with her while she was at the salon on Friday, Mrs. Ethington is the biggest gossip in Bar Harbor if not the state of Maine.

  “When he first moved here, I found him snooping in our Shelly’s apartment.” Ethel tells us as though she’s telling us what she had for dinner last night.

  Michelle gasps, and I can see through the corner of my eyes that her hands are shaking, that asshole was in her apartment? Ethel makes a clicking noise with her tongue. “I interrupted him, and he said the door was ajar and he was just checking on you but I knew you weren’t here as you had gone to town for Agnes as she was down with the flu.” Ethel shakes her head. “It was a bad winter. We were all down with that damned flu at some stage.”

  “I remember that winter, you were all really sick. I was worried about you. Dr. Hamilton was out here every other week. He was in my apartment?” Michelle’s voice is as shaky as her hands, you can’t really blame her. Finding out some jackass has been in her apartment, fuck, how many times has he been inside without anyone realizing?

  “I’m afraid so dear, I wanted to tell you, but I couldn’t. I was worried how you would take it, knowing your privacy had been invaded. I just couldn’t take the chance of you feeling threatened, of you going back to that place. I’m sorry I never told you but I truly felt that you may not have handled it well.” Ethel‘s voice is filled with relief, like a weight has been lifted off her shoulders. No doubt keeping that a secret has been taking its toll on her.

  “Don’t apologize; I understand why you never told me, but why now?” Michelle doesn’t sound as though she’s angry, I’m not sure I’d be so forgiving if it were me in this situation. Although I get where Ethel is coming from. She witnessed Michelle’s last attempt at suicide, and that shit has to stay with you.

  “You’re different now, since meeting Trent, you’ve finally become the woman we knew you could be. I’m pleased you’re finally happy, and I’m sad your grandma May never got to see this side of you again.” Ethel’s eyes become glassy, and I glance toward Michelle, giving Ethel the time to compose herself. Although Michelle has watery eyes too. Damn it, they’re both on the verge of tears.

  “Why did you want to know about Slick Ric?” Ethel asks, and Michelle and I laugh, God, Slick Ric! That is definitely him, but he’s too slick for his own good, and that is exactly what has rubbed me the wrong way.

  “Ethel, since Trent has been here Ric’s been different. He went crazy because he believes I’ve told Trent things about my family that I hadn’t told anyone else.” I reach over and take her hand. “I hadn’t, and Trent knew nothing about Mom, Sebastian, and Grandma. He knew about Dad because they were incarcerated together which Ric knew because he did a background check on Trent when I told him that Trent was coming to live here.”

  “He’s a douchebag, babe. An asshole who gets off intimidating people, no doubt it’s why he loves being a cop. He gets to hide behind that fucking badge of his.” I glance at Mrs. Ethington. “Pardon my language, ma’am.”

  “Why are you so polite around everyone else but not me?” Michelle asks, causing me to stare at her in confusion. What does she mean I’m not polite to her? “You call Ethel, Agnes, and Maggie, ma’am, but you’ve never once called me that, you swear like a sailor in front of me with no apology.”

  “I don’t know. Maybe it’s because they’re older than me. I respect you a hell of a lot more than I do them, and that isn’t me being an asshole to Mrs. Ethington, because I respect her a hell of a lot more than I do my mom. You just mean more. I can be myself around you without feeling uncomfortable.”

  “Smooth talker,” Michelle says but she’s smiling as she squeezes my hand.

  “He is a smooth talker. Agnes said that the very first day she met him.” Ethel has a sinister smile. God, what is she up to? “In my day, you’d ask permission to date a lady.”

  Shit, she’s right. I can just imagine how the conversation with Dustin would go, he’d kill me right then and there. I look at Ethel, and see that she’s waiting on me to say something. It dawns on me that right now, Ethel is the only family that Michelle has. “Mrs. Ethington, may I please date your daughter.”

  Ethel hums in happiness. “Of course, I’ve warned you about hurting her.”

  “Yes ma’am,” I instantly reply.

  “Now back to what’s going on with Slick Ric?” Gone is the fun, happy Ethel. She’s serious and ready for war.

  “I think he followed me,” Michelle says quietly. “I mean, I feel as though he did, but I can’t be one hundred percent sure. He told me he’s digging deeper into both my and Trent’s background.”

  “He’s what?” Ethel demands. “That sonofabitch. How dare he! Ohhhh…” She’s up and out of her seat. “I’ve had enough. I’m calling my Peter.” Then she’s out her door and rushing toward the kitchen.

  “You got what you wanted, she’s calling Peter. He’s not going to let Ric do this.” Michelle starts rubbing her tattoo again. She’s on edge, and I hate that I’m part of the reason she’s stressed.

  “It’s going to be okay,” I murmur to her just as I hear Ethel’s voice. I can’t make out the words. I pull Michelle in closer to me. “Nothing’s going to happen.”

  “I know, but it doesn’t stop the worry. I just have a bad feeling that’s all,” she says softly, her head against my shoulder as we watch the door to the kitchen waiting for Mrs. Ethington to come out and tell us what’s happening. “Do you think Ric’s dangerous?”

  That’s a tough one. Yes, he’s aggressive, but I don’t believe he’d kill anyone. No, he’s too slick for that, he’s dangerous because he intimidates and manipulates people, those are the ones you have to look out for but I don’t want to tell Michelle that, it’ll only make her worse. “I doubt he’ll hurt anyone. Just be aware of your surroundings at all times.”

  She lets out a little laugh. “I’m crazy, I do that anyway.”

; “You’re not crazy babe, you’re being safe. That’s all you can ever be.”

  The kitchen door opens with a bang, and a smiling Ethel walks out. “My Peter isn’t going to let Slick Ric get away with his bully tactics. Peter’s getting his friend to dig into his background, as soon as he finds out anything he’ll call us.”

  Michelle’s shoulders droop. “That’s great, thank you Ethel.” Relief is evident in her voice.

  “Girly, don’t thank me. It’s the very least I can do, and I just wish I had done it sooner. We’re not the only ones who thinks there’s something off with that guy. It’s why he’s a loner, nobody trusts him.” Ethel tells us before she goes back into the kitchen.

  “I feel bad that we’re having him checked up on but I really am glad we’re doing it,” Michelle says as she pulls away from me, and I instantly miss the warmth of her. Her eyes shine bright with happiness.

  “You’re an enigma.” I say. I’m trying to work her out, but she confuses me. “One minute you’re so confident, the next you’re so unsure of yourself.”

  Her face falls at my words.

  “It’s not a bad thing. When I first saw you, you had no fear, you walked right up to me and spoke. We were outside a damn prison, and you struck up a conversation. Then the more I get to know you, I see the real you. The vulnerable woman who I want to wrap into my arms and protect. I love both sides to you.”

  “That’s because she’s comfortable enough around you to show you that vulnerable side.” Mrs. Ethington appears, a pitcher of iced tea and some glasses in her hands. “You have her trust Mr. Lawrence, that’s something very few people get. Don’t lose it.” Another warning, and I understand why I’m getting them, I just hope there comes a time when they aren’t needed. “Let’s have some tea. What are you two doing today?” She pours out three glasses and takes a seat. Michelle and I take a glass. “Any of you going into town?” There’s a hopeful tone to her voice.

  “I am, I have to go into town and get a few things.” My bank account is finally accessible and I don’t have a lot in there just a couple of hundred and I’m getting some plants and shit so I can do the front of the apartment complex. The plants that are out there are all wilted.

  “Oh, that’s great. It’s too damn hot out there for me but could you pick me up a few bits while you are there?”

  “Sure, just make a list of what you need and I’ll get them for you Mrs. Ethington.” The smile on her face tells me I’m going to regret saying that.

  “I’ll come with you. I need to get new laundry detergent and cleaning supplies. If that’s okay?” Michelle smiles. Why is it when I see her smile, I feel like I’m being sucker punched?

  “Like you even have to ask. I’ll enjoy the company. We’ll leave soon?” I ask, wanting to get in and out as quickly as possible.

  “Yes, we’ll have this tea and we’ll go. Mrs. Ethington there’s a delivery coming for Riccardo. If you could let them in and tell them which apartment to go to that would be great?” Shit, I forgot about Michelle having to get that jackass a new toilet until she just said it, but at least it’s being delivered today and she won’t have to worry about him.

  “Of course I will, I’ll even talk to them while they’re fitting it.” Ethel’s smile makes me want to hide. “If they’re hunks, I’ll be happy.” Oh God, why did I have to hear that?

  “Ethel, behave!” Michelle admonishes. “We’d better go, before Ethel gets her whips and chains out.”

  I stare in horror. Her whips and chains? I shiver in disgust. Ethel reminds me of my grandma, and I never want to know what she gets up to.

  “Geez, Shelly, he’s turned a shade of gray. Oh that reminds me, I need to do my re-read of my Fifty.”

  I stand up. I need to get out of here before I listen to anything else that will make me want to throw up. “Ethel, thank you for the tea and for listening. I had better go, I need to grab a few things before we go to town. If you could give your list to Michelle, we’ll be sure to get what you need.” I kiss her cheek and rush out of her apartment. I can hear their laughter as I race down the stairs.

  “You know that we were only joking don’t you?” Michelle asks as I park up outside the garden center.

  “I had kinda hoped that was the case.” I feel relief. God, I think I’m scarred for life though.

  “Trent, it shows that we really like you, that we can joke about and have fun. Ethel, Agnes, and I. We’ve not had that since Grandma died.” Sadness seeps into her voice when she talks about her grandma, anytime May is mentioned Michelle’s eyes hold so much pain. She’s still not come to terms with May’s death.

  Nodding, “You’ve brought me into your family, and I’m so grateful, it’s weird, you and Ethel have treated me better in the few days you’ve known me than I have been treated by my family in the past six years.” God, I hate my family, I’m glad that I haven’t seen them in six years, I hope it stays that way.

  “I’m sorry you had a shitty family Trent.” She reaches out and touches my hand. “But, because you did, it led you to me, and I can’t be sorry about that.” Damn, this woman. She’s making it hard not to fall for her.

  “I’m not the only one whose family is shit, but we don’t let them define who we are. Come on, let’s go find you some flowers.” I jump out of the truck, and she’s not far behind. “Thanks for letting me have the truck.” When she told me I could use the truck, she said it was old and no one was using it. That truck is in better condition than some cars I’ve seen.

  “You’re welcome, as I said, no one was using it. What do you need flowers for? You don’t seem like the horticultural type.”

  I feign hurt, placing my hand on my heart and gasping loudly. “Oh yeah, and what does the horticultural type look like?”

  We walk into the garden center, and she’s browsing, trying to find someone who matches the description she sees in her head. I make a beeline for the flowers and fertilizer.

  “There, him right there,” she almost shouts, and I glance at her, only to see that she’s pointing at some guy who is standing there minding his damn business. “He totally matches the look.” I turn to face him, and she’s actually right. Wearing a pair of wellington boots along with a jumpsuit, all he’s missing is a pair of gloves. “When you’re doing the gardening will you be wearing something like that?” The disdain in her voice makes me smile, along with the way she scrunches her nose up.

  “Nope, I’ve been in enough jumpsuits to last me a damn life time. Although I’m sure you’d look sexy wearing one. Wanna help?”

  Her face heats up. “Uh, no I’m good thank you, although I don’t know what it is you’re doing?”

  “You’ll find out later.” I wink and walk toward the hydrangeas.

  Twenty minutes later the back of the truck is full of flowers and fertilizer.

  “Where to next?” I ask as I put the truck in reverse.

  “Umm, we need to go to the store, we’ll get Ethel’s things along with the few bits I need.”

  “The store it is.” She giggles, and it sounds so carefree, I want her to be like that more often, it suits her.

  Pulling into the parking lot, I wonder if it’ll be an asshole move to stay in the truck? I glance around the lot and spot Riccardo’s car. What the hell is that asshole doing here? I thought he was at work? Hopping out of the truck, I’m not letting that jackass intimidate her again. He’s already done it twice this week, he won’t be getting another chance.

  Trent’s body tenses when his eyes land on Ric’s car. Damn, that guy is everywhere. Trent hops out of the truck, and I follow behind but I stop dead when I spot the black ’97 Chevy Tahoe. Shit, my mom’s here. Just what I need today.

  “Are you okay?” Trent asks, no doubt seeing the shock on my face, and me stopping dead didn’t help. “The color has drained from your face like you’ve seen a ghost.”

  I let out a giggle, it happens when I’m nervous. “That’s my mom’s car.” I point to the Chevy, and Trent’s jaw immediat
ely begins to grind. “Let’s just get this over with.” I reply.

  The heat of his hand reaches me just before he takes mine. I give it a squeeze, grateful for him being here. We walk into the store hand in hand, and I keep my eyes on the aisle in front of me, even though I can feel people staring at me right now, I don’t glance to see who it is. It can only be either Ric or my mom, and right now, I’m not sure which one is worse. I pull my lip between my teeth, loving the sting I get, that sting keeps me grounded.

  Using his thumb Trent pulls my lip gently from my teeth, releasing it from the hold I have on it. Gazing intently at me, he leans forward, his lips brushing the shell of my ear. “You’re okay, babe. You’re doing great.” I love when he whispers in my ear; it makes me feel protected, along with sending shivers down my spine. Having him so close and whispering to me makes me feel as though he’s got me. “That’s it, just smile.”

  I laugh.

  He smirks at me like I’m going crazy.

  “Grandma used to say ‘Shelly, fake it till you make it,’” I explain to him. God, I miss her and her craziness.

  “You don’t need to fake it, you’ve made it, and there’s nothing that’s going to bring you down.” His voice hard, he’s demanding it, and as much as I wish it were that easy, it just isn’t. There’s no rhyme or reason as to what can trigger me, and that’s something that I have had time to get used to, but Trent, he doesn’t understand that, and it will be hard for him to accept. He seems to think, if he says it, it automatically happens.

  We’re actually quick getting everything on the list, and thankfully we haven’t bumped into anyone either. I’m hoping that they’ve left. “Okay, we just need to get detergent, and then we’re done. Unless you need anything?” I ask him as we walk down the last aisle of the store.

  “No, I’m good, I don’t think I need anything.” He sounds distracted, but I continue on down the aisle wanting to get this detergent and get the hell out of here.


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