Finding Home

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Finding Home Page 9

by K. L. Humphreys

  “Michelle, oh I see that you’re with your employee.” That snide tone can only be one person. Ric. Why does he have to be such an asshole?

  “Ric, what happened to you? We used to be friends?” I try to be nice as possible but I’ve seen him in a different light, hell the guy broke into my apartment.

  His eyes widen as shock takes over his features. “We are friends.”

  Trent coughs and I want to kick him. “Why are you being mean?” God, I sound like a whiny child.

  His eyes downcast but then when he glances at me I notice something in his eyes. “I’m sorry, Michelle, I just feel as though I’m losing you.”

  Losing me? Is he for real? “You’re not.” God, saying that makes my skin crawl. I was never his to lose and the fact he thinks I was is just wrong. “I just wish you’d stop being so vindictive toward Trent.” Heat prickles my neck, it’s the tell-tale feeling that Trent’s staring at me. I’m not going to turn around because there’s no doubt he’s going to be pissed for me bringing him into this conversation.

  He shrugs, trying his best to act innocent. “I guess I just don’t share well.” My temper starts to rise as Ric tells me he doesn’t share. “I‘ve got to go. I’ve got to get back to the precinct.”

  “Bye,” I tell him as he retreats.

  “He’s a liar, you know that right?” Trent’s voice has gone gravelly and I stare at him, but his eyes are on the direction Ric just took. “He’s full of shit, he’s a creep.” His anger rising as is the redness in his face.

  I place my hand on his arm. “Yeah he is, I’m not his property.” Now I’m the one getting mad. Ugh, Ric sure knows how to piss us off. “Let’s get out of here.” I grab the detergent off the shelf and quickly move to the checkout.

  Just as we reach the truck, my name is called and my heart sinks. “Michelle.” The hatred in her voice makes me grit my teeth. I turn around and come face to face with my mom. “That’s your dad’s truck. Why do you have it?” she sneers at me as she gives Trent a once over.

  “It was Grandma’s.” I bite out. Why the hell did I come into town today?

  “It was your father’s! He gave it to his mom when he upgraded.”

  “So it was Grandma’s. What do you want, Mom?”

  Trent moves, and within seconds, he’s by my side.

  Mom doesn’t miss the way he rubs my arm or how he takes my hand and gives it a squeeze. “You landed on your feet didn’t you? You’re the reason Sebastian and I have nothing. Yet here you are, more money than you know what to do with and anything you could ever want. Not to mention the new man in your life.” The way she ogles Trent with lust in her eyes makes me want to pull him behind me and protect him. “You owe us, we need money.”

  I swallow past the lump in my throat. “How much?”

  Her face turns up in disgust. “I shouldn’t have to ask you for money. Your father shouldn’t be behind bars. He shouldn’t be doing time, you should,” she says, her voice full of venom and I try not to wince at her words as they hit home. It’s what I always think, my dad was protecting me.

  “Claire, how much?” I ask yet again, using her first name, something that feels foreign to me, I’ve never called her Claire and saying it now just sounds weird but it gives me what I want, and that’s for her to answer the damn question.

  “Fifteen grand,” she says in a challenge; she’s daring me to deny her.

  I have the money, that’s not the issue. What I find repulsive is the fact that she believes I owe her it. “What do you need it for?”

  She laughs, actually it’s more like a cackle. “You’re joking right?”

  “What do you need it for?” I reiterate, trying my hardest to stay cool, calm, and collected. Mom is the only person alive that can push me into my darkest moods.

  “To pay bills. What do you think I’m going to use the money for?”

  I bite my tongue, trying my hardest not to say on cosmetic surgery. That would only send her crazy. “Fine. I’ll sort it out.”

  Huffing she spins on her heels and walks away leaving me wanting to cry. Why is she such a bitch toward me? Yes, Dad’s in prison because of me, but if they had protected me from the beginning then none of this would have happened.

  “Are you okay?” Trent’s voice is low and wary as we get into the truck.

  “Yeah, I’m okay. I’m used to that by now. She’s never going to change and I have to accept that. It’s a lot harder said than done and even though she’s a bitch, there’s a big piece of me that wishes that she’d say ‘Michelle, I’ve treated you badly and I’m sorry.’ I’d forgive her in a heartbeat.” I’m so stupid, my mom is never going to change and to even hope that she does is foolish.

  “Michelle, she’s your mom at the end of the day, we’d all prefer if our families were like most portray, but they’re not and that’s nothing to do with who we are as people,” he tells me gently, and I can tell by that distant gaze he has that he’s remembering his own family. I’m not the only one with the fucked up family. He pulls out of the parking lot and I instantly start to relax, we’re getting away from my mom.

  “Are you going to see your family?” Having them not stick up for him when he needed them was bad, no doubt it would have hurt. I don’t get why parents don’t protect their kids or why they don’t back them when needed. Obviously, Trent stuck up for his sister when she needed it and his parents should have done the same and it’s a bad reflection on them, not Trent, that they didn’t.

  “No, I don’t want to see them but Maine isn’t big and I’ve no illusion that I’m never going to see them again. I guess it’s just a matter of time before I do.”

  “You’re so calm about it. Just the thought of seeing my mom again makes me break out in hives.” My fingernails begin to scrape the skin of my arm but his deep chuckle makes me stop, makes me start to believe that I’m normal, that I’m not the freak Mom sees or the possession that Ric believes I am. I’m just me.

  “It’s different. Your mom has a way of getting to you, she plays you because she can.” He shrugs, a soft smile on his face; he doesn’t want his words to hurt. “Whereas my family has no control over me. Yes, things would be better if we were all one big happy family but that’s never going to happen. So there’s no reason for me to fear meeting them.”

  His words hit me and I realize that he’s right. I’m giving her the power to affect me. I need to make some changes where my mom is concerned. I should book an appointment to see Dr. Sands. Maybe she can help me figure out what the hell has happened to me where Trent’s concerned, not that I’m looking to change things more like be able to be 100 percent comfortable with his touch. Along with helping me find a way to not have Mom affect me as much as she does.

  I’m quiet on the ride home, as I reflect on what the hell has happened in the past week. I mean I’ve found someone who I enjoy being around and then there’s Ric, he’s creepy and weird now, and I’m not sure how to adjust to that. I know that as soon as I’m home I’m cleaning my apartment, making sure that there are no hidden cameras and stuff. I’ve also learned that I’ve been neglecting those that truly matter; Ethel and Agnes have been major characters in my life. They’ve been behind me since the day Grandma brought me home to live here. They’ve helped and supported me through both of my lowest points in life and helped me come out the other end. That neglect needs to end. I really do need to start living, putting one foot in front of the other and taking it one day at a time. Instead of watching days pass me by, I want to accomplish something. I don’t want to wake up in twenty years’ time and wonder what the fuck happened. Asking myself what the hell I’ve been doing.

  Trent parks the truck and I thank him and walk into the complex. I need to call Dr. Sands and search my apartment.

  I have an appointment with Dr. Sands tomorrow; she asked loads of questions when I was on the phone and as soon as I mentioned Trent, she immediately wanted to see me. I wasn’t sure whether or not to laugh at how her voice raised an octave
when I told her we kissed. She’s worried and curious, as I’ve never showed interest in anything like this before. I searched through my apartment and found nothing, which was a huge relief. I’m more comfortable now that he’s not keeping an eye on me.

  I make a cup of coffee and grab a bottle of water out of the fridge and bring them outside. While I was on the phone to Dr. Sands, I watched as Trent dug up the flowers outside and started planting new ones. I’m so grateful because they were dying and in turn making the complex unkempt. Now when I go to rent the open apartment, it will be as my grandma always had it. Perfect.

  As soon as I open the door, my heart skips a beat and my belly flutters. Trent’s shirtless, sweat gleaming from his body. His chest is pale compared to his arms, he really needs to spend some time out in the sun working on getting rid of the paleness. My mouth dries as I take in the smoothness of his chest, but he has a trail of hair leading down from his belly button to his sweatpants; it makes me wonder if he shaves or waxes his chest. I can’t stop staring at his perfectly sculpted torso. He must sense me staring at him because his eyes instantly come to me and his beautiful smile graces his face. His whole torso and back are covered in tattoos and I can picture us in bed and me tracing every single one of them.

  “I brought you a drink, thought you could use it.” He takes the bottle and wastes no time drinking it down. I have to turn away and focus on the flowers, as I feel like I’m watching a porno, the way the sweat is glistening and the way he’s drinking, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallows it.

  “Thanks, I needed that. It’s a lot hotter than I thought it would be.” His eyes take in my appearance. Gone are my jeans and T-shirt. Now I’m wearing my short shorts and a vest top that’s a bit tight. “You okay now?”

  I nod, regretting that I kind of checked out on him in the car, I was reflective about how I need to change and that change is actually quite scary, and as much as I want to implement it, I’m not even sure about how to start it. “I’m getting there. Thank you for today, just being there helped me.”

  He takes the two steps that are separating us, and I’m in his arms, instantly safe and cocooned. He doesn’t say anything, just wraps me up in his arms and holds me.

  After a few moments, I pull away, his sweat soaking through onto my tank top. “You’ve done a great job, I was planning on hiring someone to come and fix it. My grandma loved gardening, it’s something I have no clue about.”

  “I don’t mind gardening. It’s something I’ve enjoyed. Besides, it beats being cooped up inside all day.” He shrugs as though it’s no big deal, but it is to me. He’s made me really happy and he has no idea he’s done so. “I’m almost finished, just need to plant the last few.”

  I mentally take stock of what I have in the pantry; nothing too special, damn it. I’m going to have to go back to the store. “Okay, I’ll leave you be. But make sure you’re at my apartment at seven. I’m cooking.”

  His eyes light up. “I’ll be right on time, you know I love your cooking.” Something behind me gains his attention and he nods in that direction.

  Following his gaze, I spin and see Maggie standing there, shifting from one foot to the other, and biting her bottom lip. “Sorry to interrupt, can I borrow Michelle?”

  I glance over my shoulder at Trent. “Seven?”

  He’s staring at Maggie with worry. “Seven.” He gives me a small smile before picking up the shovel.

  “Let’s go into my apartment.” I squeeze her hand as I pass her, she doesn’t say anything as we walk toward my apartment and I’m starting to worry. Maggie never usually wants to talk, the last time she did, Bryson had an asthma attack, and she couldn’t pay the bills. I’m not worried about that, I’m worried about Bryson.

  As soon as I close my apartment door, she speaks. “I don’t know what to do, I’m really worried Shelly.” Her voice is low, like she’s frightened of being overheard.

  “Is Bryson okay?” My mind is running wild considering all the things that could have happened to him. Did he have another asthma attack? Is he ill?

  Her eyes widen. “Oh, I’m sorry, yes Bryson’s okay, he’s currently with Agnes.”

  Relief surges through me. “Thank God. What’s going on?”

  She bites her lip again as she shifts from foot to foot. “I’m worried about Riccardo, he’s been acting strange and it’s scary.”

  Shit, what’s he done? “Scary?” I ask, why is it scary for her?

  “It was meant to be a secret, but Riccardo and I have been seeing each other. He didn’t want anyone to know, he’s a private guy and with us living so close we really didn’t want it to be a big thing.” He didn’t want it to be a big thing, I could hear the reluctance on the word we.

  “How long has it been going on?”

  She sighs. “Four months.” She’s in love with him. God, I hope he doesn’t hurt her. “I’m worried because he talks about you a lot. I mean constantly. It’s like he’s become obsessed, he’s become angry, bitter, and I’m scared for you Shelly.”

  “Me? What about you and Bryson?” I’m in shock. I know he’s changed but what Maggie’s saying is really worrisome.

  “We’ll be fine. Riccardo cooled things off and I’m honestly grateful. Yes I have feelings for him but Bryson’s safety comes first and I can’t have him around us.” She looks at her watch. “I better go and save Agnes. Thanks for listening.” She pulls me into a quick hug, as I open the door Ric’s just coming into the complex, his eyes on Maggie and I.

  “Thank you for helping me. I’m sorry for taking you away from Bryson.” I say it loud enough knowing that Ric is eavesdropping. “Hopefully, the Midol will help.”

  She smiles, relief clear to see in her eyes. “Off course, it always helps me at this time of the month.” Ric quickly rushes up the stairs, his feet pounding as he does. “Thanks Shel,” she tells me as she follows up the stairs after Ric, leaving me needing to call my attorney and see if there’s any legal way Ric can be evicted. Right now, after everything I’ve found out, I’m not secure with him here and I don’t trust him.

  As I exit my apartment, footsteps echo in the stairwell. When I’ve locked up, I turn to see Ric. A smug smile plays across his lips and I’d love nothing more than to smack it off his face.

  I head to Michelle’s apartment; his voice is an eerie whisper in the background. “Have a good night, Trance.”

  He’s not worth it.

  Turning, I call back, “Same to you, man.”

  He throws up a two fingered wave as he leaves.

  God, I hate that asshole.

  I’ve met the scum of the earth and none of them have gotten to me like Riccardo has. His smarmy smile and slick moves remind me of a sociopath. I should be able to spot one, I spent five years locked up with most of them.

  “Hey, you.” Michelle has a bright smile on her face as she opens the door, the past few days she’s really come out of her shell, she’s at ease around me and no matter how much I may want to touch her and kiss her, I can’t. I can’t do that until she’s ready, if she’s ever ready. “Hungry?”

  I take in her appearance. She’s not changed out of her white tank top and her red shorts. She looks phenomenal but whenever I stare at her she gets paranoid, she’ll turn her body slightly away from me. I’m taking my cues from her body language, I don’t want to push her too far too quick and have it blow up in my face. It sounds fucking stupid but I’m starting to get feelings for her. I never thought it was possible to happen this quick, but it has and I’m taking the bull by the horns. Michelle is one of a fucking kind and I’m not letting her slip through my fingers.

  “Starved,” I walk into her apartment and smell the food, it doesn’t smell like she’s cooked, it smells like she got takeout. I’m not complaining, anything’s better than Ramen Noodles. “Is Maggie okay?” Something about the way Maggie was behaving has put me on edge.

  Michelle sighs as we walk toward the sofa. “Dinner’s just warming. I’ll serve it in a bit.” S
he turns back to face me, apprehension written all over her face, “Maggie actually came to warn me about Ric.”

  “What’s that asshole done now?” I bite out, every time that fucker is mentioned or talks my temper rises, he’s up to something and I have no fucking idea what and that pisses me off.

  “Maggie said he’s obsessed with me, that he’s changed.” Michelle starts to rub her wrist again, I hate that she does that and now isn’t the time to ask why she does.

  I narrow my eyes. That’s all she’s saying? Fuck, there’s more to it than that.

  “Don’t say a word!” she warns me. “Maggie and Ric had a thing that has now ended, she’s scared a hell of a lot more than she’s letting on.” She sits on the sofa and pulls a pillow onto her lap. “I’m worried now.” I can see the anguish so clear in her eyes; her pupils are dilated and her hands are clutching that damn pillow like it’s her life line.

  Fuck, I sit down beside her and give her hand a squeeze, she clings onto my hand, and I don’t let go. “Michelle I’m not going to let that asshole hurt you.”

  She pats my hand as though she’s trying to placate me. “I know you won’t, but he’s a cop, he has power over us. Power he’ll no doubt use to make your life hell. He’s jealous of you and right now I believe if he was given the chance he’d do anything to get rid of you.”

  She’s right; he’s that much of an asshole he would love a chance to put my ass back in jail. “I won’t let that happen.”

  She ignores what I’ve just said. “I’ve spoken to my attorney and as we’ve no proof that he broke into my apartment. There’s no proof that any harassment has happened, I don’t really have any legal standing to lawfully evict him. He’s two months into his year-long lease. My attorney, Heller, is trying to find some sort of loophole.” Her eyes full of hope, “I regret giving him a new lease.”

  “You didn’t know that he’s a fucking douche. Until then, just keep out of his way.” Her keeping away from him isn’t going to help. The man is used to controlling everyone and everything and now Michelle is coming out of her shell he’s losing that control.


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