Book Read Free


Page 12

by Vera Sparks

  “So you guys think someone is selling out pack members?” Rosaline bristled.

  “It’s the only explanation. Percy said you guys would know if there was a vamp or someone not from here staking you out.”

  “How could they? This is their pack,” Rosaline snarled, and her eyes flashed yellow momentarily.

  “I don’t know,” I lied. I had an idea why, but I wasn’t going to lay all of my cards on the table by telling Rose and having her wolf out and go after Renae.

  “Any suspects?” she asked. “And I’m really sorry about the little girl. That’s so sick,” she added with a pained look.

  “We’ll help her. We just need to find her killer. And we had this gathering to draw any suspects out. We have one, but I can only tell Gene and Heather. We don’t want anything happening,” I said carefully.

  “You don’t trust me?” Rose pouted.

  “I do, I just don’t trust your protective pack instincts, I don’t want you going after them until we’ve investigated it thoroughly.”

  Rose looked miffed at first but then nodded. “I understand, ‘wolves are hotheaded. Mother always worried for my brother and I, how easily angered we were. Apparently werewolf children can be difficult, you get so many more worries than normal children.”

  “I can understand why she worried, so you can shift when you’re children?” I asked.

  “Yes. Into wolves. Only the first two children from a werewolf couple can turn into wolves, after that, they’re basically human with just heightened senses.”

  “Wow, I didn’t know that,” I murmured. How interesting. “How is Freya doing anyway? And your dad… Quinn,” I took a moment to pluck his name from my memories.

  “Mom’s asked about you, but I’ve been so caught up with my life here and the new pack I just hadn’t gotten around to getting in touch, sorry,” she gave me an apologetic look. “She’s good too, and Dad, they’ve moved closer down here, and I think they’re working out with our old pack if there is some way they can change and join this pack, as they know grandkids are on the horizon,” Rose chuckled.

  “Can they do that? And wait…are you?” I let the question hang.

  “No, God no, we’re still trying to get ourselves financially ready before we even try,” Rose chuckled and waved the suggestion off. “And it is possible for a treaty to be enacted and for my parents to shift packs. It’s just that they’ve been long time members of the Milwaukie pack and they’re hesitant. I’m sure it’ll go over smoothly and then they’ll be buying a house down the street from us.”

  “That’ll be great, having them so close, especially when you do have little ones,” I grinned. Children. I didn’t think that was something I could hope for any anymore. Not with how I was.

  “Speaking of, how about we head back and you can meet Dylan before the gathering finishes up. He’s heard about you, so I’m sure he’ll be glad to meet you.”

  “Of course, I’d love to meet him.”

  Rosaline led the way back into the bustling mass, and Alex spotted me instantly and drifted over.

  He tailed me as Rosaline led me to a small cluster of men laughing and downing bottles of beer.

  “Dylan! This is Ivy, my best friend from when we were kids,” Rosaline introduced me to the closest man.

  “Wow, so you’re the Ivy I’ve heard so much about,” Dylan stepped forward to give me a one armed embrace as he held his beer out. He smelt of motor oil and gasoline. He was a mechanic apparently.

  “Ignore his stink, he didn’t have time to shower after work,” Rosaline rolled her eyes but gave him a sweet peck on the lips.

  “Yeah, sorry, although not being a ‘wolf yourself must mean it’s not so bad,” Dylan grinned, his blue eyes lighting up. His mop of brown hair was a mess, and I smiled as Rosaline rubbed a black smear off his check as she tutted.

  It seemed almost all ‘wolves possessed athletic and lean builds, although there were the odd few with small beer guts or that resembled massive bouncers. Dylan was of average height and seemed of average build, although when he moved his abs showed through his tight shirt. Definitely an athletic one.

  I felt Alex hovering behind me and I rolled my eyes as I shifted my body to allow him to be part of the circle. Dylan’s eyes instantly flicked to him and his smile dropped. It seemed most ‘wolves really had something against vamps.

  “Rosaline, Dylan, this is my boss, Alex,” I introduced him.

  “Nice to meet you both,” Alex nodded; innately knowing that if he bothered offering a handshake it may not get accepted.

  Dylan nodded but glanced to Rosaline cautiously.

  “Relax, this whole thing where your kind hates my kind is getting to be frustrating at times. I’m only here to help out Percy,” Alex reassured him.

  “Our kind have never seen eye-to-eye, it’s hard to push past that,” Rosaline sighed.

  “But thank you, for wanting to help Percy,” Dylan added.

  The tension in the air eased a bit and I relaxed.

  “Anyway, Rosaline was my best friend when we were younger, turns out she was werewolf and I never knew it,” I turned to Alex, wanting to lighten the tone.

  The ‘wolves who had been chatting with Dylan had drifted away, not wanting to mingle with us.

  That was fine, although it did sting a bit.

  “I’m surprised you didn’t find out, Rose was hotheaded apparently,” Dylan smirked as Rosaline elbowed him playfully.

  “Interesting,” Alex nodded. I mentally begged him not to say he’d never heard of her. There were some things I didn’t bother sharing with him.

  “How’d you become friends anyway?” Dylan asked as he sipped his beer.

  “Well, my parents and I had just moved to Portland and Mom had gotten me enrolled in school. I was, what, maybe seven?” I glanced at Rosaline but she just shrugged. It was so long ago now. “Anyway, I got dropped off and I introduced myself in class when the teacher asked me to. Rosaline just came right on over and declared that she was going to be my first friend there,” I chuckled.

  “Wow, you did that?” Dylan laughed at Rose and she hit him gently.

  “Shut up, I was trying to be nice. We hit it off though,” Rose grinned. “And we were best friends right up until after your 18th birthday,” Rose’s smile faltered as she turned back to Dylan. “Ivy’s Mom died from cancer after that,” she murmured.

  “I’m so sorry to hear that,” Dylan’s face dropped.

  “Thanks, but it’s alright. It was just the way it was. I didn’t mean to push you away Rose, my life just went wrong after that. My dad bailed and I suddenly was renting a shitty apartment with an equally shitty boyfriend and trying to find a good job. Took me a few years before I applied for the job at Alex’s firm two years ago, and here I am,” I said.

  “Wow, sounds like you got yourself sorted, I don’t think many people would’ve managed that easily,” Dylan said.

  Alex watched me intently, and I knew he probably felt sorry for me. On the few dates we’d had, I hadn’t told him the full story of my parents.

  “So, Rose tells me you two got married and I can expect some children eventually to babysit?” I changed the topic.

  Dylan laughed as Rosaline shot me a shocked look.

  “Yes, we got married about a year ago, and we’re hoping for kids sometime in the next few years, I guess,” Dylan wrapped his arm around Rosaline’s shoulders and pulled her close.

  “We’re not rushing into it though,” Rose added on quickly.

  “I’m really happy for you Rose. I wish I would’ve reached out sooner,” I sighed.

  “Better late than never,” Dylan raised his beer at me before taking a swig.

  “Well I’ll have to drag Ivy away for now, but it was a pleasure to meet you both,” Alex stepped forward and nodded at the pair.

  “We’ll talk soon, have you got the same number still?” I asked Rose.

  “Yeah, same number, call anytime,” she gave me a warm smile.

sp; I waved goodbye as Alex dragged me away from the crowd.

  “I never knew about your parents, I’m sorry,” Alex said quietly.

  “It’s fine, I don’t talk about it much,” I brushed it off.

  He gave me a sympathetic look before focusing on the task at hand.

  “So, what’d you learn?”

  “Christian?” Heather frowned at me as we all sat in her living room.

  The gathering had gone on well into the night, but we’d all slipped away after saying our farewells to discuss what I’d learned. It could’ve only been about 1am, and a quick glance at the clock on the wall confirmed I was close. 12:43am.

  “I didn’t think we’d have someone betray us without a good enough reason, but why wouldn’t she just to come to us for help?” Gene’s brow furrowed as he held his beer tight.

  “Maybe she can’t,” Alex murmured. “Maybe they’ve threatened to kill the boy if she tries to get help.”

  “We should bring her over, ask her some questions. We know now, so we may as well get the whole story,” Gene murmured.

  “How’d you find this out anyway?” Heather asked.

  “I followed her. I guess she was too on edge to smell me or something,” I shrugged as I sipped my coffee Heather had brewed for all of us that still slept. I let her assume I did. Alex missed out.

  “I guess,” Heather murmured, but I could see the lines of doubt in her face as she eyed me carefully. They all knew there was more to me than met the eye.

  But I wasn’t ready to tell them. Or to tell Percy the truth about what I really was.

  “I’ll go pick her up, I’ll call Eva and Scott on the way. I don’t want her getting skittish,” Gene sighed as he set his half empty glass on the coffee table.

  “That’s probably best,” Heather agreed as she pinched her nose in frustration. This was turning into something bigger than we’d expected.

  Eva was the first through the door, her fiery red curls lighting up the room as she strode in with Renae in tow. She stood tall beside the shorter, slumped woman. Renae looked defeated and lost, and I felt for her as she rubbed her arms and averted her eyes.

  “Thanks for joining us,” Heather sighed as she set her coffee down, we’d waited patiently for twenty minutes for Gene to return, filling the silence with awkward conversation.

  Scott sauntered in with Gene, and the burly man’s large, lumberjack build shadowed the older man with him.

  “You sold me out,” Percy stated the fact, and the room fell into uneasy silence as he stood up.

  “I had no choice,” Renae’s eyes widened as she stepped back, cowering before him.

  “Who’s Christian?” Heather demanded an answer as she stood, and I could see her uncertainty as to what Percy would do.

  I doubted he’d harm the woman despite her involvement.

  “Christian?” Renae’s eyes flickered with fear and confusion as she looked around the room at all of us. There was nowhere she could go, no place to run or hide.

  “Who’s using him against you? We know you’re being blackmailed. Who’s the boy?” Alex sighed as he stepped forward, as if his vampire presence would hasten things to their completion.

  “You know…” Renae murmured as she stared down at her feet.

  “Yes, we know. We have our ways, now can you tell us what’s going on?” Alex urged her to answer the questions.

  “Christian is my son,” Renae sighed in defeat.

  “Your son?” Heather gave her a confused look as she stepped over to guide the small woman to the couch.

  “Yes, it was a stupid mistake a few years ago, I was young and naïve,” Renae muttered.

  She still looked young, in her early twenties.

  “Not Christian, I mean. He wasn’t a mistake; he is the most perfect thing I’ve ever seen. But his father was a mistake,” Renae shook her head.

  I faced her as she sat on the couch beside me, watching her with interest.

  So he was her son. That made sense as to why she was sacrificing so much.

  “Who’s his father?” Percy asked as he crossed his arms, his anger simmering down at this information.

  “Not someone in the pack. An outsider, a coyote shifter I met while at college. He was sweet at first, but once I was pregnant, everything changed,” Renae fiddled with her hands as she kept her eyes low.

  “Coyote shifters, damn, what were you thinking,” Percy muttered.

  I sensed there was some known prejudice about coyote shifters that I was unaware of.

  “What happened?” Heather glared at him quickly before focusing back on Renae as she gently touched her arm.

  Renae stared at the comforting hand, and her lip trembled as she finally looked at Heather.

  “I’m so sorry,” she broke down, her body trembling as she began to weep.

  “Shh, it’s okay, you just need to tell us everything. We want to help,” Heather murmured as she stroked the young woman’s hair as Renae cried into her shoulder.

  “He kept me from seeing everyone, so no one would know I was pregnant. I told everyone I was busy with my studies,” she sobbed. “Then as soon as Christian was born, he took him away. He became horrible and nasty, threatening me and my boy,” Renae choked.

  “He wanted you to give up the pack, sell us out as fighters,” Percy muttered.

  Renae sobbed as Heather comforted her, and it took the young woman a few moments to pull herself together enough to turn and face Percy with tears streaking down her face.

  “He said if I didn’t, Christian would die. I barely even got to hold my son before they took him from me,” Renae sniffled as she wiped harshly at her eyes.

  “The fighters they took, they’re probably dead, you know that?” Percy hissed as he balled his fists.

  Renae averted her eyes as she pursed her lips and nodded as tears trailed down her cheeks.

  “I know, and I’m so sorry,” she choked. “What was I meant to do?”

  “Sorry won’t bring them back,” Percy growled.

  “Percy, I think we should go outside,” Gene murmured as he rested a hand on Percy’s shoulder.

  Percy looked ready to shrug him off and go against him, but he decided against it and let the older man take him outside.

  “I know I will be punished. I understand that, but please, don’t let him kill my son, he’s just a baby,” Renae begged Heather.

  “We’ll do our best to find him. He’s still part ‘wolf, so he’s part of our pack now. Who is his father?” Heather asked softly.

  “His name is Derek Pearse, blue eyes, brown hair. Same build as Percy I guess,” Renae shrugged as she played with her hands nervously.

  “Pearse, I know that name,” Alex murmured as he frowned.

  “You do?” Heather gave him a mildly shocked look.

  Eva and Scott had moved to stand near the armchair Heather had originally occupied as they listened quietly to the whole thing.

  “Yeah, he was part of a group of shifters I once worked a minor case against. Borrowed money between shifters thing, you know how they can be. It got settled, but that’s not the point. I should still have addresses and everything on file, and they had a particular place they liked to hang out,” Alex smirked.

  “Well, then we start there,” Scott spoke up for the first time.

  “Can we get there before dawn?” Gene asked as he glanced at the clock.

  “If I’m right, it’s only a 45 minute to an hour drive from here. Plenty of night hours left,” Alex answered.

  “We can’t leave the pack unprotected, Gene will go with you Alex. Scott, Eva, you two go as well, and Percy too. I’ll stay here with Renae,” Heather instructed everyone.

  “What?” Renae gave her a bewildered look, but a sharp look from Heather had her quiet.

  “They’ll bring your son home, but you are to stay here. The crimes you’ve committed against the pack aren’t without consequence,” Heather stated.

  “I know,” Renae nodded before looking to Ale
x. Trusting a vampire didn’t seem like an easy thing for many werewolves, but she swallowed her pride as she nodded at him. “Please bring my baby boy back.”

  “We’ll do our best,” Alex said as he looked to me and the two other weres’.

  I set my empty coffee mug down on the coffee table as I stood up.

  Time to hunt down some shifters.


  “When are you going to tell them the truth about what you are?” Alex asked as I sat in the passenger seat.

  Gene drove behind us with the other weres’ while Alex drove with me.

  We’d called into the office and he’d quickly found the addresses for the shifters, and he settled on one set out in the woods, away from the bustling city and midway to Cottage Grove.

  “I don’t think it’s relevant,” I answered as I stared out the window at the darkened sky.

  “They deserve to know, especially Percy, if you two are… whatever,” Alex muttered.

  “I doubt they’ll look at me the same way. I’m dead, Alex. That’s not exactly normal,” I sighed.

  “I’m dead,” Alex shrugged.

  “That’s different, they know what you are, they’ve lived with your kind for years. And they hate your kind.”

  “Centuries. But I see your point. So, what’s the deal with you and Percy?” Alex abruptly changed the topic.

  “What’s it got to do with you?” I groaned as I turned to look at him.

  “Nothing,” Alex said defensively as his shoulders went up.

  “Well, then, stop asking, it’s my life,” I rolled my eyes.

  “I just want what’s best for you.”

  I didn’t respond as I kept my attention out the window.

  I should’ve driven myself.

  “Do you remember that dinner at Ricora’s Restaurant? The Italian place?” he asked.

  “Yeah, God, their food was amazing,” I breathed as I remembered the rich Italian pasta and sauces.


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