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REIGN (Crown Book 2)

Page 6

by Tallulah Bell

  “We need to stand together and take this threat out. We can’t do this alone.” Elijah said. I waited patiently for all the questions to start flying.

  “Why should we help her?”

  “We heard she killed King Richard”

  “Why is there a war to begin with? Why now as soon as she becomes Queen is there a war out our footsteps?”

  “What had she done to cause this war?”

  “SILENCE” I yelled loudly. I saw the flinches on everybody's faces.

  “My true mate Alpha Jason is against this Kingdom with many others who we haven’t discovered yet. But heed my warning we will. And it won’t be pleasant, that I can promise. Alpha Jason already claimed a mate. That is the reason Alpha Elijah is my mate. My second chance mate. I was confused when all this started out. I thought my true mate passed away. Alpha Elijah is my one and only mate. The mate I chose. The mate I love.” I stopped and looked around at the Alphas and Luna's present.

  “King Richard, murdered my father in cold blood as well as the woman who raised me. He held a child captive in a cell, beaten and bloody. Then he did that to YOUR QUEEN. He made sure to hide her scent. She was beaten everyday. I saw for my very eyes after he kidnapped Alpha Elijah’s daughter Lilian. An innocent child to get to me. He wanted me. He took someone from me. Someone from my wolf. There was no way I would allow that. I gave myself up for her safety. I didn’t care about what they were going to do to me. I only thought about her. So I did what any person would. He was nothing but a worthless coward and I am done talking about him.” I said before sitting right back down and continuing eating as if nothing happened.

  “What do you need us to do?” was asked by the person everybody least expected. Alpha Orion.

  “We need you on the lookout. We need to be prepared for this war. If you are not willing to fight with us. Tell us now. Training will take place. It is important to all be on the same page. We will send the best warriors to train with your packs. We need you all to have our backs as we would yours” Elijah said while I continued to look at the faces of everyone in the room. “If this wasn’t important, I would never ask for your help. But this is my family. My daughter. My mate. And her our Kingdom. All of our Kingdom.”

  I saw some skepticism on many faces around the room. Some showed anger in their eyes, while others showed understanding. I kept their faces in memory, those of which I suspect of not standing with us.

  The first to stand and pledge to fight with us was Alpha Orion. “The Midnight Blood Pack will fight”

  “The Rivercrest Pack will fight”

  “The Blue Moon Pack will fight”

  “The Shadow Pack will fight”

  One by one 40 of the Alphas around the table stood tall, saying they are willing to fight. The couple of women I saw earlier showed me hatred. Quickly elbowed their mates. Who then rises and says they will fight. By now all 50 Alphas have said they are willing to fight with this throne.

  Once I finished eating, I leaned over to whisper to Elijah “I’m going to check on Lilian and Adira” I saw him nod. “Excuse me” I said to the Alphas around the table, my eyes landing on Alpha Orion who shook off what looked like anger; before walking away and up the stairs.

  “Lilian, Adira” I yelled before continuing to walk to Lilians room. “E” Lilian jumped off the bed and ran to me. “I met a big scary man, he was so nice. I’m going to marry that man E”

  Chapter 20

  “What man?” I asked even though I had an idea of what man she was talking about. There is only one that it could’ve been. Alpha Orion.

  “Malachai, he was so beautiful” she said as her eyes starred over. Like she was dreaming. I looked towards Adira who shook her head laughing.

  Who’s Malachai? I thought to myself. That must be Alpha Orion’s first name. Not many know his first name. So why did he tell a small child his name? He doesn’t let anyone call him by his first name.

  “Whatever you say baby girl” I said laughing before saying “Y’all want to go outside and play?” really wanting to get out of the house. Being surrounded by all those Alphas is quite unsettling. I can’t seem to trust many of them to be on our side. There are only two that I could fully trust oddly enough. One being Mason of course. But the other one was the most shocking. Alpha Orion. I trust him, that his pack is fighting with us. And that is saying a lot.

  The girls both ran down the stairs. I wanted to go to Sydney’s room but didn’t want to bother her. She didn’t want to be around all the Alphas tonight. I made my way down the stairs after them.

  Lilian was giggling at something Adira had whispered. I shook my head with a huge smile on my face. I am glad they are getting along so well. I can’t let Adira be without parents. She is still a child in the end.

  “Come on Momma” Lilian yelled which shocked me. She has never called me momma before. I couldn’t help but the water works started and I couldn’t seem to stop them. Lilian must have noticed because she turned around to me and made her way towards me with tears starting to stream down her face as well. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you cry I just thought..” she says hugging me.

  “No sweetie it's not that. It's just you’ve never called me that before and me and my wolf are both in an over emotional state right now” I said hugging her tightly.

  “So I can call you momma?” she asked so innocently, pulling away from me slowly to look at my no doubt red face.

  “Yes baby you can call me momma” kissing her head. I was so happy my hands started glowing.

  “Your….” Adira ran up to me grabbing one of my hands while Lilian grabbed the other. “WOW” they both said, staring wildly at my hands. None of us notice the shadow standing in the doorway. That was until someone cleared their voice.

  He briefly looked at me before looking at Lilian. I know that look. He turned away quickly not wanting me to know. But it was too late.

  “Girls get Uncle Mason to watch you while you play. They jumped away from me. Lilian still only had eyes for the big man standing in the doorway.

  “Malachai” she said running up to Alpha Orion and wrapping her small arms around his waist. I went to pull her away only to stop when he bent down to her level and hugged her.

  He was being so gentle with her it truly shocked me. My wolf was on edge though. Preparing to fight for our pup. Anything can set her off when it comes to Lilians safety. This is the biggest and most harshest Alpha.

  “Sweeting go with Adira” I said softly trying to pull her away from Alpha Orion who growled at me. Only to cause my wolf to growl back 10 times harsher.

  “But Momma, I’m going to marry him” She still hugged him but her face turned towards me. Any other circumstance and I would have laughed at her silliness but I couldn't in this moment.

  “Now” I said. Pulling her off him finally as his arms fell back to him. “Go,” I said, pointing to the area where Adira still stands patiently waiting for Lilian. She quickly turned back to Orion and ran up to him pressing a gentle kiss on his cheek. And running away with Adira. Shock was the only emotion on his normally stoic face.

  “We need to talk” I said quietly, “Let’s go to the office” not giving him a chance to back out. I made my way to the upstairs office. I kept walking when I realized the brute is still following me. Once getting to the door I quickly walked in and waited for him to sit down before shutting the door. I went behind the desk to press the lock on the door. This room is soundproof so I don’t have to worry about that.

  “Is she your mate?” I asked him then I make my way to the seat next to him in front of the desk. He didn’t say anything at first just thinking.

  “She is,” he said, looking up at me. I didn’t expect him to actually tell me. He is the most private man there is.

  Chapter 21

  “She’s a child” I said stating a fact.

  “I’m well aware” he replied back as if we were talking about the simplest thing there is.

  “She is not ready for a
mate. Elijah will never let you have her.” I said getting angry. I can’t help but too. With all the emotion following through my body I have an excuse and a good one at that. I placed my hand on my slowly growing belly. If you look closely you can see the bump but if you didn’t know then you wouldn’t see it, you’d just think I was a little pudgy.

  “You’re expecting” He said looking at where my hand lays on my stomach. I just nodded. “I’m not going to take her, Queen Estelle. She is my mate but she deserves more than me. I never thought I was going to have a mate. I’m 26. I would’ve already found her by now. But then there she was.” he said stopping smiling a quick smile before it went away and his stoic face came back.

  “I don’t know how to go about this. I won’t take her now. She is still a child but as soon as she is an adult she is mine.” he stated that like she was a toy that way his.

  “It’s her decision in the end” was all I could say. “We better head back down before The Alphas start to get antsy. Including Elijah and he is not a patient man. He is very possessive over what is his” I said laughing softly.

  “Let’s go Momma” he said softly that I didn’t expect it. He reached over the desk and pressed the unlock button.

  “You know you are going to have to talk to him right. She is his daughter.” I said as we walked out of the room.

  “Can’t wait,” he said, shaking his head which only caused me to laugh. I didn’t expect him to sound so sarcastic. That I couldn’t not laugh.

  Once we made it to the first floor. Elijah was waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs. The dark look in his eyes when he realized that Alpha Orion was upstairs with me alone. He growled loudly. I patted Alpha Orion's arm as a way to tell him to go back to the dining room.

  “Elijah,” I said, dragging his attention away from Alpha Orion as he walks away.

  “Why” was all he asked, pulling me into his arms. I shook my head but let him hold me. It was calming his wolf. My wolf just snickered in amusement. He was jealous of Alpha Orion who is Lilians mate. I couldn’t help but laugh. Though he doesn’t know that little speck of information yet. He will soon.

  “We had to speak about something important. He will tell you soon. All I know is you’re not going to like it.” I said placing a chaste kiss on his lips.

  “Let's go back now,” he said, grabbing my hand. “Wait where is Adira and Lilian?” I asked.

  “Mason is chasing them out back,” he said laughing. Mason can be a little childish. While I was staying at Elijah’s pack, Mason got close to Lilian so she started calling him Uncle Mason. That made me smile.

  “He is going to be our biggest and strongest ally.” I said smiling. “I watch their faces, as you spoke. There are multiple Alphas that I couldn't read but some that I could right off the bat” I mindlinked as we walked into the dining room while everyone was talking amongst themselves.

  “If you want to stay the night you are more than welcome. But if you rather go home you can as well. We have rooms set up and available for your usage.” Elijah said standing tall. A true King. He will be a great King and an excellent father.

  Chapter 22

  After Elijah dismissed the Alphas and Luna’s almost all decided to go home. We figured that would happen. The meeting adjourned earlier than expected. We expected more of a fight and that it would take more convincing.

  The only Alpha’s left include Mason, Malachai, Landon, Felix, Lucias, Kai, Stellan, Cassian, Ezra, and Kylo. I smiled when they all walked back into the castle after all the others left.

  I could see Malachai, Lucias, Cassian, Kylo, and Kai talking amongst themselves. Landon, Felix, and Stellan were talking amongst themselves as well only to be dragged into Malachai conversation. “Shall I show you to your rooms?” I asked about breaking up their conversations. All of them nodded.

  “Follow me,” I said, leading them up the stairs to the first set of rooms. One by one they walked to the open doors. “Please let the staff know if you need anything,” I said, turning to walk away when Malachai stopped me.

  “Can I see her?” he asked quietly, trying not to let anyone else hear. I wanted to say yes so bad but first he must tell Elijah otherwise it's not going to be pretty. Blood would definitely be shed.

  “Have you told Elijah?” I asked. When he just shook his head. I replied “Let me get Elijah in our bedroom then you can go see her” I said that knowing how mates react. He just found her. He is fighting his wolf who always wants to be around her.

  I saw a small smile grace his face before he said “thank you” I turned around and walked away. I walked up the rest of the way to the top floor where our quarters were. I walked straight to Lilian’s room. Where she was sitting on her bed, looking at the flower in her hands.

  “Where’s Adira?” I asked softly, nearly startling her. She looked up, laughed then said “Sleeping with Queen Sydney” I was shocked. Does she not sleep in her own room? But that's something to deal with later.

  “Malachai is coming to see you, he wants to say goodnight” I said leaning over and kissing her head. “REALLY” she said jumping up and down.

  “Calm down, can’t let daddy know can we?” I laughed quietly. She rapidly shook her head no. “Thought so” I said before making my way back to the door “You tell me if he hurts you” I said being precautious. I still don’t know his intentions.

  “I would never hurt her,” MalachaI said, coming out of the shadows. “Didn’t I tell you to wait?” I said shaking my head before opening her door and letting him in. “The door stays open” I walked to the end of the hall where me and Elijah sleep.

  Opening the door and quickly shutting it quickly. I looked around the room and couldn’t find him anywhere. That's when I took notice of the water running. He is taking a shower. Harley whispered in my head “we should shower with our mate”

  I thought about it and said why not. I undressed at a fast pace. Before walking into the walk in shower that was so steamed up with fog he never realized it till I ran my hands along his back.

  Chapter 23


  After E left the room, the door opened right back up. I heard E say “the door stays open” before I heard her footsteps walking away.

  “Hi sweetheart,” MalachaI said, coming into the room. “I brought you a flower” I said reaching my hand out showing him the small flower.

  “Thank you,” he said quietly, taking the flower from my hand. He sat down on my bed. “Do you wanna watch a movie” I asked but he only shook his head.

  “How old are you?” he asked, not looking at me but at the flower I gave him in his hands. “5” I lifted up my hands to show him. That brought a smile to his face. Causing me to smile. “I’ll be 6 in 2 months” smiling even wider.

  “That’s nice, I better get back to my room. Good Night Sweet Lilian” He said before getting up from my bed and going out the door. Quietly shutting it behind him. I threw myself back on the bed sighing to myself.


  After leaving her room, I couldn’t just go back to mine for the night. I needed a run. My wolf needed this. It's extremely hard not to have our mate. But he knows we must wait. I went down the stairs and out the back before ripping off my clothes and transforming into my Black Wolf with silver spots on my paws.

  I ran for hours. I couldn’t tell you how long I was out there. Soon the sun started rising, letting me know it's time to get back. I have to keep my mind off the little girl upstairs. When I heard her say she was going to marry me when she was big, I couldn’t stop the smile that graced my face. Little did she know that's exactly what she will be doing.

  Once she is 18, she is mine. I will come and collect her. Whether Elijah and Estelle give me permission or not. 12 Years is a long time to wait for my mate. But I’ve been waiting 10 years prior so what's another 12 years right. I thought. I deep growl echoed in my head letting me know my wolf didn’t like the idea of waiting another 12 years. But I didn’t like it either.

ter 24

  When I woke up this morning, I leaned over, only to realize Elijah wasn’t there. Figures. He always gets up before me and is out of bed. My stomach rumbled letting me know the baby and I were hungry. Welp breakfast is first.

  I quickly dressed before making my way down the stairs and into the kitchen. Where was everybody? I thought to myself. As soon I was going to walk out of the kitchen to go looking for everybody Sydney makes her way to the coffee pot and gets herself a cup.

  “Good morning dear, How did you sleep?” she asks, sipping her steaming cup of coffee.

  “I slept well, with all that is going on. Now I’m starving. I’m going to make breakfast, do you want anything?” I asked Sydney, forgetting about everybody missing from the room and focussed on breakfast.

  “Depends what you are making” She replied smiling before climbing off the stool she was sitting on and coming around the counter to help. “You should sit down, How about I make you breakfast instead?” I stood there before nodding.

  “Thank you” I climbed onto the stool she once occupied and watched as she grabbed things from the fridge and the pantry. “Whatcha making?” I asked where I saw multiple things spread out on the beautiful white marble countertops.

  “Breakfast burritos, How does that sound?” As soon as she said that my stomach growled loudly once again. “I take that as it sounds good” chuckling white putting the sausage in the pan, breaking it up into tiny pieces. Then she moved on to the bacon. In the cast iron skillet she seperated the slices of bacon and placed them into the warm skillet.

  “How are you feeling about eggs dear?” she said walking to the fridge and stopping before turning to me.

  “So far, I’m okay with them. But I can only have a little bit at a time otherwise it upsets the baby” I said rubbing my growing tummy.


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