His Second Chance

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His Second Chance Page 6

by Marie Medina

  “You all have unusual names.”

  Rollo smiled. “They come from old legends. My mother’s fond of them. I’m just glad mine is the easiest to spell.” He knelt down beside Petyr. “How did it go?”

  “We talked, and I’m glad we did. The air needed to be cleared. We can’t go back to how we were, but I think we can see each other without any issue. He’s promised to take news to everyone at home.”

  “He’s relieved, I’m sure, to know you’ll be all right soon.”

  Petyr nodded slowly. “Now that I’ve decided, seems stupid to put it off. What if I take another bad turn and don’t wake up?”

  “My thoughts exactly.”

  “Is tonight too soon?”

  Rollo almost laughed because the question sounded genuine. “This very moment isn’t too soon for me, but yes, tonight would be fine.” He hesitated when Petyr didn’t look at him. “Do you have any questions?”

  “Don’t know. I’m told it doesn’t hurt.”

  “I believe that’s true. Endorphins kick in. Adrenalin. Other things.”

  Petyr glanced up. “Arousal?”

  “Well, yes. But me turning you doesn’t mean we have to have sex. Doesn’t mean we have to touch at all. And it won’t mean we’re together.”

  “We felt pretty together last night.”

  Rollo liked that Petyr kept bringing it up, but he didn’t want to read too much into it. “I agree. But I’m trying not to pressure you, trying to be patient.”

  Petyr inched closer to him. “You said you’re tired of regrets. Maybe instead of hesitating because you’re scared of doing something wrong you should just make it clear what you want.”

  “That an invitation?”

  Petyr blinked a couple of times and said, “Depends on what you mean by invitation.”

  “To tell you how I feel.” He nodded to the children with a smile. “Not to pin you to the rug this very moment. There’s time enough later. When there’s no audience.”

  “I think I know how you feel, but … I’d still like to hear it.”

  All the words Rollo had been making an enormous effort to keep from saying suddenly evaporated. He looked down at the floor a moment, but then Adam threw a toy at him. He stared down at it before handing it back over, and then he turned to Petyr. “I want you in my life. All three of you. I’m completely in love with them and already falling very hard for you. I want you at my side running this place. Tackling new challenges and adventures. And I want your story told. It’s sad but beautiful. Second chances rising from the ashes of tragedy. I think you could change things. Change people’s minds. And I’d like to see you do it. Be by your side.”

  He reached over and ran his fingers into Petyr’s hair, pulling him closer. “I want to touch you every moment you’re close enough for me to do so.” He drew Petyr into a kiss, not only because he wanted to but also because Petyr looked so stunned that Rollo thought he might need a moment to gather himself.

  Petyr returned the kiss after a few seconds, and it went on until a squeal from Ellie made them both look up. They laughed when they saw that she was waving a toy in one hand and didn’t seem to need anything but for their focus to be on her. The toy quickly went into her mouth, and she concentrated on it as if she hadn’t wanted their attention at all.

  “Then tonight it is,” Petyr said.

  Rollo let his hand slide down Petyr’s arm to grasp his hand. “You should think about what you want.”

  “What I want?”

  “I could make assumptions after last night, but we should talk about it.”

  Petyr looked down at their joined hands. “Can we just let it happen naturally? I think I’m as ready as I’ll ever be, but maybe we see how it goes?”

  “We could do that, yes,” Rollo said. Petyr not immediately saying there was anything he didn’t want to happen had Rollo’s heart racing. Though he knew he shouldn’t get his hopes up, it seemed likely he’d get to make love to his mate tonight. To keep himself from getting lost in a myriad of fantasies about what that might be like, he rose and went over to the table. “I have a bit of news, actually. Something that may interest you.”

  “What?” Petyr said, rising and coming over.

  Rollo held out a letter, and Petyr took it. “Sometime next month, the king will be in this area. He’ll be staying here for a few days. We’ll have many opportunities to spend time with him. Perhaps you could tell your story. How you feel. I plan to tell him a little about you when I write back. I have to confirm the plans with his steward, but I usually enclose a little personal note as well.”

  “You and the king are friends?”

  “Not close friends, but he always stays here a few nights when he’s in the area.”

  “I wouldn’t know what to say.”

  “Often you only need to introduce the topic. Jareth takes over quite quickly, and you’ll find yourself simply telling him things and answering his questions.” Rollo paused. “I told him about you the last time he was here. He was very kind. Sympathetic. His own fated mate died a long time ago. He’ll be happy to hear we’re getting another chance.”

  “He and Julianna aren’t fated mates? I guess I never paid much attention in school.”

  “Jareth’s fated mate drowned. Julianna lost hers as well, though I can’t remember how. Jareth’s older brother had the Dissolution, and Jareth met the queen as he tried to find his brother’s fated mate.” Petyr handed the letter back, and Rollo folded it. “It’s the only disease that a vampire can get, and the only possible cure is their mate’s blood. It’s not a complete certainty, but if the vampire’s mate can be found, the vampire will usually recover.”

  “Then the king might be open to my ideas. It’s not the same, but if he worked so hard to save his brother…” Petyr trailed off. “I’ve never heard the king’s brother mentioned.”

  “That’s because he’s been dead for centuries. They didn’t find his mate, and he died.”

  “I won’t pretend not to be terrified, but if there’s a chance he’ll listen to me, I’ll try. Helen said you have an extensive library. I’d like to do some research. Really know what I’m talking about.” He sighed. “I’m sure you’ve noticed I’m a bit clueless about vampires. History. Pretty much everything besides carpentry.”

  “Nothing wrong with that. Education is what you make of it, and if you’re not interested, you aren’t that likely to do much with it. Did you stay in school until you were eighteen?”

  “No. Left when I was sixteen. I’d already been an apprentice for two years, and I was very good at it. There was so much work I didn’t see the point spending my days in school.”

  “Your parents had already passed?”

  “Yes. I forgot I’d already told you about them.” Petyr tilted his head. “How do you remember all the things we talked about so well? I remember some things from when we met, but it’s been a year and a half.”

  “I’d been waiting to meet my mate for years. I wanted to know everything, so I was paying close attention.”

  Petyr smiled shyly. “I hope you’re willing to help me prepare. Presenting my ideas on anything to the king is the last thing I ever thought I’d be doing.”

  “There’s plenty of time. And I’ll help all I can.” He glanced to the children. “Dinner again tonight? I suppose we should secure Helen’s services as babysitter. I’m sure everyone will be relieved by the news.”

  Petyr started to speak, but then he stopped, his cheeks going red.

  Rollo laughed. “I’m sure they’ll be more focused on you allowing me to turn you. It’s not like I’m going to go downstairs and shout across the kitchen that I need her to watch the children so we can have sex.”

  “But everyone will know that’s what’s probably happening.”

  “Welcome to my world. How do you think it feels to spend your entire life worrying your eye color will give away how you feel? It’s damned awkward at times.”

  “Your eyes are blue right now. You’re h

  Rollo drew him close. “Of course I am. My mate is going to live, and regardless of how far we go, I’m going to get to touch him tonight. How could I not be happy?”

  When Petyr didn’t reply, Rollo asked, “What’s wrong?”

  “Guess I’m a little nervous.”

  “You shouldn’t be, but I understand.”


  “Yes. I’m nervous, too. I want it to be perfect.”

  “I doubt that’s possible.”

  Rollo brushed their lips together. “Won’t stop me trying.” He turned to go find Helen, glancing back to notice the slight smile curving Petyr’s lips as he turned back to the children.


  Petyr kissed the children one more time before turning away and following Rollo upstairs. He appreciated how everyone seemed to be making a point of not looking at them, but it did make him wonder if Rollo had instructed them to do that. Yet what could he do? Even if the vampire wasn’t particularly important or influential, people paid attention to him and his affairs. Turning his sick mate after a long separation would be pretty big news, and Petyr imagined it would spread to the village soon. Everyone in his own village would know as well once Jonah returned home. Would people wish him well? Or would some speculate on how long it would last, as they had when his and Nora’s wedding had been rescheduled so soon after its initial cancellation?

  “You all right?” Rollo asked.

  Petyr realized they’d made it to Rollo’s bedroom, and he felt bad for getting lost in his own thoughts. “Yes. Just thinking. Overthinking, maybe.”

  “Perhaps I can help with that.”

  Rollo drew him close and kissed him. The embrace went from gentle to hungry soon enough when Petyr returned it, wanting to get lost in the feel of the other man. Now wasn’t the time to be tentative and worried—he wanted to be touched, and memories from the night before had his cock hardening already.

  Their shirts hit the floor at some point. Petyr wasn’t even sure if they’d removed them themselves or taken them off each other. Things slowed down a bit once they made it to the bed, their boots discarded haphazardly as Petyr’s back hit the mattress and Rollo scooted him up to the pillows.

  The vampire looked down at him, his fingers caressing Petyr’s cheek and neck. “Still nervous?” Rollo asked.

  “Yeah, but excited, too.” Petyr turned his head a little. “Think instinct is kicking in, though.”

  Rollo kissed his neck and whispered, “Just you wait.” He licked Petyr’s pulse point repeatedly until Petyr moaned, and then he finally bit Petyr’s neck.

  Petyr gasped as his body responded. He’d hardly felt Rollo’s fangs at all, and pleasure rippled from the spot where Rollo’s mouth had latched to him. His cock ached, and he tried to pull Rollo over him more, arching up to rub against him.

  A moan came from the vampire.

  Petyr blinked through a haze when he felt Rollo draw away and then press his wrist to Petyr’s mouth. He drank, flashes of light dancing behind his eyelids.

  Rollo drank a little more from him before sealing the wound.

  Everything around him seemed to sharpen—every sound and scent and taste. The metallic tang of the blood mixed with the salt of Rollo’s skin. Warmth spread all over his body, and every ache went away. His fatigue seemed to evaporate in moments, and every inch of skin that Rollo touched tingled.

  Petyr realized Rollo had drawn his wrist away and was healing the wound. As Rollo bent to listen to Petyr’s heart, Petyr couldn’t help arching up and running his hands over Rollo’s back. He knew Rollo wanted to be sure he’d taken and given enough for Petyr to turn, but Petyr felt sure it had worked. There was no way he could feel this amazing if it hadn’t. His heartbeat seemed stronger than it ever had in his life. Energy burned through his veins, and his need to come had his cock swelling even more, his balls aching. Petyr tangled his hands in Rollo’s long, dark hair as the vampire rose up to look down at him.

  “How do you feel?” Rollo asked. His eyes were black, and yet he held himself still.

  “Like I’m going to explode. How can you be so calm?” Petyr asked.

  Rollo smiled. “Because my mate’s needs come first, not my own desires.”

  Petyr reached down and fumbled to get out of his pants, tossing them aside once he finally managed to untangle himself. “I’m going to flip you over and pin you to this bed if you don’t touch me soon.”

  Rollo’s eyebrows shot up, but he obliged right away, running his hand up Petyr’s thigh. He moved down so his mouth could follow that trail, and then he was sucking Petyr’s cock even more aggressively than he had the night before.

  Petyr tried to protest and say he was on the verge of coming, but Rollo grabbed both of his hands and held them tight at his sides. Petyr could do nothing but arch into the man’s mouth and accept the pleasure.

  It didn’t prove too difficult.

  He came with a sharp cry and once again watched Rollo swallow his cum. His hips kept undulating while this happened. He panted as he collapsed on the mattress, and Rollo’s mouth explored the rest of his body very slowly until they were face to face.

  “I didn’t want to come just yet,” Petyr said, even though it felt silly to say it.

  Rollo kissed the corner of his mouth. “I thought it would relax you. Humans are often insatiable the first night they’re turned.”

  Petyr could believe it, his cock already responding to Rollo’s nearness. He usually needed a good ten minutes or more to recover. “Hope I don’t wear you out.”

  Rollo chuckled and kissed him on the lips. Petyr let his fingers explore the muscles of Rollo’s chest, which flexed under his touch. They soon brushed over Rollo’s cock and played at the waist of his pants. He undid the laces and slid his hand inside, and Rollo arched into the touch, pressing Petyr’s hand to his cock.

  Petyr stroked it until the vampire moaned, and then he broke the embrace to get Rollo completely naked. Once again, Rollo lay back with surprising calmness as Petyr pulled his pants off. Nervousness filled Petyr again, but then Rollo grasped his cock and pumped it twice. That sight got Petyr moving forward. He brushed Rollo’s hand away and took over stroking him.

  “Can I be on top? Ride you?” Petyr asked.


  Rollo bit the inside of his lip, hard, to keep from coming then and there. He grasped Petyr’s hand and drew it away from his cock. He kissed Petyr’s knuckles and said, “Of course, but we need to get you ready.”

  Rollo shifted a little and reached over for the jar of oil on the bedside table. “Grip the headboard. Spread your legs. And bend over a little.”

  Petyr still looked a bit tentative, though he moaned when Rollo’s slicked fingers massaged his hole.

  “If you want to stop, all you have to do is tell me.”

  Petyr moved his hips so that he matched the rhythm of Rollo’s finger. “Do I sound as if I’m gonna want to stop?”

  Rollo added another finger and kissed Petyr’s shoulder. “I’m not huge, but I’m big for a virgin like you.”

  Petyr sighed. “It is different, but … I like that,” he said softly.

  Rollo scissored his fingers and kissed Petyr’s shoulder again when the man gasped. He kept going until Petyr pushed off the headboard and grabbed him by the neck.

  Against Rollo’s lips, Petyr said, “You’re driving me crazy. I want you inside me when I come.”

  “I have you close?” Rollo asked teasingly.

  “Mmmm. Never expected you to be like this. You seemed almost shy when we first met.”

  “After I’d sucked on your finger.”

  Petyr laughed and kissed him. He pulled Rollo down onto the bed. “Fuck me. Now.”

  “Thought you wanted to be on top,” Rollo said as Petyr lay back.

  “Later. Want you to make love to me.”

  The change in phrasing wasn’t lost on Rollo as he lifted Petyr’s legs.

  Petyr gazed up with need in his eyes, and they bot
h gasped as he gave Petyr a few inches of his cock. Petyr drew him into a kiss, and their rhythm built slowly. Petyr came quickly, nipping at Rollo’s lower lip and crying out his name as it happened.

  Rollo slowed his pace, running his fingers through the hot cum on Petyr’s stomach. When he noticed Petyr remained hard, he quickened again.

  Petyr’s nails dug into his back as Petyr arched into him.

  Soon, Rollo could hold out no longer. He stroked Petyr’s cock as his own orgasm began, and Petyr joined him soon enough. They collapsed together, Rollo still inside Petyr. They kissed, and more cum burst from Rollo’s cock when Petyr bit his neck.

  The evening blurred into a mix of soft caresses and fevered couplings until they passed out in each other’s arms.

  Chapter Six

  Petyr woke up on top of Rollo, their limbs tangled and their bodies a little sticky from sweat and cum. He smiled even as his face flamed when memories trickled in. He hadn’t expected it to be so intense, let along as good as it had been. He was definitely sore, which became more obvious when he moved, but the pleasure had been more than worth it. Just as he sat on the edge of the bed and stretched, he heard Rollo moving behind him.

  Don’t act shy. He’ll just say it’s cute or something. Petyr turned back and found himself pulled into Rollo’s arms.

  Rollo kissed his cheek and said, “I want you here with me every night. Just to be with me. We don’t have to have sex.”

  “I probably will need a little break. You, too, I’d bet.”

  Rollo laughed. “Wouldn’t be a bad idea.”

  Turning a little in Rollo’s arms, Petyr said, “And I’d like the children near. Maybe in the little room where you had them before? Until we can sort something else out.”

  “The room across the hall could be a nursery. We could get a nanny, if you like, and—”

  “No,” Petyr said right away, cutting him off. “No nannies or anything like that. I’ll take care of them as long as we’re here.”

  Rollo nodded. “All right. Whatever you want.” But he frowned as he asked, “Are you still considering leaving?”


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