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His Second Chance

Page 9

by Marie Medina

  “I hope so. The way he smiled a few times tells me he’s already fallen pretty far.”

  “Then he definitely should tell him. As soon as he can.” The rattle of a carriage made him forget what he’d intended to say next. “Is that him?”

  Rollo stood behind Petyr and wrapped him in a tight hug. “Gold-gilded carriage with the royal crest. What do you think?”

  “Isn’t that dangerous?”


  “Yeah. Being so obvious.”

  Rollo turned and pulled Petyr toward the door. “Jareth makes sure he’s seen when he wants to be. And when he doesn’t he could sneak right up behind you. You’d never know it.”

  “If you say so. Isn’t he extremely tall with several feet of bright red hair?”

  “Very tall, yes. His hair is vivid but not really bright. He tends to wear it braided these days. With the right hat, he could hide it.”

  “What are you two talking about?” Noric said as he came up beside them near the front door.

  “Jareth’s security. And how conspicuous he can be.”

  Noric laughed as he opened the door for them. “Oh, there’s no missing him when he wants to be seen. And since this is a joyous occasion, get ready.” He winked at Petyr as they exited.

  Petyr gripped Rollo’s hand as a man stepped down from the carriage. He wore brown trousers with boots and a plain beige silk shirt. Petyr would’ve thought him a servant if not for the long red braid over his shoulder. He held out his hand, and a radiant blonde woman in a simple yet elegant blue dress stepped down. Petyr’s stomach pitched a little.

  “You didn’t mentioned Queen Julianna coming,” he said to Rollo.

  “Well, neither did Jareth. Sorry. She’s wonderful, so calm down.”

  Rollo led Petyr over and seemed ready to speak, but Julianna rushed forward and hugged him and Petyr both.

  “This is like a storybook! Second chances are just the most wonderful thing in the world!” the queen said. She glanced around. “Where are the babies? Rollo is such a sweetheart. I know he’ll just dote on them.”

  Noric cleared his throat. “I can take you to them, my queen.”

  “Oh, Noric, wonderful. You can catch me up on the gossip from your side of the capital,” she said, taking the arm he offered. She patted Petyr on the shoulder. “We’ll talk at dinner.”

  Petyr felt like an idiot for saying nothing, but he was too stunned.

  Jareth’s smile held a mix of amusement and understanding. “Didn’t think the queen would throw herself at you so quickly, did you?” he asked.

  “Don’t tease him. He’s already nervous enough,” Rollo said.

  Petyr wanted to glare at him but didn’t dare.

  Jareth laughed and then extended his hand. “I’m very happy to meet you, Petyr, and I can’t wait to hear your ideas.”

  Petyr shook the king’s hand. “Thank you for agreeing to meet with me. I’m honored you’re here.”

  “I found your story very moving. It’s the kind of story that could change minds, I think.”

  Petyr glanced at his mate. “That’s what Rollo said.”

  Jareth walked toward the house and slipped his arm around Petyr. “I want you to tell me all about it before dinner. If your proposals are well received, there may be a position in the capital for you.”

  “Oh, I don’t think I have quite that many ideas period, let alone good ones.”

  “Your mate has faith in you,” Jareth said, glancing back.

  Petyr turned to look at Rollo, who followed a few steps behind. “He’s a bit biased.”

  “Love will do that,” Jareth said.

  He smiled at Rollo and said, “It certainly will.”

  The End

  Other Books by Marie Medina:

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  Wolves in the Fae Court, 2

  Marie Medina

  Copyright © 2019

  Sample Chapter

  Luke fought the desire to leave his Alpha’s side as they strolled through the silk-clad crowd with the king. He’d been brought to the fae court to do a job for Gregor, not to find someone to warm his bed. He frowned as he thought about just how cold his bed had been recently, how big and empty it had felt since his mate Sabina’s death two years ago. He glanced to Gregor once more. He’s right. Sabina would be sad, maybe even angry, to see me alone the rest of my life.

  His gaze roamed the courtyard and found Dane again. The beautiful blond fae drew him like no other had since Sabina, even though they hadn’t even spoken to each other yet. It made Luke wonder if, this time, he might find more than a single night of comfort with someone. Luke cast his eyes down when Dane looked up. He’d already been caught staring more than once, and by more than one person.

  He’s Jared’s best friend. Once Gregor and Jared are mated, Dane will be around all the time. I won’t be able to hide my attraction to him. I can’t even hide it now. He looked over to Dane yet again. He’s so beautiful. He must have admirers, even if he is shy, as the king said.

  Luke cut his gaze over when Gregor cleared his throat. “Yes, my Alpha?” he asked.

  “You said you wish to speak for yourself instead of letting others play matchmaker. Go do it. That’s an order,” Gregor said, pointing over to Dane.

  “You don’t require my services for a while?” Luke asked.

  Gregor rolled his eyes. “Stop talking like that. You’ve been doing it ever since we arrived. If I wanted to hear someone talk as if he’s from another century, I’d have brought Vadik instead.”

  Luke smiled a moment, wondering what the fae here would think of the large, brutish Beta who was always armed and patrolled their pack lands like a warrior from another time. “I have a duty, best performed at your side, just as Vadik is doing his duty best by watching over our pack,” Luke said. “And we’re in a royal court. I’m trying to act appropriately.”

  “Yes, you do have a duty. Obeying me.” Gregor stepped closer. “March over there and introduce yourself. As my mate’s closest friend, Dane will be an honored guest of ours. Often, I would think.” The Alpha smiled. “You two should be well acquainted.”

  Luke turned slightly toward King Asmund, who was making a point of looking the other way and pretending not to hear them. So alert to everything around him yet so polite. Not sure our pack is ready for the cunning subtlety of the fae just yet. But he shook that thought off and nodded. “Whatever my Alpha wishes,” Luke said, earning another eye roll from Gregor.

  Luke’s heart beat faster as he made his way through the crowd that had gathered to watch The Hunt, an old fae ritual that had been resurrected to commemorate Gregor and Jared’s mating. Luke still didn’t completely understand the game Gregor and Jared were playing with each other, but at least it would be over soon.

  When Luke was only a few feet away from Dane, the blond man turned toward him, a faint smile on his face as he leaned against the palace wall. The exterior of the palace consisted of sparkling gray stones, with blue slate on the roof. Purple vines unlike any Luke had ever seen before twined all over the building, and they seemed to sparkle at times as well. The beautiful backdrop only made Dane even more attractive. Luke’s throat constricted as he closed the distance between them. “Dane?” he said quietly, feeling as if the noise of the crowd was already fading away as he approached the spot where Dane stood alone.

  “Yes,” Dane said as he pushed away from the wall.

  “I’m Luke, Gregor’s Beta.”

  Dane smiled, his green eyes so bright they seemed to almost glow. “I know. I’ve seen you patro

  Luke struggled for words, settling on saying, “Gregor and the king thought we should meet.”

  “Because I’m close to Jared?”

  “Yes, but—” Luke took a step forward, “I wanted to introduce myself anyway.”

  Dane’s cheeks went a little pink. “You’ve caught me staring?” he said, with a little laugh.

  “Just as you’ve caught me staring, if I’m not mistaken.” Luke moved forward one more step. “The king says you’re a scholar. You’ve been researching us since the negotiations started.”

  “His Majesty called me a scholar?” Dane said, a broad smile coming to his face.

  “He did. Said you’re an excellent scholar. That you two discuss history and other things some nights.”

  “His Majesty has always taken an interest in me. We’re alike in our interests, plus I befriended Jared when other children our age were still a little wary of him because of his shifter blood. The king is a very good man. We couldn’t have a more loving monarch.”

  “It certainly sounds like you love him.”

  Dane looked up. “Yes, but not like that. He’s like a big brother or uncle, in a way.” His eyes took on a faraway look as he said, “He even saved my life once.” His expression cleared as he smiled, but the curve of his lips seemed forced this time.

  “He did?” Luke thought back to what the king had said about Dane being attacked by a human, and his wolf growled deep inside. He wanted to ask questions, but he couldn’t be sure how Dane would feel about the king having revealed that information. Above all else, he didn’t want to scare Dane off.

  Dane nodded. “Yes.” He gave a little shrug. “I was young and careless. Got into some trouble in the human world.”

  “Humans cause a lot of trouble,” Luke said. And I’d like to cause trouble for the man who hurt you, even if the king insists he took care of the swine.

  “At least you can walk among them without drawing too much attention,” Dane said. He pushed his hair behind one of his delicate pointed ears, the one outward sign he wasn’t an ordinary man. “I’m very good at glamouring them, but I still stand out in the human world.”

  “Most humans have never seen anyone as beautiful as you are,” Luke said, reaching out and running two fingers over Dane’s jaw.

  Dane drew in a deep breath but didn’t step back, though his eyes flicked down.

  Luke let his hand drop. “I’m being too forward.”

  “No, you aren’t,” Dane said, coming closer. He had to tilt his head back because Luke towered over him. “I’m … not used to getting much attention.”

  “That surprises me.” Luke turned to look around at the other fae gathered in the courtyard. “Everyone here is attractive, but in my opinion, you surpass all of them.”

  Dane’s gaze wandered over him. “Everyone is talking about you and your Alpha. How handsome and strong you are. Even the tallest and most muscular among us don’t compare to you two.”

  “We’re different. That’s the appeal. Back among my pack, I blend into the background quite easily.”

  Dane frowned a bit. “You seem different from Gregor. Gentler and more thoughtful.”

  “Gentler? More reserved, perhaps.”

  The other man studied his face a long time. Luke wanted to bridge the distance between them and brush their lips together, but he sensed that wasn’t why Dane was staring at him. “You seem sad.”

  “Do I?” Luke said, taken aback.

  “Yes,” Dane said, nodding slowly.

  “Perhaps I am a little sad right now.” He nodded toward Gregor, who stood talking with the king and two other fae. “I’m happy Gregor has found his mate, but … it does make me sad because my own mate is dead.”

  Dane’s eyes widened. “I’m so sorry. What happened to him?”

  “Her, actually. Her name was Sabina. We found each other a little less than three years ago. We had ten months together, and then she died.” He swallowed and took a fortifying breath. “Cancer. Wolves are strong, but many human diseases still kill us.”

  Dane reached for Luke’s hand, his eyes glistening. “I’m very sorry. I can’t imagine what it’s like, given all I’ve read about the power of the bond.”

  “I wasn’t exactly myself for months. Gregor was a good friend to me in those days when I snapped and snarled at everyone and everything.”

  “You must have loved her very much.” A tear spilled down each of Dane’s cheeks.

  “I did. But I didn’t mean to come over here and make you sad.” He squeezed Dane’s hand in his and reached his other hand up to wipe at one of the tears.

  Dane drew back and wiped at his cheeks. “Sorry.”

  “Sorry? For what?”

  “If I hadn’t said anything about you looking sad, you wouldn’t have been forced to think about it.”

  He shook his head slowly. “I think about it almost every day. You did nothing wrong.” He took Dane’s hand again. “I’m sorry I brought up something so serious when we’re supposed to be celebrating.”

  Dane looked around at all the other fae drinking wine and eating, talking and laughing. “They all think this was planned for their amusement. A throwback to celebrate the alliance between wolves and the fae.”

  “Gregor and I were discussing that. How no one else knows that Jared really was resisting the mating. That he and Gregor are … you know, I don’t even understand it.”

  “Jared’s being stubborn. He’s fallen for Gregor completely, but he’s trying to prove a point because Gregor made decisions without talking to him first. I think he’s glad Gregor read about The Hunt and decided to invoke it. He wants to yield to the Alpha, but he’s struggling with that first step.”

  “Wants to submit without being seen as submissive?”

  Dane nodded.

  “They’ll both be happier once this is settled. He’ll soon realize that he’s going to be the one really wielding the power in their relationship.”

  “How is Gregor? Is it harder to be denied because he’s an Alpha?”

  Luke laughed. “To hear him tell it, yes, it’s much harder to be denied. He’s maintaining appearances well enough, but I can feel his longing when I’m near him. His wolf is going crazy because they haven’t claimed Jared yet.”

  Dane looked to the forest. “I’m sure Jared won’t go far into the woods. Won’t make him work too hard.”

  “It’s the perfect way to claim him. Very primal.”

  Dane’s brows came together. “It’s a little confusing, the way shifters refer to their other half. Is your wolf truly like a separate being, or a part of yourself? You said they just now, talking about Gregor claiming Jared.”

  “That’s very hard to explain to a non-shifter, but I can try.” He leaned against the wall, pleased when Dane came to lean beside him. He looked down into the beautiful man’s eyes and said, “I definitely feel as if my wolf is an independent being. Yet he’s a part of me. He’s with me now, listening to everything and watching you. Communicating with me. And when I’m shifted, I’m there inside of him doing the same thing. Neither of us ever fully retreats or gives over control completely. We are different in many ways. Think differently. Even disagree and argue with each other.”

  “Did your wolf want to meet me as much as you did?” Dane asked.

  Luke licked his lips. “My wolf is very interested in you. And likes that you aren’t as shy as I was told.”

  Dane looked wary. “Everyone says I’m shy.”

  “You don’t think of yourself as shy?”

  Dane shook his head. “I’m quiet. It’s not the same.”

  Smiling, Luke turned toward Dane. “Perhaps others say you’re shy because they want to know you better. They’re frustrated you’re making them work for it.”

  “If I’m worth it, they shouldn’t consider it work.”

  “True,” Luke said, anxious to touch Dane and trying to find a way to hold back. “Would you like to see my wolf?”

  Dane’s face li
t up. “I’d love that. Wolves are beautiful, and I’ve never seen a shifter in animal form before.”

  Luke pushed away from the wall and glanced to the crowd. “Where can we go? I don’t really want an audience.”


  He’s going to have to take his clothes off to shift. Is he going to do it right in front of me? Dane tried not to think about that. The muscular man at his side intimidated and excited him, and he knew his desire would show if he wasn’t careful. “Well … we could go into the gardens. There doesn’t seem to be anyone there now.”

  Luke nodded for him to lead the way, and Dane started walking.

  He’s interested in me. He touched my cheek and squeezed my hand before. His eyes keep wandering over me. And he moves closer every chance he gets. What’s the harm in letting him see I want him?

  Dane pressed his lips together as they walked away from everyone else. His gaze flicked over when Luke pulled his shirt over his head, just after they’d moved behind a high hedgerow. They stopped, and Dane cast his eyes down. He felt Luke’s fingers run along his jaw again.

  “I don’t mind if you watch me. Or turn away. It’s up to you,” Luke said, tossing his shirt down.

  Dane turned to face Luke. “I read shifters don’t have a problem with nudity.”

  “We’re used to seeing others naked. It’s no fun running through the woods with your clothes held in your mouth.” Luke smiled. “Look at me if you want.”

  Luke pulled his shoes off and started undoing his pants. Dane didn’t look away. The Beta was smaller than Gregor, but he was still larger and far more muscular than any fae male. His skin was evenly tanned, as if he spent a good deal of his time outside naked. His cock remained flaccid, but Dane could imagine what it would be like fully erect. He chewed his lower lip as he tried to keep his expression neutral.

  Luke knelt, as if readying for his shift, but then he looked up. “Feel free to touch me. I promise I’m fully in control of the beast.”


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