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Still Waters Run Hot: An erotic M/M tentacle sex story (Pleasure of the Depths Book 2)

Page 3

by Drake Penn

  “Subject KG-3 is presumed homo sapien—”

  “Oh I’m a homo alright.”

  “—of mixed Haitian and Caucasion descent, 24 years of age, 6’5 though previously noted at 6’0, with noticeable gains to the skeletal and smooth muscles compared to its most recent photo ID.”

  “Hey I’m not an it, come on!”

  "Specimen 177 is displaying obvious interest and signs of arousal, with engorgement of the analogous claspers." Diana commentates dryly. "There is also increased pheromone output from Subject KG-3 and it appears to be reacting to the presence of a virile male."

  What, he's making more? Gareth doesn't have much time to consider before he feels a thick cock grind against his ass and two massive webbed hands grab onto the edge of the bed in front of him. The shark man eclipses him fully and then some, a hulking behemoth of rough skin and scars, salty water dripping off of him and onto Gareth's exposed back.

  "Oh shit you're big." Gareth says dumbly as the creature cranes its neck around to look at him with glossy black eyes. The shark makes a raspy noise and pushes forward, impaling Gareth's slick hole with the massive, tapered cock; his well trained ass accepts it greedily, but it's a sharper stretch than the long spread of King's tentacles and it makes him choke out a moan. The shark stays hilted and throbs inside of him, licking a long, slimy stripe along Gareth's back and across his face, a perverse kind of affection as the creature laps at him like a dog. It makes him whimper pathetically—he can't even shift his hips enough to grind on the cock splitting him open—and the shark licks into his mouth and along the sides of his teeth, across his tongue, down his throat, coating everything in a thick, salty slime, the rings of serrated teeth dangerously close to Gareth's face.

  It's only when the shark man finally pulls out that Gareth realizes a very important fact: the creature has two penises. The second very important fact he realizes as two very thick cocks threaten to split him in half is that the creature was just getting settled in. It thrusts forward savagely with little care for Gareth's pleasure, pulling on the end of the table to better pound into his overstuffed ass. It should hurt—Gareth knows this logically—but his body is burning so hot that all he can do is moan into the table as the jackhammer thrusts slap against his ass. It doesn't take long for the relentless pace to push him over the edge, cumming hard onto the sterile floor. Diana makes some comment—likely for the recording— but he doesn't catch it. The shark continues fucking him through it, pure animalistic lust driving it on until finally it cums like a fire hydrant deep in his ass.

  "H-Holy shit." Gareth pants weakly, feeling sloshy.

  Then the creature goes right back to thrusting, pounding into Gareth's abused ass even harder until it wrings another orgasm out of him, and then another, and finally cums again inside of him.

  "Okay… One for each dick… that makes sense." Gareth struggles weakly in the restraints.

  The tiny hint of movement makes the creature slam its massive hand down between his shoulder blades, knocking the wind out of him and fucking him again. Gareth gapes like a fish, struggling to catch his breath and letting out a string of pathetic sounds as he's bred over and over again.There's a slick pool of their mixed fluids spreading beneath them; shark cum swirling with human, salt water and slick lubricant. King was always… dominant, but it was nothing like this. He's just being used as a cum dump.

  It feels good.

  It feels right.

  The shark man fucks him in a fury, its jaws snapping at the air and guttural growls layering with the filthy wet noises of its massive cocks breeding Gareth's well seeded hole. Something flips on in his brain and all he can think of is getting bred by these powerful creatures, being their toy, just a warm hole to use.

  "Fuck, knock me up." He groans, surprising himself. "Put your pups in me."

  He can't get pregnant like this—at least, he thinks he can't—but if this shark monster wants to make it happen he's not in any state to say no.

  Whether or not the words were understood, the intent seems to get across, as the shark man continues for hours. It doesn't stop trying to impregnate him until it finally cums one last time and collapses on top of him, unconscious. He’s brainless at that point—pure hormonal bliss and bone deep satisfaction. At some point the shark man is returned to his tank and Gareth is cleaned and dressed. He can only assume this happened because he wakes up lying on a medical bed with a host of monitors attached to him, but his ass feels pleasantly used and more than a little sore—enough so that he’s pretty sure it wasn’t a dream.

  Diana snaps her fingers and his head snaps towards her.

  “As soon as you’re able, you may leave. It’s been approximately 6 hours, I had a tech run a message to your mother earlier so she wasn’t waiting in her car this long, and I just put in a call. She should be here shortly.”

  “Oh, uh. Thanks.” Gareth rubs at his eyes, feeling groggy.

  “No, thank you Gareth Kingfisher. You’ve given this company some quite invaluable data.”

  She’s got something ominous in her smile, Gareth thinks, but maybe her face just always looks like that. Resting scary bitch face. That must make it hard to get a date.

  “You’re not… gonna tell my mom, about this, right?” He rubs at his neck awkwardly.

  “What, that you were copulated by Specimen 177 and orgasmed more times sequentially than any human has been recorded to have achieved? No, that will remain confidential medical information.”

  “Oh. Cool. Great.”


  The air is icy between them and Gareth focuses on getting himself mobile while Diana unhooks the various monitors and electrical pads. There’s a few cotton balls taped to his elbows—it makes sense that they’d take some blood—and the odd, out-of-sorts feeling that’s been plaguing him quickly evaporates after downing a plastic cup of water.

  Diana leads him through the same sterile hallways he had started in and motions him towards the front entrance, trusting him to close the final distance himself. He’s eager to get out, this has been way too much and he’d like to collapse in his bed and probably jerk off about a dozen more times.

  His mom looks worried when he steps into the car. That’s not that surprising, he’s kind of been in some weird company test lab getting fucked for the last 6 hours, but she quickly rattles off the list of results she was given by the person who spoke to her and hands a few bottles of pills to Gareth.

  “Vitamins and supplements, to help you regain your strength.” She nods resolutely in a way that makes Gareth sure that no matter how he protests she will watch him swallow those every single morning for the next two months.

  With slightly more mental clarity now that he’s rested and out of that weird-ass lab he thinks about what just happened. Did he… cheat on King? Are they a thing? An exclusive thing? He never really thought about that before, and he’s struggling to remember what was going through his head at the time. It makes him feel deeply guilty.

  Damn. Well, there’s not much he can do about it now other than decide not to do it again, at least until he gets the go ahead from King. Which… he’s not really sure how to do that. Are octopi monogamous? Does that even apply to King? If King’s hooking up outside of him, he guesses he’s fine with that, since it would be hypocritical not to at this point, but he would like to know what this whole deal is.

  It’s such a mundane relationship problem to consider that it almost makes him laugh as he zones out during the car ride home. What a fucked up day.

  The familiar driveway greets him when the car comes to a stop, little weeds poking up through the cracks in the cement. He avoids stepping on them, a little bit of sentimentality towards them for persevering where they clearly don’t belong, and absent-mindedly opens the weathered front door.

  "Gareth!" Amanda nearly bowls him over before he makes it through the doorway.

  "A-Amanda? What the hell—"

  Gareth looks up and sees the remainder of his friends perched
on various furnishings.

  "Road trip." Rob answers. “Tried to call but you were incommunicado.”

  “Uh yeah dude I was getting tested and shit.”

  “Well bring your phone next time.” Rob rolls his eyes and lounges across the couch. “You freaked us the fuck out.”

  The penny drops. Gareth sent them pics of King and then vanished. His nostrils flare and Vivian gives him a discreet thumbs up, her strawberry blonde hair hanging loose at her shoulders. She smooths out her dress, a modest blue number that’s complemented by a white sun hat and not complemented by dirty sneakers, and puts a firm hand on his shoulder.

  “We’ve got your back Gareth. Trust us.”

  He rubs his eyes, tears starting to build under his lids as the stress of the day finally catches up with him.

  “Thanks guys.”

  “Mr. and Mrs. Kingfisher, I think Gareth is going to need a little time to recover.” Amanda says calmly, stepping between them and their son as the remainder of the group herds Gareth off towards his room. He doesn’t catch the rest of what’s said—not that he tries particularly hard to listen—and his friends circle around him.

  “What do you need right now, man?” Rob asks.

  “Fuck, I don’t know. There’s like. There’s a lot.”

  “I’m going to show you a life hack.” Vivian starts rearranging furniture in his room and pulls sheets and pillows off his bed. “You are literally never too old for a pillow fort.”

  Gareth sniffs and wipes his nose through a laugh as everyone crams in under the canopy of blankets. It makes the light soft and dreamlike, and he’s thankful for it. They give him time, passing around a pair of pizzas that Rob orders in and then three more when Gareth demolishes the first one. They let him eat and think, just sitting and waiting for him to get his thoughts together patiently, fiddling with zippers and buttons, Amanda putting a loose braid in Vivian’s hair. Slowly Gareth starts to explain things, explain everything, even if he goes red in the ears and buries his face in his hands when they start prying into exactly how many times he took a tentacle up the ass, and if this makes Gareth a furry.

  “Okay you know those guys who only like 2D girls? Like, they can’t even get it up for 3D girls cause real girls fart or whatever? Gareth’s like the opposite of that, but for furries. Not into some pic of a fake ass dog man, but give him the real deal and he’ll bend over so fast your head will spin.” Amanda claps her hands together.

  “Can we please talk about something else?” Gareth groans into his hands.

  “Fiiiiiine.” Amanda teases.

  There’s an awkward silence where he can tell his friends want to say something but aren’t sure how to start. He looks at each of them in turn until Rob speaks up.

  “You’re huge now. Like, beyond just getting jacked like some dude in a bowflex commercial. You got like 4 inches taller. Literally.”

  “Oh. I didn’t notice.”

  “How did you not notice dude?”

  “He was preoccupied.” Amanda interjects. “Big ass octopus man threw off his sense of scale.”

  Another awkward silence and another round of stares. Vivian clears her throat.

  “I… didn’t want to bring it up, but… have you had a hard-on this entire time?” She has the decency to look intently at the frayed edge of a blanket and spare him from dying instantly of shame.

  “It’s… Yeah. Yeah.” He groans.

  “Should we like, leave? And let you crank one out?” Amanda whispers.

  “That doesn’t help. I mean, it still works, but it’s just…”

  “Always??” Rob whispers incredulously. Gareth nods. “Dude, that’s like, go to a doctor. You’ve seen the boner pill warnings. This erection has been way more than four hours.”

  “Yeah the doctor did not help with that.” Amanda smacks Rob’s arm. “Unless she really thought making a shark dick porno was the cure.”

  “For once I am thankful that estradiol killed my dick.” Vivian hides behind her hands.

  The good news is that being around his friends seems to help stabilize Gareth—he feels less hazy and more aware of just how fucked up this entire situation is. The bad news is that now all the things that were cool and sexy are wildly embarassing. Scientists are going to watch him take it up the ass in the hopes that they can make more shark dudes. What the fuck.

  He still feels warm and fuzzy thinking about those eggs though, it makes him antsy not being there. The anxiety of a parent, he supposes. Some inkling of a plan is coming together. It’s probably impulsive to just run off with no warning, and things have been going fairly stable until now, so he’s happy to try to just… get through however long it’s going to take for the eggs to hatch, he guesses, and then figure out what exactly that’s going to be like. Will they need to stay in the water all the time? If he gets like, a big ass bathtub would that work? What do they even eat??

  It’s too stressful with this many unknowns. He decides to shelve the whole topic.

  The one thing he knows is that he wants to see King again. He wants to very badly. The feeling is not quite loneliness—he’s not that clingy—but there is a longing, a strong pull that he hasn’t felt since his earliest gay crushes where he fantasized about risque things like petting the other guy’s hair or holding his hand.

  “You good man?” Vivian nudges him quietly.

  “Yeah. Well. No.” He shrugs.

  “You want to expand on that or…?”

  “I… Kinda want to go back. To King. Like right now.”

  “Okay.” She says plainly. “Let’s go.”

  The rest of the group whip their head towards her. She stares them down, stands up, and extends a hand down to Gareth. He takes it, and the group all give a collective grumble and fall in line. That’s always been her special power—Vivian so rarely makes any demands that when she does, no one is willing to make a fuss.

  “We’ll cover you for a while, just, try not to be gone for like, days?” Amanda gives him a hug.

  “I promise I won’t be gone that long.” Gareth laughs, Rob piling in to the hug as well. “I just gotta check on him.”

  “Yeah yeah, go get fucking laid you weirdo.” Rob squeezes too tight before letting him go.

  The sun is setting when they slip out through the window, staying low and crouching out through the treeline. They take a winding path, catching up on everything as they make their way down to the shoreline. It’s quiet out, a cool breeze shaking the few dry leaves from the trees as they pass by, and Gareth is thankful it’s such a stone cold dead-as-bricks town; getting to the docks is fast and painless despite the distance.

  Gareth scans the docks for the familiar boat and feels unease climb up his spine like kudzu. Did the boat even get hauled back to shore? Its usual spot is empty. It might still be floating out somewhere by the cove. Shit.

  “Are you okay with crimes?” Gareth asks quietly.

  “Uh, yeah. Of course.” Vivian grins.

  “Cool uhhhhhh we’re gonna steal a boat.”

  “Yeah. Sure. Why not.” She laughs.

  Gareth leaps to the abandoned houseboat he had previously ransacked in search of clothes and fumbles around the drawers. He didn’t remember seeing the key to the ignition last time, but he wasn’t exactly looking for one. Vivian checks around the back rooms and in the cobwebbed closets but they find nothing, leaving Gareth to implement plan B. He kneels and pries open the panelling with surprising ease, tracing through the wires of the ignition cylinder until he finds what he’s after. It’s not much different than hotwiring a car, thankfully. A spark goes off and… nothing happens.

  “Fuck. Must be outta gas.”

  “We can fix that.” Vivian is already stepping out of the boat and leaping to the large ones next to it and Gareth really can’t fault her for the choice in sneakers now. He follows her lead and searches other boats; most are locked or bare excepting bait and life vests, but it’s strangely bright out tonight and he spies the red of a gas canister under
a tarp on a rickety pontoon.

  Vivian helps him pour it into the houseboat and he ignites it again, this time the modest engine roars to life and both Gareth and Vivian whoop with accomplishment and the fervent enjoyment that comes from committing victimless crimes. Well, minorly inconvenienced victim crimes. Who cares. They don’t know the guy.

  “Okay so what exactly is the plan here?”

  “I’ve got no fucking idea Viv. I just know I have to see him again.”

  “Should I go with you just in case, I don’t know, King goes psycho and you gotta get out of there fast?”


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