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Page 3

by Jessica Wayne

  “But if we find it, we can lure him out. If we can do that, we will be able to stop him and rescue Dakota. All is not lost, Anastasia. You simply need to see everything with a new perspective.”

  How was she supposed to gain a new perspective? Wasn’t there only the one? Dakota was gone, Shane was never coming back, Thames had the upper hand, and truthfully, Anastasia wasn’t sure she could beat him if she even managed to find him.

  Defeating him would mean possibly killing Dakota. Could she take that risk?

  “What’s on your mind?”

  “Nothing good.”

  “We will win this, Anastasia. Just like we defeated Vincent before. We may get kicked a few dozen times, but in the end, we always get back up.”

  Anastasia smiled softly. “Thanks, Tony.”

  “Anytime. Now”—he raised his glass—“to you and the child you will bring into the world.”

  Anastasia tapped his glass with her fist and watched as he drank the liquid down in one gulp. Hell of a time to not be able to drink.

  “So, when are you going to tell Elizabeth?”

  Anastasia pursed her lips. She hadn’t had a whole lot of contact with Dakota’s mom since Elizabeth had confessed that not only was she not human and over ten-thousand years old, but her eldest son was the one currently possessing her youngest.

  It was foolish to blame Elizabeth, Anastasia knew, but that didn’t alleviate her feelings of betrayal. Moving past the anger was proving a more difficult feat than she’d imagined. “I’ll tell her eventually.”

  “You know what’s happening is eating her up inside.”

  “I know.”

  “And you, of course, know it’s not completely her fault.”

  Anastasia turned to Tony and sighed. “Logically, I understand all that, but emotionally… I’m having a hard time moving past it.”

  “All I’m asking is that you don’t punish her too much longer, Anastasia. She’s grieving, too.”

  “I know.”

  Dakota was all Elizabeth had left of her normal life with George, Dakota’s father, in Seattle, and now he was gone.

  “I’ll talk to her soon. I promise.”

  “Thank you.” Tony smiled and gathered the glasses and whiskey bottle, tucking the latter back beneath his arm. “I’ll see you in the morning. Try to get some sleep.”

  “Night, Tony.”

  “Goodnight, Anastasia.” Tony disappeared beneath the platform, and Anastasia turned back to the sky.

  She wasn’t a fool; Thames was a larger threat than Vincent ever was. Even though he’d been possessing the sorcerer from the beginning, having Dakota inherit the entire Luxe line of power so Thames could now use it himself made him far more dangerous than ever before.

  To defeat him, they were going to need a miracle. A star shot across the dark sky, momentarily illuminating the village, before disappearing once more.

  A miracle or a hell of a lot of power.

  An idea began to take form in her mind. A lot of power. “The Terrenian life core.”




  “I’m sorry, you want to do what?” Vincent stared at her from across the living room. She’d come to him first, figuring the thirst to get his son back would be far too great for him to disagree with her. Apparently, she’d been wrong.

  “You said the world’s power would be enough to make someone unstoppable, and that Thames was already targeting it. I’m only suggesting we get to it first.”

  Vincent turned and ran a hand over his short grey hair. “Do you have any idea what that would cost you? What it would cost Terrenia?”

  “I’m supposed to be the most powerful being in the world; you don’t think I can handle it?” Her statement wasn’t egotistical, it was fact-based on everything she’d ever been told about her heritage as Sorceress.

  There was only ever one, born on Terrenian soil, who inherited all the power to keep the worlds at peace.

  “Exactly. You already are. Taking in more power could overload you. It could completely destroy you, or tear Terrenia apart. Do you really want to risk the complete annihilation of your people?”

  “Do you think Thames is worried about that? Do you think he will care whether accessing that power means life or death?”

  Vincent narrowed steel blue eyes on her. “You are not Thames, Anastasia. You should care.”

  “What other choice do we have?”

  “We find a way to get to Thames, and you use the power you do have to stop him.”

  “By what? Killing Dakota?”

  Vincent sighed, taking a seat on the small table in front of her. “You have to stop Thames, regardless of the cost.”

  “Do you not hear yourself?” She stood and began to pace. “You say to stop Thames regardless of the cost—when it pertains to Dakota’s life—but when it may mean my own, or pulling power from Terrenia directly, that’s going too far?”

  “It’s one life versus thousands.”

  “One life that’s damn important to me.”

  “I never said it wasn’t important, but you are going to need to weigh these options heavily before deciding on an action. What does Tony say about this?”

  Anastasia bit down on the inside of her cheek. “I haven’t said anything to him yet.”

  “Oh?” Vincent raised an eyebrow. “Have to say I’m honored you’d come to me first.”

  Anastasia glared at him. “Don’t flatter yourself. I just assumed you’d be the only one insane enough to back me up.”

  “Sorry to disappoint you,” he replied dryly.

  “I don’t see another way. I’ve gone up against him before and lost.”

  “Because he dangled Dakota in front of you. When it comes to that boy, you are weak; you know it, I know it, and every single one of your enemies knows it. If you can get Thames alone, you will stand a chance.”

  She didn’t deny his words about being weak. As much as it pained her to admit, her uncle was absolutely correct. She’d die before hurting Dakota, and she’d risk everything if it meant getting him back. “Possibly.”

  “I know you will. Anastasia, you are powerful, and you have a team. Thames is alone. If you stand and fight—and you do it right—you will win.”

  Tears threatening again, Anastasia covered her face with her hands. “I just don’t know anymore.”

  “Then think about your child. Because if you go through with this, and the power consumes you, it’s not only you paying the price anymore.”

  She believed in her gut the baby would be fine, that the power wouldn’t destroy either of them, but the slightest chance of losing her child without first trying everything else stopped her. “Then what do you suppose?”

  “We find Thames.”

  “It’s not a matter of finding him.” Anastasia rolled her eyes. “We know exactly where the bastard is. What we don’t know is how to get there.”

  “Then let’s figure that out first. We get you to Luxe, you kill him, we get Dakota and my son back, problem solved.”

  “If it were that easy, don’t you think I would have already done that?”

  “I didn’t say it will be easy. Just that it’s possible.”

  “Fine, then how do you propose we reach him?”

  “What’s one way in and out we know works?”

  “Thames himself conjuring a portal?”

  “Hardly. Rosabel was able to reach him.”

  “Through a water portal. In case you haven’t realized, I don’t have a fish tail.”

  “You can conjure a portal, why can’t you do it through water?”

  “You’re joking, right?”

  Vincent raised an eyebrow. “I think you can do it.”

  “Without drowning?”

  He shrugged. “With proper instruction.”

  “I’m assuming you’re the one who will be instructing me? Exactly how many water portals have you conjured?”

  “None. But it can be done.”

  “What makes you so sure?”

  “Because I have yet to see you put your mind to something and lose.”

  Anastasia stepped onto the porch of Carmen’s Terrenian cottage first thing the next morning. Vincent stood beside her, but still, she felt utterly and completely alone.

  If this didn’t work, she could drown and lose everything.

  If it did work, she would be face-to-face with Thames, who would more than likely use Dakota against her.

  Either way the odds were not very high in her favor.

  She knocked, the solid door letting out an audible thud moments before Carmen pulled it open. She smiled at Anastasia, but the smile quickly fell away when she spotted Vincent.

  “Vincent,” Carmen greeted tightly.


  “Can we come in?” Anastasia asked, not wanting to waste time they didn’t have on a feud. A foolish one at that, since Vincent hadn’t been in control of any of his actions for the last twenty-eight years.

  Carmen looked back and forth between Anastasia and Vincent before stepping to the side. “I don’t see why not.”

  Anastasia stepped into the warmth and familiarity of her grandmother’s home, taking a seat at a table with four wooden chairs. Carmen followed, cup of tea in hand, sitting across from her, while Vincent simply stood by the door.

  “What is it?” Carmen asked, settling back in her chair.

  “I think we have a plan to stop Thames.”

  Carmen looked at Vincent, then back to Anastasia. “Oh?”

  “If we can reach him, get him alone without Dakota as a shield, Anastasia can stop him.”

  “And just how do you think we’re going to get him alone? Every time he leaves Luxe, it’s with Dakota. We have no reason to believe he’s planning a solo trip anytime soon,” Carmen responded, her hazel eyes narrowed on Vincent’s face.

  “We don’t wait for him to leave,” Anastasia said. “I portal to Luxe directly.”

  “You can’t do that. Thames has it blocked.”

  “From normal portals, yes, but Rosabel reached him.”

  “Rosabel was a Siren, Anastasia. She could manipulate water. You cannot do that.”

  “Who says she can’t?” Vincent’s tone was aggravated, and Anastasia shot him a glare, hoping he’d pull back. Pissing off Carmen was not in the cards. If her grandmother didn’t think this plan would work, Anastasia had no problem going back to her original plan. Even knowing he wasn’t the enemy, she put more stock in her grandmother’s advice than a man’s she barely knew.

  “The fact that she’s not a Siren,” Carmen answered.

  “It might be possible, though; isn’t it worth looking into?”

  “Anastasia.” Carmen reached across the table and covered Anastasia’s hands with her own. “If you try this and it backfires, you could be sucked down into the water and drown. Do you not think that’s risky?”

  “Of course it’s a risk, but so is leaving Dakota with Thames. We have to get him back,” Anastasia urged, her voice breaking.

  “Honey, I want to get Dakota back, too, but not at the risk of your life. Or the life of your baby.”

  Since she hadn’t told her yet, Anastasia stared at Carmen, mouth partly open, in shock. “How did you know?”

  Carmen smiled and patted her hand. “I can sense it, honey. The same way you can. You have more than one life to think about now.”

  “Our lives mean nothing without him. If I can save him—and I really think I can—I have to try.”

  Carmen glared up at Vincent. “I’m guessing this was your plan?”

  Vincent shrugged. “You should’ve heard hers; it was much worse.”

  “And just what was it?”

  “Oh, you know,” he said easily. “Locate the Terrenian life core, absorb all its power, and knock Luxe’s door down. That’s if she survived the overload, of course.”

  Carmen’s eyes widened, and she turned to Anastasia. “Water portal it is.”

  Anastasia smiled, grateful to be making headway—no matter how small—toward getting Dakota back.

  “I’ll go brief Tony. I guess I should talk to Elizabeth, too.”

  “I’ll get started with research,” Carmen said with a sigh. “I sure as hell hope you’re right.” She aimed a glare at Vincent. “Because if she dies because of your misguided advice, I’ll find a way to send your ghostly ass back to hell where it belongs.”

  “Threat taken. Contrary to common belief, I don’t want to risk the life of my brother’s daughter.”

  “Oh? Well, you’ll excuse me if, based on prior experience, I have a hard time believing that.” Carmen got to her feet, and Anastasia followed suit.

  “I’ll let you know after I talk to them.”

  “Okay, honey. Good luck. And remember, Elizabeth is grieving, too. Whatever she kept from you, you have to believe she did it to keep Dakota safe.”

  Anastasia bit down on her lip. “We all see how well that worked out.”

  “Regardless, take it easy on her.”

  “I will.”

  Anastasia hugged her grandmother before stepping out in the cool morning air with Vincent.

  “I think I’ll make myself scarce. Good luck.” Vincent disappeared, and Anastasia headed down the steps and across the clearing toward Tony and Elizabeth’s cottage.

  After a brief moment of hesitation, Anastasia knocked on the door.

  Elizabeth opened the door, her eyes widened in surprise. “Hi, Anastasia, please, come on in.” She stepped aside, and Anastasia strode into the cabin.

  Her heart ached as she studied the pictures on the wall. Some were photos of him when he was young, following him all the way up to their adult years, where the pictures began to include more and more of the two of them together. The lump in her throat grew when her eyes landed on the portrait Tony had drawn of their wedding day.

  Seeing the love reflected in their eyes, even in a hand-drawn image, was enough to nearly send her over the edge, so she looked away. Soon. Soon she’d have Dakota back, and they would be together again.

  “Is everything okay? Tony isn’t here right now, he stepped out a few minutes ago.”

  Anastasia turned to face her mother-in-law. The anger she’d been feeling seemed so out of place now. Elizabeth had only been doing what she’d thought was right. She’d been protecting her son, her chance at a happy ending. Was that really so wrong?

  “Everything is fine. I wanted to let you guys know we have a plan to get to Luxe.”

  Elizabeth set down the mug that had been in her hand. “And get Dakota back?” Anastasia nodded, and Elizabeth smiled. Pressing a hand to her heart, she said, “Thank God.”

  “It’s risky, but doable.”

  “Can I ask what it is?” The hesitation in Elizabeth’s voice made Anastasia’s heart hurt. She’d put it there with the cold shoulder attitude she’d been giving Dakota’s mother. Time to forgive.

  “I’m going to try to get to him the same way Rosabel did… through water.”

  “That doesn’t sound so bad.”

  “Well… I’m not a Siren, which means if the portal doesn’t work, I could drown.”

  Elizabeth swallowed hard, putting her hands on her hips. “Are you sure it will work? You can’t risk your life, Anastasia; you’re no good to Dakota dead.”

  “It has to work,” Anastasia responded. “I have to get him back.”

  “You will. We will all do whatever’s necessary to bring him home.”

  Anastasia forced a smile. Better just say it. “There’s more.”


  “Um, I wanted to wait until Dakota was back to tell you, but I’m pregnant.”

  A large smile spread over Elizabeth’s face, and her eyes filled with tears. “You’re pregnant?”


  “Oh! That’s wonderful!” She started to move toward Anastasia, arms open, but stopped. “Can I please hug you?”

  “Of course.” Anastasia opened her arms and accepted an em
brace from the woman who’d been more of a mother to her over the years than she’d had to be.

  “I’m so happy, honey. Does Dakota know?” Elizabeth asked, releasing her.

  “He does. I told him before—” Images of Shane, lying bloody on the ground popped into her head, and she blinked away tears. “I told him when we got him back from Thames. Just before we lost him again.”

  Elizabeth squeezed her arms. “You both will get the chance to see your child, I know it.”

  “I hope you’re right.”

  “I am. Now, you’re going to need to get checked out by a doctor.”

  Anastasia laughed. “I’m fine, baby is fine.”

  “I’m sure you are, but we need to have you examined by an actual doctor in a medical facility.”

  “Can’t you just look me over?”

  “I’m not an obstetrician.”

  “Women in Terrenia have babies all the time without any issue.”

  “Most women in Terrenia aren’t being tossed around by evil maniacs either. We just want to make sure everything is fine now, before diving into any more battles.”


  Elizabeth held up a hand. “I know after keeping what I did from you that I have no right to ask anything. But please, do this for me. Just this once. I promise I won’t bother you about it ever again.”

  Anastasia seriously doubted that last part, but nodded anyway. Getting the confirmation from an actual doctor that everything was fine would put her mind at ease.

  And a little comfort at this point would go a long way.




  “Yes!” Dakota whispered loudly when he finally heard the click from the lock disengaging on his cage.

  Sticking the dinner knife Thames brought him earlier into the back pocket of his pants, Dakota opened the lock and swung the gate open, wincing when it creaked.

  Thames was already asleep as far as Dakota knew, as was Vinny. If ever there was a time to make an escape, tonight was it. There was no telling what Thames had in mind for tomorrow, or the day after for that matter.


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