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Page 9

by Jessica Wayne

  “She did not use her magic to aid them,” Zarina interrupted, obviously just as irritated as Anastasia was. “She used it to verify their story.”

  “You are our Sorceress; your magic is to aid those on our world. For the last two years, we’ve allowed you to gallivant to other worlds under your so-called mission to ‘unite’ them with us. Now, it is time for you to focus your energy on keeping us safe.”

  Anastasia’s jaw dropped. “The Sorceress is granted her power by Terrenia because Terrenia is the most powerful of the worlds. That does not mean she is only meant to aid this world. It is my responsibility to care for everyone.”

  Harold clicked his tongue. “If there were no other threat, things would be different, but with Terrenia on the Luxe king’s radar, you must focus your energy on keeping us safe.”

  “Coward,” Vincent growled beside her. She simply nodded in agreement, unable to answer. She imagined if Harold knew she were seeing and talking to her dead uncle, things might’ve gotten even more complicated.

  “I plan on keeping us safe.” She folded her arms.

  “And just how do you plan to do that when you’re talking about leaving us to warn the other worlds?”

  “By absorbing our life core.”

  It was humorous how pale the faces of the four men sitting in front of her turned. Zarina said nothing, but one glance at her wide-eyed face told Anastasia she hadn’t seen that coming either.

  “Sure that was a smart move?” Vincent asked. “Not that there’s anything these weak men can do to stop you.”

  “You wish to absorb the power?” Another of the elders—a man by the name of Geoff—straightened in his chair.

  “That is my intention, yes.”

  “You foolish girl,” Harold growled. “You cannot possibly contain that much power.”

  “It’s like he doesn’t know you at all,” Vincent quipped, and Anastasia forced herself to hold in a chuckle.

  “If I have the life core, he can’t take it.”

  “Our world will die without it.”

  “Not if I’m still here. The power will remain on Terrenia, it will just be more difficult for Thames to get his hands on it.”

  “Difficult, but not impossible,” Geoff said. “He could still kill you and take it.”

  “But if I have the power, I will be stronger than him.”

  Harold laughed. “Do you honestly believe you have what it takes to kill your husband? As I hear it, he is the one the Luxe is using like a puppet.”

  Anastasia audibly growled, sparks snapping at her fingertips.

  “Uh-oh. He’s really stepped in it now.” Vincent clicked his tongue.

  “You have no right to dismiss what Dakota is going through. And as far as ‘having what it takes,’ I will do whatever is necessary to save the worlds from Thames and bring my husband home.”

  “And if you can’t do both?”

  Anastasia didn’t respond. That was her biggest fear, voiced by the most arrogant man in her world. If she had to choose between Terrenia and Dakota, her world or her husband, she knew which side she’d have to land on.

  But it didn’t make the decision any easier.

  “I will do everything in my power to ensure the survival of all the worlds. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have worlds to warn and a life core to find.”

  “You won’t find it.” Harold got to his feet.

  Anastasia turned back around. “You know where it is?”

  “Of course, little girl. I am one of the chosen to protect it.”

  “Then tell me where the hell I can find it.”

  “Why would I do that?”

  “So I can protect it!”

  “So you can steal the power and use it for your own gain.”

  “You’re a fool.”

  “And you’re a naïve little girl playing with things that are not toys.”

  Anastasia opened her mouth to speak, but Zarina stopped her with a hand on her shoulder.

  “Is Anastasia free to go?”

  Harold dismissed her with a wave of his hand.

  Zarina guided Anastasia out of the house and down the steps. “He’s a grumpy old fool,” Zarina explained once they were away from the cabin.

  “He’s going to get us all killed. I need that power, Zarina. Or I stand no hope of stopping Thames.”

  “I wish I could help; I have no clue where it is.”

  Anastasia glared back at the cabin. “I’ll find it with or without that bastard’s help.”

  “Good luck. And Anastasia, for what it’s worth, I’d place my life in your hands every day.”

  Anastasia smiled. “Thank you.”

  “Do you think you can bring Dakota back?”

  “I hope I can.”

  “I hope you can, too.” Her eyes filled. “Losing someone you love isn’t easy—but losing your spouse, the father to your unborn child—I cannot even imagine what that pain would be.”

  Anastasia knew she was talking about Shane, and about how much she regretted not telling him how she felt before his death. The pain of that wound was still fresh, though, and Anastasia simply pulled Zarina in for a hug.

  “Thames will pay for what he’s done, Zarina. I swear it.”

  “I know he will.”

  Releasing her, Anastasia made her way back to Tony and the Pickries.

  “I thought for sure you were going to jump across that table and strangle him.” Vincent appeared beside her and matched her steps with his own.

  “It definitely crossed my mind.”

  “If it’s any consolation, I would have if I was corporeal.”

  Anastasia laughed softly. “Thanks.”

  Vincent shrugged. “He’s a miserable bastard.”

  “I won’t argue with you there.”

  “So, what’s your plan?”

  “I’m going to warn the Brute world and the Jaitu, then find out just where this life core is being held.”

  “If you want, I can tail Harold.”

  She stopped and faced him. “You think he’ll lead you to it?”

  A smile spread across Vincent’s semi-translucent face. “I think if I were him, I’d want to keep an eye on it.”

  “I hadn’t even considered that.” Hope bloomed in her chest. “Do it.”

  “You got it.” With a wink, he was gone, and Anastasia made her way back to the village center.




  Dakota sat, dazed, staring out the window at the dark Luxe sky, the bars of his cage barely noticeable now as his mind was slowly slipping beyond his grasp.

  How long would it be before the effects of Thames’ control were permanent? Even now, it was taking a hell of a lot longer than it used to for him to recover after each time Thames took over.

  The Pickrie power core surging through him had been more painful than he could’ve possibly imagined and, had Thames not taken the power into the amulet he wore, Dakota was sure it would have ripped his body apart from the inside.

  Of course, at least then there would’ve been an end to this hell.

  “You look terrible, Brother.”

  Dakota didn’t even have the energy to glare at the bastard.

  “Try not to die yet—I still have use for you.”

  “I’ll get right on that.” Truth was, if he could’ve rolled over and died right then, he would’ve. Death would solve a hell of a lot of problems. For starters, Thames was still not strong enough to leave Luxe on his own.

  “I thought you’d be happier. We’re one step closer to you seeing your wife again. At least, temporarily, that is. Maybe I’ll even give you two some time together before I rip her heart out.” He laughed. “Or maybe not. Has been a while since I’ve been with a woman. Perhaps I’ll take your place.”

  “Fuck off.”

  Thames’ laughter roared. “Easy, brother. Even I have a moral code.”

  Dakota closed his eyes. “I very much doubt that.”

  “While fucking
your wife would be—as I imagine—a pleasurable waste of time, it would be just that—a waste. I’d much rather kill her and allow myself to fully return to my own form. Then I will have all the women I desire.”

  “Yes, because I’m sure they’re lining up at the door to throw themselves at you.”

  Thames chuckled and took a seat in the throne beside Dakota’s cage. “It may be hard for your puny mind to imagine, but when Luxe was thriving, I had my pick of our women. Sometimes, more than one at a time.”

  Dakota glanced over. “Are you looking for a ‘congratulations?’ Because I’m afraid I don’t give two shits about what a whore you were.”

  Thames got to his feet quickly. “Our customs wouldn’t be so alien to you if our mother hadn’t kept them secret for too long.”

  This time, it was Dakota who laughed. “Customs? Do you think Luxe is the only place where men sleep around? Please, I knew plenty of guys in Seattle who did just the same.”


  Dakota didn’t answer, just looked back toward the window. How the hell had everything gone so wrong? If he’d told Ana about the nightmares when they’d started, was it possible all of this could’ve been avoided?

  Could they have discovered Rosabel before she sunk her scaled claws into him?

  “It’s time.”

  Dakota was so wrapped in his own thoughts he hadn’t realized Thames stood beside the now open door to his prison.

  “No thanks, I think I’ll hang here.”

  “You have no choice. Come, come and see what our world will be once the life core is returned.”

  “I’m pretty sure a world only gets one of those, and you broke it.”

  Thames growled. “Your humor will only get you so far.”

  “Humor is the only thing I have the ability to control right now.”

  Thames walked to Dakota and lifted him by an arm. Without the strength to fight, Dakota allowed himself to be drug past the window he’d been looking toward for the better part of the morning.

  Thames continued dragging Dakota down the hall until they reached the double doors leading out to a patio overlooking the world. Thames opened the door and tossed Dakota out against the concrete balusters. “You could at least retain some of your dignity,” he spat out.

  Dakota hit the solid structure with his shoulder, the impact sending pain radiating down his arm. He forced himself to his feet and stared out at the bleak landscape.

  The moans reached him even in his cage, but seeing the tar-like humanoid shapes of the dying Luxe below was never something he’d get used to. They writhed, reaching for their king with dripping hands, the substance sizzling when it hit the dead ground.

  “Soon, you will be back to normal,” Thames promised them as he pulled the glowing amulet from his tunic. Reaching behind his back, he withdrew a scepter and removed the amulet from his neck.

  Placing it in the iron claw on top, Thames’ eyes widened with anticipation as the tines wrapped around the gem.

  The dying moaned louder, desperate cries from those who hadn’t been gifted death when Thames took over. The amulet glowed a bright green as he held it above his head with one hand, the other reaching over and grabbing a hold of Dakota’s shoulder.

  “I return the life core to Luxe, along with the heir our world has chosen!” he roared. Wind picked up, wrapping around them like a blanket, and Dakota gripped the railing tightly to prevent being knocked over in his weakened state.

  The gemstone burned brighter as if the flame inside were being stoked back to life.

  “Yes!” Thames yelled. The power swirled around them, and Dakota stumbled forward, only to be steadied by Thames’ large hand. “Sorry Brother, this will hurt. The world needs your magic to heal.”

  Dakota cried out as the gem drained his power, pulling at the threads of Luxe magic inside of him.

  The assault continued a moment longer, and Dakota’s vision began to swim, his legs growing even weaker.

  In an instant, the light disappeared and the wind quieted. Thames released Dakota, and he crumpled to the ground.

  “No!” Thames smacked the end of the scepter with his hand, and Dakota used the rest of his energy to laugh.

  “Looks like you failed.”

  Thames glared down at him, pure hatred reflected in his wide white eyes. With one swift kick, Dakota’s world fell away.

  Opening his eyes, Dakota squinted in the light pouring from the window. The melody of chirping birds sounded just outside his window, and he sat up, confused. Where am I? Hadn’t he just been inside a cage?

  An arm that was slung over his waist slipped off, and Dakota turned to see Ana opening her blue eyes for the first time that morning.

  She smiled, a completely unguarded smile, unlike he’d seen on her in years. “Morning, handsome.”


  She chuckled. “Who else would it be?” Sitting up, the covers fell away, revealing her incredibly swollen stomach.

  Dakota’s eyes widened. “You’re pregnant?”

  Eyebrow raised, Ana grinned. “Forget already? We only have a few weeks left before this one comes into the world.”

  Stretching, she got out of bed and made her way to the washbasin beside a dresser. Dakota couldn’t force himself to look away, but even without studying the room around him, he knew it wasn’t one he’d been in before.

  After splashing water on her face, she turned to him. “You hungry?”

  Without a word, Dakota climbed out of bed and rushed to her, pulling her familiar body into his arms. “I’ve missed you.”

  “Missed me? I’ve been right here.” When he pulled away, her eyes were narrowed on him. “Is everything okay?”

  “Everything is perfect. I just, I think I had a nightmare is all.”

  She cupped the side of his face, and Dakota leaned into the touch. “Oh, honey, I’m sorry to hear that.” Leaning in, she pressed a light kiss to his lips. “Everything is going to be fine.”

  “I know.”

  She beamed at him, a bright smile that would brighten even the worst of his nightmares. “How about we go and get some breakfast? I’m starving!”

  “Anything for you.”

  She turned to leave, and Dakota glanced around the room. It was large, much larger than even the cottage he shared with her back in Terrenia. A king-sized four-poster bed was centered on one wall, gold-painted leaves climbing up the mahogany posts.

  The golden quilt was ornate and decorated with the same leaves, only in amethyst stitching. On the wall opposite the bed, a wash bin sat on top of a dark mahogany dresser, and pictures of the two of them decorated the top.

  Stepping closer, he realized he recognized them as the same pictures they’d brought back with them from Seattle after defeating Vincent.

  The pictures that used to sit on their dresser in the cabin.

  “You coming?” Ana called, and Dakota rushed out the door, desperate to be in her company even if this were only some kind of crazy dream.

  She waited for him out in the hall, hand outstretched. Taking it, Dakota followed her down the corridor, past hand-drawn pictures he recognized as Tony’s handiwork.

  The sound of laughter drifted toward them, and the moment they stepped into the next room, Dakota realized where they were.

  The Luxe castle.

  Only, it wasn’t. Everything was different. Decorated, bright, and happy.

  His mother and Tony sat at a large table with Vinny, laughing and sharing fresh fruit and bread.

  A woman he didn’t recognize walked in and bowed her head. “Morning, my king, can I get you anything?”

  Realizing she was talking to him and not quite sure what to make of it, Dakota simply shook his head.

  “My Queen?”

  “I would love some orange juice, if that wouldn’t be too much trouble?”

  “Not too much trouble at all. Coming right up!” Beaming, the woman left the room in a hurry, and Ana took a seat beside Tony at the table.
r />   Dakota watched the people he loved most in the world interact as if nothing was wrong. As if they were meant to be here, on this world, in this place that had become his prison.


  Dakota looked up and saw a man standing on the other side of the table. The man was translucent, but his white eyes were saddened as he looked at Dakota’s mother.

  “Who are you?” Dakota asked, not moving from where he stood.

  The man chuckled. “I suppose you wouldn’t recognize me, would you? I’m Thames’ father, the one who used to be king.”

  Dakota swallowed hard. He was also the man who’d come to him in dreams all those weeks ago. “What is going on? Is this real?”

  The man shook his head sadly. “Unfortunately, this is only a dream, but if you can stop Thames, it is something that could very well be your reality.”

  “Tell me what I can do. Whatever it is, I’ll do it.”

  “I wish I could be of more help. This castle is full of ghosts, Dakota. It would be nice to see them set free.”

  “There has to be something you can tell me!”

  “I’m afraid there’s not. But if Thames continues collecting the life cores, there will be no stopping him, Dakota. The horridness he’s begun here will only spread, and the other worlds will fall. Just as Luxe has fallen.”

  “Please, just tell me how to stop him!”

  The man looked around the room before settling his eyes back on Dakota. “This castle is full of ghosts, Dakota,” he repeated. “I certainly hope you do not become one of us.”




  The last time Anastasia traveled to the Brute world, it had been a barren landscape with nothing but chunks of rock and a grey sky.

  Now, as she and Tony stepped through the portal, it was completely unrecognizable. Brutes worked in gardens full of fresh produce, or tended cattle in the field, and horses in stables.

  A brook bubbled by, traveling in its bed through thick green grass before disappearing into the large mountains ahead. The serene environment was so peaceful, Anastasia had to stop for a moment to take it all in.


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