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Renegade (Ruthless Tendencies Book 2)

Page 3

by D. M. Burns

  The large pink elephant in the room is squeezing me into a corner here. The pressure on my heart is heavy. Everyone’s ignoring the fact that Renegade’s a no show. That’s a subject I won’t indulge or venture into though. It’s a taboo subject and best to avoid it at all costs.

  “It’s so good to see all of you,” I say.

  “Nice to have ya home, babe.” Rebel pulls the joint out from behind his ear and Rage quirks his eyebrow at him. It’s a silent warning before spoken.

  “Don’t make me kick your ass.” Rage says.

  “I’ll be right back after I smoke this.” Rebel chuckles.

  “Right behind ya.” Rampage says. I nod my head in answer and giggle as both guys move for the back door.

  “I’m going to step out with them, baby girl. I’ll take Ghost with me. Be right back.” Rage kisses Reese’s forehead then follows behind his cousins. The four legged fur Ghost moves close behind the alpha male that is Rage.

  “Who are the rest of these people?” I point to the beefed-up boy toys and girls milling about the place.

  “Some of the crew from Club Chaos that Reb and Ramp invited. They come to hang out.” Reese looks around and shrugs. She grabs my hand and leads our way to the kitchen. “I made us some hunch punch too.” One of the unknown faces flips the music back on as we round the corner.

  Taking the time to look around the place, I see Reese’s presence noted everywhere. I notice there are pictures of us on the mantle from our high school days, better times caught in a still square sheet of photo paper. She turned this place into a home and my heart is so happy for her. Reese pours us both a glass of punch and passes mine off to me. We climb up on the bar stools in front of a massive cake that must be mine. I smile brightly at my best friend’s efforts.

  “You look so grownup and fashion fab. I caught all of your fashion styles on TV. I’m so proud of you.” Reese says.

  “Thanks Reese. You look so damn happy that my heart settles. That flipping ring is something serious and flawless. It’s like he bought a carat for every dickhead doing he sent your way over the years.” I tug at her hand and silently fist bump Rage’s taste in diamond shopping. He did my best friend right. You go you little raging asshole, you.

  “Shoot, he’d have to buy a damn diamond store if that was the case. But I’m so lucky, Asia. He was all I ever wanted; you know that.” She smiles.

  “Yeah, I know babe. Proud for you.” I bump her shoulder with mine.

  “Renegade was supposed to be here. I’m sure there’s a really good reason why he’s not. I’m sorry.” She shoots me an apologetic smile.

  “Listen, I don’t expect anyone to drop what they're doing for me. I would’ve been happy with a lowkey lunch, just me and you.” I finish on a wink. Hell, I would’ve preferred it. The music changes up and Here Without You by Three Doors Down fills the air.

  “You have a knack for covert planning and secrets with mad dashes, that’s for sure. Damn surprised you're even here Miss Grace. Figured you’d be a no show. That’s why this wasn’t high on my priority list of must do’s. You’ll have to forgive me for being tardy to the party, hmm?” He says.

  That low rough voice sounds out from behind me. It skates over my skin like a fresh layer of frost with a gangrene result. The implication dripping from his words is not lost on me. I slowly swivel around in my stool.

  Casually, I tip my lips up, lean back in my seat, cross my legs and lock eyes with his lethal gunmetal silver stare. The tension thick air is threatening to erupt at any given moment. Reese’s head is snapping back and forth between us, exorcist style. She’s expecting some type of reaction from either one of us at any second. I won’t entertain this shit.

  Back in the day my fuse was short and betting on me to strike out would’ve paid off greatly but not now. It’s at this moment that I realize these people truly don’t know me anymore. I’ve changed. He’s changed. Five years ago, I was feisty and fiery. Lethal with years of experience and training under my belt in martial arts. My abilities to bring forth a demon of destruction were unrivaled. Hell, they still are but that playtime is reserved, bottle and corked.

  That high school version of a demolition bombshell ballsy bitch is dead when it comes to deserved retaliation and anger. Ren is justified. A massacre three months before graduation left me with the proof I needed. Anyone is subject to life-altering evil. No one is completely safe, ever. Usually, it’s the ones you consider to be your friends that deliver that reality. Hard lesson to learn at a young age. This stupid and naïve girl got schooled quickly.




  It’s my fault for the hostile vibe resonating off Ren though. I dropped everything including him and fled the scene, but it’s true all the same. I had to go. Renegade couldn’t know either. My decisions are mine. I own them. I own the blowback too. This right here is a direct result of my actions. A little overkill if you ask me but understandable all the same.

  Renegade’s leaned into the kitchen doorframe. His tall body is bulked out to massive levels. Those arms are ridiculously larger than what I remember, more defined. His dark whiskey mixed black colored hair is slicked back into a hair tie and his thick lips are sporting a fake as hell smile. It’s more of an evil smirk.

  The tailored suit is a welcomed sight, a new delicious look for him. It’s a far cry from the high school clothes that used to adorn his sexy frame. Even though I do miss the football uniform tights that showed off his muscular legs and bite-able tight ass. The first two buttons are left hanging open on his crisp white business shirt. It gives off the impression that he’s casual in attendance when that’s the furthest thing from the truth. He’s grown into a gorgeous angry man. Closed off and brooding beautiful. Jesus, my Renegade.

  Those silver irises are scanning over my body like he’s performing a damn MRI. Anyone else wouldn’t notice the clenching of his jawline but I do. I know this boy turned man. He’s pissed but containing it well or at least to everyone else other than me. The demon behind his silver starlight eyes points at their red demonic slits then aims those decrepit fingers at mine as if to say, “I’ve got my fuck sockets of evil set on you bitch. Prepare yourself.”

  “It’s good to see you, Renegade.” I give him a small wave and smile. I can be civilized. I just hope he can do the same. I’ve prayed for it. “You’re all grown up in business. Nice look for you too.” He tilts his head. Those eyes are still picking me apart like a DNA test kit. Trying to breakdown my genetic makeup. Always the detective slicing the crime scene into sections then trying to piece the puzzle back together. I’m a cold case file, Renegade, just let it go.

  “Thanks. You look the part of a glammed-up girl. Shocked you moved back here though. For a butterfly such as yourself, I’d have figured you’d spread those wings wide and fly high. Was it social suicide for the little ninja in newfound territory? Little fish in a large pond, hmm? Or maybe LA just wasn’t everything you thought it’d be, huh?” He sticks his bottom lip out displaying a fake frown. “Fucking tragic.” He covers his hand over his heart.

  I wasn’t stupid enough to expect him to say he’s glad to see me. We talked before I moved to LA, sorta. I explained things the best I could before I left. I didn’t call but that’s because he made it clear that I was not a friend and never would be. He scratched my name off the Christmas card list. There was really nothing else left to say. I hurt him, deeply. I didn’t think he’d entertain calls from the ex-girlfriend that knifed his heart out.

  This entire act right here holds more than the healthy amount of hostility and hate one would issue fair. His voice is dripping with cyanide. He’s behaving like I shanked him on the way out and kidnapped our lovechild. I knew I hurt him, but this kind of animosity is on levels that I didn’t see coming or expect.

  “LA was actually great. I was just ready to come home, ya know?” I wave my handout in an easy-going motion.

  “We’ll see.” He grunts with a chin lift then
turns his stormy eyes over to Reese.

  The song changes and Beautiful Pain by Eminem streaks through the sound waves echoing my thoughts and mocking me at the same time. Renegade smirks and quirks his brows as if to say, “Yeah, what he said, bitch.”

  “I like this song better.” He flashes me a wink then looks to Reese. “Where are the guys Reese’s Pieces?” He asks.

  “They're out on the back porch.” Reese shoots daggers at his forehead as he turns on his heels and casually walks out whistling an evil tune.

  “I’m so sorry Asia.” She whispers.

  “No. No. It’s fine. I really must go anyway. Mom and Dad are expecting me for dinner.” Her emerald eyes meet mine and I swear it hurts my heart. “It’s not like that honey. I told you they planned this little dinner out. They made the reservations weeks ago. My leaving has nothing to do with him. Please don’t be upset. And for the love of God, don’t say anything.” She nods.

  “At least take your cake.” She goes to get up and prepare it for me.

  “No babe. It’ll just go to waste at my apartment. There’s only one me. These guys will devour it. I’d much rather them enjoy it, yeah?” I shake my head.

  “Okay.” She stands and cuts me a slice anyway then places it in to-go Tupperware. “You’ll at least take a piece for later.”

  “We’ll catch up Friday after I get off work, right? I only have one client to fashion out then I’m free for the day.” I say.

  “Absolutely. I’ll be at your apartment with wine for much-needed girl time.” I hug her so tightly that the air rushes from her body. “Love you, Reese.”

  “I’m so glad your home. I love you too.” She whispers.

  I knew seeing Renegade would hurt but in reality, it’s like a fatal kick to the ribs. It was something that I wasn’t fully prepared for apparently. A blast to the past, not. When I close Reese’s door behind me, I lean my body against the wood and let out a long sigh as tears threaten to break free.

  Shit will get worse before it gets better this much is certain. His eyes were haunted but infused with hatred for me. What Renegade doesn’t understand is that you can’t break the broken. Hell, my insides have been shattered out. Nothing but a hollow pile of spiky shards. Even if I wasn’t, I’m not worth the time or effort it takes to accomplish those goals of punishment. He deserves better than me, much better.

  chapter 4 - Renegade

  Asia’s gorgeous sex appeal has only amplified with the years that’s passed by. My dick let his thoughts known on the subject matter with a standing solid salute from behind the zipper. Those full blow pop thick lips will have every man wanting to bury his dick balls deep into her mouth. Her body is fit as would be expected from training in martial arts. Her long satin dark brown hair hits down to the middle of her back. It’s the type of hair that you want to wrap around your hand for leverage during a rough-riding fuck from behind.

  When I stepped foot inside that kitchen and saw those baby browns spin around and pin me in place, I was reminded of her lethal allure. Beautiful to the eyes and touch, but a walking-talking flesh reminder that deadly diversions live throughout her actions.

  The thing about the heart is that it has no direct connect to the fucking brain. And my dick damn sure don’t take orders from any other organ. He’s a lone wolf. That predators hunt for thirsty pussy is real. My self-control is on point though. I’ve lived all these years with hate and it’s my most powerful aphrodisiac. Learning to ignore that beastly bastard in my boxers was mastered years ago.

  “Ren, what was that all about? I know your moma taught you better manors than that.” She pokes her sharp razor for a fingernail in my back.

  I whip around at the angry touch and tone of our Reese’s Pieces. What I find is a green-eyed, silky black-haired flustered female mini-Rage. She snuck up on the back porch and she’s gearing up to tear my ass a new one. Her interrogation has ensued. I’m frantically trying to recall my words from a few minutes ago. She’s jabbing my chest with that built-in shank showing zero sympathy in her puncture wound abilities. I rub at the sting while feigning innocence with my eyes.

  “What did you do?” Rage growls. He wraps his huge arm around his angry little wife tucking her protectively into his side. It’s hard to decipher his facial expression because it rarely ever changes from the permeant raging asshole that’s always firmly in place.

  “I didn’t do anything.” I shrug as my eyes bounce back and forth from Rage to Reese.

  “You calling my wife a liar?” Rage grits out. Fuck that loaded gun question, deflect.

  “Nope… Not doing it. That’s a fucking trap and one I’m not stepping in. Plus, I’d never call this little beauty a damn liar anyway.” I turn my beer up with a shake of my head. Rampage and Rebel bust out laughing.

  “I’m not going to pretend to know what happened between you guys because I don’t. Asia never told me, but Ren she just got home. We’re all friends. We’re family too. We look out for each other. Whatever it was that happen so many years ago isn’t worth holding onto, people change.” Reese says.

  If Reese only knew what that so-called best friend of hers was capable of, she’d rethink that family-tree analogy shit altogether. That’s a discussion I won’t be having with anyone right now. Damage control is needed before Rage beats my ass.

  “Reese’s Pieces, I was nice. It’s just been a really long time since I saw her is all.”

  “You’re an asshole, Ren.” She turns back to Rage. “She left using some excuse about dinner with her parents. Something’s off with her Rage. I can feel it. I could see it in her eyes.” Reese shakes her head adamantly. It’s as if she’s trying to reach inside a crystal ball and retrieve answers to unknown questions. Good luck. This girl might as well give that search rescue up. “I should’ve gone to see her years ago in LA, but she promised everything was okay. Only I knew better.” That’s shit’s an understatement.

  “We’ll figure it out, baby girl.” He folds his arms around Reese while giving me a murderous look then flips me the fucking bird behind her back.

  “Well, Ren… You just let me know if I can have those leftovers and damn it, I’ll be all about that shit.” Rampage says. This little motherfucker right here. I glare at my twin with thoughts of death flashing before my eyes. We may share an outer shell that’s identical, but our insides are night and day.

  “You piece of shit,” I growl.

  “I guess that’s a no, huh?” He shrugs his shoulders and laughs out loud. “She’s a fashion legend and let’s face it, I’m the male definition of a financial fashion God.” He blows me a kiss.

  “Fuck you, Ramp.” I might be over the fuckery with Asia, but that doesn’t mean she’s on the auction block for brotherly bidding.

  “Hell, you guys shared the same wound, birthday and so many other fucking things. I guess he figures snatch is a green light too.” Rebel coughs out in between a toke off his joint. “She’s damn fine, that’s for sure. Like a fucking ten plus.” I turn my eyes to the little brother that’s sporting a heavy high. I’m about to ruin his buzz.

  “I should’ve let him beat the fuck out of you all those years ago.” I point to Rage and eyeball Rebel.

  “Guess you still have a thing for the midnight ninja, huh?” Rampage asks.

  “She’s my past. But you’re my god damn brother, you dick. Maybe you don’t mind someone calling out my name while you fuck them, huh? Sorta, sad you never learned that lesson from Isabella.” I say.

  ‘Man, that happened when we were fifteen. You ever going to let that go?” Rampage says.

  “I have no problem with you fucking Isabella. Just a nut bro. However, she was pissed to find out your dick, unlike everything else, wasn’t identical to mine. From what she said three inches is a big god damn difference.” I smirk at him while Rage and Rebel laugh out loud.

  “Fuck you, Ren.” Rampage says. “Ten inches motherfucker.” He grabs his crotch.

  “Well, Asia’s not my past you bunch of assholes.�
�� Reese semi-shouts causing all of us to shut the fuck up. “Stop talking about her like she’s a joint you all can just pass around and get a sexual toke off of. She’s my best friend.”

  “Reese’s Pieces we were just joking babe.” Rebel calls out.

  With that, Reese turns around and stalks inside the house with Ghost tagging along right behind her. Rage turns to all three of us and his expression is a sinister one. Shit…

  “Do what the fuck you want to Renegade on your own time with Asia, but when Reese is involved you play fucking nice or I’ll rip your god damn balls off. That’s her best friend and you know it.” He turns his eyes on Rampage and Rebel and points at me then continues, “He’s your brother. That was his lady at one time. Find your dicks another hole to dip in for safekeeping. We watch out for Asia cause no matter what, that crazy chick would do the fucking same for any of us.”

  “We were just fucking around Rage.” Rebel whines.

  “You know I’d never mess with Asia. Hell, that walking sex on sticks can kick all our ass’s.” Rampage says.

  “Parties over. I’m out.” I say. I’ve got places to be and a ninja bitch to see.

  With those parting words, Rage turns around and heads for the house where his wife disappeared, and I round the house for my truck.

  I’ll let them live in the fantasy world of Asia Grace being the lost angel that finally found her wings and flew home. I won’t taint their thought pattern, but my methodical Hate Wars are in motion as we speak. Fucking up my mapped-out plan of attack through the trenches is not happening.

  Being the owner of a security and investigations firm has its perk’s. One of which is that if I want to find you, then it’s a safe bet to make that I’m going to show up at your doorstep. Keeping an eye in the sky over Asia was easy enough and I’ve been doing so ever since she left town. Don’t ask me why. It was a pleasurable pastime that filled in the empty spaces with something to do. Scratched the itch for knowledge when needed, I suppose.


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