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Renegade (Ruthless Tendencies Book 2)

Page 19

by D. M. Burns

  “You would’ve raped her again. We both know it. And that final act on your behalf would have officially killed that girl.” When he makes the mistake of a small smirk, I know I just touched down this fucknuts pathological passion. I’m on to something here. “You son-of-a-bitch… That’s what you get out of it, you satanic little fucker. I get it.” I tilt my head sideways mocking his position on the floor and point my joint holding finger at him.

  “It’s not the nut. It’s not the control. Because you, my twisted friend, didn’t force yourself on anyone. You drug your victims. That’s what sails your psycho ship… It’s killing someone on the inside while still leaving a pulse. Then you watch their slow demise of your mental fuckery from the sidelines. That’s what happened to Ansley too.” I toke on my joint and stand. I pieced that together pretty quickly. I’m proud of myself. “You didn’t have that effect on Asia. She was mentally stronger, more than you gave her credit for. It both pissed you off and intrigued you equally.” I slowly move his way.

  Jake’s kibble and bits brain are something that the medical field would find interesting that’s for sure. Bending down I grab the sides of his chair and fling him upright watching his bobble-head bounce from side to side. Now that the pieces of the puzzle are firmly in place for me where this fucknut is concerned, I can zip up his crazy straight-jacket and consider this case solved. Time to tuck him in for eternity.

  “I’ll never bother her again. Swear to Christ Rebel.” He snivels. Oh, I know you won’t you fuckface. I smirk at him and pat his head like a disobedient child.

  His voice sounds desperate and several octaves above normal for any man. Pretty sure that’s what the women’s voices would’ve sounded like had they been coherent when he raped them. I clap his shoulder and nod my head. He lets out a relieved sigh. This simpleton still thinks he has a chance. The chuckle that leaves my mouth can’t be held in.

  “Figured I’d be talking to Renegade or Rage… Not you.” He sounds relieved.

  “If they were here, you might stand a chance.” That’s the truth too. I blow out a lung full of Cush. Damn, this is some good shit. I gotta remember to call my bud-brother and get more of this. I reach into my suit jacket and pulled out a syringe.

  “C’mon Rebel… Man, just name your price.” He begs.

  “Sellers, I have more money than you in just one of my healthy bank accounts. Fuck your money.” I smile wide and shake my head in disgust.

  “You really want to end up like your cousin? Behind bars.” His shoes struggle against the tile trying to shoot across the floor as far away from me as humanly possible. I shake my head no. Because I don’t. Because I won’t. And because I know that’s not ever going to happen. But one thing’s for sure, Jake’s a dead man.

  “I want to thank you for the hands-on psychological review of your twisted mental status but it’s over now. You battle with those genetic inherited thoughts and compulsions, but at the end of the day that sick evil urge always wins out. It overcomes any small amount of good you might possess. I’m going to help you out with that.” He bows his head and cries like the little bitch boy he rightfully is.

  “You have three choices Sellers. The only remorse I’ll show you is in option one. I only make this choice available because your bullshit was passed through DNA. Otherwise, I’d get creative and morbid on your ass.” I take a pull off my joint and smile.

  “I really hope you don’t pick this route because honestly, I want to hurt you. So, I’ll only offer this one time.” I smile wider as I expel the tangy smoke from my lungs. “I can inject you with this, silent but deadly concoction.” I hold up the potion I made just for him and wiggle it.

  “Option two, I can toss your god damn ass into the deep end of your pretty boy pool and watch you drown. That’s really taking all the fun out of it for me though, god damn buzzkill. Or Option three, I can do what I really want to do, and that’s beat you unmercifully until your brains spill out onto the floor. You got three seconds to pick motherfucker.”

  chapter 29 - renegade

  Staring out into the empty open arena, I strum my fingers on the arm of my chair while sipping on my crown and coke. This place will be at full capacity in a few hours. People will flock in to watch Rage bring forth the crazy rage and ultimate Chaos he’s feared and well-loved for from afar. A safe distance is key.

  It’s been a little over a week and I can’t get that girl out of my fucking membrane. When she gave me that fucking head shake confirmation of lies, my stomach turned. But when she said that drinking was the culprit, I snapped. She’s always been a bad fucking liar.

  Getting away from her was key. I literally wanted to jerk her up off that bed. Shaking her body until she confessed the fucking truth was an urge that I had to get under control. My hands tingled with the need. She was fucking lying. I felt that in my god damn heart. After all these years, still with the lies. Why? Why the fuck would she lie now? None of it makes any sense.

  Mentally, I feel like the woman is giving me a fucking brain aneurysm. I’m exhausted from trying to figure her out. After that lying bedside confessional, it felt like she froze my heart solid then bashed it with a hammer. Being done with her would be my best decision but that fucking heart of mine is not hooked up to the brain. They're never in sync. Missing memo after fucking memo when it comes to the wellbeing of my soul. It’ll be a process but eventually, this bullshit will pass, right? I’m a god damn liar too. That woman fucking owns me. Circling my liquid love around in the glass I smirk. Liquid love… The actual fuck.

  Scrubbing my hand across my five o’clock shadow, I turn my drink up as my door swings open. I spin around in my chair expecting to see Rage but in walks Rampage and Rebel. They amble over and plop their ass’s down in front of my desk.

  “Did you hear about Sellers?” Rampage asks. I quirk my eyebrows and shake my head no, then turn my drink up. It’s not a lie. I haven’t heard shit. “It’s all over the news.”

  “If you only knew how much I despise a climatic build-up, you’d just spit it out.” I say.

  I reach across my desk, grab the controls and bring the wall screen to life. Sure enough, the police are swarming all around his property like little fucking ants on a piece of candy. There’s a bird’s eye view of every square inch and angle.

  “Someone off the fucker.” Rampage says. Rebel’s focus stays diligent on his task at hand, rolling a blunt to be exact. Dear Jesus.

  “Do they know how?” I ask. My voice is void of fucks given because I seriously have none.

  “They said it was a lethal injection. The worst known concoction available in chemical warfare. Some really nasty shit. Experts say that it’s an agonizing prolonged death of the worst kind. Topping the charts of a heinous exit out.” Rampage pokes his bottom lip out while Rebel’s beefy body silently shakes from laughter.

  “Sounds tragic.” The sarcasm dripping from Rebel’s voice is comical. He licks the blunt paper and expertly rolls his joint with precision in his craft. Damn thing looks like a perfect fucking cigar. Guy has skills.

  “That’s not all though. They said that as he was nearing the end of the suffering stages from that syringe, he was tossed into the deep end of his pool but not before someone brutally beat him within an inch of his life.” Ramps says. My eyes cut over to Rebel as he laughs under his breath.

  “Couldn’t have happened to a more deserving fucker. I feel nothing for that bag of twisted dicks.” I say and turn my drink up while staring at Rebel’s no fucks given attitude.

  The truth of the matter is, I paid Jake a little visit after leaving Asia’s house. Regardless of what she says, I know he raped her. I was tardy to the death party though. I found him floating upside down in his pool. Tie to a chair. Someone merely got to him before I did. Zero fucks are given for Sellers. The world’s a better place. Adios motherfucker. His demented ass is exactly where he deserves to be. With his own kind. Burning in hell.

  “I figured you’d get an erect dick out of it.” Rampag
e tilts his head at me, and I nod. He’s trying to gauge my mood. I shrug and finish off my crown and coke. This is old news but a welcomed outcome, nonetheless.

  “I’m not going to lie, that news makes my insides warm and fuzzy for sure, but an erect dick-no. Your playboy dick is the only one that can find excitement in any given situation, not me.” I smirk when Ramp flips me off. Rebel’s red-rimmed eyes are examining me like a lab test under the microscope, so I wink at him.

  “A healthy sex life is a good life.” Ramp shrugs as he stands from the chair and moves for the door. “I’m flying out to New York in a few days. I’ll be gone for a couple of weeks this time. So, if there’s any shit you guys need hit me up before I leave. I got a list of shit to take care of before the fight tonight. I’ll see you fuckers in a couple of hours.”

  “Another trip… Damn brother, you gotta bitch in the big apple?” Rebel asks while tucking his blunt behind his ear. Rampage doesn’t confirm or deny. He just keeps walking. “He’s got a piece of ass out that way, betcha.”

  “Yeah, probably.” I lean back into my chair and take in my little demented brother. “So, little Nico…” Rebel scowls at me. He hates being called by his given name. “You got some mail in from a college the other day. What’s that all about?”

  “When did you start going through folks mail?” He quirks his eyebrow at me.

  “The mail thing is old school intel shit. But to answer your question, I’ve been doing that shit since I was a kid. Investigative itch in me, ya know?” I chuckle.

  “No, that’s the nosey bastard in you. Don’t get that shit confused. I enrolled in a few advanced psychology courses starting in a few months. It’s no big deal.” Rebel flings his hand out. “Something to pass time with.” He shrugs.

  “Did Asia really crawl Hoss like a rope and put his ass to sleep?” He asks.

  “Yeah. She put him down in less than two minutes. Effective as fuck. Did you really think it was a rumor?” I chuckle.

  “Not really. Asia is a fucking badass. So, what’s going on with her?” I knew he was going to bring it up, fuck.

  “Why Reb?” I ask. Let’s see where he takes this conversation. He squints his eyes at me. Analyzing me with that crazed assertion that only he possesses.

  “Are we going to answer a question with a question now? Because that shit’s annoying as fuck. I loathe it about as much as you do prolonged storytelling with climatic build-ups.” He says.

  “I haven’t talked to her. Your guess is as good as mine.” I sit up, place my glass down and rest my elbows on my desk.

  “She was protecting you from yourself, Ryice. That’s what both of you do, protect others. You would’ve killed him back then and that’s why she never told you shit and took off. Those facts are free from me to you.” He stands and plucks the blunt out from behind his ear while moving his mini Rage ass toward my door. “Re-think your fuckery before it’s too late.”

  “I wasn’t there for her when she needed me the most man.” I say. That shit has really fucked with me.

  “There’s only one way to fix that shit. You know what to do.” He calls out over his shoulder.

  “Rebel…” I stand from my chair and reach into my pocket as he turns around facing me. This little asshole is not quite as slick as he thinks he is.

  “Yeah, brother?” I toss his zippo lighter at him and he catches it. Quick reflexes for a half-baked motherfucker.

  “You dropped that while at Jake’s pool party for two the other night,” I smirk at him. Renegade to the motherfucking rescue again.

  His eyes linger on the zippo before meeting mine. Yeah, I know you’re a mid-evil little savage with your heart firmly intact. Sometimes it takes good evil to rid us of bad evil, there’s a difference, him. He just needs to learn how to cover his tracks. Stupid fucking mistakes will lead to incarceration.

  “Nice save. Appreciate it. By the way, he admitted to raping her. He got what he deserved, period. No apologies here.” He says. “Like I said, she knew what you would’ve done. We were already adjusting to the loss of Rage. She protected you from yourself, asshole.”

  He lights his blunt then tucks the lighter securely in his pocket and continues out the door. I should’ve told mom when I caught his younger self pulling the legs off spiders and crickets with a pair of tweezers. Mental note; never piss off the brutal demon living in my little brother’s body. Time to iron out the details and go get what’s Mine Over Matter.

  chapter 30 - asia

  Finding myself out and about at this Gala was against my better judgment. But after I finished styling Ashlin Avers for this event earlier today she made me promise to make an appearance tonight. At this stage in the game, I need all the business referrals I can get. The funds are needed for Grace Jujitsu.

  My long flowing silky white backless dress and diamond stiletto sandals were my choice of armor for the evening. Dressing up brought me out of my funky fog. I choose to wear my hair up in a stylish updo with loose tendrils so I could show off the dramatic backless dress design. The diamond outline is to die for. My attire is catching eyes. This dress alone has sparked up conversation after conversation. It has landed me with over twenty new business contacts that are itching for my fresh fashion fab abilities.

  The Porsche Center in Atlanta opened its doors welcoming in this pop culture event. My stilettos click-clack against the shiny marble floors with each step I take in the large space. The tabletops are coated in fine red fabric making the top-quality crystal adorning the table sparkle brighter, not that it needed help.

  My eyes linger on the intricate crystal chandelier hanging above my head as it twinkles out a 3D hello at me. It’s one of the largest I’ve ever seen. Admittedly, one of the most beautifully made designs too. The place screams wealth and smells of money.

  There are even Porsche show cars partitioned off behind glass walls to draw in the attendee’s attention. I’m sure the possible income from potential sales had a lot to do with entertaining this crowd. Honestly, I thought this place was for car events only. I guess anything is possible with enough money.

  By the looks of things, I made the right choice in coming here. Ashlin is stunning, more so than her natural God-given beauty, thanks to me. And she’s not being selfish with sharing my information with her rich and beautiful friends when they question who her stylist is. The added business contacts are flourishing.

  After politely turning down the new contract on Renegade’s strip mall, Mr. Frazier found me another comparable space. Surprisingly, he and I have become pretty close. I’m supposed to go look at the property tomorrow with him. It’ll cost a good bit more in rent, but this is my dream and I plan on seeing it through. I dropped in on a new construction building that was right off main street the other day too. It was a fantasy facility for someone like me and totally out of my price range. But there was no reason why I couldn’t take a peek, right? In a nutshell, it was perfection. Those are new goal aspirations.

  Renegade’s free handout was tempting but I couldn’t bring myself to accept it. I changed my locks and phone number as well. I’m trying desperately to get out of that dark place. Moving on is hard enough without distractions constantly reeling you back in. Reminders of my past are not required. I live with my actions every day. If I ever want a chance at some type of normalcy a free and clear break is necessary.

  It’s been several weeks since Ren walked out of my apartment. The weight on my chest is still heavy from my lie. The consequences a replica of what I assume is hell reincarnated. My decision was made, and I’ve got to press on. He’s come by my apartment serval times but I never opened the door. No more hate pop-in visits, those are over too. Self-torture is a bad habit that I’m trying to break away from.

  My insides feel the pressure from his absence every day. I hurt him again. Except this time his eyes held not only hate but finality. There’s really no coming back from that with Renegade. He’s done with me. Acceptance tastes like a bite out of a poison apple, toxic. />
  When I first saw the news about Jake’s death, I couldn’t help but presume he cornered the wrong woman. Finally, justice found him with a swift kick to the nut sack. It was a weightless feeling like being in a pool of water, much like how he was found. All the dead weight I’d been carrying around from five years ago was released. Drifting away with his rotting corpse. My ungodly thoughts for that man is real. But just like him, they can rest now.

  This may seem crazy to you but that evil building that Jake deeded over in my name, I anonymously gifted that last week to the local foundation for abused and battered women. It’ll become their new center. A home and shelter for women who truly need it. It was a worthy cause and Jake Sellers dying donation to the female population he preyed upon. I wanted nothing to do with that parting gift from him. It felt like the right thing to do so, I done it.

  They say that the man responsible for Jake’s death was out to inflict misery. And he did just that with an edge close to borderline insanity. A demon of deliverance is what they called him. The way I see it is, Jake met his match, except this guy was an overachiever in their craft. I tend to believe this unknown person is a hero. His evil was good.

  That demon of deliverance, as they called him, saved countless women from future harm. That Karma kindness also set me free from a mental prison where I was locked inside my own dark thoughts for far too long. There’s not one ounce of remorse that exists in my body for Jake, period.

  I wanted to race out of my apartment and find Renegade. Tell him the raw truth and confess everything. Then his words slammed into me like a knife between my breastbone. “I’m done here. I’m done with all of this. I’m done with you. But most of all Asia, I’m done with anything that was us. Stay the fuck away from me lady.” Chopping myself off at the knees despite the self-inflicted agony to save him from any more damage. That’s what I did. That’s who I am. Always for him.


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