Book Read Free

Fatal Invasion

Page 14

by Marie Force

  “The children were released into the custody of licensed foster parents,” Nick said. “The way I see it, they saved your department a lot of trouble by working this out for you.”

  “That may be the way you see it, sir, but that’s not the case. I received a call at five o’clock this morning that the children had been found and placed without our involvement, which, as the social worker at GW knows, is against policy.”

  Nick released Sam’s hand and leaned forward, elbows on knees, fiercely handsome.

  Here it comes, Sam thought, wishing she could rub her hands together. The charm offensive.

  “Let me ask you this, Ms. Finklestein... What’s in the children’s best interest now—removing them from a place they feel safe and subjecting them to further trauma, or allowing them to remain in our custody until other plans can be made? Is it really more important to you that we backtrack to follow procedure, or is it far more critical that we consider the needs of two children who’ve just lost their parents in the most tragic way imaginable?”

  Sam wanted to stand up and cheer. She also wanted to kiss him. But she didn’t do either of those things. Rather, she sat perfectly still and waited for the other woman to reply.

  “I understand your position and agree it would be disruptive to move the children again if they’re comfortable here. However, I do need to take them to be evaluated and processed.”

  “They’re five, and they’re traumatized,” Nick said, beginning to sound more frustrated than charming. “What kind of evaluation and processing could you possibly need to do that couldn’t be done right here where they’re with people they know and have become at least slightly comfortable with?”

  Her lips set in a tight expression. “I need to see the children.”

  “You’re more than welcome to come back in a couple of hours when they’re awake,” Nick said.

  “I need to see them now.”

  “I’m afraid that’s not going to happen,” Sam said. “They went to bed late. Alden was up during the night, and they’re both still asleep, where they shall remain until they wake up on their own. At that time, you’re more than welcome to speak with them.”

  The two women engaged in a visual standoff.

  Sam refused to blink or look away.

  Seeming to realize she was fighting a losing battle, Ms. Finklestein cleared her throat. “Very well, then.” She put her business card on the coffee table and stood. “I’ll expect a call the minute the children are awake.”

  “If you attempt to remove them from our custody,” Nick said, “I’ll expect you to bring a court order. Barring that, they aren’t going anywhere until permanent arrangements are made for their care. Am I clear on that?”

  “Crystal,” she said, her tone frosty. She stormed toward the door, which was opened by the agent on duty, who then closed it behind her.

  Sam jumped into Nick’s arms, taking him by surprise as she kissed his entire face. “You were so fucking amazing. I’ve never wanted you more than I do right now.”

  “Dear God, woman,” he said, as he took a step backward while trying not to topple over from the impact.

  Nate, the agent at the door, cleared his throat and suppressed a laugh.

  “Not in front of the agents,” Nick said, his face flushed with embarrassment.

  “Don’t let me stop you,” Nate said. “I thought you were pretty great too.”

  “See?” Sam said, continuing to kiss Nick’s face. “It’s not just me who thinks so.”

  The door opened to admit Shelby, who had Noah strapped to her chest. “Um, okay,” she said, seeing Sam attached to Nick. “I can come back if now isn’t a good time to arrive for work.”

  “Come in,” Sam said. “Put me down.”

  “I don’t want to,” Nick said, tightening his hold on her.


  “To be continued later,” he muttered before putting her down.

  “What’d I miss?” Shelby asked Nate. “Mom and Dad don’t usually PDA in front of the help.”

  “To recap,” Nate said, “a lady from CFS came to take the kids, and Mr. Vice President let her know that isn’t happening without a court order. Mrs. Cappuano appreciated his efforts on behalf of the kids.”

  “Ahh,” Shelby said, laughing. “I see how it is.”

  “He was amazing,” Sam said, looking up at him. “Truly amazing.”

  “I take it the kids are here to stay for the time being?” Shelby asked, tugging up the sleeves of her pink sweatshirt.

  “Barring a court order,” Nick said, “which they’ll be hard-pressed to get, as we are licensed foster parents.”

  “If I may, sir,” Brant said, joining them. “I couldn’t help but overhear, and I wonder if it wouldn’t be better for everyone concerned if the children were placed elsewhere until permanent arrangements can be made.”

  “Better for whom?” Sam asked, giving him a pointed look.

  “Your husband and son, ma’am. I’ve been in touch with the director about the situation this morning, and he is in full agreement that the Beauclair children should not be sheltered here.”

  “I’m glad you’re all in full agreement,” Nick said. “We are not.”

  “With all due respect, Mr. Vice President,” Brant said, “the person who set the fire at the Beauclairs’ home did so knowing there were four people in the house. They were willing to incinerate those children.”

  His blunt words made Shelby whimper.

  “What’s to stop them from trying again?” Brant asked.

  “You,” Nick said. “You and the rest of our security make it impossible for anyone to get anywhere near us or them.”

  “You and I both know that’s not one hundred percent true. We do everything we can to protect you, but no security is completely infallible as much as we’d like to believe otherwise.”

  “Let me ask you this,” Nick said. “Where are those children safer? With us or with another foster family that doesn’t have world-class security?”

  Brant shifted his weight from one foot to the other. “I hear what you’re saying, but—”

  “They’re staying, Brant,” Nick said. “For as long as they need emergency shelter, they are staying. Make it work.”

  “Yes, sir.” Brant turned and left the room.

  Sam looked up at Nick, fanning her face. “Hot.”

  He rolled his eyes.

  “See what I’m saying, Shelby?” Sam asked.

  “Oh, I see it. I definitely see it.”

  “Be quiet,” Nick said, scowling. “Both of you.”

  “I need to clean up before my team arrives for our eight o’clock meeting,” Sam said.

  “I’ll start some coffee for y’all,” Shelby said.

  “Bless you,” Sam said. To Nick she added, “Could I have a word upstairs, please?”

  He gestured toward the stairs. “After you.” Following her up, he cupped her ass and gave a squeeze.

  Ignoring the agent who watched them, Sam grabbed a handful of his sweater and pulled him into her closet, closing the door behind them.


  Sam dragged him into a tongue-tangling kiss.

  “—up?” he asked when they resurfaced for air minutes later.

  “Thank you so much for what you did down there.”

  Smiling, he shook his head at her. “I did what anyone would’ve done.”

  “No, babe, you went above and beyond for two kids you don’t even know when it would’ve been much easier to cede to Brant’s wishes and relocate them.”

  “Easier for whom?” he asked, echoing her question from earlier.

  “I love you. I love you all the time, but today I love you more than I ever have before.”

  “I need to step up for kids I don’t know more often if this is how you�
��re going to react,” he said with a teasing grin.

  “You did this for me, because it’s important to me, and don’t think I don’t know that.”

  “Whatever you want, whenever you want it, my love.”

  “Including two extra kids who may have targets on their backs?”

  “Whatever you want.” He kissed her and gazed down at her. “I’m thinking we probably ought to stay close to home today to make sure our little friends aren’t relocated without our permission.”

  “Can you do that?”

  “I’ll have Terry move some things around. I can take a couple of meetings here, rather than at the White House.”

  “I’ve got my team coming at eight. I can give them their assignments and then work from here. Although, I’m down to a skeleton crew of three with Gonzo out for who knows how long and me stuck here.”

  “Maybe you can get the captain involved? Doesn’t he like an excuse to pound the pavement every now and then?”

  “He does. I’ll ask him.”

  “Maybe your dad can help too.”

  “Another good thought. You must’ve slept well last night. You’re firing on all cylinders this morning.”

  He rubbed his erection against her belly. “I’m always firing on all cylinders when my beautiful wife is nearby.”

  She snorted with laughter. “While I’m in here,” she said, whipping off her sweatshirt, “I ought to put on real clothes.”

  “Or not,” he said, caressing her breasts.

  Sam wished they had time for a quickie, but they didn’t. Not with so many other things going on this morning and Scotty needing to get up for school. “Hands off, love. We’ve got shit to do.”

  He took another squeeze before he dropped his hands and leaned against the door to watch her put on jeans, a sweater and running shoes. “We need another vacation away from this madhouse.”

  “That’d be awesome. Let me close this case and get the Beauclair kids settled, and we’ll get away for a night or two to the cabin. After your trip, of course.” Her heart sank at the reminder that he’d be gone for three interminable weeks.

  “Shortening that trip is at the top of my to-do list today.”

  “Don’t get my hopes up. Let’s go wake the boy and check on our other babies.”

  “An unexpected day at home with my wife. This makes me very happy.”

  “Your wife, her team, your team, Shelby, the Secret Service...”

  “I’ll take what I can get.”

  Sam smiled at him. “Me too.”

  “You go ahead and wake up Scotty. I need a minute...”

  Sam glanced down at the hard ridge of flesh behind his zipper and licked her lips. “I sure wish we had time.”

  “Go,” he said, frowning. “That’s not helping anything.”

  She was still laughing when she stepped into the hallway, closing the door behind her, aware of the watchful eyes of the agent on her. He probably knew exactly why she’d come out ahead of Nick. They often joked that the agents on their detail would have one hell of a book to write after he left office.

  In Scotty’s room, Aubrey and Alden were still asleep but Scotty was awake.

  “I was wondering if you guys had forgotten to get me up,” he whispered.

  “No such luck. Time to get moving.”

  “Maybe I should stay home today to help with Aubrey and Alden.”

  “Dad and I are staying home with them.”

  “No fair. How come I can’t stay home too?”

  “Because.” Sam had hated answers like that from her mother and had sworn she’d never say such things to her own children. The thought made her smile.

  “What?” he asked.

  “I used to hate when my mom said ‘because’ to me when I asked that kind of question.”

  He smiled. “Because it’s not really an answer.”

  “Exactly. Now get moving, buster. Your detail is leaving in thirty minutes.”

  Scotty groaned but he got up.

  His groan woke Aubrey, who looked at Sam with big, haunted eyes that immediately filled with tears.

  “Mommy,” she said. “I want Mommy.”

  “I know, sweetheart.” Sam extended her arms to her and after a moment of hesitation, Aubrey reached for her.

  Sam picked her up and snuggled her. Next to them, Alden was still asleep. “We should let him sleep for a while longer,” Sam whispered.


  Sam carried her downstairs where Nick was conferring with Brant. “Brant, this is Miss Aubrey. Aubrey, this is our friend Brant. He helps us out around here.”

  “Nice to meet you, Aubrey,” Brant said with a warm smile that Sam appreciated.

  Aubrey burrowed into Sam’s embrace.

  “She’s a little shy at first but once she gets comfortable she’s a regular chatterbox,” Sam said, rubbing the little girl’s back. “How about some breakfast?”

  Aubrey nodded.

  Sam walked her into the kitchen and introduced her to Shelby and Noah. Aubrey’s eyes lit up at the sight of the baby. “Aubrey is ready for some breakfast, Shelby.”

  “Great timing,” Shelby said. “Noah and I made pancakes. Do you like pancakes, honey?”

  Aubrey nodded again.

  “Perfect,” Shelby said. “Maybe you could hold Noah for me while I get you some?”

  “Can I?” Aubrey asked Sam.

  “It’s up to Shelby. He’s her little guy.”

  “It would be such a big help to me if you held him for me,” Shelby said. “Have a seat at the table.”

  Sam sent Shelby a grateful smile.

  Aubrey lit up with delight when Shelby carefully transferred Noah to her arms. “He’s so cute!”

  “I think so too,” Shelby said, keeping a close eye on Aubrey and Noah while she put a pancake on a plate for Aubrey. “I’ve got one of the women from the shop going to the store this morning for basics. She’ll be by shortly.”

  “That’s great,” Sam said. “Thank you for that. I need to speak to Nick.” To Aubrey, she said, “I’ll be right out there, okay?”

  “Okay,” Aubrey said, captivated by baby Noah, who was, in fact, completely adorable.

  Sam went into the living room, where Nick was having another tense conversation with Brant.

  “That little girl has an X on her back, Brant,” Nick said, pointing to the kitchen. “That innocent baby. That’s who we’re protecting here.”

  “I get it, and I empathize with what the children are going through, but my job is to protect you and your son. My bosses are on me like white on rice about this situation, and they may contact you directly.”

  “They’re more than welcome to.”

  Sam curled her hand around Nick’s arm in a show of support.

  “I’ll let them know that,” Brant said, walking away.


  AFTER SHARING A grimace with Nick, Sam called her dad’s house to let him know her team would be gathering at her house shortly if he wanted to join them.

  “We’re just getting him up and dressed,” her stepmother, Celia, said. “I’ll send him over as soon as he’s ready.”

  “Great, thanks.” She ended that call just as her phone rang with a call from her sister Tracy. “What’s up, Trace?”

  “I went through Abby’s and Ethan’s clothes, and I found a few things that might work. I asked Ang to check Jack’s stuff too,” she said of their sister and nephew.

  “Thank you. I appreciate it. I don’t know when we’ll be able to get into their house to get their stuff.”

  “I just saw something about the fire on the news. It’s so sad.”

  “It really is. I gotta run. I’ll see you when you get here, and thanks again.”


  “Yeah?”r />
  “I’m worried and Ang is too.”


  “You getting attached to the kids and then having to hand them over to someone else.”

  Sam sighed. “Thank you for the concern, but I’m okay. I know what this is—and what it isn’t.” But even as she said the words, she acknowledged that her sisters’ concern wasn’t misplaced. It wouldn’t take much for her to become extremely attached to the two little ones who’d been entrusted to her care.

  “Just be careful okay? It’s a great thing you guys are doing, but it’s dangerous for you in more ways than one.”

  “Believe me, we’ve gotten an earful from the Secret Service, who are none too pleased about it.”

  “I’m sure they aren’t.”

  “I’ll see you when you get here.”

  Sam finally had a second to read the text Carlucci had sent the night before about Gonzo.

  He seems okay and said they are monitoring him for twelve hours, so he’ll be out today.

  Sam wanted more info about what’d happened to him last night, but that would have to wait until later.

  Scotty came down the stairs carrying Alden, who had his thumb in his mouth.

  She closed the phone and stashed it in her pocket.

  “He was crying,” Scotty said. “So I got him up.”

  “Thank you,” Sam said, caressing Alden’s messy blond hair.

  He reached for her, and she took him from Scotty. “Aubrey is having pancakes with Shelby. You guys want to join her?”

  Alden nodded.

  “Shelby’s pancakes are the best.” Scotty led the way to the kitchen, where they found Aubrey still holding Noah, who was all smiles for her.

  “Alden, come see Noah,” she said.

  While the two children were occupied with the baby, Scotty whispered, “Will they still be here when I get home?”

  “I don’t know for sure.”

  “I hope they are. They’re cute.”

  “Yes, they are.” Realizing she wasn’t the only one getting attached, Sam gave him a one-armed hug and kissed the top of his head. “Hurry up and eat.” She released him, so he could take the plate Shelby handed him.


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