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Prince of Hell

Page 4

by J N Moon

  Trepidation gripped me, along with silk scarves that the demon wrapped around my wrists. Futile, obviously, but I played along. He whispered his name, Zagan, and hers was Nimue. I liked the thought they had put into these. It was odd for me, lying there as he tightened the scarves to the bedpost and I was all but helpless, at their mercy. I had never indulged much in this kind of thing. Rachel was pretty vanilla, like me. Oddly tense, I wasn’t used to erotic decadence, but now I supposed I should be. A spark of desire shot through me as they ran their hands so lightly, like a feather. Then Nimue gently wrapped a blindfold on me.

  My nature isn’t trusting. My breathing increased as I expected some awful thing to happen; staked to the bed, a slow torturous death.

  Undoing my shirt, one of them traced their lips across my chest. I squirmed uncomfortably as the other undid my jeans and slid them off. I couldn’t relax. Was this a trick? I had a lot of enemies, and though I knew Bael was in charge here, there was no way he was in charge of every being.

  But the thrill, the sheer deviance of not knowing who was doing what as one of them was tracing their tongue up my thighs, between my legs, almost had me breaking loose in shock, excitement. I jerked harshly as something hot splattered onto my skin. Quickly hardening, I realised it was wax. I guessed they assumed I didn’t need a stop word, maybe vampires don’t use them? I let them continue, too fascinated by this world to stop.

  Until I heard his voice, “Ah, I see you’ve met Nimue and Zagan. Good work. I’ll give you thirty minutes, then I want to show you something else. All right, carry on!”

  In that instance, all arousal left, but Bael’s employees were obviously eager to please. Nimue sat astride me, my lips locked on hers, or Zagan’s...I didn’t know. He pulled the mask off. I realised I was looking into a large mirror above us. He hastily untied the wrist scarves. I was too busy with the vampire vixen grinding on me. I felt a surge of ecstasy, vampires definitely don’t hold back, as I yelled. My body jerked, bloody Bael again. “Come on! You can finish that later! God, how slow are you...”

  Exhausted, my body slumped, all desire gone in an instant. Then sitting up, I noticed Zagan looked put out, Nimue satisfied. I got up, pushed Zagan to the wall and fell to my knees. He moaned so loud I thought security would come, but only Bael. Wiping my mouth, I grabbed on my jeans, smelling strongly of a whore’s bedroom which was apt. Flashing my fangs, I looked at Zagan’s neck, he nodded. Half-dressed, I pressed into his muscular body, sweeping aside his shoulder-length hair and drank his bitter blood. His groans sent me back into lust, but Bael was adamant. Careful not to take too much, I bit my finger, shed blood, and healed his wound with it. Awkwardly, and in that English way whilst putting the rest of my clothes on, half-walking out, I said, “Thank you. Thank you, both of you. I hope to...see you soon?”

  Like professionals, which they were, they glanced at each other, lips curved, slightly menacing, slightly grinning, both of which turned me on. And I went to find him feeling my face hot with embarrassment.

  “Jesus. Both, huh?” His eyes were saucers as he watched in shock as I dressed whilst walking, shrugging my shoulders, awkwardness feeling more natural. I mumbled, “I don’t know. Whatever. They came to me. You never said —”

  “Calm down, I’m taking the piss. You should screw around. You’re the —”

  “I know! Enough already.”

  “Bet you feel better though, huh? You’ll be back before tomorrow. Men and women, fair play. Good for you. It never hurts to try new things. Why, I myself, a while ago, had a foursome, a male demon and a Nephilim and —”

  “Ok. You’re sort of like my dad-type-thing. I’m not comfortable with hearing how you screwed a guy.” Raising my voice, “Or the other way around. I’m not happy sharing or hearing that much info from anyone, actually.”

  He laughed. “You will be. In time, you will be, mark my words. You’ll be Nathaniel’s dream come true.” He nudged me with his elbow, grinning inanely. “Now let’s rid this fabulous city of some filth. What do you say?”

  “Ok. Yes. Lead the way!”

  “Let’s go into the underbelly of the city. I know places heaving with evildoers. There, I’ll teach you how to wield your demonic power,” he winked.

  “So how come not all demons have this?”

  “Not all demons are the same, Anthony. Only the Princes have this power, a few other higher demons, and me. It would be chaos if they all had this type of energy to wield.”

  As he stopped talking, his eyes closed slightly. He gripped my arm, and I noticed the ring, the ring of Solomon glowed. In seconds, we were standing somewhere else outside a group of rough looking men and teenagers. He whispered to me, “The other thing I should have told you...We are now invisible. The ring has many gifts. They can’t sense you either.”

  “So, what do I do? Just snap my fingers?” I murmured.

  “You intend, Anthony. You see them disintegrate with a strong intention...then you snap your fingers.”

  The level of violence, of malice in this place, was alarming. As I scanned the people, not a single one held a shred of decency.

  I spent a few minutes looking from man to man. Bael shifted his feet. Then, I clicked my fingers. As I expected, nothing happened. I looked to him, wondering what I’d done wrong. He opened his mouth to speak, then ssssh...blamm. They all exploded. Sudden bursts of blue-white flames blazed in front of my eyes. Intense heat on my skin, then in seconds, grey-black dust lay on the ground.

  Gasping, I heard a rumbling laugh as Bael’s face lit up, mouth as wide as his cheeks. “I knew it! I knew you had intense power. This is cause for a celebration!” He laughed.

  “What now?”

  “Not a lot, I think, judging by that. You’d better get some rest. Tomorrow I’ll take you to see your brothers. Unless, of course, you want to go back to the see Zagan and Nimue?”

  I shook my head. "I'm fine, thank you."

  Laughing, another flash of light and we were back at his house, my legs trembled, arms flailing whilst I found my feet. Then rubbing my eyes as spots flickered before me, this popping around was disorienting but really cool. He showed me to the guest room, complete with blackout curtains. Taking off my boots, I reflected on the lives I’d just taken. I tried to feel something, compassion, remorse. My stomach twisted, but in truth, that was my imagination because I felt nothing. Numbness. Except when I thought of Rachel, of Nathaniel, but I couldn’t go there. It was too raw.

  But a flickering in my heart, my belly, when I started to realise the power Bael had given me. Whatever the price, I would embrace it all and get my lover and my friend back.

  Morning Star

  Sun Valley, California was bigger, dirtier and hotter than I could have imagined. After Bael had given me instructions and entrusted me with the ring of Solomon, as my flesh had touched it, heat where the ring sat on my finger gushed through my hand. Like a string of fire, wild and fast. I felt a shift of energy whip through me, affecting my thinking. I could do anything, but I remembered Bael’s warning, I was not infallible. My conceit and arrogance had apparently been mine and my brothers’ downfall last time, and we ended up dead our souls trapped in the body of mortals. Still, to be honest, it was hard to give a shit with this feeling making me feel like a god. I could see now just how in control Bael was whilst wearing it, and I had to respect that.

  Lucifer had been a successful actor before his soul was ripped from him, he’d had it all. Smirking, I went to see what had become of my prideful brother. Bael hadn’t told me much saying I needed to see for myself, but he’d given me a picture, so I’d be zapped straight to Jack's place of work.

  Yeah, he’s still in the movies all right. I saw a slightly portly forty-something-year-old guy, weather-worn face, tight lips and crazy pale blue eyes, almost wolf-like. Salt and pepper hair worn slightly long and a suit that was shiny, cheap. Noticing his polished shoes were very worn, his outer appearance hid his reality of struggle, poverty. A cropped beard, speckled grey and
black, gave him a rougher edge. He stood just outside, drawing on a cigarette, pulling in his cheeks then puffing out the white smoke, he dropped it, put it out under his shoe, and walked in like he owned the place. Narrow eyes surveyed the room full of contempt as he viewed the customers.

  Jack was a manager at the downtown cinema, and I wanted to observe his behaviour before talking to him. I’d decided to keep a distance, watch him and find out if he socialised anywhere after work so I could approach him naturally. Walking over to a stand, I grabbed a film leaflet and took a seat.

  Fascinated watching him, he seemed a twat. Customers approached him for help, and he avoided eye contact, looking above them dismissively, and I couldn’t help showing the shock on my face.

  “Excuse me, sir. We booked tickets online for what we thought was the six o'clock viewing of the show, but we’ve accidentally booked the wrong time, and it says four o’clock. Can you help us please?”

  Snorting, he replied, “But I don’t know that you actually came in for the four o'clock and are now trying to see it twice, do I?” he snapped.

  Her eyes wide with disgust then frowning, the woman replied, “Who would want to watch a movie two times running. You’re supposed to help I’m a paying customer! I want to see the manager!”

  “You’re speaking to him. I suggest you leave!”

  Her face dropped, her kids faces upset as they started tugging at their mum, whining, whilst Jack turned his back to walk away.

  I couldn’t stand by and watch. Standing up, I appeared by his side instantaneously, making him jump, and using my best British accent, my voice raised, “Dear God. This woman is clearly telling the truth! Here she is with four children, all hoping to see the film, and you act rudely towards her. Now you could assist her and help, and there you’d have a customer for life who would recommend your cinema to all her friends, her children’s friends. You have the power to do that!” and I waited. The woman was about to speak. I touched her arm lightly, so she held her tongue, putting Jack on the spot.

  “It’s not company policy to —”

  “You’re the manager, aren’t you? Surely your first priority is making sure your customers are happy? Not talking down, accusing them of stealing. I’m sure it's just stress that’s clouded your judgement today. This is the busiest cinema after all.”

  His eyes scanned the area, small and anxious, darting around. Tightening his lips, he managed to mumble, “Yes it has been hectic in here. Apologies, ma’am. Let me take you to our cashier and see what we can do.”

  I took a deep breath as they walked away. What an asshole! What an exhausting dick. Whatever Bael said, there was no way I was going to give this creep any power, but I would spend some time with him and see just what I could do with that absolutely dire personality of his. I mean, if he’s a little Hitler now in a cinema...

  Using his scent, I easily tracked the bar he frequented and got myself a drink. A surge of excitement fizzed through me. I could now eat, and drink! Whatever else Bael did, this was truly a gift, and I wanted to make the most of it in case it didn’t last.

  I’d never been to America, and here I was in the city of Angels, dry heat prickling on my cold skin so much noise, I felt adrift in an ocean that I didn’t know how to navigate in. At any time, I only had to concentrate on home, and I could get back, but even that sent a shiver down my spine. I was no longer just a vampire, but some demon hybrid. Rachel had been that after drinking demon blood. Damien, too, though I knew little about him.

  This was different. Sipping the beer, I looked around keenly aware I was being watched, the sterile faces, non-human.

  So, I sent my thoughts to invisible. Not literally, but it worked, and the few immortals there shifted their focus elsewhere. I’d keep that up. Here, I knew nothing, and everything is bigger in America. Bael had warned me to keep a low profile for now. He’d wanted to come, too, but I needed to see my brother on my own.

  Jack came in. His face seemed to hold a perpetual sneer as he scanned his bar and didn’t see me. The barman saw him and poured him a drink without speaking. Before Jack even got it, he was bitching about his day, about the woman and especially me. Good. I had plans for Jack, and if he didn’t match up, it was very possible I would disobey my father and maybe eat my brother.

  Hunger panged and scratched at my stomach. Not for food but I waited, and after an hour of boredom, listening to his moaning, I followed him home keeping my distance.

  His apartment was in a block, not too shabby, and I waited outside until I guessed he would be settled.

  Listening for sounds the TV went on, I slipped through the door behind another and took the back stairs up to the first floor. I could smell him. Touching the ring, I passed into his apartment and saw him, face into the TV, completely unaware of my presence. Almost gliding behind his chair, I went to another and sat there as still as the dead and waited for him to realise I was there.

  Which took longer than I thought. Eventually, when he stood up to get a beer, he jumped, screaming, whilst I remained perfectly still, moving only my eyes as I saw the blood drain from his face. In a second, I was on his neck, my teeth biting hard through his leathery flesh. Immediately, he sank, losing all ability to move as my saliva paralysed him and all he could do was watch and breathe.

  As we were kin, I took less than I wanted and instead of letting him slump to the ground, still rigid with my toxin, I held him up and placed him in his chair, then wiped my lips. His blood made my whole body tingle. I left the room and came back, handing him a beer, and opened one for myself.

  He took it automatically, shock pulling his normally sneering mouth down like a dummy.

  “We’re brothers, you see so I didn’t drain you, but I needed to feed, and at the same time, I could know first-hand who you were, your memories, your feelings your actions. I see them all from your blood. You’re alive because you’re not evil, but you’ve got to stop this snide shit, Jack.”

  Jack tried to speak, but nothing came out. Instinctively, he held his hand to his neck, eventually groaning, “Who the fuck are you?”

  “You’re all right. I didn’t drain you. Like I said, I’m your brother, not in the human context. Our souls apparently have never been human, which is why — probably, hopefully — you’ve always felt at odds with the world. Like you don’t fit in, you’re not evil, just angry.” Scratching my head, I thought then that I wouldn’t relish meeting Amon, the angry one.

  I knew it was a lot for him to understand but I was more interested in his reaction than his ability to comprehend the situation. That would tell me what I needed to know. He sat there full of fear whilst I drank his beer, his tired eyes bore into me.

  “You’re a God damn vampire? I’m no vampire, so I don’t know what the hell you’re on about! How did you get in here? Why are you following me?” After spluttering out his questions, he wailed with pain, his hand still fixed to his neck.

  Curling my lips, bearing my fangs, I grinned at him. Standing slowly, I walked towards him. “I felt no real evil in you, so why are you such an asshole, Jack?”

  Staring in his eyes, I grabbed his chin in my hands, I’d get the truth.

  Sluggishly, he muttered, “I’m pissed, that’s why! I’m a manager in a cinema, but I wanted so much more. I’m alone, I’m not even attractive. I’m broke. I feel like a failure. When I was young, I had such dreams. Now I have this endless monotony of being stuck, broke and alone!”

  Good. Now we’re getting somewhere.

  “So, what would you do if I gave you a gift of immortality? If I bestowed power on you to do as you will, what then Jack?”

  As I let go, he fell back into the chair. His now-glazed eyes and breathing heavily, he stared into nothing.

  “Would I have to suck blood?”

  “You would.” I gasped. “If it helps, I only take from the evil.” Snorting a laugh, I added, “There is no shortage of them, or I can go, and I’ll never trouble you again.”

  He rolled his li
ps, worry on his face. “You seem quite...not blood-crazed. You English, huh?”

  I nodded.

  “Why me? What are you doing here?”

  “I won’t lie, Jack. I was sent by our father, Bael, King of Hell. If you take this path, you’ll tread in the shadows. You will be immortal, to a point, but if they take your head, you’re dead. They — a group of powerful supernaturals — ripped us from our souls over thirty years ago and separated us. We weren’t human. Our souls were then cast into human bodies, and here, we are limited, flawed, weak. But it’s not easy, you’ll have to leave every human you’ve ever known. You’ll still have rules, except if you break these, jail would seem like paradise, believe me. Bael wants his sons’ home, and I really thought you were an ass. But, as I said, I didn’t detect anything terrible in your blood. If I had, we wouldn’t be having this conversation.”

  “You’d have drained me. Yeah, you said. Look, I know I’m a dick, I’m just frustrated. The wondered why I was so rude. Honestly, people pull that shit every day. They booked the wrong film...I know you’re right, but what choice do I have? So now if I say no, I have this to look forward to, endless struggle. I may be damned, but at least I can live before I die, maybe. So, I’ll answer to you? And this Bael? King of what?”


  “No way. I’m not sure I believe any of this. There is something creepy as fuck about you, though. So, what happens now?”

  “If you say no, I’ll leave, and you can have this life, such as it is,” I gestured to his tiny apartment. “But if you say yes, I’m not promising paradise, but at least you’d live something more exciting. You could die either way, but it’s up to you. Just know that if you say yes, there is no going back.”

  Frowning, he sipped his beer, sweat shining on his face, his tired eyes looking even more haggard. Another glug of beer, then, “What the hell.”


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