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Dan's Inferno, Book IV: Vengeance

Page 7

by Jan Stryvant

  The collective gasp that went through the crowd made him think of a football game where the quarterback had just thrown a long bomb.

  Bulbul of course immediately freaked out and tried to pull away while punching Dan in the body, his hooves dancing on the ground as Dan forced his shoulders into his mouth. With his own demonic strength, he tightened his grip on Bulbul and lifted him off the ground.

  Bulbul made a keening noise then, his whole body thrashing, but Dan had him now, and the damn ram was going to pay for fucking with one of his women.

  The keening noise got weaker as Bulbul's head went deeper, lack of oxygen no doubt setting in, his hands now pinned to his sides as his legs thrashed. Dan crammed more of him down while swallowing, pushing the hips past his open jaws. After that, it was only two more swallows. The thrashing legs disappeared, and Dan snapped his jaws closed.

  He looked around at the crowd, and everyone went silent as he surveyed them. He paused a moment to belch loudly and then pat his belly as the still squirming Bulbul got balled up. Dan snorted as he looked down at himself. His stomach was bulging a little, but not enough to explain the huge boveran ram he'd just swallowed.

  "My boy! What did you do to my son!"

  Bending over to pick up his mace, Dan turned around to look at the source of the wailing.

  Standing there with a weird-looking sword in one hand and a look of anguish and hate in his eyes was another, older ram.

  "You! You spit him out this minute! Before he dies! I want my boy back! You monster!"

  Dan blinked, "Your boy was going to rape my wife, and you're calling me a monster? Besides, he's not your boy anymore! He's my dinner!"

  "I'll kill you! I'll cut him out of your…"

  Dan cast a quick spell and pointed at the father. "Paralyze," he invoked, freezing the ram in place.

  "It occurs to me how rude I was, eating all that myself and not sharing," Dan said, striding forward. Stopping in front of the ram who was now glaring at him, he wound up with his mace and brought it straight down on top of his head between the horns, smashing his skull and killing him instantly.

  "There, now we have dinner for everyone else."

  There was a sudden cry from behind him, and turning, Dan saw that the wolves had cut down the rams who had been blocking them, killing all of them.

  "Another lesson!" Sirus yelled, while Olivia made a beeline for Fawn. "Disobeying orders from a cerberus is a deadly mistake. These will be slaughtered and taken back to the pack."

  Twisting the handle on his mace, Dan withdrew the blades, then turned towards Fawn, whom Lofn had joined, as well as Olivia, and made his way over to the three of them.

  "So what was that all about?" Dan grumbled and burped again. "Damn, I wish he'd just settle down and digest already," he added with a mutter that earned him a look of total lust from Fawn, and a look from her mother that made him wonder if he'd have to make sure she didn't get him alone, or he might be eating Fawn's father as well.

  Fawn grabbed him and hugged him, making sure to rub against his belly as he picked her up and kissed her warmly.

  "My father came out and announced to everyone last night that I was married and no longer available to wed. Bulbul's father over there," she pointed at the body that was already being stripped of clothing, "decided that wasn't good enough because his son wanted me."

  "And they were?"

  "The leaders of the next valley over," the big ram standing by her said. "I'm Jonas, Fawn's father. This is Tanci, her mother, and I'm guessing you're Daniel, my daughter's new husband?"

  Dan gave a brief nod. "I believe you know Olivia, and this is Lofn, two of my other wives as well."

  "I told you I was married, asshole!" Fawn yelled, her mouth only an inch from Dan's belly now. "Welcome to the bottom of the food chain!" She smacked Dan on the belly.

  "Really now, Fawn, was that necessary?" Jonas asked.

  "Apparently," Dan said with a chuckle. "Now can we go someplace private before your daughter tries to rape me out here in the town square?"

  "She would, too," Jonas said with a snort. "Fawn, take him and the others to the guest room. We'll let you know when Roenig's ready to eat." Jonas looked up then, turning to face the other cerberus. "Sirus, do you wish to stay for dinner? And would you like me to send a few of my people with a cart to help you with that?" he asked, pointing towards the line of dead bodies that were also quickly being stripped and butchered.

  "We'll be leaving as soon as these are ready for travel, wouldn't want them to spoil, after all," Sirus said with a very toothy grin that almost made Dan laugh. "We would very much appreciate the use of a cart and some to pull it."

  "Then it will be so."

  Daniel pulled Olivia over and gave her a warm kiss as well. "Nice to see you again, puppy! Now, how about we go abuse a bad little sheep girl?"

  "You know, I could use a little abuse, too," Olivia whispered, blushing. "She's not the only one creaming her pants right now."

  "Oh, I can promise you more than just a little!" Dan snickered and let Fawn pull him off towards the building they were standing in front of, while Olivia and Lofn followed close behind.

  After Action Reports

  "So Dale's dead, and Hana and the rest killed her," Godfrey said, shaking his head. "I never even suspected Dale was a woman. I wonder why she hid that?"

  "I'm just impressed they went in there and killed her with none of us being the wiser," Carmine said. "I'm also glad we listened to Terry and held back."

  "So am I," Godfrey said, nodding to Terry, who held up his hands.

  "Hey, Carmine is the one who put the bug in my ear with her suspicions about Dale not being there. No way I would have ever thought of it without her help."

  "I am continually impressed by just how good a team the two of you make," Godfrey said with a warm smile.

  "That's cause we're cousins and not siblings," Carmine said with a grin.

  "So what's our next step?" Terry asked. "Do we know for sure what happened with Weson?"

  "Weson appears to be happy, from what Alice told me this morning, however," he said, looking at the other two in turn, "Yvette is worried."

  "Did she say why?"

  "They weren't killed; they were in the process of getting away when Miles used an artifact to banish them."

  "Isn't banishment supposed to be permanent?" Carmine asked.

  "Normally, no. Banishment would just send you back to your home plane. But this is where it gets confusing," Godfrey said with a sigh. "Miles used an artifact to banish them. Most artifacts combine the banishing effect with a curse that keeps the demon from ever being able to return."

  "All right, now I'm curious. What's confusing about it?"

  "Dan, the kid, it banished him, too."

  "Wait! What?" Carmine exclaimed.

  "Exactly! What?" Terry added.

  "And that's what's got Yvette worried. Weson's happy because he doesn't believe the kid will survive."

  "Which, if Hana is true to form, he won't," Terry pointed out.

  "Yeah, but here's the thing, if that curse isn't on the artifact, or if it's not powerful enough, Hana might be able to use the kid to get back here."

  "Wow," Carmine said and thought about that. "If that's the case, she's gonna come back here pissed as all hell and loaded for bear."

  "Which means," Terry continued with a heavy sigh, "we need to hold off our attack on Weson, right Goff?"

  Godfrey nodded. "I'm afraid so. If we take Weson out and Hana shows up, we'll probably still be licking our wounds, which will leave us easy prey."

  "Yeah, but if we wait and she doesn't show up, Weson will be able to rebuild his own strength," Carmine pointed out.

  "If she was blackmailing Weson, and she can come back, she'll be back," Godfrey said with a shake of his head. "Hana is a vicious and vindictive bitch."

  "Well, if she's coming back," Terry said, looking thoughtful, "we just let her and Weson slug it out and kill whoever's left over. Remembe
r, no one knows Dale's gone."

  "And how does that help us?" Carmine asked, giving him a curious look.

  Terry grinned, "Next week we stage a big ass attack on Dale's compound and get our asses kicked—that's how."

  "But there's no…" Carmine stopped suddenly and laughed. "Oh! I love it."

  Godfrey smiled and laughed as well. "Terry, that's a stroke of genius. Yes, by all means, let's get to work setting that up. We'll do it the moment we think Hana's returned."

  "I'll get right on it!" Terry said with a grin, getting up and leaving the room.

  Godfrey waited until Terry had left and turned to Carmine. "How are the two of you getting on?"

  "Worried?" Carmine asked, looking surprised.

  "A little. When I come to power, I don't want to see the two of you fighting. Not now, not ever. You're a good couple, and an even better team. When my time comes, I want both of you to replace me. Not one or the other, but the two of you together."

  Carmine smiled. "Thanks, Goff. But aren't you worried we might decide when it's your time to go?"

  Godfrey laughed. "If it ever comes to that, and I haven't already retired in favor of you two, I'll deserve it! You two are my legacy. In fact, I think it's time I taught you both how to do the more advanced forms of magic."

  Carmine nodded and smiled again. "Things are well between the two of us. Like you said, we complement each other. Honestly, we don't even take other lovers anymore; no one can do for us what we can do for each other."

  Godfrey nodded and smiled. "Thanks, Carmine."

  "I guess I better go help Terry," she said with a smile, getting up.

  Godfrey smiled as he watched her go. There were times he regretted having had to kill his own son, but after seeing how much better these two had turned out, this wasn't one of them.


  "How many did we lose?" Weson asked, looking around the table.

  "I lost twelve men, but they weren't really that important," Mika Bykov said with a shrug. "That's why they were on the front lines."

  "I lost just as many," John Warren said. "They suffocated in that fire."

  "Five to the acid attack," Miles said with a grumble.

  "I lost four," Yvette said. "One of them I'm gonna miss, too. Some sort of magical attack got 'em while they were trying to pick the girls off on the roof."

  Weson nodded; he'd lost six of his own when the floor collapsed on top of them unexpectedly.

  "So we lost thirty-nine of our own." He shook his head. "I must admit, I didn't expect it to be as rough as it was, but what's done is done, and at least we got rid of them."

  "Are we sure they're gone?" Yvette asked, looking pensive.

  "Banishment is permanent," Weson said with a smile. "Especially from something as powerful as an artifact. No, they're gone, and they won't be coming back."

  "What about that bastard kid?" Rafferty said from the other end of the table, the flush of his face and the bloodshot eyes showing the ravages of his ongoing attempt to drink himself to death.

  "While I hoped he'd be dropped and fall to his death," Miles grumbled, "apparently he got pulled along by one of them."

  "Which means he's as good as dead," Weson said, grinning. "Humans don't last long in the demon realms, and let's face it, his usefulness to them is over now. I wouldn't be surprised to learn whichever demon he got stuck with killed him."

  "Just as long as you're sure," Yvette said, looking down the table at Miles, who nodded. "Dealing with the other wizards and their ilk, I can understand that because they're all human. But dealing with these demons—well, they're not human, so I don't understand them."

  "You mean you don't know how to bend them to your will," Dave said with a chuckle.

  "Same thing," Yvette replied, causing several of the others to smile. "My whole career is based on soft coercion. So I'm just glad they're gone."

  "I guess the next question is, when do we go after Wiles?" Mika asked.

  "We need to replace the men we lost, and we need to recharge or replace the weapons we used," Weson said with a thoughtful frown. "I'm still worried about Dale sniping us while we deal with Wiles, but I think your suggestion that we kill him next is a good one." Weson paused and thought about the tasks involved.

  "Let's aim for three weeks from now."

  "Three weeks?" Miles said, looking shocked. "I don't know if I can replace my losses that quickly!"

  "I can loan you a few, Miles," Mika said with a shrug. "For something like this, I'll bring out my personal A Team."

  "If you don't have a problem with females," Yvette said with a thoughtful look, "I've got this one gal who's hella smart and a fast learner. Normally she's not someone I'd want to risk, but Mika's right. This isn't the time to hold anything back."

  "I'm all in!" Rafferty growled. "I really want to kill that bastard myself!"

  Weson smiled. It seemed his staff was finally pulling itself together as a team.

  "Dave? John?" Weson asked.

  "I'll do whatever you need me to, Steve," Dave said. "If we need more bodies, I'm certain I can get my hands on as many as you'll need. They won't be well trained, but cannon fodder is cannon fodder, right?"

  Weson smiled and nodded.

  "I don't have the resources when it comes to manpower that the rest of you do," John Warren admitted, "but what I do have are pretty deep pockets. If we need to replace a lot of weapons, I'm sure I can help ease those costs."

  "Excellent!" Weson said and clapped his hands. "Dave and I will sit down and work on the logistics of everything tonight. Tomorrow we'll make plans and work on what we'll need to bring to this final confrontation.

  "All right?"

  Everyone nodded.

  "Until tomorrow, then! Get a good look at your resources so Dave and I know what we've got to work with."

  Miles watched as everyone but Dave got up and left.

  "Steve, got a minute?" Miles asked, glancing at Dave.

  "Of course! Dave, I'll meet you in my office in a minute."

  Dave nodded, got up, and left the room, closing the door behind him.

  "What's on your mind?" Weson asked him.

  Miles sighed. "The blackmail. That's what's on my mind. I'm worried you may still have to pay it."

  "Whatever for?" Weson said with a laugh. "The energy drain disappeared as soon as those bitches were banished."

  Miles blinked in surprise. "It did?"

  Weson nodded. "That's why I'm not worried."

  "But the oath…"

  "Can't be an oath-breaker if there's no one around to collect, now can I?"


  Weson laughed. "Relax. If, and I do mean if they somehow manage to come back, I can still buy them off I'm sure. But we both know they're not coming back, so it's not like I have to worry about anything."

  Miles hesitated a moment. "Well, if you're sure…"

  "Of course I'm sure!" Weson said, all smiles. "Look, you made the right call at the right time and saved us all a fortune. Sure I'd rather be looking at dead bodies right now, but sometimes you gotta take what you get and move forward.

  "now I can admit that wanting to see the kid dead was petty. He wasn't a threat to me. Never was, never will be, he's just a powerless mundane. The demons? Well, seeing them dead would be nice, but having them gone for good is good enough. The time has come for me to take what's rightfully mine, and to stop letting myself be distracted by minor events."

  Miles nodded and stood up. "I just wanted to be sure, Steve."

  "Worrying is what I pay you for, right? I'm just happy you had that wand!"

  Miles smiled and nodded. "Me, too. And I'm going to take Yvette and Mika up on their offers. I figure if I work hard enough at it, I'll have the people I lost replaced by the time you're ready for us to move."

  "Great! See you tomorrow, Miles!"

  Miles smiled and nodded, and left the office feeling a lot better about everything.

  Getting up, Weson joined Dave in his office.
br />   "What'd Miles want?"

  "Oh, I think he's just nervous that he banished those demons instead of killing them. I guess he's afraid I'm mad at him."

  "Are you?"

  Weson nodded. "A little. I really did want to see them all dead. But if he hadn't had done what he did, they would have gotten away, and then everything from last night would have been pointless."

  "True. So keeping him or killing him?"

  Weson shrugged. "I guess it'll depend on how he does when we take on Wiles. I like the idea that leaving him feeling he owes me will make him fight harder. Trust me, if he makes a good showing when we take on that bastard Wiles, I'll definitely be keeping him."

  "And the others?"

  "As for the others, we'll have to wait and see. If Wiles doesn't kill Rafferty, though…" He sighed. "I think we'll just have to kill him ourselves. That man is quickly becoming a liability."

  "I want to be there when you kill Yvette," Dave said suddenly, surprising him.


  Dave nodded. "I've always hated that bitch. I know you have a soft spot for her, but the moment we get rid of Wiles and Dale, you know she's going to turn on you."

  Weson smiled and nodded slowly. "Okay, I'll be sure to make sure you're there to see it. What about Mika and John?"

  "Mika's all into that whole 'honor your boss' kinda thing. I don't think he'll turn on you."

  "But John will?"

  "He might, but I think he knows you're too much for him to handle, and with all the money he stands to make once you're in charge, I think he might have all the power he wants."

  "And what about you?"

  Dave smiled. "I think once things are settled, I'd like to sail around the world. It was never about the power for me. It was about the building. Getting even richer in the process is just the icing on the cake!"

  Weson laughed along with Dave. He'd be keeping Dave, though up until this moment he'd been considering keeping Yvette as well.

  But maybe not anymore.


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