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Dan's Inferno, Book IV: Vengeance

Page 14

by Jan Stryvant

  "Ah, it's good to be king," Dan said with a grin and immediately got a couch cushion in the face from Aella.

  "You said you're all bonded?" Herman asked as George laughed, and the girls snickered at Dan as he pulled the cushion away from his face.

  "Yes. We're all bonded to Daniel," Lofn said.

  "Why?" Herman asked, looking confused.

  "Because he's human, and we're demons," Lofn said matter-of-factly.

  "Because that's the way we all wanted it," Wrath said, giving Dan a look that was pure lust.

  Dan gave her a predatory grin of his own back.

  "Look," he said, "demons and humans hooking up like we have isn't exactly normal, and it can be complicated. The curse had some unexpected side effects that forced each of them to become really close with me, and vice-versa." He shrugged then. "And we found we liked it."

  "A lot!" Aella said with a big grin of her own.

  "That's how we all ended up falling in love with him," Olivia admitted, looking a little abashed. "I mean, we're demons, right? We're not supposed to fall in love with humans."

  Dan chuckled and reached over to give her a hug. "So we went to Varmal, and Wrath's father did the honors of putting us all together."

  Herman nodded slowly, then suddenly stopped, his eyes widening slightly.

  "I bet that's why you got pulled into the banishment with whoever you were touching!"

  Dan nodded. "And it's also why they can't be permanently banished from Earth. They're a part of me, and I can't be banished from my home."

  "Weson is going to be in for a shock when he finds out you're back, that's for sure."

  "He already knows."

  "Oh? Why, did you tell him?"

  Dan shook his head. "He swore an oath to Wrath, Aella, and Fawn, which he then broke when he stuck them into those cursed traps."

  "Really? So he's an oathbreaker then!"

  "Not exactly…" Fawn sighed.

  "What? But if he broke his oath..."

  "The girls got a little greedy," Dan said with a grin, looking each of them over and almost laughing as they flinched. "So we let him buy his way out of it. Of course, that's why he went after us in Auburn so heavily; he thought if he killed us or got rid of us, he wouldn't have to pay."

  "But when we came back, he had to pay up immediately, or he'd have been fucked," Wrath said with a smirk.

  "Why'd you do that? Him being an oathbreaker would have made killing him easier."

  "Money, power," Dan said with a shrug. "Weson had to take out a slew of short-term secured loans against all his properties to pay us off. If he dies before he pays them back, everything he owned will be seized to cover his debts."

  "And that helps you how?"

  They all looked at Fawn, who both blushed and preened at the same time.

  "Umm, I own the bank that loaned him the money…" she said.

  Herman blinked. "You own a bank?"

  "Oh, I'm sorry," Dan said, giving his best innocent look, "didn't I mention that they're all rich? And Fawn's the richest of them?"

  George started laughing loudly.

  "Dad! I think you should be more worried that Dan's obviously controlling them!"

  "He is not!" Fawn protested, then eeped! as Dan leaned over, grabbed one of her horns, dragged her over and kissed her.

  "What was that?" Dan said.

  "Umm…well, maybe a little," she said in a small voice.


  "Does he do this often?" George asked as he went from laughing to snickering.

  "Yeah," Wrath said with a grin, "like Lofn said, he's got zero fear of any of us, not even me or Aella, and we're warriors through and through."

  "You've changed, Dan," Herman said with a thoughtful look.

  Dan sat up and shrugged. "I grew up is all. I went from a spoiled kid who was just passing through life with no worries to a man who had to deal with the harsh realities of it. I'm just lucky I found Wrath, Aella, Fawn, Olivia, and Lofn. Sure it was rough, and I almost died a few times. Yeah, it hurt." He shrugged again. "It was worth it. They were worth it. All of it."

  All the girls gave him that 'Dawww' look, and he couldn't help but smile.

  "Look," he continued, "I'm going after Weson in a couple of days. I want you to help, and yeah, I want your advice. But it's happening with or without you. Then Godfrey either falls in line, leaves town, or he's going down as well.

  "That is what's going to happen. I'm not going to pussyfoot around for three years and cower in fear while second-guessing everything. This is my town, and I mean to put an end to all this bullshit and rule it.

  "And I mean to do it now," he finished with a growl.

  "I don't know…" Herman started off.

  Olivia cut him off, "Alphas rule, betas dither, and gammas whine."

  "If either Weson or Wiles could win this, they would have already," Wrath agreed.

  "Fortune favors the bold," George agreed and turned to his father. "I'm with them, Dad. Come on, you've done nothing but bitch about the situation since you started teaching me magic. Well, there's our solution," he said and gestured at Dan.

  "Besides, we know him! Yeah, he's changed a little, so what? Do we really need that asshole Weson blowing up more hotels in the middle of town in front of everybody? How long before he brings in the kind of attention everyone claims we don't need? Besides, the only way you're ever going to know who's in charge, him or them," George said while gesturing again, "is by being there.

  "How many times have you lamented about not being able to do something? Well, now we can!"

  Herman sighed heavily and shook his head. "Fine. You're right, son. I just hope I don't regret this." He turned towards Dan, stood up, and stuck out his hand. "I give you my word. I'm your man."

  Dan stood and shook hands with him. "Thank you, Herman, George. I promise to do my best and try to not make you regret it."

  "So now what?" George asked.

  "Now?" Dan said and glanced out towards the lake. It was getting late. "Now I think we should call it a night and go to bed. Tomorrow we can pay Royce and Takett each a visit and see if they're willing to help us or not."

  "When are you planning to take Weson on?" Herman asked.

  "Soon," Dan said with a nasty smile. "Very soon."

  Grand Designs

  "So what are our goals for today?" Aella asked as they sat around the table eating another microwaved breakfast.

  "First, I think we need to find out if Dale's house has been transferred over to Dan or not," Wrath said.

  "Why wouldn't it be?" Fawn asked.

  "Because that Wiles guy attacked it?"

  "Oh! Right. I'll get on it right away," she said with a nod.

  "See if you can find out what went on there as well," Olivia said. "He obviously knows Dale is either dead or gone. Let's see which it is."

  "And then what?" Fawn asked.

  "Cut them all loose," Dan said.


  "Tell them they've fulfilled their obligation, and we want them out of town ASAP."


  "Isn't it obvious?" Wrath said. "Why would Wiles be hiding Dale's death?"

  "Oh, right! For the same reason we are." Fawn nodded.

  "And we don't want to give him any advantages," Aella said with a nod. "If he knows, we need to be sure he can't use it to his advantage against us."

  "You know, everyone will think he killed Dale."

  "Better still," Dan said, "because maybe Weson'll be paying more attention to him than us."

  "Okay, so we got that, what next?" Aella continued.

  "Trying to recruit Royce and Takett, of course. I'll grab George and his dad, and we'll go talk to them."

  "Not alone, I hope!" Wrath growled.

  Dan laughed. "No, of course not. They need to see exactly what they're getting into. But I'm not taking all of you."

  "I think it would be best, Daniel, if I stay home," Lofn said.

  He nodded in agreement. "Yeah, hopefu
lly that'll help convince Herman I'm not under your control."

  "I was thinking more of the other two. Herman knows you, they do not."

  "True," he replied with a nod.

  "I need to stay here to work on these things, as well as finish getting the house furnished and put together," Fawn said.

  "How about seeing if you can find us a cook while you're doing that?" Olivia asked. "I'm getting awfully tired of microwaved meals."

  Fawn looked at Wrath and batted her eyes. "I was hoping…"

  Wrath's sword slammed into the table, just inches from Fawn's nose, the length of it buried in the tabletop.

  "No. I'll cook for my father, but that's IT!" she growled. "Either you learn to cook, or you hire somebody who can!"

  Fawn pouted and let her lower lip tremble, making doe eyes.

  "And I'm not falling for that again!" Wrath added as she pulled her sword out of the table, leaving an inch deep cut across the top.

  "Dammit!" Fawn grumbled. "I'm losing my touch!"

  "I'm going," Wrath said, as she sheathed her sword.

  "Of course, and I want Aella to come as well," Dan said.

  "Why?" Aella asked.

  "Because I need you to teach me how to displace—that is, assuming I can do it?"

  "Umm, that has to be done in private, Dan."

  "It does?"

  She nodded. "Yeah. It's kinda secret, the way we do it. If George and Herman are there, I won't be able to show you. I'll also need to set up a few things first."

  Dan nodded; that made sense. "Well, in that case, keep some time open later tonight, because it's definitely something I want to learn. Along with dancing," he said, smiling over at Fawn, who suddenly beamed and bounced in her chair.

  "Next you'll want me to teach you to sing," Olivia grumbled.

  Dan smiled at her. "Why, Olivia! What a wonderful idea!" He smirked at her as he was rewarded with a truly remarkable blush. "Maybe you can even do that in the van today. If Aella can't teach me until later, you can come instead."

  "I'm thinking maybe I should take Aella, go down to the Zoo, and see if we've gained any allies," Lofn said, looking thoughtful.

  "Take Fawn with you when you go," Dan said. "I don't want anyone left alone."

  "Maybe we need to Boris up here to patrol the grounds," Wrath said. "He might even be able to summon some of his friends to help."

  Dan shook his head slowly. "I don't know, Marion seemed pretty attached to him."

  "And him to her!" Aella joked.

  "I wonder if she can cook?" Fawn mused.

  "What?" Dan said, looking at her.

  "Well, that would solve the problem, wouldn't it? I mean, the house has servant's quarters. So we move them into it."

  "And what happens when she learns the truth about all of you?" Dan asked with a frown.

  "Dan, she's living with a hellhound, and they're pretty notorious when it comes to reputations. I'm sure she's figured out a whole lot of things since we saw her last," she said with a wink.

  "Fine, take care of it," Dan said with a heavy sigh, not wanting to even think about it. "Wrath, Olivia, get your things, we'll take the van."

  "Why not take the car?" Olivia asked.

  "Because one of us is driving, and I don't know that Herman and George are going to want to sit crammed in the back with a demon."

  "Oh, I bet George wouldn't mind!" Wrath snickered.

  "Actually, he'd be more worried about the fact that you're my girlfriend than you being a demon," Dan admitted.

  "Maybe we should see about getting him laid?" Olivia asked with a chuckle.

  "Just make sure people understand that if they hurt him, I'll have their heads," Dan paused, then added, "literally."

  "So you know where Royce and Takett are now?" Dan asked Herman as they piled into the van. Surprisingly, Herman took the passenger's seat up front. Wrath was driving of course, so that left George in the back with him and Olivia, whom Dan could tell he was trying really hard not to stare at. Or more succinctly, it was her chest he was trying not to stare at. The thin fabric of the t-shirt she was wearing, along with the total lack of a bra, made for a tempting view, Dan had to admit.

  He knew he sure enjoyed looking at it.

  "Royce is up in Grass Valley," Herman said. "Takett's in Yuba City. I called them this morning to let them know we were on our way."

  "You shouldn't have done that," Wrath said.

  "Why not?" Herman asked, glancing over at her and giving her a look.

  "Because what if one of them tells Weson? This gives them all day to set up an ambush."

  "Oh, they wouldn't do that!"

  "They might," Dan said from the back. "Or they might call Wiles. Selling me out to either one of them would be a guaranteed in with either of those men. And don't think you wouldn't get killed in the crossfire. These are ruthless men, Herman. I've killed more than enough of them in the last couple of months."

  "Have you? Have you really?" Herman asked, looking at Dan with a frown. "Or was it one of the others that killed them?"

  "Oh, they've killed a lot of people, too, don't doubt that. But so have I. You have to realize, Weson sent assassins after me when I tried to leave Sacramento, and that was before he knew about Wrath, and before I decided to try to free the others. This isn't just me being pissed because he killed my parents. This is a fight to the death; one of us is going to die. That's what he wanted, so that's what he's going to get.

  "When we get to Grass Valley, we'll find a good place to meet, and you can call Royce and tell him we're going to meet him there instead. We'll do the same when we get to Yuba City for Takett, as well."

  Dan frowned as Herman turned back to face forward. He didn't like rebuking him, but he was in charge, dammit, and his father's words about ruling ran through his head once again. Of course Herman was going to view him as a child; he was only nineteen, after all. Still, after the last few months, he was starting to feel positively ancient.

  "George, stop worrying about it," Olivia said in a soft voice, drawing his attention back to the little drama going on in the back. "If you want to stare at my tits, stare at them. I wouldn't dress like this if I didn't want people to admire 'em."

  "But you're Dan's girlfriend," George hissed back in an equally soft voice.

  "Look, but don't touch," Dan said, rolling his eyes, happy for the distraction. "Hell, stare all you want. Aren't you seeing anybody? I thought you were dating Cynthia?"

  "We broke up about a year ago." George sighed.

  "Want me to set you up with somebody?" Olivia asked.

  "Umm, I don't know if that would be safe," he said with a gulp.

  Olivia snorted. "You're Dan's friend. I wouldn't set you up with anybody nasty."

  Dan noticed George glance at the back of his father's head.

  "Ah, no thanks," he said, then looked back at Olivia and winked at her.

  Olivia glanced up at his father for a moment, then back at George, and gave him a small nod and winked back.

  Dan would have laughed if he wasn't worried about George's dad's reaction, especially after that last conversation.

  He pulled out the book on portal gateways and started reading it. It was going to be a long ride.

  "What's that?" George asked.

  "Portal magic," Dan said, looking over the first page.

  "You know how to open gateways?"

  Dan laughed. "Not yet. That's why I'm reading it."

  "It takes a lot of power to open a portal," Herman said from the front. "It's not something a single person can do."

  "Dad did it once," Dan said with a shrug.

  "What? When?" Herman said surprised and Dan swore inwardly.

  "Before I was born, if I read his notebook right," Dan lied. Well not exactly lied; his stepfather had to have opened a portal of some kind to have gotten to where he'd met Dan's father. Unless of course Wrath was right about his father being a god, in which case he'd probably opened it for his stepfather.

I had no idea he was that strong," Herman said.

  "Yeah, I've gotten the impression he was a lot stronger than anybody realized. Sadly, when Kevin died, he went crazy. Then of course Weson cursed us, and that made it even worse."

  "You don't sound too broken up about it."

  Dan shrugged and turned to the next page in the book. "I stopped mourning him after I had to sell all I owned to give Mom a proper burial beside him. She was dedicated to him, you know. Completely. Losing him killed her. It was tough to watch."

  "I'm sorry," Herman said with a sigh.

  "Not your fault," Dan replied. "But that has a lot to do with where we find ourselves today. We have a bunch of weak and vacillating wannabes who are trying to run this city and are flailing around killing everybody in their path as they fail miserably at it. Like him or hate him, Umber at least kept the peace.

  "Hell, as I understand it, even the demons respected him."

  "Umber knew the truth about demons, the one most mages ignore," Wrath said from behind the wheel.

  "Oh? And what would that be?" George asked.

  "That we're not all the same. Different races of demons have different biases. Yeah, I'm a fighter. I like fighting and partying, and I have a wild streak. I came here for adventure and money. Olivia there, she's a singer, an artist; she came here to sing and learn new songs."

  "Really?" George asked and looked back at Olivia, who nodded. "I'm really into heavy metal."

  "Yeah, I noticed!" he said and motioned to her tattoos.

  "Then why is she carrying that weapon?" Herman asked.

  "Cause Weson came after us while we were all just sitting up in Placerville minding our own business," Wrath replied.

  Dan listened with half an ear as he continued reading. Wrath was mostly spinning the tale of how they'd figured if they stayed out of Sacramento, they'd be safe. George and Olivia, meanwhile, were discussing heavy metal. Apparently there was a lot Olivia was still catching up on after being gone for almost a decade, and George was more than happy to chat with her about it.

  At least they were all talking.

  The book itself was fascinating, as well as written completely in demonic—or rather Skarvat. The key to opening portals, it seemed, was to prepare the receiving, or portal terminus, beforehand. You could create one without doing that, though the power needed was a couple of orders of magnitude higher. Which was why it took several people, or a god, to do it.


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