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Dan's Inferno, Book IV: Vengeance

Page 26

by Jan Stryvant

  "Great, until later," Dan said, and Takett, Royce, and Layton got up and noticed that Herman hadn't budged. Takett rolled his eyes, Royce shook his head, and Layton just ignored it, but all three of them quickly cleared out.

  "Girls?" Dan said to Wrath, Aella, and Olivia. "I think Herman wants to have a word with me in private."

  "Sure thing, Hon," Wrath said with a grin, and the three of them got up and left the room they'd reserved.

  "I don't appreciate you setting my son up with that demon!" Herman growled at him as soon as the girls were out of the room.

  Dan shook his head. "That wasn't me, and honestly, I don't see why you're so upset about it."

  "Of course you wouldn't be upset about it! You're living with them! You don't see what they do to a man! Or worse yet, a kid like George!"

  "Whoa, wait a minute, 'what they do to a man'? What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

  "You tortured Weson to death! The old Dan wouldn't have done that! It's those girls! They changed you! Made you into one of them!"

  Dan snorted. "The old Dan just sat on his ass and watched the world go by. Even after I was cursed, the old Dan wasn't about to do anything about it, either! Not until somebody decided to try to hurt the one person who'd done anything nice for me! And who'd simply done it to be nice! George is old enough to make his own decisions!"

  "Not as long as he's living under my roof, he isn't!"

  "Yeah, well, unlike my father, you have a son who loves you. So he's fucking some cerberus? He's 'just a kid', as you like to say. Let him have his fling. What's the big deal?"

  "The big deal is, you've become a bad influence on my son! I don't want you hanging around him! I don't want you to even talk to him anymore! Understand me?" Herman said loudly, raising his voice.

  "That decision is your son's to make," Dan said in a soft voice. "I will not be dictated to by one of my employees. Do you understand, Mr. Stidham?"

  Dan watched as Herman's face got very red, then he stood up and stomped out of the room.

  "He's going to be a problem, you know," Aella said, suddenly appearing beside him.

  "How'd you get here?" he asked, surprised.

  "What? You think I'd leave you here with a threat? I just displaced and let my image walk out of the room," Aella said, laughing at him.

  Laughing himself, he pulled her close and kissed her.

  "Sneaky Pete. Okay. Let's gather everyone up and see if Estaca's got any information for us."

  "I think it might be a better idea to head back home and see what happened with George. One of us can call Estaca and find out what she knows."

  "Good point," he said with a sigh. "From the way he was going off here, I have a feeling things didn't go well between the two of them."

  Walking in the front door of the estate, the first thing Dan saw was Tig standing there, stark naked, tail trembling and staring at him with wanton lust.

  "Oops, knew I was forgetting something," Dan said with an embarrassed grin. "Go up to the bedroom, I'll be there in a minute."

  "Umm…" she said, obviously not wanting to let him get away, and just as obviously afraid to not do what he told her to.

  "George! You in the house?"

  "In here!" he heard George yell back from the playroom.

  Heading into the playroom, he saw Sheila and George amorously entwined.

  They also weren't wearing any clothing.

  "Well, it couldn't have gone too bad," Olivia joked.

  "Actually, he grounded me, and then stormed off to his meeting," George said with a frown. "To say he was livid would be an understatement. I'm surprised you didn't hear the yelling from here."

  "So if you were grounded, why are you here?" Dan asked.

  "I left home," George sighed, "and I'm not going back."

  "Isn't that, I don't know, a bit sudden?"

  "You know the real reason I never tried to help you when you were living on the streets?"

  Dan shook his head. "It wouldn't have been safe."

  "That doesn't matter, Dan, and you know it! I wanted to help you, do something, anything! But dad wouldn't let me. He grounded me! Told me I had to think of the family, of his business. That you weren't worth it." George shook his head. "I didn't want to say anything because I didn't want you to think I was a coward.

  "But!" He frowned. "I'm supposed to be an adult now, and damn it, I'm going to do what I think is right. I'm not turning my back on you again, and I'm not turning my back on Sheila here, either.

  "So I grabbed my things, kissed mom goodbye, and told her I was leaving, and I wouldn't be back until dad got his shit together and stopped treating me like a child."

  Dan shook his head. "Yeah, he went off on me after the meeting. Told me I have to stay away from you."

  "I'm done listening to him. Sheila told me I can move in with her, so we'll head down to Dogtown in the morning."

  "You know, Dan, we have that house in Fair Oaks," Fawn said.

  "I have no idea what kind of shape it's even in at this point," Dan said with a thoughtful look.

  "All the more reason to let someone move in and take care of it," Wrath said.

  "What are you talking about?" George asked.

  "I own the house Dale used to live in. We kicked everyone out a couple of days ago. Tomorrow, you and Sheila can go clean it up and stay there if you want."

  "Are you sure?"

  "Yeah, it's just sitting there, and I need somebody to keep an eye on the place before the bums move in. Besides," he said with a grin, "if you're not here when your father comes looking for you, I won't have to lie to him about it."

  "I'll give you a bunch of money in the morning," Fawn said, "so you can fix anything that's broken."

  "Thanks, Dan, Fawn, and you too, Wrath and Lofn."

  "What, no thanks for me?" Olivia asked with a frown.

  "Oh, I definitely want to thank you for introducing me to Sheila, Olivia!" George said with a smile. "Now, umm, if you wouldn't mind?" he said and nodded at Sheila.

  "Oh, they don't mind at all," Dan said with a laugh. Turning around, he saw Tig there with a needy expression on her face. Smiling, he grabbed her hand and led her up to the bedroom.

  He could find out about what Estaca had on Godfrey in the morning.


  "Goff? I've got someone here I think you should meet," Terry said, coming into the room and escorting another man.

  Godfrey looked up, his eyebrows going up a hair in surprise. He recognized the man his nephew was escorting into the room. His name was Herman Stidham, and he was one of the better mages in the area. But the man was mostly in finance, and from everything Godfrey had been able to find out, he avoided conflict like the plague. Godfrey wasn't quite sure whether it was cowardice or something else, but in any case, he wasn't someone Godfrey would be afraid of.

  Still, Terry wouldn't be wasting his time if he didn't think it was important.

  "Hello," Godfrey said, standing up and extending his hand, "I'm Godfrey Wiles."

  "Yes, I know who you are," Herman said, and after a brief hesitation, he shook hands with him. "I'm Herman Stidham, though I suspect you probably know that already."

  Godfrey smiled at him. "Guilty as charged. Please, have a seat," Godfrey said, sitting back down. Terry grabbed a chair and sat down, and Herman joined them, sitting down with a bit of a sigh.

  "I must say I'm surprised to see you here, Herman," Godfrey said. "I was under the impression you preferred to stay out of the fray?"

  "Normally I would, but it would seem that events have forced my hand, and I have to take a stand before irreparable harm is done to my son."

  Godfrey noticed the compassionate look on his nephew's face. Seeing as the only thing his nephew had compassion for was Carmine, Godfrey took the hint.

  "I'm sorry, Herman, is there something wrong with your son that I can help with?"

  "Everything was fine until his old friend Dan moved back to the area! Now he's fallen in with Dan and th
ose foul demons he's living with!" Herman blurted out and kept on going. "Why, he's even sleeping with one! I mean, I've told him they're evil, that they'll corrupt him, destroy him! But he won't listen to me! He's being influenced by that Danny, and it has to stop! It has to stop before they hurt him! Or worse!"

  "Dan? Are we talking about Dan Westridge? Shannon's son?"

  "Yes! Danny. He moved back in with those five demon bitches of his, and all my son can do is look at their tits, and he's thinking if his friend Danny can do it, then he can do it, too!"

  "You know where he lives?" Godfrey asked carefully.

  "Yes! Of course I do. He lives on the next block over! He bought his father's old house, and they moved in a week ago!" Herman looked back and forth between the two of them.

  "You have to do something! You have to stop him and save my son! Save us all! If he isn't stopped, he and those demons of his will take over the entire city!"

  Godfrey nodded and sighed. "I was afraid something like this would happen. I'd hoped they only wanted to get their revenge on Weson, that now he was gone, Hana and her friends would…"

  Godfrey stopped in surprise as Herman grabbed his hand.

  "She's not Hana! Dan just wanted you to think that so you'd underestimate him! She's not the one in charge! He is!"

  "Wait…" Godfrey looked at Terry, who was now looking as surprised as he himself felt. "She's not Hana?"

  "No," Herman said shaking his head letting go of Godfrey's hand. "I've met them, all of them. They influence him—of course they do, he's a young man and they're all very comely. But he's not under their control. He's…changed."

  "How long have you known him?" Terry asked.

  Herman shrugged and looked down at his hands. "Ten years? Longer? He's been friends with my son since elementary school."

  "Are you sure it's still him? That he's not possessed?"

  "No, I, I think it's him. It is him. It's just that he's…different." Herman looked up at Godfrey. "Danny was always a laid back kid. Quiet. He didn't seem to really have any talent. His father ignored him while lavishing all his attention on Kevin, his oldest. Danny was one of those kids who just goes with the flow; you know they'll never amount to anything. He had no drive, nothing. I didn't even know he had any magic until he showed up on my doorstep a week ago asking me to introduce him to Royce and Takett!"

  "So they're the ones who took down Weson?" Godfrey asked.

  "They both helped; so did I."

  "You did?" Godfrey was surprised by that. He honestly hadn't thought Stidham had it in him.

  Herman nodded. "Weson had to go, and I thought if I helped, maybe I'd be able to influence him. But then he's setting my son up with some demon bitch, and now my son won't even listen to me anymore! I tried talking to Danny, but that arrogant son-of-a-bitch wouldn't listen, and even tried to tell me what to do!"

  "What's his address now?" Terry asked.

  "Didn't you see how many demons he had at Weson's?" Herman replied, looking at Terry. "Dozens, over a hundred! More even! He hangs out at that bar of theirs, and I don't know whether it's fear, or because he's told them he'll let them do what they want!

  "But you can't take him at home. He's got hellhounds guarding the place, and I've never seen such tight wards!"

  "So what do you want us to do?" Godfrey asked, drawing Herman's eyes back to him.

  "Why, kill him of course! He has to be stopped."

  "But you just told us we can't attack him."

  "No, you can't attack him there. But maybe, maybe we can draw him out."


  "He's going to attack you this weekend. He hasn't picked a day yet, and he's still working on the plan. But he's made it clear he wants you dead or gone by Monday."

  Godfrey and Terry exchanged looks.

  "That quickly?" Terry said. "Right after taking out Weson?"

  "Like I said, he's changed! He's different. I don't know if Weson's curse triggered something in him, or if it's his demons—he calls them his 'wives', by the way. But he's harder now, crueler. He tortured Weson to death."

  "He did?" Godfrey said, actually showing the surprise he felt.

  Herman nodded. "He said he gave him a slow death. Well, isn't that what demons do? Make you suffer while you die? Something corrupted him, and it made him strong. Maybe that's why they all follow him?" Herman shook his head.

  "I don't know, I just know he's a danger. To my son, to all of us!"

  "So how do we draw him out?" Terry asked.

  Herman frowned a moment, then nodded to himself.

  "Ask to meet with him—or rather, agree to meet with him."

  "You just said he's planning to attack us in two days. Why would he want to meet with us?" Terry asked.

  "He told us he'd rather give you a chance to leave peacefully instead of killing you. He'd rather save his resources."

  "Do you believe him?" Godfrey asked.

  "I'm not sure. I mean, yeah, it would be easier for him if you just packed up and left, but I don't think that's the reason he's going to make you the offer."

  "Oh? What do you think the reason is?"

  Herman looked up at Godfrey again. "I think it's so people won't see how corrupted he's become. I'm sure he believes you won't take the offer, but everyone else will see him making the attempt, and they'll ignore how he not only killed Weson, but killed every single person in there with him.

  "There wasn't any mercy. Miles and the others who were there, they burned to death."

  "Would you be willing to help us? To help us lure him someplace where we can kill him?"

  "Of course I would! Why do you think I'm here? He has to be stopped! And you're the only person who can stop him."

  "What do you…" Terry started, but Godfrey put his hand on Terry's arm, stopping him.

  "You're right, he has to be stopped. We can't afford to have demons running Sacramento, or even someone who's in love with them and is willing to let them run wild. I need to talk to my people and see what I can figure out. Are you sure he's going to try to set up a meeting?"

  "Fairly sure. I know I can push him to do it."

  "Fine. Do that. Terry," Godfrey said, turning towards his nephew, "please have someone escort Mr. Stidham back to his car. Give him your cell number and get his. Herman," Godfrey said, turning back to him, "we'll see if we can set it up so he takes you with him. Balk at first when he asks, but then agree to go. Okay?"

  Herman nodded, getting up as Terry stood. "Yes, of course."

  "Thank you for coming. I'm in your debt."

  Herman sighed heavily and nodded. "He's my only son. What else could I do?"

  "Indeed," Godfrey said and watched as Terry escorted him out the door.

  Godfrey sat there thinking about what he'd just learned until Terry came back a few minutes later.

  "Do you think we can trust him, Goff?"

  Godfrey nodded. "Yes, I do. That's why I stopped you from asking what he wanted. He doesn't want anything other than to remove Dan's influence from his son. Especially if he's really setting him up with demon lovers."

  "And what he said about Hana? Do you think he's telling the truth? I mean, obviously he believes it, but is he right?"

  Godfrey sighed. "I'm thinking Weson screwed up the curse so royally that he brought a plague down on all of us. Something I shudder to even consider. Think about this, how does Stidham know we think she's Hana?"

  Terry blinked and dropped into the chair. "He can't! He shouldn't!"

  "Unless Dan was bragging to him about making us think it was her."

  "Shit," Terry swore.

  "My sentiments exactly." Godfrey sighed. "Get Carmine in here. We probably only have until morning before Dan calls, and we need to be ready for him."

  "Do you think he will?"

  "Of course he will. He's so in love with his own brilliance, he bragged about it to Stidham there. And Stidham is right, making this offer will deflect any suspicions that the young Mr. Westridge is no longer who he claims
to be, or that the demons have any undue influence on him."

  "He's not going to be happy when we agree to a meeting, is he?" Terry said with a nasty smile.

  "That, my nephew, is going to be our job."

  Be Yourself

  Dan was sitting down to a late breakfast when his cell rang. Looking at it, he saw it was Herman. Shaking his head, he answered the call.

  "Yes, Mr. Stidham, what can I do for you this fine morning?"

  "Where is my son? Is he over there? I told you I didn't want you having anything to do with him anymore!"

  "What are you asking me for? Why would he be here?"

  "He left home last night! He wasn't here when I got up, and my wife just told me he left a note that he was gone and wasn't coming back!"

  Dan found that interesting. Then again, George's mother always had taken her children's side in things.

  "Well, he's not here, and if you don't believe me, feel free to come on over and take a look."

  "I'll be doing that!" Herman said and hung up.

  "Marion, let Boris know George's father is coming by. I guess I'll meet him down at the gate or something."

  "When did he leave?" Olivia asked, yawning. She'd come in while Dan was talking in the phone.

  "About an hour ago. I sent Tig with 'em. Told her if she was real nice and helped them with the place, I'd be sure to pay her a special visit," Dan said with a grin.

  "Yeah, she's definitely got the hots for you," Olivia said with a chuckle. "Where's the rest of us?"

  "Fawn and Wrath are in her office going over the stuff Estaca gave us to see what they can figure out. Lofn and Aella took the car and followed George and Sheila to make sure there weren't any complications."

  "Think there will be?"

  "I doubt it; everybody's stopped watching the place now they know Dale's gone. At least that's what Estaca told us."

  Grabbing a couple of bites of his breakfast, Dan got up and headed to the back gate with Olivia in tow, only to feel it when Herman pulled up at the front gate.

  "Figures, idiot had to drive," Dan said, shaking his head. They walked around the house and down to the driveway, where Herman had parked his car and was standing at the gates, obviously fuming.


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