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The Beginning: In the Families Footsteps (A Terri Walker Series Book 1)

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by Robert Segulin

  And yes, he didn’t accept the little sorry girl voice either. But instead of saying that I was nuts like Bob did, he just said, “Terri I do not envy you when your mother hears of you not being a teacher, but a Deep Cover Covert Ops Agent, and not some analyst or something, that would be more in your wheel house. Yes, Terri I already made my calls and found out who you really are. I knew that you were with the government but not the way you are now. So, just get ready for you mom to call, and I feel that you better be sitting down when she does. I haven’t called her yet, because I think that you should tell her first before she finds out from a news source. OK! And please don’t get mad at Sienna for calling Bob or Bob calling me, remember we all protect and care for each other.”

  I then told him that I would call my mother and thanked him for not yelling at me. Then he said, “oh little girl, you are not going to get off that easy. After you talk to your mother and get her motherly advice, I will call back with mine.”

  Then he paused, and I could hear him take a deep breath and continued with, “And hopefully Charlie is some where clear across the world, for if he is close, I think he may not be as easy on you as Bob and myself have been so far, and yes even your mother.” Remember that he is your big brother and will do anything to make sure that you are safe, and that just may include having you get a desk job. He is so much more connected than any of us think.”

  I thanked him and said, “I will call mom a little later, bye Uncle Rick let’s talk again soon.”

  He laughed and responded with, “you better believe that we will talk again, and very soon.” Then we both hung up.

  I could tell that Sienna seemed to feel bad about calling Bob, but I really wasn’t mad at her as much as I am mad, or rather disappointed in myself. I should have said something ahead of time to at least my uncle, that way it would have stopped with him in the beginning. So over to Sienna I go.

  Sienna stood up and as I approached her reached out, so she could give me a hug. Which I accepted graciously. She whispered in my ear, “sorry, but I had to, do you forgive me?”

  I responded with an even tighter hug and said, “it is I who should apologies to you for putting you in harms way. I should have known that if something happened today with you here, not one person would forgive me. So Sienna, please forgive me.”

  We hugged a few moments more than both sat down, and she looked at me and said, “well, how long have you been a spy?”

  I gave a chuckle and said, “not wasting any time, are you?”

  Sienna just said to me, “I think that you owe me an explanation why I was shot at and you looked like your brother or uncle shooting back.”

  “I have been with my unit for two years now, they recruited me in college and I held them off for awhile then gave into their talk of patriotism. They knew of my uncle and brother, so it was easy for them to take a chance on getting me to go along with their group.” I told her.

  Sienna just said, “continue.”

  “I started out doing some odd surveillance jobs, nothing dangerous, but as time went on, as you saw today, they are becoming very dangerous now. Even though this was a basic surveillance or as we call it a baby-sitting job. This man has very important information and many want it. So, what I was to do was to follow and keep track of anyone that may seem to be getting to close to him. Well as you experienced today, someone didn’t just want him, they wanted him dead. I am sorry that you got in the middle of it, but I never thought in a million years that I would run into you here and at the exact time of the shooters. I talked to Bob, then my Uncle Rick, and I will be calling my mother soon to give her a brief explanation of what I have been up to lately. Then My brother, now that one will be the toughest.”

  Just as Sienna was about to say something to me, her phone rang and when she looked to see who it was, she said, “well let’s see who told my daughter Samantha about what happened or is this just a cordial call.”

  I held my breath waiting for her to answer her phone, for a few reasons, one, does she know what happened today to her mother, second, and how did she find out, then if she knows it is only a matter of time before my whole family is calling me. She then answered her phone and her eyes seemed to bug out when she did.

  I listen to her side of the conversation and tried to gather what Samantha was saying to her.

  Sienna’s phone call started with, “Sam, don’t worry about me, I am doing very good, I was protected by one fantastic woman here. Yes, I know I was in danger and that so was Terri. What tv station did you see this on? OK, I looked good on tv, but not what happened to get me on it. Yes, dear I will take care and call you a little later with all the information that you are asking about. Yes, Terri is a bad ass agent. I didn’t know, and either anyone else I am finding out now. I will talk later have to go. Bye.”

  Sienna hung up with Samantha, not because she didn’t have any more to say to her, but because she saw the look on my face when my phone rang. All that I could say before I answered it was, “you mean that this place and what happened was or still is on tv?”

  Sienna could only nod with a yes, then motioned for me to answer my phone because it was either her mother or brother now calling.

  I answered it and said, “hello mother, how are you today.” And before I could say another word, I heard he say, “why on earth do I find out on tv that you have made me so sad today, by following your brother and uncle in their footsteps.’

  She then cleared her throat and continued, “Why did you not tell me that you were not a teacher any longer, and this master’s stuff was really a ruse. A ruse that has you putting yourself and those around you like Samantha’s mother Sienna, in great danger. Terri, I thought that you were to be the one that broke family line of this ideal to protect and serve for my country stuff.”

  She went silent for a second, and that is when I knew that I had to speak first before she started again telling me how terrible that she feels of what I have done not only today, but for some time now she guesses. So, I started with, “mom, please let me talk now so that I can give you my side.”

  She responded with, “Terri, you can talk now but I want you to know that nothing that you can say will make up for the heart break that I had when I saw you on tv, and the news person telling the story of a gun battle and some unknown heroic woman who stop the gunman from killing probably everyone in the building. So, go on.”

  I stumbled with my words for a minute then said, “well first the reason why I am doing what I do was said by you just now. The woman who stopped the gunmen from killing everyone in the building today. That is one reason the other is that I come from a very strong and Patriotic family. Uncle Rick, Special Ops Sniper. Charlie my brother Special Ops Communications Intel. But most of all you. Yes, mom you. When so many years ago when the country was invaded by tens of thousands of terrorists, and dad died then. Who stayed strong when Uncle Rick was thought to have been killed, and Uncle Bob was in a coma for weeks, and no one knew if he would pull through.”

  I coughed, not because of a cold but I was clearing my throat from becoming all choked up talking to my mother then continued with, “Who was there for his family, standing tall and strong and not thinking of herself at any time, because you felt the calling to be the rock for everyone. You are the reason that I am strong now and have found my calling to be here for anyone who needs protection from all the evil that is still in this world. Mom I love you and I know that you love me, let me come and visit soon so that we can talk more and hopefully that you will understand why I am, who I am.”

  My mother began with, “I had a feeling that the story of you going from college to college was a lie. I felt in my heart that you were up to something different, but I wanted you to tell me first, before I found out through tv, or your death.”

  I tried to tell her that I was just like any other law enforcement person, that I was to only follow this person, and if any trouble started to immediately leave and wait for the real military to come and do
their jobs and leave me out of it. Not sure if she believed me at all, but I will keep trying until I go and see her in person.

  “Just remember one thing Terri, you have not had the opportunity to have a talk with your brother yet. I have a feeling that he will not be as easy with what you have done or who you are as any other that you have talked to lately. So, I will say goodbye now and wait for your call of when you will come to visit. I love you, and please be safe. Oh, say hello to Sienna for me.”

  I said bye and we both hung up, now I must wait for Charlie to call, and I do hope that he is far, far away and has not heard anything of today yet.

  Chapter 4

  After the calls that I just had so far, I looked at Sienna and said, “how about after I am done here with the unit’s interrogation of everyone else here questioning me, that we go somewhere to have something a bit stronger than coffee.”

  Sienna nodded with a yes, then looked around the room at not only all the destruction that has been done here, but the people and what their faces and possible thoughts to the group of different law enforcement agencies questioning them now.

  I was done with all that I was needed for now and I looked over at Sienna and said, “so, are you ready for that drink now?”

  The look on her face was of fear, not pleasure of getting out of here. I thought for a second that something was about to happen, and she was fearful of it.

  I slowly turned in the direction that has held her attention, and when I did, my face became pale and a fear came over me that I have not had for some time. Over by the door was, Charlie, my brother. Here in New York, in the same coffee shop that was just the scene of a horrible incident.

  “Charlie!” I yelled out to him. “What are you doing here, and what does this thing here have to do with what you may be working on?” Then smiled and gave him my puppy dog eyes, that used to work on him, but I feel that nothing will today.

  “Hello to you too Terri.” He said to me without any smile accompany his words. “You do remember what I do in the military, don’t you? Communication Intel, yes intel that is used to help stop many terrorist acts around the world. And how do I do that sometimes, well by having great men like Professor Thomas come up with an algorithm to break the codes of those trying to communicate with others in their cells.”

  I looked down in shame now, and respond only with, “I am sorry Charlie, it didn’t click with me that what I was protecting was an asset of yours also. I feel really dumb now.”

  The Government put their best operative watching him, and that person was highly recommended by, Me! Yes Terri, I asked for your unit to shadow the professor, because I know that not only is the unit the best, but you are the best agent that they have in it.”

  Sienna’s mouth stayed open at what Charlie just said, and my face became even whiter after the words he said to me. I did everything that I could to get myself together and run over to him and give him a hug. But I know that there is much more about to come from him now.

  “Charlie! How long did you know what I did for a living?” I asked him.

  Charlie smiled and said, “well I was informed of a up and coming agent that I may want to have on my team. That info came from our Uncle Rick.”

  I had nothing to say to that and just tried hard to smile, Charlie saw this and continued with his story.

  “Terri, Uncle Rick is still semi active with his Special Ops Unit and has inside info on all of us, including you Sienna. He vowed to make sure that nothing ever happens like before to any of his family.” Sienna smiled at those words from Charlie.

  Then he said, “when Uncle Rick found out about you applying to the government to become an agent, he called me to tell me to make sure that somehow you would be part of my world. He wanted me to take you into my unit, but I decided that you will have to make your own way if this life is what you really want. I then had your unit set up and you in it. The unit work in conjunction with my entire group of agents, and that way I would have not only control of your assignments but also would be able to watch over your safety. After all, if mom found out about your life changes, and I didn’t take care of you, well I would be far across the world to stay away from her wrath.”

  Now I had to give a chuckle at that, then said that “she has already called because she saw me on tv and put two and two together. She was civil but told me that either I come to visit her and tell my story, or she will come to me. And she knew that if here I would be embarrassed in front of my unit, so I will be taking a short leave soon, if that’s ok with you?”

  While I was talking, I noticed that Charlie looked towards the door and gave a nod. I turned and noticed that there was four six-man units spreading around one at each end of the street, across from the coffee shop and two outside its door with four coming inside. I thought that I guess he wants to be sure that everything is under control around here.

  I gave him a glance and looked around, then he said, “I have intel that this was not going to be the only attempt on the Professor, so I felt we should be prepared. I also have a drone flying over this area looking for anything out of the ordinary. And you know in case mom calls, you can tell her how many special operators that I had protecting you.” He said with a chuckle.

  Then he looked down and said, “sorry sis, but my intelligence had information of an attack at the college, so we were stationed there, and very little positive info of what happened. You can see why we need his code breaking abilities, don’t you? When the shooting started, we came as fast as we could, but some special agent had already calmed the incident down, a suppressing of the situation, and not a raging gun battle any longer. Only thing I can say more is that you are the right person for this job.”

  Then Sienna said, “can we go now, I need a drink and I know that Terri does also.”

  Charlie then said, “if you two do not mind, to wait just a few minutes longer because someone wants to say high to you both.”

  I now became worried of who would want to say high to both of us here in a small town in upstate New York.”

  All I heard was oh my from Sienna and then I turned to see why. In the door came Jenny, my brothers’ partner and wife. I almost cried with joy seeing her now. I hoped that she would be more compassionate of the situation that I have just gone through.

  Sienna went to her and they hugged and exchange a few words, then I saw her look at me and start to come to where I was standing, but she did not have a pleasant face on as I had hoped for. Her look was that of discuss, and I had a feeling that I was just about to find out why.

  I said, “hello Jenny, so nice to see you here today”

  Then Jenny gave a look that would melt snow and said, “is that any way to greet your superior officer. Do you not understand that today we could have lost a valuable resource, one that was under your protection, and you almost failed to do so! This whole incident could have been avoided if you were more observant of your surroundings and took into consideration of his normal habits. Even I knew where and when he would be here and at what seat he would be sitting at. So, Terri, what do you have to say for yourself?”

  All I could say was, “I did a sloppy job in overseeing the entire area as I was watching the person that I was to protect. I am sorry, even though sorry is not an excuse. I have learned a lesson today of what I should have done to make sure a thing like what happened today will not happen again.” I then looked into her eyes for acceptance and hopefully some type of condolence at my sorrow that I have in my heart right now. Being talked to by my sister in law was a hard thing to take. And now I waited for more from both my brother and my sister in law.

  As I stood silent waiting for what would come next, I saw Jenny start to move closer to me and the whole time the expression on her face did not change. That is until she stood right in front of me.

  Then she smiled and reached out to give me a hug and said, “Terri we were so worried about you when we heard that there was a gun battle going on here. Charlie rallied the troops to
come and help, but you girl had already taken care of business. Your Uncle Rick was correct when he told us that you are one good agent, but not a bad ass agent as you just proved to be.”

  Then we hugged, and I wanted to cry but held that back, I did enough wrong today, no need for more.

  Then Jenny looked at Charlie and said, “with your permission, I am going to take Sienna and Agent Terri Walker down the street to that lounge and debrief them both.”

  Charlie looked at the three of us and said, “debrief?” Then gave a chuckle, then we left.

  Chapter 5

  While the three of us were sitting at a bar not far from where the incident happened, Charlie was finishing up the scene to have it be known as a drive by shooting of a teacher that was involved with a married man.

  Charlie knew that telling the truth was out of the question. So, he devised a story and gave it out to the media. A married professor was having an affaire with another teacher from a different school, and somehow when it was found out about it and the mad wife told a friend to scare her and tell her to leave her husband alone, but the friend took it a step farther.

  Charlie gave a chuckle to himself after telling that story, but he also knew that he has seen the same thing and even worse happen. So, a false story today will save the professor from being found out about, and Terri being discovered as a secret agent. Well since the situation is now under control, the professor at a safe house and Terri with Jenny and Sienna having a debriefing, or two. Another smile came to his face, and then he decided to help with the debriefing.

  Terri was having her third glass of wine, when she turned to Jenny and asked her, “do you think that Charlie is really upset with what happened.? And will he take me out of the unit that I am with?”

  Jenny smiled and responded with, “Terri, Charlie will get over it especially since the asset and you are both alive right now. He will probably act as if he was a bit mad at you but trust me he will forget it soon.”


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