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The Beginning: In the Families Footsteps (A Terri Walker Series Book 1)

Page 15

by Robert Segulin

  Laurie said to me, “thanks Terri, thanks for coming for me and what you have done so far for me. I will never forget. So, Agent Walker, let’s get going.”

  I then said, “when we get to the next floor, I want you to stay in the corner by the door. For two reasons, one in case someone opens the door you will be hidden behind it. Also, you will have a good view up the stairs in case anyone comes down.”

  I started her on her way down the first set of stairs and as we were just going, I told her more of the plan to get down alive.

  I continued with, “I will stay at the bottom of the first set of stairs watching down for anyone coming up and if the door opens I would have a great shot at him, and if he gets me instead you will be behind the door and could finish him off when the door closes as he comes down to see who he just shot. Then again down to the next floor.”

  She nodded, and we continued down. I knew that she was doing everything that she could to keep up straight. I didn’t want to stop because of hearing the shooting outside and in different areas of the building. I heard shots at the top and the bottom floors, hopefully Rosa stays in her hiding place and doesn’t panic with all the gun fire that is happening now.

  We started down on the sixth floor, so far, we made it to the fifth and are almost to the fourth. Laurie in her position and me in mine, I was just about to signal her to come down, so we can go another floor when the door opened. I did a turn from looking down the stairs, the door by Laurie opened, so I shot the guy in the doorway before he could come out into the stair well. Lucky for us he fell back into the hall and the door closed by itself. I knew that he was not a friend by all the tattoos on his face, arms, and bald head. So, good shot I thought.

  Now to the third and finally the second floor. As we opened the door, Laurie just put the tip of her rifle through and I went down to my knees to get a look in the hall. I knew that if someone was in the hall and they saw the rifle sticking out they would not think that anyone would be down low and look in the hall.

  I looked both ways and stood up and walked into the hallway. Laurie hesitated a second and then she came in also.

  Now we need to find a room to look out a window to see what is going on outside, and for Laurie to rest for a few minutes.

  Between getting knifed and beat up along with Laurie still not in perfect shape after all the abuse that she endured, we still have done some damage to these guys today.

  Chapter 45

  With us feeling safe for now, we both took a rest and were looking out the windows to see what was going on in the street. To our surprise it wasn’t the police that were having a fire fight with the guys from this building but our guys.

  Laurie and I did a high five and smiled at each other. I said, “soon they will take these guys over and we will be taking each other to a hospital to have our wounds taken care of.”

  But before that we have one more floor and many more bad guys to fight in order to really get out of here and free.

  After all that we just went through and Laurie’s gun shot and me having my arm sliced, we let our guard down and had our weapons next to us on the floor and not in our hands. We were mesmerized by all the fighting in the streets that we didn’t pay any attention to what could be behind us.

  Well we found out that Carlos and Alexander Petrov plus many of their men were standing in the door way to the room that we were in. All smiling.

  Hearing a noise behind me I grabbed my pistol and turned towards the door. When I was almost completely turned, I saw them standing and smiling at us.

  Carlos then said, “you two are not your typical American women. You both have some guts and good fighting abilities. You made it all this way and I know for a fact that there was many in between where you started and here. So, who are you two really?”

  Neither one of us answered his question. Then Alexander said, “I must admit that my son does have excellent taste in women, and he finds those with a lot of fight in them. To bad that you two will never have an opportunity to see if you are right for each other.”

  Two of his men came up to us and took our weapons, but missed the knife, thankfully. Then we stood up and walked towards our captors which we hoped that we would not see again.

  I looked at Laurie and she the same to me and I said, “well girl, back where we started.” Then we both just laughed.

  Laurie then asked them, “so gentlemen, what are your plans for us now?”

  Carlos then said, “you two will help us get out of here by being a shield for us. You see I feel that you are more than you say to be and with what has come here to take us down, I again feel that they are here for you two, also. So, no one will shoot at us with you two in front of us.”

  I wanted to tell him that if a shot is good and one of us or both are in the way, they will take the shot, and we will have helped end the mission with our lives.

  Chapter 46

  Laurie and I went with them without a fight. We knew that once out in the open a shooter will take one or both down. I feel that they just may want Alexander to stay alive for questioning later.

  While we found ourselves back as captives or now a hostage, back at headquarters where they were questioning Mikhail things got odd.

  As the entire room was becoming a communications station for what was going on where I was at, Mikhail was just about forgotten. He was sitting around not in a cell or in handcuffs, because they felt that he could never get out with all those around. But they were wrong because as the fighting intense so did the communications and the lack of watching what was marked as a valuable person of interest.

  Mikhail hearing what was happening at one of Carlos’s buildings, he knew that must be where he was hiding us. So, he just casually walked out of the building with keys he found on a board for cars that were parked outside.

  Mikhail then drove to one of his safe houses, not to hide but to get a gun. He then drove to the scene of all the fighting.

  Now up on the sixth floor where this all started, a team of Navy Seals were going from the roof down. As they were walking around the room where Laurie and I first started to get our revenge and peruse our freedom of our captures, one seal came up to the captain and said, “who ever did this are absolutely well trained and fearless soldiers. There must be a dozen or more dead men from here to the door to the stairs. Which as we went saw blood droppings on the floor to the door and on it. That blood came from the person or persons that killed all of these guys.”

  The Captain responded with, “they are well trained, and are on what I feel is a revenge war against these guys. It must be Agents Laurie Smith and Terri Walker. They were taken, and this must be the place that they were held.”

  Just when he finished saying that, he heard a noise come from a closet near him. He and some of his men went to the closet and before they could open it themselves, it was opened by Rosa. She came out and with a big smile on her face said, “Terri and Laurie sent you just like they said thy would. I am Rosa and I was the one that brought them their meals and they said that they would help me get away from here.”

  Then the Captain called on his radio to the communications van that was parked just out back of the building. In it was the General, Charlie, and Jenny. They were directing what was going on from inside it. And was now going to get some news that would either make them feel good or sad at what was to be told to them.

  After the captain called the van and gave those inside the news that the real battle was happening starting on the sixth floor and by Terri and Laurie. But they were also told of the large amount of blood that was on the floor and doors and not from those that were killed by presumably the two Agents.

  The three got out of the van and were walking towards the back of the building where the loading dock was. Charlie knew that the side and front doors were being used to get out of the building but not yet the back.

  Charlie then was just about to give the order to breach the back and enter the building in search of Terri and Lau
rie, and he hoped that they were both still alive.

  Then when he was starting to speak into his head set to give the order, at that moment the back door was slowly opening.

  Everyone was now ready to shoot whoever exited the building. Then appearing from the door was Agent Laurie Smith, with Alexander Petrov behind her. Charlie’s eyes were opened wide now after seeing her. He also knew that no one could shoot at him with her as his shield.

  Jenny said, “Charlie she is badly wounded, that must be where the blood that was all over up stairs came from. What I can tell by all the blood on her blouse is that she is just about to bleed out very soon, so we have to act fast.”

  Charlie and Jenny moved in closer and was hoping that next coming out would be Terri. They didn’t have to wait to long and then came Terri. She was being a shield for a man who then Jenny said was Carlos, the head of all the drug cartels south of our border.

  Jenny now gave out a gasp at all the blood that was on her left arm and shoulder. Jenny then said, “Charlie she could be almost bled out like Laurie looks to be. We have to move, and soon.”

  I saw my brother Charlie and Jen standing not far away from me, and I was happy and sad at the same time. Tears started to flow down my cheeks and Jen saw that and she began to cry.

  I looked at Charlie and stood up the best that I could for Carlos had his arm around my neck holding me so that I would not get away. He needed his shield, or he would die for sure today.

  Carlos had his left arm around my neck, so I then decided that either I do something, or he may just get away. I held up my right hand to my chest and then put up three fingers and then pointed to my right.

  Charlie saw my hand signal and shook his head no, but I nodded with a yes.

  Charlie then held up his arm and put up three fingers. And a slight flash came from a building far away from us. I then knew that they had a sniper ready to take a shot and I have just volunteered to be the possible the target if the shot failed to hit the intended target.

  I glanced over at Laurie and she looked so bad. Blood now was dripping from her arm to the ground and at that moment I knew what I had to do. She saw my eyes and gave a head shake of no. I just smiled and looked back at Charlie and gave a nod. I then put up my three fingers and again a slight glimmer in a building about 500 yards away.

  I knew once I counted down there was no turning back, I just need to move far enough to my right so that hopefully the bullet does not hit me but does Carlos.

  I thought to help me get to the right far enough I need for him to loosen his grip on me just a bit. So, I decided at the count of two that I would step hard on his toes. He was wearing soft walking shoes and with me the same but stepping down hard hopefully would be enough to cause him a bit of discomfort at least and that would be what I just may need.

  I could see Jenny holding onto Charlie, but Charlie seemed not to be to be worried at the shot that the sniper will be taking. Then I took a deep breath and said to myself, he never misses! Then started my count down.

  One, two, and I stepped hard and as I dropped my last finger I was already pulling to the right and then I heard it. The echoing of the rifle shot and then I closed my eyes.

  A second later I felt a burn on my left arm. At first, I thought that because I was pulling away from Carlos’s grip that I opened my wound more.

  But then I also felt Carlos go limp. I then turned to see a large amount of blood coming from his chest and he slowly dropped to the ground. A direct hit to the heart. I quickly gave a thumb up and another glimmer from that building.

  Charlie just gave me a nod and Jenny took a deep breath and started to move towards me. Carlos’s men were dropping their weapons and putting up their hands and surrendering.

  I then looked over at Laurie and Alexander still had her in front of him and his men still around him.

  Then a car pulled up to the loading dock right in front of Alexander. Out of the car came Mikhail. I stopped from running right away over by him and his father, because I felt that he would now save Laurie.

  Mikhail said to his father, “why did you do this, they were not to be involved with any of the family business?”

  His father responded with, “but you were not worthy enough to lead the New World Syndicate. That should have been my job and I felt that if I had your American women play toys as hostages, then you would easily give up your position and give it to me. I had most of the groups coming into my leadership so, I am sorry son, but I wasn’t going to let you have it. After all you did pick two beauties, and I don’t mean their looks but that they are government agents. So, Mikhail I did you a favor.”

  Mikhail screamed at his father and said, “you liar! They are not agents.” And as he said that he looked into Laurie’s eyes and turned to me and then he knew that his father was right.

  I now was becoming nervous at the idea that Mikhail would not save Laurie but want to do her harm. Then he pulled out a pistol and pointed not at his father but at Laurie.

  Mikhail said, “you both must die for making a fool of me.”

  Then just when he was about to pull the trigger I reached behind my back and pulled out the knife. And as I twisted my body, I threw it and hit Mikhail directly in the temple with it. He had a look of being startled on his face then dropped to the ground.

  Then I saw a flash from the building that I assumed was were the sniper was still at, and yelled to Laurie, “drop down now!”

  She listened and did what I said, and another hit directly to the back of Alexander’s head. I guess that they didn’t care to much about any questions that he may answer for them.

  I think that they decided with both family heads now dead that it would be a while before anyone takes over and has it the way it was with the Petrov’s.

  An EMS truck came up and went to Laurie first and then another came up and over to me. We will be both be at the hospital very soon. And as they were carrying me to the truck Jenny came over and said, “I heard from the seal team that came into the building from the roof that you and Laurie did some real damage in there.”

  I smiled, and Charlie took my hand and squeezed it then I passed out before they even put me into the truck.

  Chapter 47

  I am not sure how long that I was out but when I woke, I was laying in a bed and with Laurie in the one next to me.

  I was so groggy after all that I went through. But as I sat up, I noticed that my brother and sister in law along with the general was there in my room.

  The only thing that I said was, “he never misses!”

  They all laughed, and then my uncle Rick walked into the room and said, “so you had faith in my shooting? I must admit that when I took that shot, I was worried that I would miss my target, and hit you. You now that it has been awhile since I did any real shooting. But I then saw what happened and was pleased, so my second shot was easier.”

  I then said, “I love you Uncle Rick, and I never doubted your ability.”

  He laughed at that and my brother said, “when did you know that it was Rick?”

  I said, “I didn’t, but you looked calm just before he shot, so I knew that you wouldn’t have trusted anyone else to do what he just did.”

  I then said with a great big smile, “Uncle Rick, you are my hero!”

  Then Laurie said, “and Terri you are my hero! If it wasn’t for you coming for me, maybe not exactly the way that you planned it, but you did it. I have no idea of what would have come of me. So, thank you friend.”

  Then I said, “and Laurie you would have done the same for me.”

  Everyone in the room gave a chuckle, when Terri sat up and said, “what ever happened to Rosa? I promised her to get her to safety.”

  The General then said, “a true military person, never leaves a comrade behind. Don’t worry after a few from the seal team that came in from the roof swept the floor, which they said it looked as if a whole seal team went through it, they came across her hiding in a closet and they took her by helic
opter away from the building. Oh, by the way two of the seal team members, when after they found out that it was you two that did the damage to those men, want to know if you are single?”

  Everyone laughed at that and both Laurie and Terri said, “I think we have had enough of men for some time now.”

  Then the injured women sat up in bed as if nothing was wrong with them as a little Spanish girl came walking into the room, holding the hand of Terri’s mother.

  Terri said, “well hello Rosa, I see you found a new friend.”

  Rosa smiled and said, “yes, I am with your mother, and she is so beautiful just as you are.”

  I almost cried when they came in, not only Rosa being ok, but that my mother came all this way to be with me. Then I heard it. “Terri, you said nothing for a while and when you do only safe stuff. What happened?”

  Still being a bit groggy I said, “well, if you want to know, take a look at the woman in the next bed, look familiar?”

  My mother’s mouth opened wide and her words were sketchy at best when she said, “Laurie! Oh my, what happened to you?”

  Laurie answered with, “I got in a bit of trouble and Terri came to save me, sorry that it was her that came, but I am glad that she did, even though today I am a little beat up, but I am alive because of her. So please don’t be too hard on her.”

  My mother just gave a nod and said nothing to her as tears started to form in her eyes.

  Then my mother gave some great news and said, “Terri I think that you remember the friend of mine that lives in my complex, Angela Rodriquez. She used to be an agent like yourself and got out some time ago. Well with her connections and your brothers, Rosa will be living with her as a foster care child. That is until papers can be filed for a permanent adoption of her.”

  Both Laurie and I started to cry with that news and Rosa said, “please don’t cry, it is a good thing, right. I will have a real family and it is because of my two new friends. You will come visit too.”


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