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Page 2

by Kate LaMontagne

  Breaking into Styles’ offices in the dead of night, Laoch accessed Staff Sergeant Hanson’s terminal first. He smiled when he discovered a hacking program that he was all too familiar with. He didn’t need to utilize it at the moment, not for his current goal. Tiger’s records were readily available under the personnel files and the security crime reports.

  Nothing was passworded. Once Laoch broke into the terminal, everything was wide open to him. It only took minutes to find what he wanted. All he was interested in were the details of the attack. There wasn’t much, but he knew what they had done, he knew Styles’ brother was the initial target and that Tiger had stepped in to save him, and he had three names with brief descriptions.

  He was in and out in under ten minutes. Retreating to his room at the hotel, Laoch ordered food to be delivered and he showered while he was waiting, showered and plotted his revenge. Now that Tiger was temporarily out of the picture, Laoch’s days would be spent with Lucius, but his nights would be dedicated to tracking down Tiger’s attackers and terminating them.

  Chapter 2

  For the next few weeks, Laoch was too busy to have nightmares. Checking on Tiger occasionally, he was glad to see that he looked almost completely recovered. Laoch on the other hand was getting dark circles under his eyes. His body was already suffering from the loss of Aidan and he wasn’t giving himself much time to recuperate.

  He probably averaged about three hours of sleep each night and so much portaling was a drain on his magic, but it was the only way to get from location to location quickly. Bribing some of the less savory denizens of the red-light district, he gathered intel and tracked down the locations of all the gang members.

  The ones who had escaped Aurora were taken out before Captain Kirk’s team could find them. Shark and Ripley were already surrounded by Kirk’s men when Laoch got there, so he diverted to Chris Hawkins’ apartment to be sure he got to the ring-leader first. He didn’t want Chris sitting in a prison cell. There was no way he would let Chris live one more day. He could always finish off Shark and Ripley later. No prison could prevent him from getting to them.

  Once he had some breathing room, Laoch took a few days to rest and check in with his father. Liam was furious when he learned about the attack on Tiger, but he was glad to hear that Laoch had taken care of the problem. That was the way the Fae handled such things. Human laws meant little to the Fae when crimes against family members were involved.

  “What of Cillian? Any news? Has he been spotted?” Laoch asked.

  “I… I have something to tell you, but I want you to remain calm,” Liam answered. “We’re not sure, but our spies have heard that he might be on Corvan. Apparently, he deals with some of the smugglers there.”

  “What!! Did he follow me?!” Laoch surged out of his chair and started pacing back and forth.

  “Now, now Laoch. It’s possible he doesn’t even know about you being on Corvan. It could be just a coincidence.”

  “I don’t believe in coincidence. Not when Cillian’s still running loose. What if he knows about Tiger? He could target him like… like he did Aidan!”

  “I don’t know if he’s even aware of Tiger,” Liam replied. “He may be aware that Enya had a baby, but no one besides us knows that he’s alive or where he is. I don’t think anyone even knew the sex of the baby.”

  “Someone knew where Enya was. Her death was no accident.” He grabbed his dragon sword and his cloak, heading out the door. “I have to go Father. Let me know if anyone locates Cillian.”

  He didn’t wait for a response from his father.

  When he got back to Aurora, everything was total confusion again. Tiger was gone and so were Kirk, Styles, and Tiger’s doctor. Supposedly the three left on some humanitarian mission up north and no one knew where Tiger had disappeared to. He was still on sick leave so he should have been at Styles’ house.

  “Bhearrtha!! he cursed. “Can these people not keep track of their own soldiers?! I shall put a tracking spell on that child the next time I see him! Foc!”

  It was time for Laoch to check in with Lucius again, so he opened a portal and stepped through to the woods near a waterfall that had a cave hidden behind it. He had been there numerous times when he visited Lucius. There were ancient cave drawings inside that depicted Fae interacting with Corvan natives. They were scattered all throughout the enormous cave.

  The cave systems on Corvan were used as hideouts by the natives whenever they felt threatened. Most seemed to be endless and a few people had gone in and never come out again, so all but the natives had learned to stay out of them.

  Just as Laoch started to step out of the woods, he spotted Tae, McNair’s personal assistant, leading Tiger out from behind the waterfall. Laoch ducked back behind the bushes, his heart pounding erratically. It was a stroke of luck, but he couldn’t imagine what Tiger was doing at the research center. The last time he’d seen Tiger was the day he was shopping with the Styles brothers in Aurora.

  This wasn’t the time or place to approach Tiger, so Laoch held back. He didn’t want to blow his Professor Laoch persona in front of Lucius. For the time being he’d pop back to the guest cabin assigned to him whenever he visited. No one else ever stayed there. He could skulk around after dark and maybe catch Lucius alone, or Tae.

  He’d see if he could find out the reason for Tiger’s presence there when he was supposed to be recuperating in Aurora. He obviously wasn’t there on assignment. What personal reason could he have for making the difficult journey through snow when he was injured?

  What he found out later terrified him. Tiger had hidden the fact that he’d been bitten by the throwback he’d hunted down and killed. Laoch hadn’t even been aware that Tiger was hunting one of those monsters. He knew too well that there was no cure for the venom, and he was also aware that Lucius had not yet had a breakthrough in his research.

  Laoch was scrambling to find help for Lucius and Tiger. He’d portaled back and forth several times, conferring with Fae physicians, historians and mages and pushed the knowledge out to Lucius. When Styles and his group showed up, he was surprised again. This was their humanitarian mission?

  Laoch had hope for Tiger for the first time after eavesdropping on some of the conversations. First, he found out that Tiger was gay. Then he found out that there was some sexual attraction between Tiger and Styles. Styles’ dogged pursuit of Tiger and the symptoms of ‘heartache’ in both of them led him to believe that Tiger and Styles were fated-mates, although Styles worded it a little differently.

  Laoch made sure that Lucius and Tae had all the Fae mating information stuffed into their heads and encouraged them to share with the two lovebirds. Tae was an enthusiastic matchmaker.

  Camping in a tree outside the cave that last night, he’d seen the pulse of magical energy when Tiger and Styles had received their mate bond. He’d been relieved that Tiger was both mated and cleansed of the virus, and heartbroken at the same time, reminded of his lost Aidan.

  Laoch hadn’t expected Tiger and his mate to show up the next day as he was bidding farewell to Lucius. He could almost hear the pieces sliding into place in Styles’ head as his eyes tracked Laoch’s departure up the trail. Laoch wasted no time portaling back to Aurora once he was out of sight, afraid that Styles would come looking for him.

  What would Tiger do if Laoch was forced into a confrontation with his new mate before he even had a chance to explain himself to his cousin?

  Laoch knew it would take several days for Tiger and his people to return to Aurora, so he took advantage of the time to report back to his father, giving him an update on Tiger’s situation and hoping for an update in turn on Cillian.

  “I cannot believe it! Tiger has already met his fated-mate and received his mate-mark! We must celebrate this joyous occasion!” Liam gushed.

  Laoch rolled his eyes and blew out a frustrated breath. “Really, father! I haven’t even had a chance to introduce myself to him yet. Don’t you think planning a party is a little pre

  Liam studied his son. “I’m sorry Laoch. That was insensitive of me. I know you’re still grieving. I was just so happy, and I thought it would cheer you up.”

  “I am happy for Tiger. I just need to explain things to him first and assess the situation before we plan something. Don’t we still need to hide his existence from the courts? What about Cillian? Where is that bastard?”

  “Ah, yes… Cillian,” Liam sighed. “We still haven’t located him. You know portal travel is untraceable, but we’re reasonably certain now that he’s on Corvan. He’s probably working on financial backing to fund his next move against the Spring Court.”

  “Or he’s looking to finish what he started with me,” Laoch muttered. Let him come. It will save me the trouble of tracking him down!”

  “Laoch…” Liam reached for him but Laoch stepped back.

  “Don’t! You know nothing’s changed! I only struggle on hoping to watch the light fade from his eyes as I bury my blade in his black heart!”


  “I can’t do this now! I have to go!” He choked on the words as he fled from his father’s home. When he reached the garden, he flung his hand out, forming a portal, and stumbled out into the wooded park near Remi’s house. Falling to his knees, he collapsed against the base of a tree and clutched his fingers against his mate-mark, panting against the pain.

  “Aidan… I’m trying mo ghrá but… it hurts so bad,” he whispered. “I miss you so much!” He leaned his head back against the rough bark and wept quietly. A sudden breeze ruffled his hair and he felt a kiss light as butterfly wings on his forehead. His eyes flew open, but no one was there.

  “Aidan?” he whispered. The breeze stirred again, sighing through the tree branches. There was no answer but the pain in his chest slowly faded till Laoch could move again. He rose shakily and wiped the tears from his face. “Thank you, my love,” he whispered, with a crooked smile.

  Laoch regained his composure and moved to one of the benches near the pond where the pink ducks hung out. They waddled over to him, looking for a snack but he didn’t have anything for them. Glancing around, he didn’t see anyone else in the area, so he quickly opened a tiny portal and pulled a loaf of bread through from his room. He tore the loaf up and scattered the bread around for them, smiling at their antics.

  Over the next few days, Laoch returned to the area, feeding the ducks, and trying to reconnect with Aidan’s spirit, but he felt nothing. Finally, he decided he needed to move forward with his plan to meet with Tiger. He delivered the journal Enya had entrusted to Liam, leaving it at Styles’ front door and making sure his face showed up on the security video.

  Watching the house, he saw the younger brother take the package into the house, but there was no immediate reaction. He assumed Tiger and Styles were not home, so he kept an eye on the place for a while, but the only people he saw coming and going wore Ranger uniforms. They must have left the boy in the care of Tiger’s team.

  After several days of practically camping on their doorstep, Laoch gave up and decided to go back to the research center to see if the guys were still there. Had some new disaster arisen after he left? Tiger seemed to be a trouble magnet with a capital “T”. He had to fight to school his expression when Lucius regaled him with the details of their confrontation with Dominic’s mercenaries.

  As an outsider, Lucius wouldn’t expect Laoch to be emotional about a group of strangers, but Laoch made a point of reminding Lucius that his old friend had been in the thick of things.

  “You’re sure you’re okay and none of your people were hurt, no damage to your research data? The only casualties were mercenaries?” Laoch pressed.

  “Aye, not to worry,” Lucius replied. “Captain Styles had a concussion, but he walked out of here on his own two legs. Can ya believe he was a former Marine? He totally kicked arse with the rest of ‘em! They’re a scary bunch… even Tiger. That lad looks like a mild-mannered little one, but he did wicked damage with that sword.”

  “Really?” Laoch couldn’t hold back a little smile of pride.

  “Eighteen dead an’ I never heard a sound. It was like the specter of Death just swept through the valley and snuffed them out.” Lucius gave a visible shudder.

  “But not all… you said some got away?” Laoch wondered if Dominic had trailed after Tiger’s team when they departed for home.

  “Aye but the lads will be fine. Tiger said the mercs were headed back to Dominion. The Rangers took a different route to Oberon. They shouldn’t cross paths before they reach home.”

  “That’s good.” Laoch slapped his thighs and stood. “Well, I must be going. I only backtracked to let you know I probably won’t be able to return for quite some time, but I’ll be available if anything new arises regarding your venom research. You know how to reach me.

  I brought you something as thanks for allowing me to participate in your research.” Laoch pulled several bottles of scotch whiskey out of his pack. He’d portaled back to Old Earth for them to justify his return to the research facility, knowing full well that the alcohol would distract Lucius from all his questions.

  “Ahh! Y’er a prince among men!” Lucius licked his lips appreciatively. “Oh! I forgot to tell ya the best part! Right after you left Tiger and Captain Styles told me they’d mated… they’re fated-mates! Can ya believe it? Tiger had the virus and it cured him! You helped, with all the information you provided on Fae mates!”

  “That’s wonderful!” Laoch acted excited even though he already knew all about it. He rushed through his farewell before Lucius could tie him up for several more hours with the details and many glasses of whiskey. He’d be there all night if he let Lucius continue and he really wanted to return to Aurora to wait for Tiger’s return.

  Tiger and Remi made it home tired but in good shape two days later. Laoch knew that Tiger would open the journal soon, so he’d give him some time to digest the information. He knew they’d see the security footage of him dropping it off at their doorstep. The groundwork had been laid to introduce himself to Tiger at last. He’d just hang out at the park for a bit and commune with Aidan’s ghost and the ducks.

  Chapter 3

  The best laid plans of mice and men, also known as Murphy’s Law, took control when Laoch heard Dominic’s challenge to Tiger boom out across the park. There he was, sitting at the base of the tree where he’d felt Aidan’s presence, when the asshole shattered his peace and quiet. He wasn’t even challenging the right man.

  “I, Dominic Hawkins, challenge the killer of my brother, Chris Hawkins, to a duel with knives.”

  Laoch really was getting tired of dealing with the bastards who kept threatening his family. He was, quite simply, tired. It seemed the older one got, or perhaps the closer to death, the less tolerance one had for fools. The man wasn’t even Fae. Would he bother to observe Fae dueling etiquette?

  Laoch peeked out from behind the tree and surprisingly, there stood Tiger, facing off with Dominic. Tiger opened his mouth to reply, but Laoch stepped out of the nearby bushes and shouted, “I accept.”

  Tiger and Dominic were both stunned. Tiger shut his mouth, staring at Laoch.

  “What are you talking about,” Dominic growled. “I challenged him, not you, elf!”

  “No, you challenged your brother’s killer. He is not the one who killed your brother, I am. Christopher Hawkins was wanted for assaulting a military officer and a civilian child. When I attempted to apprehend him, he went for his gun. Hardly a fair fight, but I managed to prevail.” Laoch smirked at Dominic, arching a brow, which only served to enrage him.

  “Fine, but I specified knives. I’m no match for those swords. A level playing field.”

  “Done,” Laoch declared. He spun gracefully and moved over to Tiger, removing his waistcoat and scabbard, and holding them out. “Do you mind holding these for me?” he inquired casually.

  Tiger took them but whispered harshly to Laoch, “Are you crazy? He outweighs you by at least fifty p
ounds and has a longer reach!”

  Laoch gave him an amused look. “Weren’t you preparing to accept his challenge? He outweighs you by far more and you’re smaller than me.”

  Tiger just glared at him. He hated having his size thrown in his face.

  “Besides, the challenge is rightfully mine. Now, do step back cousin and let the big boys play.” He pulled his long knife from its sheath and stepped towards Dominic.

  Laoch bowed elegantly to Dominic. Dominic charged like a bull and Laoch stepped easily out of his way, slicing his arm as he passed. Dominic made another charge and Laoch spun quickly, slicing the other arm as he again floundered past. Dominic circled Laoch, looking for an opening. He feinted, then swung his blade underhanded, trying to gut Laoch, but Laoch launched into the air and flipped over Dominic, landing on his feet behind him and kicking him in the ass.

  Dominic stumbled forward, then spun and roared. He was pissing Dominic off and making a fool of him. Switching tactics, Dominic palmed a smaller blade he had hidden up his sleeve. He came at Laoch with the larger blade and Laoch blocked it, but Dominic sliced his arm open with the smaller blade. Laoch grunted and pushed Dominic back, then ripped his torn sleeve off, wrapping it quickly around his knife hand.

  When Dominic charged again, Laoch flipped his knife to his other hand, deflecting Dominic’s larger blade and grabbing the smaller blade in his wrapped palm. He threw himself backward, using the momentum of Dominic’s charge and his feet to flip Dominic over and onto his back, twisting and burying his blade in Dominic’s chest as the breath was knocked out of him.


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