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Page 15

by Kate LaMontagne

  TJ shoved Noah back and sucked in a lungful of air. “What the fuck…! What was that all about?”

  Noah laughed and went back to his seat. “I promised myself I’d kiss you on the lips if I ever saw you again for all the times you drilled survival techniques into our heads. All that shit actually kept us alive.”

  Everyone laughed and TJ puffed up. “Of course it did, dumbass!”

  Once they quieted down, Noah continued. “On a more sober note, we have a problem. The reason we were a little slow returning. Right now, there are about a dozen Fae camped several miles inside the tree line. I don’t suppose they’re yours?” He looked at Tristan, who frowned.

  “I’m gathering from that expression that they are not,” he said.

  “They most certainly are not my soldiers. They must be Cillian’s men.”

  TJ frowned. “Dammit, I thought we’d avoided those assholes. And they’re all Fae this time?” Noah nodded.

  Laoch looked around the group. “This time? What does that mean?”

  TJ related their adventures in the forest, including Tiger’s meltdown. Laoch threw a concerned look at Tiger. “We’ll talk about that later,” he said to Tiger. We can’t afford to have you going up against these men until we figure out what’s going on with you and know for certain you can control it.”

  “So this isn’t something you can explain?” Tiger wasn’t pleased to hear that. He’d been sure Laoch would know exactly what to do to keep him from accidentally blowing things up again.

  “No, but it seems to be related to your mate bond. Don’t worry, we’ll figure it out.”

  “So… getting back to the heart of the matter,” TJ said, “what are we going to do about these fuckheads? Should we bring in the rest of Tristan’s guys?”

  “Well, we certainly would outnumber them then, but since we can’t protect the humans from their abilities, that would exclude your men.” Laoch looked pointedly at TJ. “However… they could easily portal in more men now, depending on how many they have. You see how this escalates? They bring in more, then we bring in more, humans are killed, word gets out and then the Fae are undone, and war breaks out. This is why we avoid humans for the most part and have strict codes of behavior. Rogues like Cillian must be dealt with.”

  Everyone looked uneasy. “So, what do you suggest?” TJ asked.

  “It’s an opportunity to lure Cillian into my grasp. If he’s not here yet, he will be. He will not pass up a chance to kill me. We can take the fight to the forest where we will be out of sight of the compound and I will challenge Cillian. If we make our move before they attack, we will be in control of the situation. Once I issue a challenge, he will have to fight me or look like a coward. I doubt his men will attack until the duel is finished. If I beat him, they will have no reason to fight. If I lose, Tristan and Eoin can portal you back to Aurora. They’ll have no reason to go after anyone else here . Just be prepared and be quick.”

  Tiger jumped up. “No! You can’t do this! You’re in no shape to fight him! Don’t throw your life away Laoch!”

  Laoch put a hand up to silence any objections. “This is my last chance to complete my oath to Aidan and I’m the only one who can challenge him. He will not respond to challenges from anyone else. He’ll just pick you off one at a time when no one is looking. He is a soulless, dishonorable monster. He will respond to me because he is sure I can’t beat him.”

  “Let me challenge him, or Tristan!” Tiger begged.

  “Neither of you are at his skill level and you are not even fully Fae dear boy. You cannot use your special talents in a challenge, even you had complete control of them. Besides, Cillian would never accept a challenge from you because you’re not a full-blooded Fae. To him, you are beneath him. And what will happen to your mate if you lose? Would you have him suffer the same fate as me? The duel will be strictly dragon sword versus dragon sword, Fae to Fae, a level field.”

  Tiger gasped, looking back at Remi. He hadn’t even thought about the impact to his mate. His sword-handling skills were excellent, but he would always need to consider the ramifications to his mate going forward. It wasn’t just his life he was risking anymore. He sat back down next to Remi and Remi wrapped an arm around his shoulders.

  “I don’t like it. My suggestion would be to retreat to Aurora and remain vigilant,” TJ said.

  “That’s your prerogative,” Laoch said, “but I will still remain here and issue my challenge. I’m sorry. I know you all came here to rescue us, and I’m glad Noah will be able to go home, but this is the way it must be for me. My time is growing short. I will see you in the morning if you choose to stay, and may the goddess favor us all.” He and Noah rose and left the room.

  TJ sighed and rubbed his forehead. “Anyone have any other ideas?”

  Tristan stepped forward. “Laoch will not be dissuaded from challenging Cillian, but I have an idea that may at least help force Cillian to accept and keep the others from attacking.”

  “Let’s hear it,” TJ said. “I’m willing to consider anything at this point.”

  Tristan laid out a minimal plan and TJ nodded. “Go. Make it happen if you can. Report back to me as soon as possible.” Tristan saluted and left.

  TJ looked around at the remaining men. “Tony, we never expected to go into combat on this mission. I’ll understand if you and Tae want to go home. Eoin or Micael can take you.”

  Tae stood up. “We will stay. I will not leave my mate and you need him here. As he would say, I knew what I was signing up for when I married him.” He sat back down next to Tony and his husband hugged him, kissing him tenderly on the forehead. TJ nodded at them.

  He studied Tiger. “Are you going to be able to keep your shit together and not go off half-cocked tomorrow? We can’t afford any crazy-ass surprises.”

  “I’ll be okay. I’ll be more prepared this time.”

  “And if Laoch loses?”

  “We stick with the plan. But afterwards… I make no promises,” Tiger replied.

  TJ went to the bar and poured himself a large whiskey. “Some days I really hate this job,” he grumbled. Wolf smirked at him. “Shut up,” TJ muttered, downing his drink.

  Chapter 20

  Noah and Laoch decided to return to the cave for the night. Tae had packed clean clothes, food and water, and some toiletries for them. He handed them everything along with a couple of sleeping bags as they left the compound.

  Even though nothing had been discussed among the team members regarding Laoch’s and Noah’s current relationship, Tae thought he recognized the signs of a budding romance. He was a hopeless romantic and it was no surprise to him that the two would choose to spend the night together, apart from everyone else.

  Who knew what tomorrow would bring? Possibly disaster, but Tae believed the cave had been lucky for him and Tiger, so he had brought gifts for the gods and burned incense in the cave while the meeting kept everyone busy. He sent up prayers and asked for blessings on the lovebirds and the rest of the team.

  “I do not believe in violence,” he told Laoch, “but I have seen that evil exists in the world and there are good people who take a stand to protect others from that evil. I know that is what my Tony and his people do, and your people, so I thank you and I pray for your safety and success.”

  He hugged Laoch, then Noah. “Tomorrow I will stand with my husband and our friends.” Sighing sadly, he said “He will not be happy about it, but he will understand that my fate is sealed to his.”

  They bid him a good night and made their way to the waterfall. Surprised to see that the torches were already lit, they followed a flower strewn path to the area where they’d set up camp. It took their breath away. Candles and flowers were everywhere, scenting the air. Bowls of fruit and bottles of juice sat on a low table and there were sleeping cushions with blankets and pillows on the ground.

  Noah chuckled, shaking his head. “I think we’ve been busted. Our team’s little cupid has left his mark.” They set their things dow
n and flopped down on the bedding, exhausted but wide awake. Noah kicked off his boots, then reached over and pulled Laoch’s boots off. He pushed Laoch down gently on the pillows.

  Laoch groaned and blew out a huge breath. “Be honest,” Noah said. Do you really think you can beat Cillian this soon? You’re not completely healed yet.” He started massaging Laoch’s feet, digging his thumbs into the soles, then he worked his way up to his calves.

  “Honestly? I don’t know,” he replied. “I should get up early in the morning and run through some routines with Tiger to be sure I’m warmed up, but I feel good and the wound won’t impede my sword handling. This is an opportunity we can’t afford to ignore. I’m tired of that demon nipping at my heels.”

  “What if he doesn’t show up?” Noah nudged him to roll over so he could get the backs of his legs.

  “He will be here. He wouldn’t just leave it to his minions to finish me off and they wouldn’t be here if they weren’t looking for me, or us.” He groaned again as Noah dug into his back muscles. “Unnh! Are you trying to cripple me before the duel?”

  Noah reclined on his side, his head pillowed on his arm, and stared into the violet eyes just inches from his own. He ran his hand gently up and down Laoch’s back. “Is this better?”

  “Much.” The eyes shifted to Noah’s lips, then back up.

  Noah sighed. “You know, this might be our last night together.” He brushed the back of his fingers across Laoch’s cheek and the eyes blinked slowly. “How long are we going to ignore the elephant in the room?”

  “Excuse me? Elephant?”

  “It’s an old saying on…. Never mind. It’s just… everything changes tomorrow. Either you lose and there’s no more ‘us’ or you win and… and then what? We go our separate ways? Is there an ‘us’? I know we agreed to one day at a time but…”

  Laoch reached out and cupped Noah’s jaw, drawing his thumb lightly across his bottom lip. “Shh.” He slid his fingers through his thick chocolate locks to the back of Noah’s head and urged him forward into a chaste kiss. “No planning, no stressing. Just be here tonight,” he murmured against Noah’s lips.

  They lay quietly touching each other, each memorizing the sight and taste of the other as they dropped light kisses on cheeks, eyelids, lips… breathing in the scent of one another.

  “Laoch, just for tonight, make love to me,” Noah whispered.

  Laoch dropped his eyes. “Noah… I… I…”

  “Please. Just once… before…” He choked, looking away in frustration as a tear escaped one brimming eye, sliding down his cheek.

  Laoch swiped it away with his thumb. He sighed defeatedly. “Disrobe,” he said.

  Noah started to pull away. “I don’t need a pity fuck.”

  Laoch seized his wrist. “It’s not pity I feel.” He held Noah’s gaze. The silver in his eyes expanded, diminishing the violet. “Strip. Now,” he commanded.

  Noah sucked in a harsh breath, his cock hardening instantly at the demanding tone. How had he forgotten that Laoch was a royal and a commander of warriors?

  Laoch released him and he stepped back. As he slowly stripped and folded his clothes, Laoch lay there watching with an appreciative stare. Noah was trim but well-muscled and Laoch loved that firm bubble-butt. Noah’s shaft bobbed up tight against his body as he removed his pants. He still hadn’t bothered to don any underwear. When he was done, he stood waiting, his hands at his sides, clenching nervously.

  Laoch rose and approached Noah. “Relax,” he said, clasping Noah’s upper arms “You asked me to make love to you, not dominate you… although I can do BDSM if you like.” He arched an eyebrow teasingly at Noah, reaching out to pinch Noah’s right nipple.

  Noah gasped and his cock twitched, leaking a little bead of pre-come.

  “N-no. Not really into whips and handcuffs, not that we have any here,” he blurted.

  Laoch ran a finger down the middle of Noah’s chest, chuckling. “Then maybe you can just help me get out of these constricting clothes,” he teased, giving Noah a half-lidded look. He watched Noah closely as he removed and folded Laoch’s clothes one item at a time. When he finished, Laoch took his hand and led him back to the bed.

  “Have you ever done this before?” He could tell Noah was extremely nervous, but he wasn’t sure if it was inexperience or because he was about to have sex with Laoch. Laoch was a strict top, so he needed to be sure Noah could handle bottoming. “Tell me what you want Noah. I need to hear it. You’re asking for penetrative sex?”

  “Y-yes. I want you to fuck me.” His eyes got big. “You do that, right? You’re not a bottom, are you?”

  Laoch smiled reassuringly. “No, Noah, I never bottom.”

  “I’ve heard the guys talk about it but I’ve never… I wanted to wait for the right time… the right… the one. I guess that sounds pretty lame.”

  Laoch wasn’t sure he was ‘the one’ as Noah put it, in fact he was sure he wasn’t. He really wanted Noah to wait and have his first time with the man he would eventually settle down with, his forever mate. It was such a sacred thing to the Fae, not thrown away capriciously as with some other races. But, this was what Noah wanted. In all probability, he would die tomorrow, so he couldn’t bear to deny Noah whatever he needed to be able to move on.

  “Not at all. I think it’s very noble. All right. We’ll take it slow. I’ll make sure it’s pleasurable for you. Just ignore whatever you may have heard and listen to me. We’ll need some sort of lubricant. Fae don’t carry diseases, so protection is not necessary, but I can pull out before ejaculating if you don’t want…”

  “No! I mean… I want it all. I want a part of you to remain…” His skin flushed pink as he bit off his reply. “This is all sounding kind of clinical. Can we just get on with it? I saw some stuff on the table that looked like the ointment Tae said he made for Tiger.” He chuckled. “For a relatively shy guy he’s surprisingly frank when it comes to discussing sex.” He moved to the table and retrieved the jar, bringing it back to Laoch who opened it.

  “Ah, yes. This will do nicely.” He tossed the jar on the bedding.

  Laoch pulled Noah down on the bed and they lay facing each other. “Just relax for now. We’ll kiss and touch just like we’ve done before to get in the mood. If you don’t like anything we do or you want to stop, just tell me.”

  He nuzzled into Noah, trailing his fingers along his ribs, his arms, over his chest and abdomen, dipping into the arch of his lower back and down to knead the globes of his butt, pulling him in tight as he nibbled and sucked on Noah’s lips and neck. He licked a stripe up Noah’s jaw to his ear, sucking the lobe into his mouth. Releasing it, he breathed his hot breath into Noah’s ear.

  Noah laughed nervously and ducked his head a little. “That tickles.”

  Laoch shifted lower and sucked a brown nipple into his mouth, teasing it with his tongue. He pulled off and blew on it, then moved to the other nipple while he flicked the first one with his fingernail. Noah arched up crying out and Laoch pushed him back down.

  “Oh god! I may come just from that!” He was on sensory overload and he didn’t know what to do with his hands. He clutched at Laoch’s body, grabbing whatever he could reach. Laoch chuckled and stuck his tongue into Noah’s navel, then moved down to his groin, breathing in the musky scent of male and arousal.

  Noah was leaking pre-come on his belly and Laoch licked it up, then he surged up and kissed Noah, sharing the taste with him. Noah knew he should probably be disgusted tasting his own fluids, but he was too turned on to care and it didn’t taste bad, just different.

  Laoch moved down again, but he didn’t touch Noah’s cock, instead tonguing along his fuzzy sac and taking one testicle into his mouth. He rolled the flesh on his tongue, sucking on it, then pulled off and took the other into his mouth. Noah’s eye’s glazed over and his knees dropped open wider as Laoch released him and licked along the skin behind his balls.

  Noah felt like he should be reciprocating the attention but
Laoch was in control, his lips and hands everywhere at once. Something brushed his entrance but Laoch chose that moment to suck his cock into the moist warmth of his mouth and the sensation disappeared. Laoch laved around the head of his cock, running the tip of his tongue under the edge of the crown, then dipping it into the slit.

  Noah was shaking, hanging on by a thread. He clutched at the blankets spread beneath him, moaning and gasping in ecstasy. The sensation at his entrance was back, swirling around the ring of muscle there till it started to thin and relax. He realized that at some point Laoch had retrieved the jar of ointment and coated the finger that sought entrance into his body.

  “Relax and breathe,” Laoch said. I won’t hurt you.” He dipped into the ointment and worked a small dab into Noah’s passage, working the tip of his finger shallowly in and out, going further each time as the muscles relaxed and the lubricant spread. Tae’s concoction had a slight numbing effect as Laoch was well aware. He’d used it on Aidan frequently. Soon, he was able to add another finger, swallowing Noah’s cock again to keep him distracted.

  Laoch edged Noah, keeping him riding the wave until he could pump in and out of him with three fingers, adding more lubricant gradually, till his entrance was slick and relaxed. Noah trembled and moaned. “Can’t… please Laoch… please! Need to come… please! Oh god!”

  Laoch slicked up his own shaft, then inserted a finger in Noah’s passage, rubbing his prostate as he sucked down hard on his cock. He stroked up from the base with his hand as he let Noah fuck in and out of his mouth, his hips moving of their own accord. Feeling Noah’s balls draw up, Laoch pulled off and kept pumping Noah’s cock as he cried out and spurted over Laoch’s hand.

  Noah trembled and sucked air into his starving lungs while Laoch continued to stroke his shaft, milking every last drop out till he was too sensitive to take any more. Laoch let go and grabbed a towel, wiping the spend off Noah and his hand. “Come here,” he soothed, pulling Noah up into a sitting position, hugging him to his chest and murmuring comforting words as he rubbed his back.


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