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Her Devils: Devil's Regents MC Books 1-3

Page 53

by Sarah Bale

  He pulls one of my legs over his shoulder and I’m the one moaning this time as he hits me deeper. Fuck. It feels so good. His eyes close as he drives into me until it’s almost too much. Pleasure and pain collide, and I cry out as I come, but he doesn’t stop.

  Reaching up, I caress his face. His eyes open and he looks down at me, like he’s seeing me for the first time. I slip a hand between our bodies and toy with my clit until I come again. His thrusts become shallow and I know he’s close. My nails scrape down his back, and he lets out a deep moan as he reaches his climax.

  Panting, he rolls over. I move to his side, not wanting him to get too far away.

  “You’re like a fucking drug,” he says, looking at the ceiling. “I don’t want to crave you, but I can’t help it.”

  “I know.”

  Because I do.

  He rolls over toward me, his breathing leveling out, and his eyes close.

  “I knew you were worth the wait,” I whisper.

  I’m not even sure if he knows this is what he said to me the first time we made love, but he pulls me closer, holding me tight, as if he’s afraid I’m going to leave. I’m not going anywhere though.

  He’s gone when I wake up a few hours later, but the bag is still sitting next to the bed. I pray that he’ll come back to me. Last night was a start that I’ll happily take.



  Music is blaring and the guys are jamming as they work. It’s surprising to see how many of my brothers showed up on their own so early in the morning. But, I’ll fucking take it. Grabbing my mug of coffee, I check out my lady of the day - the Camaro that needs some lovin’ - and I’m more than willing to get under her hood.

  Bash comes to the shop, looking unsure of himself. I toss a rag at him.

  “Let’s get to work, Bash.”

  I’m not sure what he’s going to do, but he finally comes over.

  “What are you doing?”

  “This is our first custom job. Preference sheet is over there, but they’ve given us free rein.”

  Bash looks over the paper. “This is pretty fucking cool.”

  “You can thank Liv for it. She updated the website and we’re getting requests daily. If this keeps up, we’re going to need a secretary.”

  “How far are you booked out for?”

  “Until February.”


  We work side by side for hours. At one point, King comes in. He gives me a look before grabbing a part and joining in. The only one missing is Razor. I check my phone and send Liv a text. She replies back that Razor is still sleeping and that she’s studying. She also mentions that she’s game to play if I have a naughty college girl fetish. And shit, I think I might now.

  Bash asks, “What’s that grin for?”

  Before I can answer, King laughs. “Hell, you know what that look is, Bash. He’s texting with Liv.”

  “I was just asking if Razor was awake. I was going to send him to town to get some more parts that are ready.”

  Bash says, “I can go.”

  “You sure?”


  King tosses him a set of keys. “Don’t scratch the paint.”

  “Wouldn’t dream of it.”

  I tell him which stores he needs to stop at and then he’s gone.

  King shakes his head. “This is a big fucking improvement. Guess Liv worked her magic on him.”

  I’m still not happy that she stayed with him last night.

  “Don’t get that look on your face, Saint. Even as fucked up as he is, he wouldn’t hurt her.”

  “You don’t know that.”

  “I do. And I wouldn’t have left her with him if I didn’t believe it. Especially not now-” His eyes widen and then he rushes on, “You’ve got to give our girl credit, Saint. She’s a miracle worker and this is proof of it.”

  “I can’t argue there.”

  “I mean it. He won’t hurt her.”

  I grunt in response. Time will tell. I just hope he doesn’t slip up because I really don’t want to have to kill my brother. But I will.

  King tosses a water bottle at me. “Come on, fucker. I’d like to get back to our girl.”

  I don’t miss the limp in his step as he goes back to the car, and I feel like I huge dick.

  “Let’s grab some lunch first. I’m starving.”

  And it’ll give him a chance to rest without calling him outright on his pain.

  “Sounds good.”

  I have one of the Prospects grab some pizzas and everyone digs in. It’s nice being out here, with them. Some of the Prospects have really shown their loyalty over the last few months. I’ll be talking to my club officers soon about getting them patched in. The thought makes me smile. Once we do that and then take care of Liv’s father, we are going to throw the biggest fucking party this club has ever had.


  The hairs on my neck stick up as I walk out of the store, and it’s not just because of the humidity hanging in the air today. Doing a causal glance, I take in my surroundings. Nothing seems out of place, which is how I know something is wrong. There are two cars across the street from the store. Both seem like they belong. The man sitting in one of them doesn’t. He’s too big, too hard, for this area.

  Reaching into my pocket, I grab the keys and unlock the truck. King keeps a pistol under the driver’s seat, and I grab it as I climb in. In my mirror I see the man lift his phone, making a call. More than likely he’s letting someone know I’m on the move. Fuck.

  I back out of the parking space and dial King at the same time, keeping my phone on my lap so that it can’t be seen.

  There’s laughter in the background when he answers. “Bash. Everything good, brother?”

  “How good is your insurance on the truck?”


  “I’m being followed.”

  “Fuck. Where are you?”

  The car pulls up behind me as a SUV gets next to me.

  “King, I don’t think there’s going to be time for backup. One behind. One next to me.” I glance in the mirror. “Strike that. Three behind me.”

  “Goddamn it, Bash. Where are you?” This time Saint’s speaking.

  “Just left the parts store. Not sure if I’m going to make it home.”


  To Liv.

  After I just got her back.


  King says, “There’s a pistol under the driver’s seat. It’s loaded.”

  In the background I hear Saint calling out orders to our brothers to come and help me. I want to tell them to stay back, but I know they won’t. Hell, I wouldn’t listen if he told me not to come. I don’t think they’re going to get here fast enough, though.

  “Got it. Anything else in here?”

  “There’s one in the glovebox and one in the sunglasses holder.”

  Shit. That’s not going to be enough. There are five vehicles now.

  “I’m thinking I should try to call their bluff. Swing by the police station and see if they follow.”

  “That might work, but they might still shoot, Bash.”

  “Been through worse.” I pause. “Tell Liv I love her.”

  I end the call and take a right at the next stoplight. My heart is pounding, and my hands are damp with sweat. When I left town after killing that punk-ass kid, Mitch, I wasn’t in a good place, mentally. A dark fog had settled over me and I barely remember traveling.

  I do, however, remember being rammed off the road by another vehicle. Being beaten nearly to death. Watching my bike go up in flames. But, most importantly, I remember what they said as they walked away from me, leaving me to die…

  Pain. All I felt was pain. The fuckers who beat the shit out of me were still there. I think there were two, maybe three of them. Their voices were close, though they were talking in low tones. Or, maybe I was just that close to passing out. I couldn’t tell.

  Blood was dripping into my eyes making it hard to see, but
I tried. God, I fucking tried. Because if I ever got out of this, I was going to personally kill each of these men.

  “Easiest job he’s had us do. The fucker didn’t even put up a fight.”

  “He said to make sure he was dead.”

  “Shit, this bastard isn’t going to make it through the night, especially once the wild animals catch the scent of his blood.”

  “Just plant a bullet between his eyes.”

  “Fuck off. I’m not wasting ammo on this lost cause. You do it if you want to be sure he’s dead.”

  That’s when I knew I was about to die.

  “Fuck it. Let’s go.”

  “Can’t wait to get back to Georgia.”

  “Why? Looking forward to killing the bitch?”

  “Hell yeah, but not before I have some fun. Saw some tapes of her. She’s fucking talented in the bedroom.”

  They both laugh and I want to kill them, but I can’t even fucking move.

  “Pretty fucked up that he has those tapes, if you ask me.”

  “No one did, so keep your opinion to yourself.”

  “How long do you think he’s going to keep her before he kills her?”

  “Who cares? The longer her keeps her the more money I can save. Whores get expensive and so does getting rid of their bodies.”

  All sort of horrible images flashed through my mind of ways they could hurt Liv. Rage seeped into my pores, and I wanted to scream, but all I could do was groan.

  “Come on. It’s getting cold.”

  My bike burst into flames, and I saw them walking away.

  The bigger one glanced over his shoulder and said, “Don’t worry, Bash. We’ll take real good care of Olivia until she dies.”

  The fog over my mind lifted last night. All thanks to Liv. I woke up today feeling like a new man, and, because of Liv, I have to fucking fight. Because I won’t let their words come true. Even if that means I’m the one who has to die.

  “Come on, motherfuckers. Time to play.”



  Something is wrong.

  I feel in deep in my gut.

  Razor was in his room and then took off running without saying a word. A moment later, the sound of motorcycles starting filled the air. By the time I got to a window, they were taking off. All of them. Every single biker at the clubhouse.

  Grabbing my phone, I send Agent Hill a text.

  Me: Is something happening?

  Agent Hill: I’m not sure what you’re asking.

  Me: The guys just left. Like ALL of them.

  Three lines appear and then disappear. My stomach rolls, and I rush to the bathroom where I barf for the second time today.

  Agent Hill doesn’t text back, which tells me all that I need to know. Something’s happened.

  Call it paranoia, but I feel like this is a trap. For me. They’ve all left and, from what I can tell, not a single guy stayed back. This is the perfect time for my father to strike. What if he knows where I’m at? What then?

  Me: Do you have a vehicle?

  Foxy: Sure do. What’s up?

  Me: I think I’m in danger right now. Can you get me out of here?

  Foxy: On my way.

  My heart is pounding and I’m really fighting throwing up again. If my father knows I’m here, alone, he’ll be expecting us to leave through the front gate. But I know my guys. There’s going to be another way out. So, I grab a hoodie and sunglasses and put both on.

  Foxy taps on the door a moment later. “Liv. You ready?”

  I grab my purse with the handgun inside. “Yeah. Let’s go.”

  She whispers, “I’m parked out back, where all the other whores park.”

  She walks out the door first, looking around. I wait a beat and then follow. Her car is close to the door, which is good, and the windows are tinted. I slide into the passenger’s seat as she starts the engine.

  “Where to?”

  “Honestly, I didn’t get that far in my plan.” I get her up to speed on everything that’s just happened.

  “Fuck. And they just left you here? Alone?”

  “I’m assuming something bad happened or is about to happen. Saint wouldn’t just leave me behind. And maybe I’m being paranoid since no one is supposed to know where the new clubhouse is, but I just can’t shake this feeling that it’s a trap.”

  “No, you’re right to worry. It’s not even me they’re after, and I’m still freaking out. Hold on. I’m going to send the girls a message. If your father is out there, he’s going to have one hell of a time flushing out which car you’re in.”

  Her fingers furiously fly over her phone screen as she texts. I lean back in my seat, trying to calm down.

  “Okay. They should be out in a second. We’re going to leave in groups of twos.”

  Sure enough, the other whores trickle out. I notice that in each set that one of them is wearing either a hat, hoodie, sunglasses, or scarf. Well, everyone except for Claws and Sissy. Claws glares at our car as she waits for Sissy to unlock the door.

  Foxy mutters, “Fucking bitch. Why can’t she just follow the rules?”

  “At least she’s out here. I’m surprised she even did that much.”

  “True.” She looks at her phone. “Okay. Everyone is ready. We’re going to drive fast, so if you’re feeling sick you should close your eyes or something.”

  I know I won’t be able to do that. I have to see whatever’s coming my way.

  “Let’s go.”

  “You think of where you want to go while we drive. If anything, we can just do a loop around the city until we get the all clear. Or, if you trust me, I have a place that’ll be safe.”

  “Let me send a text message and see if anyone responds.”


  I open a next text message thread to Saint, King, Razor, Bash, and Agent Hill.

  Me: I’m sure the fact that I was left here alone was just an oversight, but I’m getting a bad feeling. Foxy and the other girls are running a decoy and getting me out of here.

  Me: Agent Hill, if you’re around, I’d feel better meeting up with you.

  I wait a beat. Nothing

  Me: If I don’t hear from anyone, I’m going with Foxy to a place she thinks is safe.

  Still nothing. Shit.

  Foxy glances at me. “You ready?”


  She honks her horn once, and the cars start pulling out one by one. We end up in the middle of the line. Someone revs their engine and I let out a nervous laugh.

  “Why does this feel like the start to a NASCAR race?”

  “Girl, just wait and see. The Devil’s boys aren’t the only ones with skills.”

  That makes me grin.

  We reach the gates, which are opening. The first car takes off, leaving smoke in her wake. The second car does the same and I get the feeling these girls have done this before.

  Foxy shifts gears. “Ready to lay rubber and makes some tracks?”

  I don’t even get to respond before the tires squeal and we take off. Holy. Fucking. God. This is terrifying, but when I glance at Foxy, I see her grinning. She loves this. I don’t want to peek at the speedometer, but I can’t help myself. Oh my good god. We’re going to die.

  The cars travel down the same street until we get to the highway. That’s when everyone takes off in different directions.

  “Hold on,” Foxy warns.

  I’m not sure how, but we travel even faster. I can’t even look out the window because everything is a blur that threatens to make me barf.

  “Doesn’t look like we’re being followed. Did anyone text you back?”

  I look at my phone. “No.”

  “My safe place it is. We’ll be there in a few.”

  I’m sure this trip would normally take at least thirty minutes, but five minutes later we’re exiting the highway and traveling down residential streets, into a neighborhood that looks like something out the past. All the houses are big, reminding me of Saint’s plac

  We pull into a driveway and the garage opens. Foxy parks in the free spot and closes the door.

  “I’m guessing this is someone you know very well?”

  “It’s my grandparents’ house. Grammy doesn’t drive anymore and lets me park in the garage, since I work so hard for my money.” She grins. “That being said, they think I work at a restaurant. We’ll just tell them you work with me and needed a place to study. Okay?”


  She reaches into the backseat and grabs a bag. “Come on. I’ll text Fred the address when we get to my room.”

  I follow her into the house. Right away the scent of warm apples and cinnamon greet me. An older woman is at the stove, stirring something in a pot. Foxy goes to her side, kissing her on the cheek.

  “Grammy, that smells so good.”

  “Thank you, honey. I had a feeling you might be stopping by today.” She looks over her shoulder at me. “Oh, and you brought a friend. How wonderful.”

  “Grammy, this is Liv. She’s works with me and needed a place to study for a bit. Her internet is out.”

  “Nice to meet you, Liv. I’m Grammy.”

  “Nice to meet you, too, Grammy. And thank you for letting me use your internet.”

  Foxy asks, “Where’s Pawpaw?”

  “In the study. He’s still trying to get the train working.”

  “We’re going to say hi to him before we go to my room.”

  “Okay, honey. I’ll bring you some snacks after I get this in a baking dish.”

  Foxy grins and leads me through the living room to a door that’s slightly ajar. Inside the room, a man curses under his breath.

  Foxy pushes the door open. “Better not let Grammy hear you talking like that.”

  “Cassandra! I didn’t know you were coming by today.”

  Foxy hugs the man and says, “I’ve got to keep you on your toes. Pawpaw, this is my friend, Liv.”

  He smiles. “A pleasure to meet you.”

  I move into the room, looking at the train display that takes up ninety percent of the room.

  “This is really cool.”

  “It’s a hobby I picked up when I was a cop. Needed something to clear my mind at the end of the day. When I retired, I just couldn’t get rid of it, so I decided to keep tinkering away.”


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