Her Devils: Devil's Regents MC Books 1-3

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Her Devils: Devil's Regents MC Books 1-3 Page 57

by Sarah Bale

  The day drags by. Once everyone leaves, the clubhouse is almost eerie. I’ve never heard it this quiet before. Bash stays behind with me. King wanted to stay, too, but I could see the conflict in his eyes, so I told him to go. I guess his mom really liked Sissy, making me wish I’d taken the time to get to know her before she died.

  When everyone gets back, I feel silly. Nothing bad happened to them. Foxy says the service was nice, and that Claws would have hated it, which is fitting for the woman who hated everything.

  I still haven’t seen Saint, though the others try to convince me that everything is fine. It’s not fine, though. He’s avoiding me.

  Foxy comes to my side, handing me a plate full of food.

  “How are you holding up?”

  “I feel like I’m going out of my mind. Was anyone mad I didn’t come to the service?”

  “If they were, they didn’t voice it.” She looks around. “Fuck ‘em. You have to take care of number one, right?”

  “I guess.” I put the plate down, feeling sick. “Talk to me. I need to get my mind off my fears.”

  She grins. “Well, Fred and I went on a date last night.”

  “What! Are you serious?”

  “I didn’t mention it just in case he stood me up.”

  “Foxy, he’s into you. He wouldn’t stand you up.”

  “Well, you can never be too sure.”

  “So… how was it?”

  “It was…” She sighs. “The best date I’ve ever been on. We went to a bakery and had dessert and then went back to his place for a nightcap.”

  Her cheeks flush and I slap her arm.

  “Girl, did you-”

  “No. We could have, but I want to wait. I want it to be special.”

  “I get that.” I smile. “I’m happy for you.”

  “Thanks. If things keep going like this, I’m going to tell Saint I want to take him up on the offer to open the hair salon. I doubt Fred will want to date a club whore.”

  She’s probably right, but I say, “I’m sure it won’t matter to him.”

  “Maybe. But, I’m not going to count my chickens before the eggs hatch. Oh god. Now I sound like Grammy. I’m going to grab a drink before I start yelling at the guys to get off the lawn.”

  I’m laughing as she walks away.

  Razor comes to my side. “It’s good to see you smiling.”

  I wrap my arms around him. “I missed you today.”

  “You did? Not as much as I missed you.”

  Saint walks by us just then, barely even looking over. Razor curses under his breath.

  “Has he come to you yet?”

  I shake my head.

  “Goddamn it. He’s a stupid motherfucker sometimes.”

  I mean, I can’t argue there.

  “I just keep reminding myself that it comes from a place of love and to try not to throat-punch him when I do see him.”

  Razor throws his head back, laughing. “I feel that. Come on. Let’s dance.”

  No one else is dancing, but he pulls me to an empty area and sways with me. Soon, other couples are doing the same.

  He says in my ear, “Sissy loved to dance. She would have loved this.”

  “Did she have family?”

  “No. Neither did Claws.”

  My heart breaks for them, and I brush away tears filling my eyes.

  “I feel like bad things follow me around. They’d still be alive if it weren’t for me.”

  “Maybe so. Maybe not. They both had pretty big coke habits. It could have just as easily caught up to them as this.” He pulls me closer. “We’re used to living fast in our world. Makes you appreciate the small things.”

  “Like dancing?”

  “Like dancing,” he agrees. “And right now, I could die a happy man.”

  “Don’t say that,” I whisper. “I can’t lose you - any of you.”

  “I know, sugar, I know.”

  After the song is over, King spins me into his arms, telling Razor to get lost. I grin as he leads me through a slow dance. Bash comes to me next, holding me close as we sway together. I see Saint as the song draws to an end, but he makes his way outside. I think about following, but then Razor is back, pulling me into his arms.

  “Can we call it a night? I’m ready to get into my nightclothes.”

  “Of course. Come on.”

  We pass King at the bar and tell him where we’re going. He gives us a knowing wink as we make our exit to my room. The doors barely closed before I start stripping.

  “I need you to help me.”

  His eyes widen. “Are you okay?”

  I move to him. “I need you to help me forget. I can’t shake this feeling of dread that’s been hanging over me all day. I just need-”

  “To live. I get it. Come here.”

  He takes me to the chair sitting near the window in my room. I’m confused at first, until he pushes me forward, so that I’m holding onto the back of the plush material, my ass high in the air. He brushes my hair to the side, so it falls over my shoulder, caressing my skin. I shiver.

  “Part of me wishes I was the father of your baby,” he says as he kisses a trail down my back.

  “Me, too,” I admit. “And not just because Saint is being a dick.”

  He chuckles. At the same time, he runs a finger through my slick core.

  “He does have the dick thing down to a T. I hope you won’t hold it against him, though.”

  “I’m trying not to-” I gasp as he licks his way through my folds. “You’re not playing fair, Razor.”

  “That’s the fun part.”

  He licks again and this time I rock into it. Outside, I can hear the guys drinking and laughing as they tell stories about Sissy and Claws. Smoke from the bonfire and weed drift through my cracked window. It’s funny how soothing those scents have become. I think it’s because they remind me that this is my home.

  “What’s the serious look for?”

  “Just thinking about how nice it is to finally belong. To have a home.”

  He stands, rubbing the head of his cock through my wet folds.

  “Never felt like a home until you showed up, sugar.”

  I gasp as he fills me slowly. Fuck. This is what is needed. I might not use sex to fill dark voids anymore, but it definitely helps in moments like this, when I’m stressed or feeling lost. I guess some habits die hard.

  “Do you remember when I picked you up at that shit bar,” he asks, thrusting slowly.

  I manage to stutter out, “Yes.”

  “I knew right away that I was a goner. When you got on the back of my bike and held onto me for dear life, I wanted to let you know that you were safe with me. That you didn’t have to worry anymore.” His hand reaches around, dipping between my legs. “When we got to the clubhouse and you got off my bike, I almost came when I saw your tits hanging out of that awful shirt.”

  I half moan, half laugh. “That was Rabbit’s doing. He cut my shirt and told me to toss my bra. He thought it would make me fit in better.”

  “It made you look like a fucking goddess. A goddess that I was more than ready to worship.”

  Pleasure blooms through my body, and I pant out, “Worship me like this?”

  “Oh yeah. Just like this.”

  He rocks against me and rubs my clit at the same speed. All I can do is hold onto the back of the chair and buck against him. But when I come - goddamn - I see fucking stars. My pussy clenches around him as I try to savor this feeling. He groans as he comes, filling me, and I think I’ve died and gone to heaven.

  Gently, he pulls out of me and carries me to the bathroom. We get into the large bathtub together, and I lean against his chest.

  “Feel better?” he asks, wrapping his arms around me.

  “Much.” I sigh and then admit, “I’m still scared.”

  “I know, sugar. We’re doing everything we can to get him.”

  “I don’t know what’s different, but today I woke up feeling like this was the
beginning of the end. Crazy, right?”

  His hand moves lower, to my stomach.

  “Not crazy. You’re looking out for two people now. And, it’s better to be safe than sorry.”

  I put my hand over his. I know it’s crazy and probably just in my imagination, but I feel like my stomach already looks a bit bigger. Like, there’s actual proof that a tiny baby is in there.

  “How long do you think I should give Saint before I go and hit him over the head?”

  Razor’s deep laugh vibrates in his chest. “Give him a few more days. Hell, I’ll even hold him down for you.”

  I know he will, too.

  I tilt my face toward him. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too, Liv.”

  We stay in the tub until the water begins to get cold.

  “Come on. Let’s get you warm.”

  I pad to the bedroom and pull my nightclothes from the closet. I’m just about to get dressed when he pulls me into the bed, moving over me. The clothes fall from my hand onto the floor as I wrap my arms around him.

  “Get me warm, eh?”

  “Oh yeah,” he says as he slides into me. “Skin to skin contact, sugar. The best way to warm up.”

  I grin as we make love, realizing that maybe my bad feeling was just me being paranoid. I mean, what could happen to me here, in the Devil’s Regents Compound?


  My hand shakes as I listen to Crow, the Prez of the Inferno Bastards tell me his news.

  “You’re sure?”

  Crow answers on the other end. “One hundred percent. He’s meeting with Milo at the Purring Pussy tonight to make the deal.”

  “How much does Milo know?”

  “Not a fucking lick. I don’t trust the dumb motherfucker.”

  Neither do I.

  “I’m getting my men. We’ll be there in ten.”

  “See you there, brother.”

  I end the call and send a mass text message to my brothers, telling them its go time. When I step out of my room both King and Bash are waiting.

  “Where’s Razor?”

  Liv’s door opens and he comes out, closing it softly behind him.

  He whispers, “Are you sure?”

  I nod. “Crow has his eyes on him. He’s at the Purring Pussy. This is it.”

  “One of us should stay-”

  “We’ll be back before she even knows we’re gone.”


  “You’re either in or you’re out, Razor.”

  His jaw tics. “I’m in.”

  “Then let’s go get this bastard and show him what happens when you fuck with the Devil’s Regents.”

  With each step that I take, I can feel the weight lifting from my shoulders. This is it – we’re going to get the fucker and then Liv and the baby will be safe.

  We step outside and I look around. My brothers are all here, waiting, ready to go to war. It makes me so damn proud.

  “For Liv,” I say.

  “For Liv!”


  I stir in my sleep, trying figure out what woke me. Was it a motorcycle? There’s another soft whistle across the room and a scream works its way up my throat. No! He can’t be here. We’re supposed to be safe! He moves from the shadows, putting his finger over his lips. I reach for Razor, but he’s not there and the bed is cold. I’m alone, and now this monster is going to get me.

  “Livi. My, how you’ve grown into a pretty woman. You look just like your mother.”

  He smiles, and I want to vomit.

  “Oh, don’t bother looking for your lovers. They all fled when they got word that I was in the area.”

  They wouldn’t have left me. They wouldn’t! Surely one of them would have to think it might be a trap…

  “I can see you don’t believe me. But why would I lie to my little girl?”

  “What are you doing here?”

  “I thought that would be obvious by now. Your daddy has come to take you home.”

  My ears are ringing, and I fear I’m going to pass out. If I do, it’s all over. He’ll get me and I won’t be able to stop him.

  “I’m not going anywhere with you.”

  He moves closer, and I see the gun at his hip.

  “You will come or the next body part that your sweet friend loses will be her fucking heart.”

  Lucy! Does this mean she’s alive?

  “Now, be a good girl and get dressed. We’ll discuss your punishment when we get home.”


  “For giving my pussy away.”

  Bile burns as it creeps up my throat, and I try in vain to swallow it down.

  “I—I’m not going with you.”

  “Such a selfish girl. Your mother would be so disappointed in the way you turned out.” He pulls out a cell phone and holds it up. “See? Your friend is alive. But she won’t be if you don’t leave with me.”

  Lucy’s vacant expression stares at the camera. She looks worse than she did in the photos I saw at the restaurant. But, she’s alive, so there’s still hope for her.

  “Get up, Livi. Now.”

  There are a million thoughts crossing my mind right now. Why didn’t I listen to Agent Hill and put a gun under my pillow? Why did Saint, King, Bash, and Razor leave me alone? How long will it take for them to notice I’m gone? Where will my father take me if I go? Will I live to see the morning?

  “Time’s ticking away, Livi.”

  “Go out so I can put some clothes on.”

  “Sleeping naked? Another thing I’ll punish you for.”


  “I don’t think so. I know there are a few ways for you to get out of this room, so I think I’ll wait right here.”

  He turns his back but doesn’t leave. This is the best I’m going to get, so I reach on the floor, grabbing my shorts that I dropped earlier. I wish I had pants with me, but I’m not dumb – he’s not going to let me get anything else to wear. I pull them on and reach for my shoes. And then I grab Razor’s dark t-shirt. It’s ten times too big, but it hides my stomach.

  “I’m ready.”

  And then I fucking pray.



  Something’s not right. I feel it as soon as we get to the Purring Pussy. Crow and his men surround a truck, guns out. Milo stands in the doorway of his shithole club, looking like he’s about to vomit.

  King says, “Saint, this doesn’t feel right.”

  I fucking know.

  Bash adds, “I second this.”


  “We have to move. He’s right there, in our sight. If we fuck this up-”

  I can’t even finish the sentence. This has to end. Tonight.

  “Get your guns out so we can say hello to this asshole. We’re going to split up. King, go to the right. Bash and Razor go around back in case he tries to run. I’ll go to the truck.”

  I don’t miss the look Razor and Bash exchange as they open their doors. It’s pretty fucking sad that my club officers don’t have any faith in me, but I guess I can’t blame them after letting them down with the fire.

  I move toward the truck, trying like hell to ignore the fucking sense of dread that sits on the back of my neck like an iron weight. Something is off. But what? I reach Crow’s side and then I see what the problem is. Crow and a few of his men are here, but the rest of the men around the car aren’t familiar. Neither is the man inside of the car.

  Crow looks at me, blood trickling from his mouth. “Sorry. I couldn’t warn you.”


  I reach for my gun when something heavy hits me in the back of my head. With a groan, I fall to the ground. My last thought before I black out is that I hope Liv is safe.


  Saint falls to the ground as the man next to Crow hits him. I’m about to say something when I see someone move in the shadows. Fuck. This isn’t going to end well for me. But, I’m not going down without a fight. Not when Liv is at home, unprotected.

  It h
its me then. This was her father’s plan and we fucking played right into it.


  I manage to yell out Bash’s name right before a bag is put over my head. They punch me until I fall to the ground and give in to the darkness calling my name.


  “Did you hear someone call my name?” I whisper to Razor.

  “I think it was King.” He looks around. “I don’t like this, Bash. We left Liv there, alone. What if this is a trap?”

  A tree branch breaks too damn close.

  “Razor, we’ve got to get back to her.”

  He lifts his gun. “We go on three. One. Two.”




  My father is fucking cocky as hell as he leads me through the clubhouse, to the main entrance. He knows no one is here, so he doesn’t even bother trying to leave through a side door or even a window. I pray that someone will come out and see me being led away by a strange man. Of course, this doesn’t happen. The guys are gone and the whores are all in their beds, fast asleep.

  By the time we get outside, my teeth are chattering. I have to keep it together. I have to. If I don’t, I’m dead. Or worse.

  “You better not try anything. I’ll shoot you in the back and leave your body, so they find it. But not before I make sure you pay for all the shit you’ve put me through.”

  I don’t doubt him. And I don’t want to give him a reason so hurt me.

  There’s an SUV waiting with dark windows. The back door opens and my father shoves me. Two rough hands yank me in, and the door slams shut, trapping me. The doors lock, letting me know there’s no way I’m going to get out of here.

  Inhaling, I try to calm myself. I need to get my bearings. There are four men in the SUV, including my father. He’s in the passenger’s seat. A big, burly man drives. I’m sandwiched between two guys who look too young to be involved in something like this. But, that’s how my father likes them – young and stupid.


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