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Prevailed Upon to Marry

Page 15

by Isabelle Mayfair

  I could not help laughing. Fitzwilliam’s brown eyes glinted with amusement. “So, that is why you wish to dance with me? To protect you, a grown man, from the machinations of women? You, a soldier who has fought on the continent which to be rescued from the Miss Smiths and the Miss Whites of the world? What would your commander say if he knew you were such a coward?”

  Fitzwilliam gleamed at me. “He would congratulate me on my very good sense. He is also the son of an earl, and he knows what I speak of. If you can save me from a terrible fate, he would nominate you for a medal of honour. So, please do your country proud and spare me.”

  I shook my head in amusement and placed my hand in his. As we joined the line of couples and the music began, I looked up to see Darcy watching us. He had walked to where we had been standing only moments before, his hands holding three ices. I gave him an apologetic look, and he nodded. I looked around for fear of seeing Amelia swooping in on him as soon as Darcy was free, but she was at the other end of the line standing across from John Fitzwilliam. I recalled Colonel Fitzwilliam’s distaste for her and felt another surge of dismay. Of course, if she had broken his closest cousin’s heart, he would dislike her for it. I almost wished I had the courage to demand that Fitzwilliam tell me what had passed between them, but I could not bring myself to do it. Much as I knew I was merely fooled by our performance, I still could not bear the thought of hearing of Darcy’s love for another woman.


  Fitzwilliam was an engaging, easy companion. He was a skilled dancer and an amusing and witty conversationalist. A betraying voice whispered in my ear that my life would be so much easier if I had married a man like this. Though we might not love one another, we might have had a warm, respectful friendship without the confusion I felt around Darcy. But I scolded myself that there was little point in dwelling on that.

  As soon as the dance ended, Darcy came to claim me. Fitzwilliam laughed indulgently at his eagerness.

  “Ah, you are a fortunate man, Darcy. I would give anything to marry a woman I was as eager to reclaim as you are. What is the secret to finding her so I might hope to share your good fortune someday?”

  Darcy gazed me while I flushed. “When you know you want her, be honest about it,” he said in a soft voice. “When you see her worth, do not convince yourself otherwise. And be willing to be surprised. She might not be the one you always thought you would be with, but she can be more perfect for you than you realise.”

  He kept his eyes on me. His words were so convincing I had to gasp to catch my breath. He was far too good at this. It was a dangerous game we played. I could see no outcome to it but a broken heart. Was that a reasonable price to pay to keep up appearances in front of others?

  “Wise words. And words I am proud of you for following. Your wife is a treasure. I am glad she is with a man who knows her worth.”

  “Oh, she is. Never fear that. Now.” He tore his eyes from my blushing face and raised an eyebrow at his cousin. “Are your family prepared to be shocked and scandalised?”

  Fitzwilliam burst out laughing. “What are you up to? I think they will be more shocked that any such behaviour came from you than by the behaviour itself. What do you propose?”

  Darcy smiled. “I am hoping they will indulge a besotted, newly married man. I have requested that the next dance be a waltz.”

  Fitzwilliam stared at his cousin in astonishment while I gaped at Darcy. A waltz? I had never danced in public in my life, though of course, I knew the steps. The Lucases had a cousin who visited from the continent, and she had shown us the scandalising performance that required a man to place his hands around a woman’s waist and hold her close. It was rarely performed in London. For Darcy of all people to propose it was astounding.

  A slow smirk spread across Fitzwilliam’s face. He burst out laughing and clapped Darcy on the back.

  “My parents will be shocked, but you can allow me to manage them. The young people will thank you for it, and I will not begrudge a man a chance to hold his wife. Brava, Darcy. I did not know you had it in you.”

  “You have never seen me with such a woman before,” said Darcy, looking down at me. His words were like a caress and once again, that heat flamed inside me. I thought of something to say to distract from my embarrassment.

  “Will you enjoy it, sir?” I asked Fitzwilliam archly. “You wished me to dance with you to help you evade the fortune hunters and now, to oblige us, we will force you to dance in a way that a woman can claim led you to compromise her. How do you propose to escape it?”

  Fitzwilliam grimaced at that. “Do not worry about me. This is your night. If I have handled battle, I can handle this.” He looked over the room to where a bunch of young ladies giggled and preened as they looked at him. He sighed with resignation. “I should just about do so, anyway.”

  This time, it was Darcy who clapped him on the back. “Brave man,” he said solemnly, though his eyes twinkled.

  Fitzwilliam crossed the room to speak to his parents to warn them about what was coming. I looked up at my husband. He raised his eyebrows.

  “What is it?” he asked. “Are you not agreeable to the dance? Do you know the steps? I can teach you if you prefer.”

  “I know the steps,” I said, blushing. “I learned them at home. But I never thought I would perform them in public. I never imagined I would be in such a situation.”

  “Would you prefer it if we did not? I can tell them we have changed their mind if you would not like to do so.”

  For a moment, I wavered. The idea of Darcy holding me in his arms in front of so many people was shocking. Could I do such a thing? But then my old defiance stepped in. I could not bear to avoid dancing just because I was worried about what others might think. Let them gasp and be shocked. I was not about to back down. I raised my chin to meet Darcy’s eyes.

  “No, I am prepared to dance. I only hope it will not offend your sensibilities to do so. Considering how proper you are.”

  Darcy’s eyes gleamed. “I am glad to see I have married a courageous woman. It is not often we can enjoy the privilege of being newlyweds. We can be forgiven for it now. I am eager to take full advantage.”

  The first few notes of the music struck. The assembled guests murmured among themselves and looked about in confusion. That surely could not be… could it? No, they must be mishearing. That could not possibly be a waltz. A few giggled nervously, and some men made bald jokes, but no one really believed such a dance was about to be performed.

  Despite my brave words, my heart was pounding. I drew a deep breath and glanced up at Darcy. He did not appear at all ruffled. It was strange that he, who was always so proper, should not balk at such a dance whereas I, who had always prided myself on going my way and who cared what anyone else thinks, should blush and recoil like a… well, like an inexperienced bride.

  The thought of the disparity between us spurred me on to prove myself not at all nervous. I accepted Darcy’s offered hand and allowed him to lead me to the middle of the floor. The couples who had formed a line in anticipation of the next dance looked at one another in confusion and moved out of our way. As Darcy pulled me to him, his large hand warm on my waist as the other clapped my other hand, there was a ripple of gasps about the room. Despite my embarrassment, I could not help grinning at Darcy. His eyes were solemn, but to my surprise, he gave me a quick wink.

  “Everyone is staring at us,” I whispered.

  “Of course they are. A new husband and wife. The most beautiful woman in the room. Both of them about to perform the most shocking dance anyone has ever seen. What is there not to stare at?”

  I could not help giggling at that. “Then let us hope we do not embarrass ourselves or your aunt and uncle will never allow us inside this house again.”

  Darcy smiled. He spun me in a circle and settled me close to him again. I bit back a gasp. Though I had practised many times with my sisters and even occasionally with an imaginary partner — something I thought I would never liv
e down when Lydia caught me — I never imagined a man would hold me so close if I were to dance with one. I was not sure he was supposed to hold me so close, but I found I was not eager to point it out to him. His firm grip on me was too thrilling.

  “They will not forbid us,” he whispered, his breath tickling my ear, making all my senses sharpen. “I am their only nephew. My aunt assures me this means I am her favourite nephew. I will play up how very in love I am with my new bride, and they will be in a rush to forgive me. Besides, look around.” He nodded with his chin. “We are not alone.”

  I looked around to see several other daring couples had joined us in dancing. The ladies tittered, and the men beamed. I noticed none of them pressed against one another as closely as Darcy and I did. Perhaps I should mention it? As he turned me again and settled me against him, I thought not. He was right. We were newlyweds. It was only right that we enjoy one another.

  “You are an excellent dancer,” I said. “You keep it well hidden. You have deprived all the ladies when you insist on standing at the side of the room, looking proud and stubborn.”

  “I make it a rule that I do not dance unless I am well acquainted with my partner,” said Darcy. His lips were very close to my ear. I shivered and closed my eyes at the sensation. “There are other occasions where I change my rule. Such as when the lady is particularly bewitching, and I cannot get her out of my mind. When I think I would trade everything I have to know what it is like to hold her in my arms.”

  My heart thrilled at his words. I raised my head to look at him when I noticed a couple dance by. To my surprise, I recognised the Earl and the Countess of Matlock. They smiled up at one another with joy. I smiled to see them though I once again felt that strange ache in my heart. So that is why Darcy spoke as he did. I would have to remind myself repeatedly that every beautiful thing he said and did was nothing more than a performance. I could not afford to forget it even for a moment. I smiled gamely, determined that he should think I understood what we were doing and that I was no more affected by it than he was.

  “I remember my astonishment when you asked me to dance. I did not know how to respond. And now, here I am in your arms and enjoying it no matter who is watching. It is extraordinary, is it not?”

  “It is.” Darcy’s lips moved closer to my ear. “Though I would prefer it if we were holding one another alone where no one could interrupt us.”

  I started a little at his words and recovered as I recalled the rest of the room that were standing around us, watching us with smiles.

  “I am sure we have all the time in the world for that, sir. The rest of our lives.”

  Darcy’s eyes were searching. His gaze on me was keen as though he sought something there though I was not sure what it was. He sighed.

  “Yes, we do.”

  As he swept me by again, I saw Amelia watching us. Her fingers curled around a punch glass and her eyes were like flints. She smiled as our eyes met, but I saw at once how they went to my husband. Amelia started forward as though someone had pushed her, emerging a little on the dance floor. She put a hand to her chest and looked around in a beautiful display of feminine confusion.

  It worked. Darcy looked across at her as did everyone else. I felt a muscle twitch in his arm as though he longed to go to her. Then he turned me again, so his back was to her. I saw her face flush with annoyance as she stepped back into the crowd and disappeared.

  “Are you enjoying the evening?” Darcy asked.

  I pushed all thoughts of Amelia to one side and smiled up at my husband. “I am. You are an excellent dancer, and you have given me more surprises than I know what to do with. And your family is warm and has been more welcoming than I expected. I am most pleased with the evening.”

  Darcy’s eyes were warm on my face. He had a dimple in his left cheek that deepened with his brief smile. It had always seemed incongruous to me that such a stern, cold man should have a dimple but it just added to his attractiveness.

  “I am glad you are enjoying it.” His breath tickling my ear made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I only just about suppressed a gasp at the sensation. “They are your family too. Everything I have is now yours.”

  His face was so close to mine, and I felt as though his lips might brush my cheek. I closed my eyes, feeling dizzy with the scent of him, the warm, clean smell of Pear’s soap and healthy male. For the first time, I realised I was in real danger of falling in love with my husband. And I did not know how to stop it from happening.


  I awoke late the following morning. The maid had been in and already opened the curtains. I rolled over on my side and nestled into the pillow as I noticed the blue sky outside. I could not help smiling as I recalled the events of the night before. I could still feel Darcy’s arms around me even now, as though his touch had burned into my skin and branded me. Perhaps I would remind myself to be sensible afterwards, but for now, after all the pain and horror of the previous few weeks, I wanted to savour feelings that were sweet and warm. My heart had felt cold and dead after my father died, but the brief stirring there now convinced me I was still alive rather than a pale shadow my father had left behind. I could smile and cherish the warmth running through me, and I would do it. There was plenty of time to remind myself to be sensible later.

  I could not help wondering how Darcy felt about our masquerade. Was he like me; being lulled into believing it for real or was he a splendid actor? Did he feel confusion when we touched and exchanged words of love and wonder if perhaps he meant them more than he realised? And did he worry as I did about whether I might feel the same way in return?

  I listened for him in the adjoining room, but I could hear nothing. It was quiet in there. Perhaps he was still sleeping? I thought of him thrown across the bed, his chest bare and his hair tossed with sleep, the warm, clean smell of him if I were to go in there and lie against his chest. My face flushed at the thought, but I could not resist smiling at the idea. I was still lost in these thoughts when Kate entered the room to get me ready for the day.

  “Did you have a nice time, Mrs Darcy?” she asked as she filled a bowl with hot water while I stepped down from the bed.

  “I did. The Matlocks are charming people.”

  “I have always liked them. The earl is very kind to all the servants here. I understand Miss Darcy is to travel with them to Matlock before you go to Pemberley?”

  I smiled and nodded as she helped me into a filmy dressing gown. I would miss Georgiana, but we were to see her at Pemberley in a few weeks. She had told me last night with a rather mischievous smile, that she felt she had intruded on a new-married couple long enough and she should leave us some privacy for a few weeks. Darcy had looked at me with a long look when she said those words.

  “Is Mr Darcy awake yet?” I asked.

  “Oh, yes, ma’am,” said Kate as she crossed to the closet to select a gown for me to wear. “He went out some time ago. He said not to disturb you because you were likely to sleep late.”

  “Did he say where he was going or when he would be back?” I bit my lip with annoyance. He might have left a note instead of expecting me to receive messages from the servants.

  “No, ma’am. Just that he would return this evening. I think he wished to see someone. I am sure he will not stay long.”

  She threw me a curious look. I forced myself to smile.

  “Of course. I think I remember he said something about going out today. Between the ball and the lateness of the hour, it slipped my mind.”

  I tried to hide my annoyance as Kate dressed me and pinned my hair. I scowled as I fiddled with the brushes on my dressing table. Why would Darcy disappear for the day after we had been so close the night before? He might have waited until I was awake and he certainly might have left a note. Even if we did not have a conventional marriage, it was unseemly of him to disappear without a word. And now I could not even inquire further because I had already pretended I knew where he was.

  I was at a
loss for what I should do with myself for the day. Georgiana was gone, and I had no sisters to chatter with. At home, I would have walked in the woods on a crisp day like this, but the nearest woods were some distance away and not likely to be as safe as Longbourn. I thought I might go to the library and seek another book, but I wished to be active. I did not care to sit at home, waiting for my husband to rejoin me. If he were annoyed when he returned home and found me absent, well then he would have a taste of how I felt.

  Hyde Park seemed as good a place to go as any. It was early for the promenading hour so I would have much of it to myself. It was the closest thing to nature I could enjoy in London.

  I pulled on my cloak and left a brief message with the servants that I would go out. I left before they could kick up too much of a fuss about me going out alone. Duties might be expected of Mrs Darcy, but for today at least, I could be Elizabeth Bennet again.

  I did not move fast enough. I had not gone many yards from the house before I noticed that a carriage was drawing close beside me. I took no notice until the glass was lowered, and an imperious voice demanded my attention.

  “You girl. I will speak with you.”

  I started and turned in confusion to see an older woman glaring at me. Her face was thin and pinched. Her eyes were hard, and her mouth pressed together in a thin line. Lines had carved a path in her forehead from years of displeased frowns, one of which was directed right at me.

  “How may I be of service?” I asked. Her manner was too autocratic for me to take seriously, and I had some trouble preventing a smile from crossing my lips.

  “Did I just see you come from Darcy House?”

  How long had she been watching me? I felt a prickle of unease. Who was this woman?


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