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Rebel Rook: An Everyday Heroes World Novel (The Everyday Heroes World)

Page 24

by Ren Alexander

  “But he wanted to. I’m sorry about Omar—”

  I instantly shake my head. “I’m not. He made my life a living hell, and he’d never stop. I’m glad he’s dead.”

  “What does The Dragon say about it?”

  “Stop calling her that. She’ll hear you one of these days, you know.”

  “Not worried. She’s as old as Moses. So, did she say anything?”

  “She threatened to move in with me for a week.”

  “Goodnight nurse. I hope you didn’t let her.”

  “No way.”

  “What about Dylan?”

  “What about him?” I head to the counter to find something else to do since every table is already clean. Last night’s escapades are probably obvious.

  As I pick up silverware from the tray to bundle them into napkins, Marilou gives me a wide-eyed look, sending it up and down my body, making me self-conscious and clumsy. I fumble and drop some silverware onto the counter with a metallic clatter, and Marilou smirks. “Rattled for some other reason, girlfriend?”

  I frown but seeing her know-it-all expression, I focus on the scattered silverware. “Just a rushed morning. I slept through my alarm.” Because Dylan fingered me with remnants of his cum until I yelled his name. Not a terrible way to start the day, even if it made me late.

  “Mm-hmm.” Without seeing her face, I know she’s pursing her lips and swinging her beach ball earrings. Rolling my eyes, I pick up the silverware and try to remain unaffected.

  “I think you’ve been hitting Ollie’s stash.” Finding a package of napkins, I leave the counter to return to the dining area, not having many escape routes.

  “That scrooge? Right. He’d charge his mama double. Don’t change the subject.” She then practically hops over to me, tugging my sleeve as I refill napkin holders.

  “Yes?” I look from her face to her hand, tugging on me. “What is with you today?”

  “You, playing games. Spill.”

  “I just did. All over the counter. You were there.”

  “Verna’s not around, so talk.”

  “You’re definitely high.”

  “No, ma’am. You are if you think I don’t see there’s something different about you.” She studies my body again, and I feel like she can see his fingerprints.

  “I had a bad night,” I argue, hoping that satisfies her curiosity.

  She shoos me away, indicating she wants to move further away from this table. I’m unsure why as I only see Doris standing at her podium, reading a magazine, and two customers finishing their breakfasts. Nothing unusual. Marilou excitedly whispers, “Dylan.”

  I look at another table, attempting to fill napkins, but Marilou blocks me. “Girl, you know you want to unload.” Ignoring her, I return to the task until she stops me again.

  I sigh. “What about him?”

  “You know.”

  “Okay. Now I know. Thank you for clearing that up.” I move only to have Marilou stop me again.

  She waggles her brows. “Did he use handcuffs?”

  I step back from Marilou and hurry to another row, where I ask the old man drinking his coffee if he needs a refill. He smiles with a headshake, and I smile back. Marilou bounces after me.

  As I go to yet another table needing napkins, she giggles in my ear. “So guilty. How was it? I bet he’s a dutiful public servant, isn’t he? Bet he’s always willing to help a citizen in her time of desperate, desperate need.”

  I frown at her bright smile and general giddiness. “You have a wild imagination.” Or I have a wild reality.

  “Absolutely, but that’s beside the point. After your horrific night, you two finally gave in to your pent-up passions and rocked each other’s world.” It wasn’t the first time, for sure.

  “You definitely read too much Jackie Collins.”

  “I stopped reading her years ago. Again, don’t dodge the truth.”

  Cringing to myself after demanding the truth, I say, “Nothing happened.”

  “You won’t win any awards for this performance. Maybe the one last night, but…”

  “Okay. Stop it. I’m not perpetuating rumors.”

  “They’re about you, so it doesn’t count.” When I don’t give in, Marilou crosses her arms, pouting, “I thought I was your best friend.”

  “Not today.”

  As Marilou returns to her section in a huff, the diner becomes busier with the brunch and then the lunch crowds. As I collect plates from a table, I see Tristan and Hayes talking to Doris. A pit opens in my stomach. Doris sends them to their usual table, and I head over to greet them. “Hi, there.”

  Tristan grins, and Hayes asks, “How are you holding up?”

  “I’m fine. I’m so glad you were there. I don’t know what would’ve happened if you hadn’t come.”

  Smirking, Tristan shrugs. “My guess is we would’ve wound up mopping Rook’s brains off the damn floor.”

  Hayes frowns. “Come on.” Tristan laughs while my heart pounds from the thought. “Dylan would’ve taken him out before that bastard got off a shot. No doubt.”

  Tristan rolls his eyes. “Whatever you say.”

  “You two working this morning? But you just worked last night.”

  “Isn’t that a kick in the teeth? You think they’d reward a couple of heroes and give us the day off.”

  Hayes shakes his head and flips through the menu he never uses. “We did our job.”

  Tristan looks around. “Where is Rook, anyway?” He sighs, raising an eyebrow. “Maybe he got fired for being there and discharging his weapon. I’ve heard he has a penchant for that shit.”

  I casually ask, “What’s that mean?”

  “He shot one of his previous training officers in the leg. Funny shit, right there.”

  Hayes argues, “It was an accident.”

  “Even better.”

  “Okay. I’ll put your usuals in and be back.”

  I head over to the counter, give Ollie the orders, and go to the supply room to check my phone. Digging into my jacket, I hear the door open. Turning, I t see Tristan shutting it. I ask, “What are you doing in here?”

  “I wanted to talk to you. I thought this is the perfect time and place.”

  Seeing no messages, I return my phone. “Not really. I have to get back out there.”

  “It won’t take long. I think you’re aware of most of it.”

  “Yeah. Last night. Thank you again for being there. You all saved my life.”

  “Not all.”

  “Well, I mean, someone killed him.”

  “Yeah. Me.”

  “Oh. Thank you, Tristan. I owe you a debt of gratitude.” I nod, feeling awkward as fuck. “Well, I need to get back out there.”

  “I saw you in the parking lot with Rook.”

  I shrug. “He followed me home since I was a mess.”

  “He kissed you.”

  I scowl for the intrusion. “Only on the forehead. I—”

  “I’m sure the hotel video surveillance would help you remember.”

  Anxiety rears its head, but I laugh. “I was grateful to him.”

  “I see. You were so thankful you went back to his place for a gratuitous fuck? Like a tip?”


  “It’s also funny how, patrolling the neighborhood, unfamiliar cars stick out like a sore thumb. Driving past Rook’s apartment, a records check tattled on you.”

  “I went—”

  “Sure, at five-thirty this morning. You can come up with excuses, but we both know what’s going on between you and Rook.”

  “I was afraid to be alone.”

  “So, you go home with him?”

  “We’re friends.”

  Tristan crosses his arms with a frown. “It was more than annoying to hear from my coworkers just how close you are, emerging from a breakroom at a banquet hall. And there I was, sitting like a sucker in a room full of my distinguished peers while you were screwing a failing rookie.”

  “That not true.”

  “Again. Video surveillance is my friend. And what a video it is. Holy fuck.”

  “We didn’t do anything.” Oh, God.

  “Cut the innocent act when it’s clear you’re far from it, or so a little birdy told me.”

  “What the hell? I didn’t mean to embarrass you, but Dylan and I didn’t—”

  “Do you take me for a moron? We all saw it.” My eyes widen in horror, and he clicks his tongue. “It was something else. The porn industry would love it.”


  He drags out his put-upon sigh with a frown. “You know, Taggart will have a shit fit. And who can blame her? Do I have to remind you of your father, the convict and Taggart’s very first recruit? Your father went rogue and committed crimes out the ass, Natalia. It nearly ended Taggart’s career.”

  “I had nothing to do with that.”

  “But he created you. Gotta give you some credit.”

  “I don’t have to listen to this.”

  I head for the door, but Tristan leans against it and crosses his arms. “What the fuck did Rook do to his family name? His grandfather and great-uncle were legendary police officers here. Hell, his great-uncle lost his life while on-duty for Joy Springs. His uncle was the beloved chief in Sunnyville. Rook trashed the Malone legacy for you?”

  “We’re not together.”

  “Don’t insult my intelligence, Welch. You’re fucking Taggart’s falling-star recruit, right under her nose, after she specifically warned both of you to stay away from each other.”

  “How do you know this?”

  He laughs. “Everyone knows this. Taggart runs her mouth like an old bat at bingo. You carry the burden of your father’s past sins and brought Omar Ruiz’s batshit craziness here—you’re fucking up Taggart’s seemingly stellar career. She’s in for major heartbreak and scandal to cap off her years of dedicated service.”

  “I didn’t bring him here!”

  Tristan narrows his eyes. “It seems as if Omar came to California to work things out but found you moved on, and he lost it. Poor bastard. Boom. He’s dead now.”

  “He abused me, Tristan. In every way possible. He thought it was funny.”

  Tristan looks at his watch. “As sad as your life story is, it’s my sworn duty to tell Lynn the truth if you won’t.”

  I shake my head. “Lynn won’t fail Dylan. She’ll listen to me.”

  “Do you think it all has to do with his performance? Or your damn Lynn not liking him? He’s a fucking waste of space, Natalia. His last girlfriend even dumped him for being a lazy prick.” Tristan shrugs. “Looks like Rook will have to go crawling back to Best Buy or one of the seven jobs that tossed him a pink slip. Maybe one of them will take him back. Okay, then. See ya’.”

  Tristan turns to leave, and I shriek, “Wait!”

  He pauses, holding the door handle. He sighs loudly and bites, “What?”

  “What can I do?”

  Glancing at me, he crooks a cocky eyebrow. “Wish him luck. He’ll need a shitload.”

  Tristan again turns away, and I lose it. “No! Jesus Christ! You can’t do this to him!”

  He whips around. “You blame me for you fucking a loser rookie on our date, and then after I killed your dickweed ex? Surely, you’re not doing that, Natalia.”

  “Please don’t ruin his career. It’s all he has. It’s so important to him.” My hands fly to my face as I sob. Behind them, I plead, “Please. I’m begging you.”

  I hear footsteps as Tristan walks back to me. Looking up from my hands, he’s in front of me with a smug grin. “Look. Maybe we can make a deal.”

  I nod but hesitate when I say, “Anything.”

  His eyes light up with a smile that sends chills through my body. “I want some of your gratitude.”

  I lick my lips and stutter, “Okay. But only one kiss.”

  Tristan laughs, throwing his head back as he crosses his arms. “That’s so damn sweet.”


  “Now, who’s the idiot?”

  I gasp from the look in his cold brown eyes. “I’m not your plaything.”

  “After seeing that video, you should be. So hot. On a side note, if Taggart fires Rook, your boyfriend could crank out more videos. Maybe he could jerk off or fuck another waitress to make some cash.”

  I wipe my face with my shaky hand. “He’s not my boyfriend.” The truth is a mere fantasy now.

  “Good. Less messy.” Tristan claps and rubs his hands together like he’s selling me a car. “So, here’s the deal. If you want to make up for putting your precious Lynn through agony, and if you want to protect that loser Rook’s badge, you’ll show me gratitude. It’s your call, but if you’re not stupid, you’ll play with me. In lots of ways.”

  “How do you know all this shit?”

  “Because, as accused, I’m not an idiot or a moron. I do my damn homework. I’ll make a brilliant detective one day. Right?” Tristan laughs. “Maybe I’ll put another Malone to shame, but not as much as your undercover lover will when everyone finds out he fucked an incarcerated ex-cop’s illegitimate daughter. On camera.”

  “I want this video.”

  Tristan shakes his head. “I’ve seen it, sawed wood to it, but you’ll only see it if I have to show everyone else.”

  “Taggart doesn’t want me with you, either.”

  “So? Taggart isn’t my fucking boss, and your family tree is a nonissue for me. I’m not a goodie Malone, so no one cares. I have nothing to lose here.”

  “So. you’re scamming me.”

  He rolls his eyes. “Because I want to tell the truth? Yeah. Okay.”

  “No. You can do anything to me.”

  “Oh. I plan to.” He crooks an eyebrow, and I clench my fists.

  “Take Dylan out of this equation.”

  “He’s not invited.”

  Losing my patience, I squeal, “This is my problem! Leave his job and family out of it!”

  “Where’s the fun in that? And how can I? You’re wrapped up in each other. Like dominoes, one goes down, you both go down. Right?”

  Closing my eyes, I steel myself, though the tears stream down my cheeks. Just as Dylan did for me, I will protect him at any cost. Tristan impatiently presses, “What’ll it be, Welch?”

  Sniffing, I whisper, “I choose him.”

  Tristan nods. “That’s your mistake to live with, then.” He steps back and goes to the door.

  Before he grabs the doorknob, I say, “I mean, I have nothing to lose except…” My breath hitches, and I whisper-shriek, “Him! I choose Dylan’s dream!”

  Tristan’s slow grin makes me want to scream. “Excellent choice. I have your number from your records check. I’ll text you my address for later.”

  “You want this to happen today?”

  “Yesterday. Right here and now, if I could. But unlike your barely legal fuck buddy, I actually do my job and don’t play around on the taxpayers’ dime.”

  “On one condition.”

  “I don’t think you’re in a position to make demands. Maybe you’ll be in a superb position in my bedroom.”

  Internally, I cringe, scream, and fall apart. However, keeping calm, I state, “We do this on my terms. It’s one time—I will not be your victim.”

  “Natalia, I never would victimize you. I gave you a choice, remember? I’ve never forced a woman to have sex with me. I usually don’t have to coax much, either.” He practically giggles as I stand, stoic. “But just one time? Can’t do it, babe. This is an open-ended venture, at least until Rook’s out of field training, he fails or finds out you’re double-dealing my cock on the sly. Whichever comes first. Catch you later. Wear something sexy.” He winks at me before leaving the storage room.

  The frantic pounding of my heart thunders so loud, it could shatter windows. But there’s no escape. Dylan will lose everything because of our love.

  No. I can’t let that happen.

  Going toward the door since I can’t stand still anyway, Tristan�
��s words smash me in the face and echo in my head. Losing my breath and balance, I fall to the floor. In a heap, I weep. Dylan’s love brought me this far, but my love for him will end it.

  Chapter 24

  Seeing the rear entrance door open, I exit my car. Walking toward her, I adjust my sunglasses. She’s oblivious to anyone following, which is a problem. As Talia digs into her purse, I notice her hands quivering. She then stops and shakes her head at the ground.

  Leaning against her car, I cross my arms. “Well, hello there, beautiful.”

  Jumping, Talia drops her purse and seeing me, she’s uncertain of who I am, but then she hits me. “Dylan? What the fuck?”

  I laugh. “I’m sorry. But seriously. What if it wasn’t me? You weren’t paying attention to your surroundings, Talia. Somebody could mug you out here. Or worse.” I witnessed that worse.

  Talia surveys the parking lot and then glares at me. “You shouldn’t be here.”

  “It’s a public place. I eat here. We’re friends.”

  Her brown eyes sparkle in the late afternoon sun. “Where were you today? I thought you’d call me at lunch.”

  “Sorry. I slept until noon and then went to hang out with Grant’s four-year-old daughter, Gwen.”

  “You hung out with a preschooler?”

  “Gwennie Roo is cool. I owed her a tea party.” Talia’s expression softens, and I shrug. “I thought it might not be a good idea for me to be here, in case Taggart came in too.”

  “Oh. She didn’t. Gerald had a doctor’s appointment out of town.”

  “Well, shit. Let me take you to dinner.”


  “Yeah. I work tonight. Remember?”

  She nods in a rush and looks to the ground. “So do I.”

  “I thought they were giving you a couple nights off?”

  “I can’t afford it. I’ll be okay.”

  “Taggart and I will check on you.”

  With a piercing gaze, Talia snaps, “No. You shouldn’t be there. It’ll draw too much attention, and everyone there is still rattled.”

  “Oh. You can still stay at my place after work. I’ll be home in the morning. I wouldn’t mind coming home to you in my bed.” How great that would be.

  “I don’t think I should risk it tonight.”


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