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Broken Hill High: The Broken Hill High Series (Book 1)

Page 17

by Sheridan Anne

  “Well, I finished it,” he says, loud enough for the whole room to hear.

  I narrow my eyes on him and pull myself out of his grip with a harsh tug. I spin on my heel and stalk away, pleased to find he isn’t following me. I walk down to the bathroom and lock the door behind me while I study myself in the mirror.

  I have three scratches down the side of my face, all of which have drawn blood and my hair looks like an absolute mess. I let out a heavy breath as I lean forward on the sink before turning the tap and washing the blood off my face.

  I run my fingers through my hair and give myself a few minutes to cool down. I take a few slow breaths until I feel like I’m ready to face the world.

  Feeling more like myself, I unlock the door and step out, hating that my face is bright red from the scratches but there’s not a lot I can do about that.

  I search around the party for Brooke but I can’t find her anywhere and after asking Maxen where she went; he tells me she ran out of here like someone lit a match under her ass.

  With a sigh, I walk back through the house and into the kitchen. There are people lingering around and the second they see me, they start offering me drinks and asking if I need anything. It takes a moment to realize they all think I’m dating Nate as any girl he deems good enough to actually date deserves the respect of the room. Not to mention, they’re all probably scared I’m still wound up from the fight and am about to launch myself at them.

  I grab a drink off one of the girls and walk deeper into the kitchen. How did my night go from being so damn good to being so sucky so quickly? I mean, I’ve only been here for twenty minutes and I’ve already betrayed my best friend, been in a catfight, and had Nate yell at me.

  Tonight is shaping up to be a great night. It’s like a dream come true.

  I help myself into Parker’s fridge and have a look around before sticking my head into the freezer. A tub of ice cream would do the trick but unfortunately, all I can see is a frozen pizza. I grab it out and go searching through the cupboards for an oven tray before working out how to turn the damn thing on.

  A moment later, I pull myself up onto the counter and stare at the oven as it cooks my stupid pizza while people continue partying around me. Courtney and Bec appear at one end of the kitchen and give me a smile before stepping towards me when Nate appears at the end and sends them a scathing look that has them turning in the opposite direction.

  Great friends they are.

  Nate walks right up to me and leans down on the counter with a hand on either side of my thighs as he watches me. His eyes skim over the scratches on my face and I see him trying his hardest not to reach out and brush his fingers over it. “Come on,” he says. “I’ll take you home.”

  “Can’t,” I grunt. “I’m cooking a pizza.”

  “What?” he says, looking at me as though I’ve just grown another head. I nod towards the oven and he turns around to take in the pizza that’s happily cooking away, completely oblivious to the fact it’s about to become someone’s dinner. “You should have told me you were hungry,” he says. “I would have bought you something proper.”

  I shake my head, not really in the mood. “I’m fine,” I tell him as the timer on the oven goes off. “Now, if you’ll excuse me,” I say. “My dinner is ready.”

  He lets out a heavy breath and steps back toward the oven before turning the dials off and opening the oven door. He grabs a dish towel and rips the hot tray out of the oven before putting it down. Next, he finds me a plate, slides the hot pizza on to it before placing it down beside me with a look that says that what he had just done had highly inconvenienced him.

  We get into a stare off before I hold up my empty cup and thrust it his way. I’m absolutely shocked when he actually takes it from me and refills it, though, he only pours soda in it, forgetting the vodka. Though, something tells me this is his way of an apology for being an ass earlier.

  Nate places the drink down beside me and I don’t miss the way every eye in the room remains glued to us. “Is there anything else you need?” he questions, not giving a shit about who’s watching the show.

  I shake my head and grab the pizza before taking a bite. He watches me chew before swallowing and taking another bite which is when I notice I didn’t hesitate. Pride flashes in his eye before he winks and walks away leaving me to my pity party.

  An hour later, he returns and I haven’t moved from my spot on the counter. “Alright,” he says, grabbing me and hoisting me off the counter. “Enough of this sulking bullshit. I’m taking you home.”

  “No,” I say, pulling my hand back out of his. “You stay and have fun. I’ll take myself home, just give me your keys.”

  “Like hell,” he laughs before taking my hand again and leading me through the big house. We get outside and we walk down to his car with his arm over my shoulder. “Are you ok?” he questions once we’re away from the prying eyes.

  “Yeah,” I say with a sigh. “I just need to sleep it off.”

  “Ok,” he murmurs as he unlocks the car and opens the door for me.

  I slide in and a moment later he’s getting in on the driver’s seat and pulling away. As he drives down the street, I can’t help but think about what Brooke had said. I’m an idiot for getting involved with him, and she’d be right. What was I thinking? This guy beside me, while he’s been great for the past few weeks, was the guy who tormented me and made me feel small.

  I still don’t even know why I was the lucky girl who deserved that kind of attention from him but let’s be real, it completely sucked.

  I curl in on myself and bring my knees up to my chest as I turn and look at him. “What are we doing, Nate?” I question.

  “What do you mean?” he asks. “I’m driving you home.”

  “I mean you and me? We’re hooking up and sleeping together when two weeks ago, you hated me and I hated you because of it. We’re not together but most of the time you treat me as though we are, but then you had some girl all over you tonight and all I can think about is that I’m going to be the one to get hurt. Again.”

  He starts shaking his head. “What are you trying to say, Tora?”

  “I think we should stop…. Whatever this is.”

  “I’m sorry, babe,” he says. “But that’s not an option.”

  “Yes, it is,” I argue.

  “No. It’s not,” he says as he pulls over on the side of the road so he can look at me. “Look,” he says reaching out and taking my hand. “I know I’ve been an ass and I know I haven’t treated you fairly, but if I could take it all back, believe me, I would. I know I don’t deserve you, but just… bear with me ok. I’m going to make it up to you.”

  “What do you want from me?” I ask, confused as why he even bothers with me. I mean, I’m nothing special.

  He lets out a sigh and I see that whatever he’s about to say is hard for him to get out. “I don’t want anything from you, Tora. I just want you. I always have, ever since we were twelve and you were running around the pool in a bikini.”

  “What?” I say as my brows lower in confusion. “That doesn’t make sense, Nate. You started being an ass when we were twelve. Why would you do that if you actually liked me?”

  He shakes his head, not prepared to give me an answer and I let out a huff as I sit back in the seat. “I need answers, Nate.”

  “I can’t give them to you,” he tells me. “I’m just… I’m sorry, ok. I wish I could take it all back. I hate myself for hurting you like that.”

  I sit in silence, unsure of what to think or what to say, all I know is that I need to be alone right now. “Can you just take me home?” I ask as I look away from him.

  He’s quiet for a moment and I feel him wanting to hash this out but he lets it go. “Ok,” he murmurs before turning back in his seat and pulling back out onto the road.

  A few minutes later he pulls into his driveway and comes to a stop right by the front door. I unbuckle my seatbelt and a moment later, I watch as he goes to do t
he same. I reach my hand out and stop him. “Don’t,” I tell him. “Go back to the party. I just need to be alone,” I say. “Besides, all your adoring fans are waiting for you.”

  With that, I push my way out of the car and hurry up the stairs to the front door. I push through the door, just as I hear him taking off down the long driveway. I don’t bother looking back as I have a feeling that watching him leave is going to hurt a whole lot more than I could ever imagine.

  Chapter 19

  I stayed holed up in my room all weekend and still have no idea where I stand with Nate. Brooke hasn’t called or replied to any of my texts and I hate how things are between us. Jesse has had to be the go-between person at home as both Nate and I were being immature and refusing to come out of our rooms. And to top it all off, mom called last night to let me know that Nanna has come down with a cold which has had her plummeting into a downward spiral.

  I can’t fix things for Nanna and I can’t work out what the hell I want with Nate, so the only thing I can do is try to fix things with Brooke. It’s time to come clean and I’m hoping she’ll give me the time of day to do that.

  I walk through the school on Monday morning on the way to my locker and the first thing I notice is that she isn’t here, though, her car was in the lot so I know she’s here somewhere, she’s probably just avoiding me. I even managed to get here early so I could have a chance to talk with her but I guess it’s going to be a waiting game.

  Josh, however, is here. He comes striding up to me and leans against the locker beside mine. “Is there something you need?” he questions.

  “I heard you were giving it up for Nate,” he says.

  I flick my eyes up towards him and see a hint of anger behind his eyes. “What’s the matter, Josh?” I question. “Jealous that I could be interested in someone other than you?”

  “No,” he scoffs. “Just wanted to see if the rumors were true. You know, the second he gets what he wants out of you, he’s going to move on.”

  “You mean, the same way you would have?” I question. “The only difference between you and Nate is that he wouldn’t have to get me drunk first.”

  His eyes narrow and I see I’ve hit a sore spot. He must hate that he’s the quarterback and is supposed to be the most popular guy in school but no matter how hard he tries; all the attention is still on Nate and Jesse. Josh has a handful of cheer skanks and that’s about it.

  I slam my locker and turn to face him front on. “You know, while we’re on the topic of the differences between you and Nate, I might as well point out that he would never take advantage of a girl.” Josh’s brows pull down, unsure of what I’m talking about. “Nate would never allow some jealous bitch to talk him into sexually assaulting another girl just so she could get her petty revenge and humiliate her in front of the whole school.”

  His eyes widen as he realizes that I know all about his and Elle’s plan to strip me naked and have him assault me on camera. I step in dangerously close and tilt my chin up towards him. “Just so you know,” I whisper. “If you even think about touching me again, I’ll destroy you.”

  A hand comes down on the locker beside me while another takes possession of my waist before a strong body presses into my back. “Is there something you need, Josh?” Nate says from behind me.

  I sink into him while ignoring the eyes of everyone in the hallway. Josh’s eyes flick down to me and I grin back up at him with a promise to follow through on what I’d just told him. “All good,” Josh says before stepping back and turning away. He walks off down the hall and I turn around to face Nate. “Hey,” I say quietly.

  “What did he want?” he asks.

  “He wanted to know if I’d let you screw me over yet.”

  “And what did you tell him?”

  “That I’d prefer you to screw me over than him.”

  The corner of his mouth lifts in one hell of a sexy smirk as he looks down at me. “Hell yeah, you did,” he says. “Though why do I feel like you’re only telling me half the story?”

  “Because I am,” I say as I push up onto my tippy toes and press a kiss to his lips, again, not caring about the eyes on us and the gasps that are heard all over the room.

  I step away from him to find Brooke watching us with a scowl. She turns away, slams her locker door and storms up the hallway. “Shit,” I groan as I sink back into Nate.

  He wraps his hand around my waist and kisses my neck. “She’ll come around,” he tells me before he releases me and walks away.

  I lean back against my locker and give Courtney and Bec a smile as they come and go while I wait out the warning bell. Ten long minutes later, it finally rings and I make my way to my first class of the week by myself.

  I fall down into my chair, pleased that by the third week everyone has decided to stick with the spot they chose the first week of class, meaning all other spots are taken when Brooke walks in. She scrunches up her face when she walks in and realizes that it’s time to face the music.

  She walks forward and takes her seat beside me while doing a fantastic job of looking anywhere but at me. “Brooke,” I say before sighing as she continues to ignore me. “You have to talk to me at some point.”

  She looks over at me as Mr. Miller turns to face the class “No, I don’t,” she says as Nate strolls in through the door, not giving a single fuck that he’s late again. Though, it makes me wonder where the hell he goes every morning. I mean, I only saw him ten minutes ago, it’s not like he was late for school. My wondering is cut short as Brooke narrows her eyes. “Oh, look,” she snaps. “It’s your secret boyfriend.”

  “Brooke,” I groan as Nate walks past me and touches my shoulder on the way. I lower my voice as to not gain the attention of Mr. Miller. “He’s not my boyfriend. We’re just…” cringe.

  “Just what?” she demands.

  I look back at Mr. Miller who’s scowling at us and I give Brooke an apologetic look before facing the front.

  Brooke scoffs and shakes her head. “That’s what I thought,” she murmurs under her breath.

  I open to a new page on my notebook and silently rip a page out before writing down a note.

  Can we talk about this?

  I slide the note across to her and watch as she reads over it, I expect her to scrunch it up, but instead, she writes out a reply before sliding it back across to me.

  I don’t know if I’ll believe anything you say.

  Ouch. That one stung.

  I still don’t know if I believe it either.

  Believe what?

  Promise me you won’t freak out?

  Brooke looks across at me and narrows her eyes and I have no doubt whatever she’s about to write is going to be a nasty stab.

  I don’t make promises to liars.

  Fine… I’ve been sleeping with Nate for the past week.

  I cringe as I slide the note across to her and study her reaction.

  Her eyes widen.

  A gasp is ripped out of her.

  Her jaw falls to the desk.

  She re-reads the note.

  She looks to me with wide eyes.

  She looks back at the note.

  She looks to me again.

  And then finally, she swivels right around to Nate who grins at her, knowing exactly what’s just passed between us.

  She shoots to her feet with her hand over her stomach and her other covering her mouth. “Shit,” she calls out. “Mr. Miller, I’m going to throw up.”

  He gasps and looks absolutely horrified. “Ugh. Get out of here. I don’t want to clean that up.” With that, Brooke runs out of the room and Mr. Miller looks to me. “Tora, go with her. Make sure she’s alright.”

  I nod and race out of the room after Brooke and find her waiting for me in the hallway with a grin. “Works every time,” she laughs.

  I can’t help but laugh as well as we walk down the hallway and out to the parking lot. We head straight for her car and climb in before peeling out of the parking lot and heading for my
place where we can be alone.

  “So,” she finally says. “You’re sleeping with the enemy?”

  “Yeah,” I sigh. “I’m sorry. I really wanted to tell you but I didn’t know how, especially when I don’t even understand what’s happening myself.”

  “What is happening?” she asks as she leans out her window to put in the code for the gate. “Shit, it’s not working,” she tells me.

  “Oh. I changed it. 0306.”

  She keys it in and the gate begins to open. “Why’d you change it?”

  “To stop Nate from kidnapping me.”

  “Didn’t work, did it?”

  “Not even close,” I laugh before letting out a deep sigh. “I really like him,” I tell her. “I know it’s wrong and I shouldn’t feel like that about him, but over the last two weeks, he’s been a completely different person.”

  “How do you mean?”

  She pulls up out the front of my house and we get out before walking up the stairs to the front door. “He’s been sweet,” I say, hardly believing the words as they come out of my mouth. “He taught me to drive and was patient with me and then he rescued me from some loser who was coming on way too strong. He holds my hand and he cuddles me every night. He makes my lunch. He tells me I’m beautiful. He looks out for me. He-”

  “Are we talking about the same guy?” she questions, cutting me off as we fall into my couch. “Nate Ryder? Nathaniel Ryder, king of the twats?”

  “Yeah,” I laugh before looking up at her. “He really cares about me,” I tell her.

  “Are you sure?” she questions. “He was with that girl on Friday night.”

  “He had his arm around her,” I clarify. “But the second you left, he was making sure I was ok and offering to drive me home.”

  My phone vibrates in my pocket and I pull it out to see a new text.

  Nate – You ok? Let me know if you need me.


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