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Madman’s Cure: Madman Duet Book Two

Page 21

by Mason, V. F.

  He never does, no matter how mean I get, which is annoying in itself.

  Why can’t he take that holy crown from his head for once and act like regular people, instead of this saintly guy who everyone thinks walks on water?

  Including Arianna.

  Although I should probably get used to the bad guy title and wear it proudly instead of watching her every smile toward him while raging inside.

  Isn’t this what I wanted all along? For her to hate me and not be with me?

  She is safe; that should be all that matters.

  Only… the possessiveness doesn’t go away, and despite how much I love my twin, I still want to punch him for sharing a face with me and paying attention to Arianna.

  He can deny it all he wants. I know him better than anyone, even if we’ve hardly talked in the past years.

  Hiding behind piano classes, which turned into an obsession, and then religion doesn't work with me either. Maybe he decided to serve God to cure him from the desire to be with Arianna?

  Who knows what goes through his head? We don't share that legendary twin connection anymore either.

  Just broodily watch one another for any kind of clue and end up empty and hollow inside.

  Arianna is the only one he allows to come close to him or disturb him while he listens to his music, not to mention how his gaze stays trained on her all the time. With how much those two adore each other, it’s a fucking wonder they are not dating.

  And part of me, the one that I despise with my whole being, feels betrayed by them and hates them a little for falling in love while my life went to hell because I protected them both.

  However, these were my choices, and if I had to do them all over again, I wouldn’t change a thing.

  Arianna and Eachann have the right to be together and in love.

  Even if it makes me want to destroy everything around me.

  Leaning back on the couch and propping my legs on the table, I blow out smoke, creating small rings, waiting for my brother to storm off as always muttering something under his breath, but to my surprise, he leans on the doorjamb of the living room, drilling me with his stare.

  “What?” I ask, not liking his attention on me.

  If someone looks close enough, they might see my secrets, and fuck if I need that. The minute people see vulnerability, they either want to use it or cure it; and both options sound off to me.

  No one will ever use me again, and sure as fuck I don't need anyone's cure.

  There is no cure or salvation for the likes of me, just one life to live to the fullest despite the past.

  We don't live in fairy tales where goodness conquers evil and everyone lives happily ever after.

  “Do you ever have plans of stopping all this?”

  Taking a longer pull, I exhale more smoke before replying, “Whatever do you mean?”

  “Acting like an asshole to everyone.”

  I blink at the word, because Eachann doesn’t curse… like, ever. He is basically opposite to everything I am.

  Where I’m harsh, he is gentle. Where I’m a dick, he is a saint. Where I ignore Dad and have constant fights with him, he is the best son anyone could wish for.

  The only thing we both are good at is being brothers to little Laura, but even she prefers Eachann to me, not that I blame her.

  Although sometimes her rejection sucks too.

  Look at you, Eudard, you are turning into a raging bitch. Any minute now, and you'll start blaming everyone else for your misery.

  “No,” I say and send a wink his way. “That’s my personal charm.” Despite my light attitude, my voice holds a silent warning that my twin must recognize, but it doesn’t stop him from continuing this conversation.

  Did he have a drink or something? Why all of a sudden does he want to talk?

  It never did us any good.

  “You got kicked off the football team and out of school a few weeks ago. You don’t talk to Dad, and because of that he doesn’t give you an allowance. You are never home, which I assume means you have to work somewhere, since you still have money for gas and cigarettes.” His cheeks become red and his hands fist while I just stare at him in shock, kind of proud of my baby bro for speaking up.

  I had started to think that with his sainthood he was given to us by God via artificial insemination. “I have my ways.” And before he continues his tirade, I add, “And that guy from the rival team tackled my teammate so hard he broke his ribs and legs. Plus insulted us all. I’m not sorry for kicking his ass.” I probably shouldn’t have gone as far as breaking his leg and nose, and I said as much when I visited him at the hospital. Thankfully nothing major happened, to the extent of him not being able to play, and Dad paid all his medical bills.

  The guy even laughed at the whole situation, joking that he hoped we’d never meet on the field again.

  Like I ever planned to go pro.

  I wouldn’t have been this angry with him if it hadn’t been for Liam and his constant messages every single day full of hatred and desire for vengeance.

  After the Four Dark Horsemen killed everyone in the mansion, no one could tell me where Liam was. Since we didn’t find his body among the others, I knew he escaped and I contacted Lachlan right away.

  Lachlan promised me we would all search for Liam, because his kind of crazy had only death as a solution. For three months, Liam had been silent, but I knew it was the silence before the storm, because his threat kept playing in my ears.

  Besides, true monsters don't die fast or easily.

  Finally three weeks ago, messages started popping up, each time from a different number that could never be traced. I’ve been left with fear and fury clashing against each other in my chest, demanding vengeance but also protection for my loved ones.

  Each message had the same words.

  You will pay.

  How does he even have resources if we blocked his access to Uncle’s money?

  I thought I would be able to live a normal life, but his threat hangs over me, not allowing me to act civil with anyone close. If he is spying on me, then the people I care about will be his victims.

  Maybe that’s why he hasn’t hit me yet; he’s waiting for my affection, but he will have to wait a long time for that.

  I will kill him and only then show my true emotions. It started with both of us, and it will end with both of us.

  I just have to be patient enough to wait for it.

  Eachann's voice penetrates my thoughts. “You got kicked out, and instead of apologizing to the principal, you told her that she seems to have high moral standards on this issue while she’s fucking Ethan’s dad in her office twice a week.”

  I laugh at that, because fuck if I give a shit about her well-being or how she gasped, running away from the office right in the middle of giving my father a lecture on raising such an irresponsible son.

  The woman is a bitch who accepts gifts, never gives a shit about her students, and who has slept with almost all the founding five members except Patricia’s and my dad, who’ve stayed loyal to their wives. So she had no right to shame my dad or tell him he messed up while raising us. Our relationship might be difficult at best, but I won’t allow anyone to tell him he raised us wrong after Mom hightailed her ass out of this town.

  Maybe if she’d stayed, life would have been different and Laura wouldn’t cling to every female worker at the mansion, pleading with her eyes for them not to push her away.

  Maybe if she’d stayed, she’d see what her family has done to me and would have found a way of stopping her brother from damaging me more.

  But instead, she was gone most of my life, leaving me to deal with all the shit alone.

  So yeah, resentment resides strong in this house.

  “She granted me permission to come back. I’m starting classes next week,” I inform him, hoping this will end this stupid intervention. Who the hell does he think he is anyway to scold me? Our father? “So if that’s all….” I wave my hand in a dismis
sive gesture, but he is nowhere near done.

  Instead, he chuckles, although it lacks any humor, and for the first time, the mask slips and I notice an emotion on his face.


  I’m not sure I’ve ever seen him angry in my life. “Are you blackmailing her? That would explain your behavior at school today.”

  I freeze, fury washing over me, and drop the cigarette into the ashtray.

  “You don’t give a shit about that. You only give a shit about what happens with Arianna,” I say coldly, rising up from the couch to face him, and he takes a step in my direction.

  “And what if I do? Your behavior toward her is inexcusable.” He shouts the last part, breathing heavily while my jaw tics, and I barely control myself from punching my little brother.

  Because what he says is the truth, but reminding me of my sins doesn’t help.


  I didn’t seek her out today, but she was standing right in the way, talking to fucking Cole of all people while searching for my twin. I didn’t have to guess to know that.

  So I passed her by and pushed her with my shoulder, just for a second, needing to feel the connection between us that grounds me here and gives me solace in the darkest of hours. I want to hold her in my arms and never let go, especially when Liam’s messages keep coming, and with fear almost crippling me, I realize with each day that I’m not very brave.

  Not when I could lose people I love.

  She has never spoken about my treatment of her, but today she voiced it, ending the only connection I’ve ever had with her.

  Maybe she’s finally given up on me and decided to pursue my brother, forever erasing me from her life.

  Too bad for her, I'm his twin, and she will never be able to look at him without thinking about me.

  “Well, you always come to the rescue, don’t you?” If I’m just breathing in her direction, he is always close like a dog guarding its bone, afraid I might snatch it away.

  “Someone has to protect her from you.”

  I snort. “And that’s you?”

  “Yeah, that’s me.” At this point, we’re shouting so loudly the whole house can probably hear us. “But then I’m used to picking up your slack, aren’t I? It’s not like you’ve done shit around here for the last ten years,” he says.

  I can’t stop myself from grabbing him by the shirt, anger vibrating between us. “Shut your mouth,” I order, hating how close his words are hitting home, but at the same time, what right does he have to tell me anything?

  I had no choice but to be who I am so he could stay a saint and not a sinner like me.

  Eachann though doesn’t back down but instead places his hands above mine, squeezing them hard, and then pulls them away. “Grow up, Eudard. Stop testing our boundaries. We are not kids anymore. Soon, we will graduate. And who will be by your side then?” he asks and exhales heavily, running his palm over his face. “I love you,” he says, and I jerk at these words, having not heard them in such a long time I’d wondered if maybe he’d started hating me. “And I love Arianna.”

  I open my mouth to comment on that, something along the lines of “congrats and don’t fucking dare touch her,” but he is not finished yet.

  “But I’m not in love with her. Get that through your thick skull.” With this bomb dropped on me, he spins around, heading to the front door and shouting over his shoulder. “I’m going to Cole’s party tonight.” My brows furrow at this; he doesn’t usually go to any outings, but then it’s probably because of Dad.

  Cole might not have been from a founding five family, but his father fished with ours every Saturday and they were close since middle school, so somehow the kid always hung around with us and lived under our protection.

  Attending his birthday party was almost a must, because he had such a delicate artistic soul, according to everyone. Dad even compared him with Eachann, but they couldn’t have been more different.

  One of the reasons I beat his ass two weeks ago was because I found him kicking a dog, as he craved a true reaction for the painting he planned.

  This guy had crazy written all over him, and it was better to quash it in the beginning rather than allow it to thrive.

  “Good luck,” I reply to him, fishing for another cigarette despite Melanie’s disapproving glare from the kitchen door before she disappeared inside.

  Sighing, I put it back in my pocket, and that’s when I hear Eachann announce, right before the door shuts behind him, “Arianna will be there. Thought you might want to know.”

  My heart stills while my hands fist and fury washes over me, because why is she hanging around with this crowd? I thought only Patricia was her friend? Who the fuck knew what secrets Cole’s house held and what he was capable of when drunk?

  I can’t let my girl be there unprotected, even though she is probably going because my twin is.

  Which should stop me and let it be. He might not be in love with her… but she is with him. Maybe I need to give them a chance to meet out of school and let them explore their connection without my shadow over them.

  Resting my arm on the wall, I breathe through my desire to rush to Cole’s house and wait for a glimpse of Arianna while making sure no one touches her or breathes in her direction.

  I think about Liam and his threats and how starting anything now with her would be a huge mistake, because she has to be happy in her senior year.

  Not to mention how hard she works on the ice and doesn’t need the distractions of an asshole like me.

  One more exhale and I rein in my emotions, ready to go upstairs and do anything besides think about Cole’s party.

  That’s when the phone in my pocket vibrates. I take it out, reading the message flashing on the display.

  Forgot to add. Ethan White invited Arianna to the homecoming dance, and she said yes. In case you’d want to know.

  All my altruistic thoughts fly away.

  Grabbing my jacket from the chair, I shout to Melanie, “I’m leaving.” Then I dart outside, rushing to my bike to quickly get to Cole’s house.

  She might not be mine and loves my twin.

  But I’ll be fucking damned if I let her date Ethan White.

  That decision had been one of the worst ones in my life.

  For I didn’t know a monster had cameras inside and watched, waiting for the perfect moment to deliver his blow.

  I forgot love was a privilege I didn’t have.

  I forgot freedom was a gift not everyone in this life possessed.

  And it cost me.

  I forever smeared us in misery that destroyed us all.


  My eyes snap open and I blink in confusion at my surroundings. I can barely see in the darkness with the black curtains firmly shut, but moonlight peeks through small cracks.

  Did I sleep the whole day away?

  Sitting up straight, I blindly search for the lamp and find the switch, pressing it, and wince when the soft light brightens up the room, making me still shiver a little from the coldness displayed here.

  It almost feels like Eudard doesn’t think he is part of this house, so he doesn’t include any lavender color here.

  I press the blanket to my chest while my last actions catch up with me, and even if I tried to ignore what happened, my body aching in all the right places along with the light redness my skin displays tell me I had sex with Eudard once again while nothing was resolved between us.

  I start to wonder if it’s even possible, because his pain is too deep for him to push it to the surface and share.

  Plus my confession of love, which was like a huge elephant in the room, because he didn’t reply, didn’t even reassure me beyond the whole “mine” talk.

  I puff a lock of hair from my face, wondering if that’s the future I’m subjecting myself to.

  Being his obsession that he considers his and never lets go, but to never hear any words of love or tenderness.

  Or maybe I’m being a little overdram
atic right now, but this is not how I thought things would go down after I confessed my love to a man for the first time.

  However, love is supposed to be freely given without any expectation, as it taints it.

  This knowledge doesn’t do anything to soothe my annoyance and hurt.

  Huffing, I swing my legs to the side and wince a little at the ache in my head when I notice a glass of water with a pill on the nightstand along with a sticky note.

  Take the pill. You probably have a headache.

  And then turn on the TV by pressing 9.

  Frowning, I pick up the remote, ready to turn it on, when I see another note is stuck to it.

  Loving a monster is not easy: Not everyone can handle it.

  I swallow the pill, allowing the liquid to cool my insides even though chilliness rushes over me, anticipating bad things after this note. Because even during our lovemaking, I couldn’t escape this look in his eyes that told me he didn’t believe me.

  Or rather he was afraid to believe what I said was true.

  Taking a deep breath, I press the button, and then my eyes widen when I see a man pinned to the bar, mumbling something, bleeding so much I’m not sure where to focus my gaze.

  Eudard comes into the view, holding a knife and poker, striking him right in the gut with no remorse.

  I gasp, covering my mouth with my palm, but continue to watch him do horrible things to the man who begs for mercy, for him to let him go, and he even apologizes about piano lessons.

  Even though the water I just drank threatens to spill all over the floor as my stomach twists in knots inside me, the talk about piano lessons snaps my attention and my brows furrow.

  Eachann played it.

  My mind swirls with this information, not that it’s easier to swallow than the rest, but I don’t watch it till the end. I quickly turn it off and grab the nearby pen, adjusting the note for him to see.

  Loving an asshole is not easy.

  Women unfamiliar with the cruelty of this world would have probably reacted differently, and I already had my panic attack over all this stuff, but I don’t believe he is just a cold-blooded killer regardless.


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