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Alien People

Page 26

by John Coon

  “They ought to be commended for their actions, not dressed down,” she said.

  Capt. Pollard scowled.

  “Their assigned duty is to guard this prisoner and nothing else.”

  “I want to keep this alien alive, captain,” Paige placed extra emphasis on the word alive. “I can't gather useful intelligence on why these aliens came to Earth if they all drop dead.”

  Kevin started to reveal what Calandra told him. He stopped himself before the first word escaped his lips. The ranger bit his tongue and lowered his head. If he told Paige what he learned, Kevin would only confirm he disobeyed a direct order. Such a revelation would get him and Fuller reassigned from guard duty. Kevin could not let that scenario happen now at any cost.

  Here was a woman who needed him. No one else could help her. Kevin decided he owed it to Calandra to help her escape from this place and return home.


  Xttra and Lance canvassed a jagged mountain range from the airborne scout ship. A sprawling Earthian base lay nestled near the foot of those mountains. Twilight approached, making it tougher to get an exact feel for the base's true size. It appeared massive enough, at first glance, for Xttra to realize they had their hands full in tracking down their missing crew members.

  Still, he pinned his hopes on finding all four in this place. Their sensors tracked the aerorover to this exact location. Calandra must have ended up in the same place. And it made sense the Earthians also brought Doni, Jbali, and Atch here.

  Xttra hoped all four remained alive. Especially Calandra. He could not bear the thought of losing the woman he loved.

  "Do you think they detected our scout ship yet?"

  Xttra answered Lance with a quick shrug and continued to stare straight ahead in silence. Making the scout ship invisible to Earthian sensors proved tricky. They had no clear idea what level of military technology these aliens owned. Xttra wished he had access to a cloaking shield. Rendering the scout ship invisible to most light, heat, radiation, and sound energy sensors would be a cinch with such technology at their disposal. But it was a moot point. The leading nations on Lathos all signed a treaty with Serbius, Thetia, and Peleus Prime outlawing cloaking shields on military vessels. It forced Xttra to rely on his piloting skills and natural senses to remain undetected by Earthian attack vessels.

  "Make a note of these coordinates," He said, glancing over at Lance. "I'll find a new mountain range where we can hide our ship and we'll take our last aerorover in as close as we can to their base without being detected."

  "That still leaves a ton of ground for us to cross on foot," Lance said. "We'll need more than a little luck to make it inside undetected."

  "We don't have much of a choice," Xttra replied. "If we fly the aerorover right up to their doorstep, we'll meet the same fate as the rest of our crew. Infiltrating with stealth is critical."

  Xttra pivoted the scout ship toward another mountain chain that lay northeast of a small alien city near the Earthian base. The ship zoomed through a bank of white billowing clouds and set down in a rolling meadow surrounded by trees on three sides. A similar mix of green trees and white trees with black pockmarks bordered the meadow. These were the same species of trees Xttra remembered seeing at their earlier landing site. Mountains pierced the sky in every direction on the horizon. A single dirt road atop a ridge supplied the only access point to this area from the ground.

  It offered a perfect hiding spot for the scout ship while they mounted their rescue mission.

  Outfitting the aerorover with portable plasma cannons took an hour. These were not as powerful as larger cannons embedded in the scout ship, but it still gave Xttra and Lance a means of defense if attack vessels intercepted the aerorover before they reached their destination. Xttra wished he had enough foresight to do this before he and Calandra set out to explore the first alien city after landing. One of several mistakes on this expedition he wished he could undo.

  Lance raided the weapons locker inside the cargo bay and tossed Xttra some inert Cassian fire shells and stun pebbles. Each shell was a cylinder equal in length to the width of a human wrist and featured a single detonator button on top. These shells held a flammable liquid substance known as Cassian fire that ignited upon exposure to oxygen. Each stun pebble resembled a smooth round rock small enough to fit inside a human hand. Small micro ports opened once it went airborne, exposing many lights embedded within the hollow interior. These lights then produced a sudden flash that blinded anyone near the pebble. Xttra and Lance both outfitted themselves with Cassian fire shells and stun pebbles. Small pouches attached to their belts held four fire shells and five stun pebbles at a time. Xttra hoped it would be enough to do what they needed to do.

  They waited until the sun, partially obscured behind gray clouds, sank below the horizon before heading out. Raindrops pelted the aerorover as it soared down a canyon and dipped into the edges of an expansive valley. The vehicle hugged the alien city's eastern border en route to the Earthian base.

  Xttra anticipated encountering a heavily guarded stronghold and wanted to remain undetected as long as possible. Departing around sunset allowed darkness to cloak their approach, or so he hoped. If everything went as planned, they would pop in, extract the crew, and leave before drawing attention.

  Floodlights lit the entire base perimeter as evening turned to night. Xttra landed behind a darkened patch of trees. It put him and Lance within walking distance of the main gate. He powered down the aerorover and they exited the vehicle fully equipped with weapons and flex armor. Both pilots wore clear variable light vision bands that wrapped around their eyes, cutting a need for portable lights that could betray their position.

  It took 30 minutes to reach the perimeter fence on foot. A cool breeze blew past Xttra's face. Dampness from the earlier rainstorm still hung in the air. Lance scanned a metal fence enclosing the perimeter with a long-range scope. When he lowered the scope, a troubled frown appeared on his lips.

  "The gate ahead of us seems to be the lone access point and a booth housing guards is right beside it."

  Xttra nodded.

  "I never expected this to be easy. We'll find another way inside."

  They pressed forward and crept along the perimeter fence. A series of interlocking links formed square sections in the fence. Narrow metal posts measuring twice as high as Xttra's standing height divided one section from another. Circular wire topped the fence.

  They peered at it closely. Could they scale the fence and drop down to the other side? Lance took one look at the razor-sharp wire and shook his head.

  "Scratch off climbing over the fence."

  Even with flex armor, Xttra did not like their chances of climbing over the fence either. Those razor-like barbs would rip apart their uniforms and potentially penetrate their flex armor. It would leave a blood trail for Earthian soldiers to track.

  It did not matter. Xttra found a better way.

  "We don't need to climb. We need to cut."

  He unsheathed a cutter from his belt and activated the laser bordering the blade. The laser made quick work of a section of fence. It fell forward with a crash once he severed the final metal link. A rough square hole remained behind, leaving enough room for one person to crawl through the fence.

  Xttra smiled and sheathed the cutter.

  "Nothing to it. Let's hope this is a good sign for how the rest of this night will unfold for us."

  Lance crouched down and stepped through the fresh hole. Xttra followed a second later. His eyes darted back and forth while he checked for signs of guards or soldiers nearing their position. He saw and heard nothing to show nearby activity.

  "It feels too quiet around here." Lance sounded as worried as Xttra felt. "I don't like it."

  He turned on his thermal tracker, so they could pinpoint where the Earthians were and avoid running into soldiers while infiltrating deeper into the base. They needed to be as fleeting and elusive as shadows for this rescue to work. The tracker would help them ac
hieve that important goal.

  Using the tracker as a guide, Xttra and Lance ducked behind a large half-oval shaped building. A steel shell, with a series of top-to-bottom ridges, extended from roof to ground on both sides. An entry door, flanked by two windows cut into a steel wall, stood on the east end. They hid in the shadows on the west end.

  Two soldiers walked past. Neither one stopped or turned to look in their direction.

  Xttra slipped his left hand into a pouch holding the stun pebbles. He wrapped his fingers around one, ready to toss it at a moment's notice if either soldier retraced their steps back to the building. Neither he nor Lance moved a muscle until both heat patterns vanished from the tracker. Once their path forward became clear again, Xttra and Lance worked their way toward a cluster of imposing buildings on the south end of the base.

  Two new heat patterns popped up on the screen as they neared the cluster. Lance pointed at a tall building with multiple windows straight ahead.

  "Two Earthians are moving toward the doors dead ahead. We better find cover quick."

  They ducked down behind a car parked in front. A door at the front of the building opened and two men emerged. One Earthian, a strawberry-blonde haired man, wore a thin blue jacket with three huge letters printed over the breast pocket. Xttra recognized the lettering from the probe builders' language, but he had no idea what EDB meant. The other, a brown-haired man, wore a short-sleeved collared shirt. Both men wore glasses.

  Neither one looked like a soldier, which Xttra counted as a good sign. No encounters with Earthian soldiers to this point had ended well. The man wearing the jacket cast a glance back at the door before looking at the brown-haired man again.

  "I don't know what to tell you, Collin. We won't have a car available to take you out of here until morning."

  "I call bullshit. Do you hear me? Bullshit." Anger enveloped Collin's voice. It rose with each word. "When did the bureau become afraid of traveling at night?"

  "Don't shoot the messenger. I'm only telling you what Ms. Beck told me."

  "Sam is behind this. He has the keys to the car that brought me here. I'm sure he thinks I'll cool down after a night's sleep and decide to stick around. I promise I'm not sticking around."

  The Earthian in the jacket threw up his hands. One hand appeared to be wrapped in a bandage.

  "I believe you. I also think you're nuts to throw your career away over a random alien."

  Random alien? Those last two words grabbed Xttra's attention like a grappling hook.

  "Maybe you can check your conscience at the door, Ned," Collin said. He turned away from him and stared up into the sky. "I can't do it. Especially not after what I saw them doing to her."


  A lump formed deep in Xttra's throat and his pulse quickened at the same time.


  They were talking about Calandra. What did these Earthians do to her? His lips trembled as frightening thoughts concerning her fate filled his mind. If these savages had done anything to harm Calandra, nothing would restrain him from pouring out his fury until he or their base was destroyed.

  Ned glanced down at his bandaged hand. A bitter frown graced his lips.

  "Forgive me if I'm unsympathetic to her plight. I found out firsthand how dangerous these aliens are."

  Collin jerked his head down and immediately stared hard at Ned.

  "What did you do to her?"

  Ned wheeled around and marched to the door.

  "We're done here, Collin. Do whatever you gotta do."

  "What did you do to the female alien?"

  Ned ignored his repeated question. He simply let the door close behind him, without looking back, after stepping inside the building again. Collin let out an angry sigh and kicked at an invisible rock.

  "Of course, you won't tell me. But I'll bet it wasn't anything good."

  Xttra heard everything he needed to hear. This Earthian knew exactly where Calandra was being held as a prisoner.

  He exchanged abrupt nods with Lance. Xttra drew an eliminator from his holster. Lance returned the thermal tracker to his chest pouch and did the same. They crouched down and crept along opposite sides of the car.

  Xttra sprang from the shadows seconds before Lance did. He pointed his eliminator straight at Collin's chin.

  "Take me to Calandra. Now."

  The Earthian jumped back a step upon seeing the weapon. He turned and started to sprint past the parked car but ran right into Lance after covering only a few steps. Lance wasted no time wrapping an arm around his throat and subduing Collin with a choke hold. He dragged him back to face Xttra.

  "Who are you?" Collin gasped and wheezed as he spit out the question. "What do you want from me?"

  "I want you to take us to Calandra."

  "I don't know who that is."

  Lance squeezed his elbow and tightened his hold on Collin's throat.

  "The woman you took as your prisoner," he said. "Where are you keeping her?"

  Collin's eyes widened once he connected the dots.

  "You're also aliens. … I'll take you to her. … Please … let me go."

  He tugged at Lance's arm, trying to loosen his grip as he struggled to take in air. Xttra nodded at Lance. He ripped his arm away from the Earthian a second later. Collin stumbled forward a couple of steps and placed a hand against his throat. He let out a jagged cough and a loud gasp before straightening up and casting a questioning look at them.

  "When did you learn how to speak English?"

  Lance pointed to his ear.

  "Your language is programmed into our translators. It changes your words into our language and sends impulses to change our words into your language."

  The Earthian raised his chin and stared at Lance’s ear.


  Xttra narrowed his eyes and scowled.

  "Now tell us where Calandra is."

  Collin pointed to a large building a short walk from their current location.

  "She is being held in a hospital cell in a converted hangar. You'll need my ID badge to get inside."

  Xttra waved the eliminator at him.

  "Lead the way."

  Collin started off toward the hangar. Xttra and Lance kept pace. They also kept their eliminators drawn and trained on the Earthian. He scanned his ID badge at the hangar door, but the lock did not disengage. Collin wrenched on the door handle. It did not budge. He scanned his badge a second time and a third time. Nothing changed.

  Collin tossed up his hands and stepped back.

  "Are you kidding me? That bastard must have locked me out of the hangar."

  Xttra gave him a suspicious glance.

  "Who locked you out?"

  Collin stared at the locked door and kept repeatedly shaking his head.

  "Ned Danielson. It had to be him. Or Paige Beck. Sam wouldn't do this to me."

  "You are of no use to us if you can't get us inside."

  Xttra shoved him aside and unsheathed his cutter. Collin cast his eyes down at the weapon and drew in a sudden sharp breath.

  "Whoa. Hold on. Exactly what are you planning to do with that thing?"

  Xttra answered him with a determined stare.

  "Finishing the job that you were supposed to do."

  Sparks flew as he cut a square around the handle. When Xttra finished, he pushed the door open. The handle remained suspended in the air, locked in place.

  "I've never seen anything like that before," Collin whispered. Noticeable awe tinged his voice. "Is it some sort of laser knife?"

  "It's a cutter," Xttra said. "Gets me into all sorts of hard-to-reach places."

  They entered the converted hangar. A dull light filled the corridors. Collin cast his eyes at the ceiling and pointed out a small gadget mounted in a corner.

  "Watch out for the surveillance cameras. They're everywhere in here."

  Xttra and Lance both glanced at the same spot. Lance raised his eliminator and fired. A small blue laser bolt cut through the c
amera and spewed tiny fragments of electronic equipment in multiple directions. Smoke streamed out of a hole that remained behind.

  They scanned for other similar surveillance devices while moving down the corridor. Xttra destroyed a second wall-mounted camera with his eliminator. Collin kept a brisk pace as he turned left and led them down another corridor.

  Two soldiers stood outside a door near the far end of the corridor. Both wore similar uniforms and carried similar weapons as the Earthians whom Xttra encountered near the mountain lake.

  "Hang back here for a second and let me talk to them," Collin said. "I'll get us in the room."

  Xttra shook his head and put a finger to his lips. He cast his eyes over at Lance.

  "Stun pebbles."

  Lance nodded.

  They each grabbed a stun pebble from their belt pouches. The nearest soldier turned in their direction and spotted the group approaching. He held up a hand.

  "This is a restricted corridor. Can I see your identification?"

  The other soldier also turned to face the trio. Xttra activated the stun pebble and tossed it. Lance mimicked his action. Both soldiers raised their weapons as the stun pebbles hit the floor.

  "Look away," Xttra whispered to Collin.

  A brilliant flash of light enveloped both soldiers. Xttra, Lance, and Collin turned back after it receded. Both soldiers dropped to their knees. One crawled around on the gray floor yelling he could not see.

  Collin cast a horrified glance at Xttra.

  "You blinded them! Why did you blind them?"

  "They weren't letting us in," Xttra said. "Their blindness is temporary, so let's hurry and free Calandra before their vision comes back."

  He fired off another shot from his eliminator to neutralize a third camera. Lance flung open the once-guarded door. They entered a room with no windows and only dim lighting. Xttra's eyes settled on a bed near the back of the room flanked by multiple machines. Calandra lay on that bed, her eyes closed. A clear tube fed one arm. A thick white cast covered the other.

  "Calandra! What did these setaworms do to you?"


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