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Alien People

Page 34

by John Coon

  “Stay right there,” Xttra shouted inside the truck. “I'll tell you when it's safe to move.”

  Calandra and Collin exchanged worried glances. Sitting inside the armored truck amid continuous sounds of weapons firing did not feel entirely safe either. Earthian rifles and Xttra's eliminator both discharged at a rapid rate. Wisps of acrid smoke drifted inside the truck.

  The shooting finally ceased. Xttra reappeared in front of the open door. He held his thermal tracker and glanced down at the screen.

  “Let's go.” He motioned to Calandra and Collin. “The scout ship is in a meadow on the downhill side of a ridge straight ahead.”

  They climbed out of the armored truck. Kevin and Dennison were still alive after the shooting died down. Calandra counted three dead agents. Miller also fell. A twinge of sadness hit her, knowing he sacrificed his life to help them return to their ship. Just like Lance and Fuller. One more good person who died on what was supposed to be a peaceful expedition.

  Sunlight fled from the forest as they approached the meadow. Calandra wondered if these last rays dipping below the western mountain peaks would be the last sunset she ever experienced. Earth's sun cast an orange-red glow on the horizon. With darkness approaching, time itself conspired against them. No one wanted to get stuck amid a dense and dark mountain forest with hostile Earthians on their tail.

  They followed a dirt road leading up to the ridge. Xttra, Kevin, and Dennison insisted on staying among trees running parallel to it a short distance away. This section of road also featured shallow ruts cut by heavy vehicles. It offered a sure sign to Calandra that she and Xttra were not free from danger yet.

  Far from it.

  Getting to the scout ship seemed impossible. That thought overtook Calandra when she first laid eyes on the small meadow where Xttra and Lance landed. Multiple Earthian soldiers guarded the landing site. Plenty of other obstacles also hedged up the way.

  Small steel buildings and heavy trucks dotted the ridge and ran along a freshly cut road leading down to the meadow. Each building resembled a big metal box with a single door flanked by a pair of windows. Calandra's heart jumped into her throat. How could they walk past those buildings without Earthians spotting at least one of them among the trees?

  Xttra strengthened those fears.

  “My tracker shows dozens of Earthians in those buildings and tents,” he said. “Even if we wait until dark, how will we ever sneak past them without drawing any attention?”

  Kevin answered him with a half-shrug. He peered through a scope on a rifle he took from Miller.

  “I count at least seven CHUs from here,” he said. “Plus, three or four tents.”

  Calandra gave him a blank stare.


  “Containerized Housing Unit,” Kevin said. He cast his eyes over his shoulder at her. “Big boxes we use as living quarters in a FOB or forward operating base. Usually in combat zones.”

  “In other words,” Xttra said. “The Earthians do not intend to let us out of this meadow alive.”

  Collin's eyes darted from soldier to soldier.

  “So, what do we do now?” he said. “We can't stay hidden in these trees forever.”

  “Night is almost upon us,” Xttra said. “The darkness should mask our approach and make it easier for us to subdue the guards around the ship.”

  They hunkered down and watched from a safe spot among a cluster of trees until the final remnant of twilight disappeared. Kevin and Dennison took point and led the others through the cluster of trees toward the meadow. A few fallen leaves covered the forest floor. Calandra cringed every time one crunched under her boots. She tried to not let so much as a labored breath escape her lips, even though her ribs began to ache again as they plodded along the mountain trail.

  A loud voice broke the relative stillness. Calandra snapped her head toward a CHU near the edge of the meadow. An Earthian stood outside an open door. Their face remained shadowed, but a spotlight mounted above the door shone on shoulder-length blonde hair.

  Calandra recognized the Earthian. So did Kevin.

  “Uh oh.” His higher than usual pitch betrayed a rising fear. “Paige Beck is the last person we need to see here.”

  A soldier wearing a tan beret raced up to her.

  “And there's our CO,” Dennison added. “The news just keeps getting worse.”

  “Sound the alarm,” Paige ordered. “Someone freed our alien prisoner. They're likely headed for the spaceship right now.”

  Her instructions to the soldier echoed off the trees and sent a chill up Calandra's spine. Now the Earthians would be guarding the scout ship with a more careful eye. The news also disturbed Xttra, but for a different reason.

  “Doni is alive?” His voice filled with anger. “I should have tossed more than one fire shell at that traitorous coward.”

  “We need to draw them away from your ship,” Kevin said. He turned and glanced at Xttra. “Now would be a good time for a foolproof distraction.”

  Xttra stared at the CHU nearest to the meadow. His eyes darted back to the guards near the scout ship. A smile crept over his lips.

  “I still have one fire shell left,” he said, pointing at the CHU. “And I know right where we can use it.”

  Calandra cast a worried glance at the same box-shaped building. That fire shell promised to do enough damage to create the sort of distraction they needed. On the other hand, it also carried the potential for sparking a large enough fire to put them at risk in a completely different way.

  “Is this a wise action to take?” she asked. “Cassian fire will feast on this entire mountain if we're not careful.”

  “We'll let the Earth Defense Bureau worry about putting out the flames,” Kevin said.

  Calandra shot him a sideways glance. Firefighting was not her primary concern, but he turned away before she could press the matter.

  “Kevin and I will make a run at the CHU,” Xttra said. “When you see flames, the rest of you head toward the scout ship. We'll meet you there.”

  Calandra watched them slip into the shadows. Her eyes drifted to the CHU and stayed glued to the building. Glass shattered as the fire shell smashed through a window. Flames exploded a second later and billowed out through broken glass.

  “There's our signal,” Dennison whispered, signaling them forward.

  He started forward, staying low to the ground. Without warning, a light shined in his eyes followed almost immediately by a laser bolt striking him in the ribs. Dennison staggered forward a few steps and fell on his side. He lay motionless on the ground.

  Calandra gasped. Another shot and a groan followed. Collin fell to the ground in a heap. Smoke rose from a fresh bleeding wound in his chest. His lifeless eyes stared back up at her, forever frozen in shock.

  “You should have stayed in Texas,” a voice said.

  Calandra stumbled backward as two men stepped out from the shadows. One held a pistol and a portable light. The beam hit her directly in the eyes. Calandra thrust up her cast to shield her face.

  “I still owe you for what you did to my hand.”

  She peeked over her cast. Ned wore a menacing scowl and he held an Earthian pistol. The barrel pointed right at her chest.

  “Keep your vendetta to yourself. I need her alive.”

  Calandra swung her head toward the other voice. Doni pointed an eliminator at her. Cloth bandages covered much of his neck and one half of his jaw. He marched up to Calandra and seized her by her broken arm. She winced. When the burst of pain subsided, she clenched her teeth and glared at him.

  “You are the key to giving us control of the scout ship,” Doni said, adding a brief laugh. “We'll find out now how much your insipid pilot boyfriend values your life.”

  Calandra wanted to pull out her arca vox so she could warn Xttra and Kevin. It was too late. The trap was sprung before anyone reached the ship.


  Adrenaline surged through Xttra's veins. A wave of boiling anger bubbled over insid
e him when he heard that familiar arrogant voice. Seeing Calandra's frightened face on his arca vox holoscreen, combined with combative words from Doni, only boosted the temperature higher.

  “You can guarantee her continued safety through one simple action.” Each word dripped with a smugness that ate at Xttra. “Give me your command codes and open the scout ship.

  Doni's demand exposed his plan. The traitor intended to fly the ship back to Lathos and leave him and Calandra behind as prisoners of a band of hostile Earthians. Xttra wondered what lies he told the Earthians to win their trust.

  "How can I be certain you won't execute her once I do what you want?" Xttra shot back. "I'm no fool."

  Calandra disappeared from the holoscreen. Doni and Ned – a bureau agent he saw once from a distance – took her place. Ned pushed up his glasses with a finger and glowered at Xttra.

  "Meet us at one of the small metal box buildings," Doni instructed. "It is a ten-minute walk southeast of the one you, no doubt, set on fire. You have exactly ten minutes to get here."

  "Promise me you won't do anything to Calandra or else you die on this planet with me."

  The medical officer shot a crooked smile at Xttra.

  "Give me the codes and I'll give you back your precious girlfriend."

  Their images vanished from the holoscreen. Xttra turned and cast a worried glance at Kevin.

  "We've got to get Calandra back. I don't know what I'd do without her."

  Kevin shook his head. His frown deepened.

  "This has trap written all over it. The fact we saw only Calandra must mean Dennison and Collin are both dead. We won't be too far behind in joining them if we do what they say."

  Tears formed in the corners of Xttra's eyes. He blinked them back.

  "I nearly lost her once already." His voice quavered a bit. "I can't go through the pain of not bringing Calandra home with me."

  "I'll do everything in my power to not let that happen," Kevin said. "I promise."

  Towering flames billowed out from both CHU windows. Numerous Earthians scrambled toward the small metal building from multiple directions. A steady stream of water and fire retardant doused the CHU while soldiers and bureau agents worked to prevent the flames from spreading elsewhere.

  The Cassian fire created a big enough distraction to let Xttra and Kevin sprint through the shadows toward their designated meeting place. They popped out from behind a heavy truck that became their impromptu hiding spot after Xttra heard those first beeps from his arca vox. Kevin led them past the building at a safe distance. No Earthians battling the fire seemed to be aware of their presence.

  She is still alive. Doni needs her to stay alive.

  Xttra clung to that thought. It offered a sliver of hope in a moment where all meaning in his life threatened to vanish forever. A lump formed in his throat as he ran. This nightmare he shared with Calandra had become endless.

  Figures cloaked in shadow darkened a window as they neared the designated CHU. No doubt Doni and Ned watched to see if Xttra kept his end of their bargain. Storming inside the CHU was not a realistic option. An outdoor spotlight shone over the lone door serving as both entrance and exit. Xttra vowed to remain calm and rational while he formulated a better plan. Rash actions on his part would only jeopardize Calandra's safety.

  "Do you intend to give him your codes?" Kevin whispered.

  "Not a chance."

  The door opened before Xttra could reach out to knock. Ned shoved a pistol in his face. Over the Earthian's shoulder, he spotted Calandra sitting on a folding chair. Doni pressed a melter to her left temple.

  "Toss your damn laser pistol." Ned motioned toward the ground. He then glanced over at Kevin. "And you toss your rifle."

  Xttra lowered his eliminator and stuck it in his holster. Ned's eyes darted to the holster and he quickly flashed a scowl.

  "I said toss it."

  Xttra raised his hands and shook his head.

  "I won't shoot you, but neither one of us is walking in here unarmed."

  Ned hesitated. He cocked his pistol.

  "I don't have time for your bravado," Doni shouted. "Xttra isn't dumb enough to risk the life of his beloved Calandra. Just bring them inside before we draw unwanted attention."

  Ned ushered both Xttra and Kevin inside the cramped CHU, never lowering his pistol for a second. He pressed the door shut behind them and locked it. Xttra instantly fixed his eyes on Calandra. Tears stained her face. Her lips trembled as she fought to hold back a new batch of tears from flowing down her cheeks.

  "Ahm has smiled on me this day." Doni matched his gloating tone with a smirk. "You tried to hide the scout ship from me. I found it. You tried to lock me out. Now I will take possession of it."

  Numerous questions popped into his mind as Xttra stared at the bandages covering Doni's burnt flesh. One mattered more than the rest.

  "Why did you betray us?" Contempt for his former medical officer gripped his voice. "Why are you trying to destroy us?"

  Doni glanced down at his weapon for a minute and then locked eyes with Xttra again.

  "You're a threat to our chief sovereign. No one from your clan shall stand while he breathes. I will salt the ground before a single seed can take root."

  Xttra felt both dumbfounded and terrified by his response. Doni intended to make certain he was either dead or left stranded on Earth. How long had this plan been in motion?

  "I knew I needed to take action once I saw your file," Doni said, perceiving his thoughts. "You are the youngest son of Malar Oogan. That name struck an instant chord with me. You see, one determined rebel with that same name opposed Delcor's rise to power long ago."

  Xttra stared unblinking at him. His father was an unambitious farmer in a small village. He lived his whole life in Tu’atan. Doni was wrong.

  "You're mistaken," Xttra said. "Oogan is a common clan name. My father is a simple farmer. He never involved himself in politics, let alone stood in opposition to the chief sovereign."

  "Don't be a fool," Doni spat at him. "He is the same Malar. I know you or your children will one day try to finish what he started. We can never let that happen."

  "You're insane! Xttra is loyal to our chief sovereign," Calandra protested. "Your treachery will not go unpunished."

  Doni readjusted the melter barrel and this time pressed it even harder against the back of her skull. Calandra winced and let out a sharp cry.

  "The Earthians think you are terrorists in league with Rubrum," he said, shaking his head. "They plan to hold you responsible for their crimes against this planet. This will work quite nicely in ridding you as a threat to the chief sovereign."

  So much hostile Earthian behavior now made sense if they indeed survived a past attack from Rubrum. Still, Xttra had no ties to that planet and he knew no one else who did. Doni must have fed the Earthians a lie about his crew being one with Rubrum.

  "Now give me the command codes to open the ship," Doni ordered. "I still have a mission to finish and then a retirement to enjoy."

  Xttra did not move a muscle. His unbroken stare at Doni hardened.

  “No scenario exists where you come out alive.”

  The doorknob behind Kevin rattled. Doni instinctively glanced over at the locked door. Xttra looked down at Calandra and nodded. She dove forward from the chair. Ned swung his pistol toward Calandra, so he could shoot her. Kevin charged into him and shoved Ned against a locker. The pistol dropped from his hand. Kevin grabbed him by the collar and landed a left hook on his jaw.

  Doni raised his melter and Xttra raised his armored sleeve at the same time. Calandra crawled toward a cot, away from the line of fire. Ned kicked out at Kevin and clipped Xttra's foot as he fired a razor disc. His arm jerked to the side, sending the disc off target. It sliced through a laptop monitor, shattering the screen.

  Doni glanced at the laptop. His smirk reappeared when he turned and faced Xttra again.

  “You poor fool. You won't get a second chance.”

rose to her feet and seized a mug from the desk. She hurled the mug at Doni and struck his shoulder. It knocked him off-balance. His melter discharged an acid pellet as the weapon tumbled from his hand and clattered against the floor.

  Ned screamed.

  The pellet found its mark in his right thigh. He frantically clutched at his leg with one hand. Frothy blood mingled with acid spurted between his fingers. Bone and tissue liquefied around the entry point and his hand retreated from the wound. It smoldered as the skin on his palm cracked.

  He snatched up the pistol again with his other hand. Kevin fired a single shot from his rifle before the Earth Defense Bureau agent could raise his arm, putting a bullet through his forehead. Ned sank back against a bloody dent in the locker behind him, his now vacant eyes staring straight ahead.

  The door finally burst open. Xttra wheeled around to see a new pair of Earth Defense Bureau agents brandishing weapons. The nearest agent, a blond-haired woman, aimed a pistol right at him. The other one, a brown-haired man, pointed a pistol at Kevin.

  Calandra gasped. Doni raised his hands. Kevin at once swung his rifle toward the open door.

  “You're both too late,” he said. “Xttra and Calandra are going home. I'm damn well gonna make sure they get there, whether you like it or not."

  The blonde-haired woman narrowed her eyes and stared at Xttra.

  “Xttra Oogan?”

  He immediately scrunched up his face and gave her a questioning frown.

  “How do you know my name?”

  “She learned it while interrogating me,” Calandra said. Fear dripped from each word. “And I also know their names. Paige and Sam. They're the same ones who tortured me with the bright lights.”

  His eyes grew as large as plates when Xttra heard her revelation. He wheeled around and aimed his left armored sleeve right at Paige.

  “I will put an end to your miserable existence.”

  Neither Paige nor Sam lowered their pistols. Xttra and Kevin followed suit with their weapons. All four locked in a stalemate. Calandra rushed forward and waved her right arm with a frantic energy.


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