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Page 4

by Peavey Marshall

  Mallorie let out a wry smile. "Yeah, well, this is what happens when your friend contacted you after three years, so you really have no choice but to come.”

  Caly puckered her red lips, holding both of her hands on hers. "Forgive me?"

  "Can I say no?" She rolled her eyes, a smile beginning to form in her thin mouth.

  "Want to say hi to your mother?"

  "We live in the same house, Caly." Caly nodded. They decided to pass it and went to sit in the minibar in the living room.

  Callista shrugged, getting a bowl of cherries. She slid it between them. "How are you?”

  "As if you don't know already." Mallorie raised an eyebrow. Her brown hair bounced as she got up and took her place on the bar. She opened the cabinet and the mini-fridge. Her hands worked fast. "Stop the innocent look, Callista. You don't throw a party without malice."

  A devious smirk materialized on her face. "Oh?"

  Mal resumed mixing, and then she was shaking a tumbler. She poured the drink. "When we were in high school, you threw a party on the same day as that of Janice's birthday party."

  "I didn't do that." Caly accepted the cocktail glass from her friend, tasting the vivid flavor of vodka.

  "Uh-huh. You do know everybody went to your party, and Janice had red eyes the next day." Mallorie skirted around the counter and sat beside her. She swirled her glass, flashing Callista another dubious look. "And the poor girl suffered all because she slept with Castor Luciano.”

  Caly's throat rumbled in a chuckle. "You're delusional if you think I care about his sex life. I hated that girl because she bragged about her 'biggest party ever' and the words 'better than a Genovese party'.”

  "If you say so," Mal said, shrugging her shoulders in indifference.

  Callista had known Mallorie Jones forever. Her mother had brought the girl to the Genovese mansion every time she worked as one of their chefs. Callista had found her playing in the garden, and they hit it off instantly. As a kid, they didn't really care if their status was heavens apart.

  Being childhood friends, Caly was aware that Mal could sense that something was off. Her bright hazel eyes scanned Callista's face. "Who's your target, then?"

  Callista was grateful that the topic had diverted. "Delilah Gallo."

  "Franco's fiancée?" Mal gasped in ample shock.

  "You know her?"

  Mallorie looked at her with suspicion. Callista usually knew everything about other people, and Mal assumed she knew where she worked, but Caly's face didn't change. Mal explained, setting her drink down. "I work at Castle. They have a huge hotel bar, and honestly, it's amazing. The plethora of flavors made me want to sleep there."

  "With all the money you have saved, why don't you start your own bar?" Caly took another sip from her cocktail. "If you need money, just tell me."

  "Over my dead body, Callista." Her almond-shaped eyes narrowed at her. She shook her head, ashamed of the way her voice rose. "Do you even know how hard being your friend? I'm not debasing our friendship. It's just that...I also want..."

  "Hey, I understand. I'm sorry." Caly drew a ribbon from her shorts. It was a red ribbon smeared with little rubies. "Here, you always liked these as souvenirs. A Genovese's trademark.”

  "Thanks, Caly." Mallorie licked her lips, wanting to say more but Callista's hard look made her stop. "What do you want me to do?"

  "Give her an Aftershock or tequila every now and then. Make sure she doesn't notice."

  Mal nodded. "I'm a bartender. I do know when people are wasted."


  Boisterous laugh and party music pervade the vast backyard of the Genovese's mansion. Callista was glad that she forced her father to sleep at the hotel. He'd certainly complain about the noise.

  A splash soaked her feet as she trod on the poolside. Her probing eyes dissected the crowd, hoping to see a glimpse of Delilah Gallo. Caly adjusted the straps of her red bikini, squashing the desire to frown. The party had started thirty minutes ago. She'd been stopped and asked to dance many times.

  She was confident that the Gallo princess would not miss this. Being new to town, she desperately needed the familiar scene. But the lateness provoked her impatience.

  Then she found her.

  Nervous pale blue eyes flicking through the crowd. Her fingers swept the loose hair from her chignon bun, walking unsurely. She smacked her colored lips, eyeing the people who were dancing, bumping into one of the guests in the process.

  Callista rescued her from being a blundering fool. Smiling widely, she touched Delilah's arm. "Hey, welcome."

  "I'm... you are... Callista Genovese?" she frowned, her eyes scanning the girl's figure in front of her. Her sun-bleached hair shone over the party lights as she shifted on her heels. Delilah pushed her chest out, trying to appear undaunted.

  Caly's smile remained in spite of her budding irritation. "Yes. The one and only.”

  Delilah's burgundy lips beamed. "Thank you for inviting me. I just... I didn't know this is a pool party?"

  "I'm sorry. It must be a misprint in your invitation." Callista downplayed the situation with an airy laugh. She flicked her long hair back, letting Delilah glimpsed the several gems on her fingers. "I have an extra Alix swimsuit in the house. You can borrow it.”

  "Sure." The other girl tried not to swallow, but Caly discerned the way her eyes popped. "If it's okay with you, of course," she added hastily.

  Callista trod the way to her bedroom. She left Delilah in the sitting room on the third floor while she fetched the extra clothes. She was back in a minute and ushered the guest to the bathroom. The Gallo girl was too excited to even ask her where the bathroom was.

  Eyeing the purse that Delilah left, she grinned. Her fingers immediately flicked through the countless credit and debit cards. Caly took a picture of each, knowing just what to do.

  She heard the footsteps and sat on the sofa's arm. "It looks good on you."

  "Right?" Delilah twirled on her dainty feet. Her confidence was palpable after wearing the blue triangular-shaped Alix bikini.

  So easy to read, Caly rubbed at her bottom lip. She straightened, clutching at her phone firmly. "Let's go. I really need that drink."

  Callista introduced her new friend to all the elites in town. Wide grins and blurry eyes greeted the pair, and Callista knew they were all drunk. She lifted her chin up, hoping that Mallorie could see her from the bar at the center of the pool.

  Mallorie passed by them with a tray.

  Delilah got one, oblivious to the look that the two ladies exchanged. She downed the drink as 2012 blasted in the air. All guests waved their hands, grinding against one another, abandoning proper etiquette and grace.

  The next hour was a blur.

  Callista bunched Delilah's blonde locks around her head as she sniffed a line of cocaine. She scrunched her nose in disgust as Delilah slumped against her on the sofa situated in the garden.

  Caly had no qualms about befriending people who use drugs. Despite that, everyone knew that she was vocal about her abhorrence for it. Her parties were drug-free. Always. Until Delilah Gallo snatched a packet from her bra.

  For Caly, her mind was her treasure. It's unthinkable that she would jeopardize her sparkling brain in exchange for a few hours of euphoria. She'd rather have sex.

  "Okay, okay. That's enough." Callista placed the rest of the cocaine on Delilah's purse. She let the woman enjoy her high against her shoulder.

  "I'm so happy right now!" she giggled. Delilah raised her arms in the air, shouting in glee. "For the first time, since I came here... I'm actually enjoying it!"

  Caly arched an eyebrow. "Really?"

  Delilah chuckled, "I'm engaged to a stone! My father said I need to marry because I'm useless as fuck. He told me I'm so dumb that I cannot earn money like him. He said to make use of my body! Ah, but who cares?" She circled two palms around her mouth like a makeshift speaker. "Fuck you, Dad! Fuck you, Franco!"

  Drugs, alcohol, low self-esteem, and daddy issues. A
small smirk graced Callista's strawberry lips. Could this girl be any more predictable?

  Or not?

  Callista's gleeful celebration was short-lived when she gazed at Franco Castellano's lithe form. He was surrounded by Thomas and his own bodyguard. She discerned the way Franco sneered at her guests and his disgust when a drunk, wet girl bumped into him. His jarred expression made Caly a little bit pleased.

  Their eyes locked onto each other as he got nearer. Caly brought up her right hand, tasting the tips of her fingers, her bright red nails shining under the dim lights. Franco raised an eyebrow, getting the message. His azure eyes were cold and calculating.

  The connection only broke when Delilah jumped from the sofa. She skipped her way towards the pool before Franco circled an arm around her waist. They collided on each other, Franco's sturdy body supporting the wasted girl.

  Callista stomped her way to the couple. "It's so nice of you to come and get her."

  Franco's response was stifled by Delilah's derisory attempts to kiss him. With a low growl, he shoved the girl out of his arms and into that of his bodyguard. There was no concern or fleeting looks of gentleness from Franco's whole conduct. The bodyguard easily caught the wriggling girl without any kind of grievances.

  Callista immediately noticed the bodyguard's harsh stare. His dark brown eyes glimmered in a fury, and the scar running vertically on his nose forced Caly to look away. Anxiety established itself in the pit of her stomach.

  "Miss Genovese, is this some kind of ploy to make me jealous?" Franco muttered, using his silky, smooth voice. It successfully grabbed the girl's attention from his bodyguard.

  "Mr. Castellano, when did I ever insinuated that I like you? Was it when I slapped you? That turned you on?" Callista moved one step closer to him, running her fingers through her raven locks. "I didn't know you like it rough.”

  Franco's poker face didn't waver. His Greek features were overly illuminated by the sparkling lights. He touched his nose to hers, making sure she saw the wound she left him. The archangel spoke. His voice sensual, sleek with a dangerous lilt. "If you ruin this for me, I will make sure this pretty visage of yours will be mangled beyond recognition. Don't try me, your majesty.”

  Callista was compelled to swallow. She wished her fear was imaginary, but it was there, clawing its way out, opening her chest wide to vulnerability.

  She watched in a daze as Franco left like he won the lottery.



  Investment banking was one of the huge businesses in NYC. Money ruled the world no matter what other people say. Callista adjusted her Chicago Bull's cap, marching back and forth in front of Zed's investment bank.

  She leaned against the brick wall, her Nike shoe flat on the wall. The sporty attire of cropped shirt and ripped jeans made Caly's presence obscure to the passing crowd. Only the Gucci leather belt gathered some fleeting glances.

  "Victoria!" Callista kicked off from the wall, waving her hand.

  Instead of gladness and cheer, Victoria's big round eyes widened in panic. Her legs worked overtime, trudging to the exit, not looking back to the other girl.

  Victoria gasped when an arm draped over her slim shoulders. She whimpered on the spot, tightly clutching at her shoulder bag adorned with Marvel heroes' pins. "No!"

  Caly laughed, pulling her closer. "Tori! It's so nice to see you!"

  "No, it's not." She squeaked and tried to resume walking, but Caly's arm terminated her movements.

  "Girl, what are you so afraid of?" Callista asked. Her face beaming with a smile.

  Tori rolled her eyes, adjusting her black-rimmed eyeglasses. "How about the fact I commit crimes when I'm with you?" She tugged the strap of her bag closer to her chest, flowery painted nails digging into the cloth.

  "It's not a crime if you don't get caught," Caly shrugged, stifling her chuckles. "You're really a coward.”

  "Whatever, Caly. I'd rather use the word 'cautious'." Tori snapped back. She wheezed, giving up on escaping from the Genovese princess, and settled instead into asking what the girl wanted. "Well, what do you need, your highness?"

  Callista could not help another fit of chuckles. Her friend was still the same.


  Callista eyed the scene of Castor burning in anger as a short girl with a penchant for a faded denim jacket, and checkered pink sandals bumped into him. She saw the girl step back in fear, gripping her shoulder bag close to her chest that displayed a numerous amount of Harry Potter pins.

  "What the fuck? Do nerds always lose their eyes?" Castor gritted his teeth.

  Caly closed The Lord of the Flies and jumped from her spot on the school's white banister. "Cas, that's an insult to all nerds including me.”

  Castor's green eyes gleamed. His uniform had a pink stain from the nerd girl's ice cream, which Cas had already stomped on. "Look at this."

  "Don't be so dramatic. You have an extra uniform in your locker." Callista crossed her arms, tilting her head. "Go."

  "What? When did that happen?" Castor asked, a frown marring his sharp features.

  "I placed it there because I know how useless you are," Caly answered. She tugged at the black and white striped tie of St. Clement on his neck, unraveling it with her slender fingers as she flattened her palm on his solid shoulders. Callista pushed the tie on his palm. "There. Now, go change.”

  Castor smirked, leaning down to place a soft kiss on her cheek. He spun around to go on his way.

  "Will you write about that in your blog?" Caly asked, turning to the quiet girl on the corner. She huddled with her bag, leaning on the white Doric column.

  "I... I don't know what you're talking about!" She denied, pushing her glasses upwards.

  "So, it wasn't you wrote that Cas and I have clandestine meetings in the restricted section of the library that somehow always ends up in sex?" Callista noticed the contour of the laptop under her willowy arms.

  "But... but that's true, right?”

  Callista coughed under her hand, stifling the urge to laugh with the girl's doleful efforts to fish out information. "Too bad. I'll only tell the blogger."

  "But I'm... I mean..." she struggled for words. Her colorful bangles dangling on her wrists as she stood upright. "I'm close to the blogger?"

  "Not good enough." I shook my head, ready to walk away when she grasped my arm. Her mousy brown eyes pleaded for me to stop. "What?"

  "I'm...okay, fine!" She shut her eyes before she released a relieved sigh. "Fine! It's my blog, and just so you know, my news is always right. I mean, I do hack into the students' pro... Fudge and cheesecake!”

  Callista placed an arm around the girl who spouted food as a curse word. "Well, look at that. We'll definitely get along...?”

  "Victoria," she supplied with a tiny voice. Victoria scratched at her fringes, barely reaching it with the tall girl's squeezing arm around her. She licked her lip in apprehension. "You... you won't tell, right?"

  "In one condition..." Callista began. "You work for me now.”

  "What? But..."

  "You were lucky Cas is in a good mood." Caly tilted her head, lacing her next words with a good amount of threat. "I wonder what will happen next time. Maybe I will let Blackjack lose."


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