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Page 24

by Peavey Marshall

"What? You're the one who asked me to marry you!" he barked back and mirrored her actions.

  "And? You said it yourself that you can't marry someone you love," Callista bellowed in defense. "It took me a long time but I share your sentiments now.”

  Franco let out a huff, running his fingers through his hair. His fists trembled as his jaw ticked in frustration. Caly frowned at the way he was losing his cool. She had never seen Franco so unhinged before.

  Callista wanted to kick him out and proceed with her own plan. A plan for her benefit. Not Franco's. Not anyone else's.

  But she didn't. All her life she had been doing things mainly for her interest. Damn. It was the reason why she was in this mess with Castor in the first place. Because she hadn't been honest. She hadn't taken his feelings into consideration. Because it was all about her.

  "I'm sorry, Franco. But I'm not going to make another decision that will hurt others," she stated softly. "Ask me for another thing, I'll...try to help you."

  "Others?" Franco scoffed. "Or him?"

  Callista ignored his gibes and sat on the couch. She tucked the stray hair off her face. "Is bringing down your father that important? You just found out that half your life is a lie and taking revenge is the first thing you do?"

  Franco occupied the space next to her. He rubbed a hand over his face, shoulders slumped. "Can you blame me for hating him? He used me to hurt the Lucianos." He let out another gaudy sigh. "But you're right. The truth is, I am relieved."


  "Because there is a reason why my mother didn't love me. That... it wasn't my fault." Franco's sapphire eyes were glossy with unshed tears as he shifted to face her. "That something wasn't wrong with me.”

  Callista licked her lips, resting a hand over his arm. She didn't know what to say to him. She was glad that he wasn't focused on revenge anymore. But more than that, she couldn't help but think of Castor. Was there also a reason why his mom couldn't love him?

  If the answer is no, then is there something wrong with him?

  "What do you want to do?" Caly retracted her hand. "I promise I'll do my best to help."

  "What do you think?" he asked, clasping his hands together. "Should I tell Castor about this?"

  "Well, if you tell him, he might help you with your...other family."

  "Do you think he'll accept the fact that we're brothers?" Franco's tone was curious and hopeful that Caly's lips twitched in a small smile.

  She knew the answer, that Castor would be hurt. But she also wanted to give him a push. Franco had always been a lonely and aloof person in her eyes. If he was reaching out for a family, then she'd be glad to aid him.

  "Cas is very understanding. He'll at least listen before yelling at you.”

  Franco nodded. He paused for a minute, rubbing at his chin with a pensive expression. "Can you tell him for me?"


  "Please!" he supplemented. "Just... so I can prepare a speech? I don't even know what to say to him."

  Callista scratched at her temple. She appreciated Franco's attempt to ease the situation to her best friend but she doubted her presence could make the truth less distasteful.

  Still, she wanted to help both of them.

  "Okay. I'll talk to him."



  Callista Genovese left the marinated beef in the kitchen as the door opened. She wiped her hands and took several breaths before marching to the foyer. She had asked Castor to talk with her. As usual, her best friend was too accomodating. He hadn't complained and agreed right away.

  "Cas," she muttered, licking her lips nervously.

  She hadn't seen him in weeks but Callista felt like it had been ages. The man had a new tattoo. Feathers covered the skin under his left ear down to his neck. His knuckles were also reddish due to the new tattoos that decorated his skin.

  "Well, I'm here." Castor rubbed a hand over his face before he took off his suit jacket. He stomped to the living room, throwing his jacket haphazardly on the couch.

  Caly followed him. She watched as he undid the first three buttons of his shirt and rolled his sleeves. The display of defined muscles and inked skin made her gulp. Castor slumped on the couch, throwing his head back without care. "Whiskey, please.”

  Callista rolled her eyes and obeyed his orders. Based on his actions, Castor had come from a business deal. Stuffy meetings like that tend to aggravate him. She knew. She returned to the living room and set the bottle of Johnnie Walker along with two glasses.

  She poured the amber liquid as Castor leaned forward and took his glass. He swallowed it in one go. "What did you want to talk about?"

  Callista cleared her throat, swirling the liquid on her glass. "Well..."

  Shit. She didn't know where to start. Callista settled her gaze on him, noticing the strands of black hair that escaped from his gelled hairstyle. Her fingers itched to touch him. "You look tired."

  Castor frowned at her. "Of course, I am."

  She reached out absent-mindedly, fingers carding through his swept-back hair. Castor snorted and helped her. Unruly dark locks now sat atop his head though a strand or two still fell above his brows.

  "Better?" He cocked an eyebrow with a voice filled with amusement.

  Callista snickered, ignoring the slight twist in her navel. She drank the whiskey and coughed at the sudden burn on her throat. She inhaled deeply. "Franco came by."

  "Oh." Castor shrugged and poured himself another drink. "And I care because?”

  "He told me something," she muttered, gripping her glass tighter. "That... you are his brother.”

  Shocked eyes snapped to hers. "What did you say?"

  "His mother is Celeste Luciano," she stated, seeing Castor's befuddled expression turn into fury. Callista moved closer to him, clutching at his arm. "Apollo. He's the one you lost in the fire. And—"

  "And what? What does he want?" Castor's booming voice echoed in the empty house. He set his glass with a loud thud, cupping a hand over his mouth. He was quiet and contemplating though his forehead furrowed in distress.

  Callista laid a hand on his back. She didn't even know if she was allowed to do this anymore. "You okay?"

  Castor shook his head, running a hand through his hair. "Okay?" he scoffed. "The son my mother wanted is alive. What—What now? He wants to be with my mother? My family? I don't—How about me?”

  Castor stood up and headed straight to the bathroom. The door slammed close that Caly let out a weary sigh. She gulped another glass of whiskey before following Castor to the bathroom. The door was unlocked and she could hear the rush of water inside.

  Callista counted to ten before she entered.

  Castor stood in front of the sink. His knuckles gripped the edges with a force that made the veins on his forearms more prominent. His raven hair was wet, the water dropping on his collar. Castor bent forward to wash his face again.

  Callista had long figured out that he was crying. He had never talked about his mother before. And every time she had interrogated him, he would change the subject or simply walk out on her. Once, she had seen him receive a call but he ignored her and hid in the bathroom for hours.

  Caly chided herself for not trying harder. She was clueless about his feelings for his mother. Once again, she didn't know what to do. She hadn't comforted anyone but herself.

  Nevertheless, she tried to understand.

  How painful must it be to be someone's second choice?

  Caly gritted her teeth as her chest squeezed. She blinked back the tears that fell from her eyes and went to him. She didn't care anymore if they weren't okay yet, even if she wasn't entirely forgiven. She wrapped her arms around him, caressing his back as his shoulders shook.

  His cries sent lances of agony in her heart. She wanted to run away as tears flowed from her eyes. Damn. She raised her head, keeping her emotions checked. Castor didn't need an additional burden.

  Callista gasp in surprise when Castor straightened and embraced her. His hug s
ent her reeling but she let him. She circled her arms around his body, letting him bury his face on the crook of her neck.

  "It's okay," she whispered. "You're gonna be okay.”


  Castor sat on the kitchen counter as Callista fried the marinated beef slices. He didn't talk much after she let him cry and had invited him for dinner instead. She set the pan-fried beef aside when he broke the silence. "I didn't know you can cook."

  Caly swiveled to him with a smile. "Did you forget that I lived alone for three years?"

  "Oh, that." Castor stood up and sat on the counter, picking a grape from the fruit platter.

  She nodded and focused on her cooking. Callista could feel his keen gaze on her back that she worked faster, yanking the pan from the kitchen cabinets. Some utensils fell but she disregarded it. Caly cleared her throat and sauteed the onion and garlic. She added the remaining marinade and water. She willed the mixture to boil quicker as her ears went hot from his attention.

  What the hell? Why was she so rattled?

  "Did you consider it?" She heard him say.


  "That... marriage proposal." Callista gulped the lump on her throat and faced him. He sat on the counter and was playing with an apple with a knowing grin. "You know, from that ninja turtle.”

  Callista chuckled and placed the beef on the boiling brew. She covered the pan and let it simmer. She turned to her best friend, wiping her hands on a paper towel. "For a second I did. I didn't want to marry him but it did make me think that I could have a simple life."


  "But you came back."

  Castor stopped juggling the apple. His green eyes narrowed at her. "It's my fault?"

  "No." Caly licked her lips, feeling her cheeks heat up. "But you're one of the good things I have here.”

  Castor chuckled. He jumped down from the metal counter. "And you can't have that life here? Is that why there are travel brochures in the table?"

  Caly let out a sigh. "Let's not talk about that." She returned her attention to the simmering dish. She cursed when she forgot to cut the onions for the toppings.

  Castor appeared next to her. "Something wrong?"

  Callista shivered at his proximity. She bit the inside of her cheeks. What was happening? She wasn't an open book. She clicked her tongue and answered him. "Ah, the onions—"

  "Okay. Let me help," he said and grabbed the chopping board. He started cutting as Caly transferred the dish to a casserole. She set the plates for both of them when Castor groaned. "Shit."

  "What?" She whirled to him. Callista trudged to him, laughing at how he tried to blink away the burn on his eyes. "Seriously? Beginner."

  "Hey, onions are terrifying," he mumbled, wiping his eyes against his sleeves. "Shit. You did this on purpose, didn't you?”

  "Of course not." Caly continued chuckling at his demise. She grabbed a clean towel and pressed it on his closed eyes.

  "Don't laugh at me!" he grunted.

  "Sorry. Sorry. Here." Callista held his face between her palms and blew on his eyes. "There... Is that better?"

  He managed to open one eye, peering at her with a chuckle. "Was that supposed to be helpful?"

  She glared and pinch his side. His laugh persisted that Callista rolled her eyes. Deep inside her, she loved listening to his laughter. She couldn't recall the last time he was this delighted at her presence. How she wished that he would stay like this forever.

  She never wanted to see him cry, ever again. She'd do anything for his happiness.

  "What?" he inquired, meeting her intense gaze.

  Callista shook her head as her heart clenched. It dawned on her that all this time what she desired in life was right in front of her.

  She was with him all along.



  At the corner of her eye, Callista watched as Castor dozed off on the couch. He had asked to watch a movie as they drank the rest of the whiskey. The movie continued playing in a low volume before Caly decided to shut the television off. She grabbed her phone and listened to her unfinished podcast while sipping her alcohol.

  She leaned against the arm of the leather couch. Her eyes settled on her best friend. Castor supported his head with his right arm. His eyes were closed and his breathing was shallow. His sleeping face was so serene that she decided not to disturb him even as the clock struck twelve.

  The speaker's voice filled the massive house as Callista stretched her toes. Minutes ticked by before she let out a yawn. She sat up straight when Castor spoke in a coarse voice. "Please tell me someone is not talking about cannibals and I'm only hearing things?"

  The speaker resumed his explanation of the kuru disease and human brain consumption.

  "Caly, shit. I thought you stopped this hobby." Castor rubbed a hand over his face, leaning forward on his elbows.

  She chuckled and pressed the pause button. "It's knowledge. Besides, don't you wanna know how humans have this compulsion to—"

  "Okay! That's enough." Castor shot her a glare that made her smirk. He rolled his eyes, fingers combing through his messy hair. Caly trailed her eyes at the sexy lines on his forearm. He turned to her. "Can I sleep here?"

  Callista blinked, chasing away the daze she was in. "Uhm...what?

  "Can I sleep here?”

  "What? Why?" she exclaimed that even Castor flinched at her piercing voice. Caly cleared her throat. "I mean that—you're busy and—"

  "If I go home then I have to explain the... situation." A tortured expression crossed his face. "I can't do it. Not yet."

  Callista tugged at her sweater, biting her lip in contemplation. Her feelings for Castor had always been there but she had forced it down for years. Feelings would only lead to getting hurt and consequently, destroy their friendship.

  But after that kidnapping fiasco and the thought that he would hate her forever, she couldn't deny it any longer. Castor Luciano was the most important person in her life. He was her rock, her constant, her north star. 3

  No matter what happened, she would go back to him. Without fail.

  But Caly knew it wasn't the time for this. He hadn't even forgiven her. Love and relationship wasn't her priority right now.

  "Alright. You know where the guest rooms are." She stood up, grabbing her phone. "Feel free to choose."

  Callista headed to her bathroom, stripping her sweater and shorts. She took a cold shower that flushed her unnecessary thoughts away. What Castor needed was a friend. That's what she's going to be.

  She yanked a towel and rubbed it over her wet hair. Callista stepped out of the bathroom and her eyes widened as she saw Castor leaning on her door.

  "Cas! What the hell," she yelled, hastily covering her nakedness with the skimpy towel. "Ever heard of knocking?"

  Castor laughed as he turned his back. A hand pressed at his nape. "I did knock. Three times in fact before I decided that you were drowning and I came in to rescue you."

  "Ha! Who drowns in a bathtub?" she growled before wrapping the towel around her body.


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