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Bringing down the Star: Small Town Bully Romance Book 1

Page 16

by Joanna Mazurkiewicz

  “I’m done,” I hissed, trying not to freak out. I needed to get away and quickly find a way out.

  I needed the money from my aunt but also a way to graduate and find my path. Alone. I just couldn’t—couldn’t believe what he was saying.

  I didn’t manage one step before he grabbed my wrist and forced me against the wall. He used both hands to keep me caged in. I flinched as I peered up at him. His eyes were dark, almost dangerous. “You’re mine, Starlight. You radiate brightly when you’re with me, and there’s no way I’m bringing you back up to the moon. Not when I’m here. You and I are going to have a coming-to-Jesus moment.”

  “Right where my father killed my mother and then himself?” I threw back. “How romantic,” I sneered before deciding to go in for the kill. I needed to push him away, and the only way was to make him hate me. “Actually, this is exactly the spot where Justin and I got drunk one night. We made out right here.”

  I hated even talking about Justin right now, but it was the only option that remained. It was a lie, because Justin and I had never made out. I made this stupid lie to push Colten away.

  When I had left Colten with Cleo, Justin and I spoke. We concluded that for one another’s sake, we had to separate for a while. It was the only way to cool down and hopefully find a way to salvage the broken friendship.

  Though I loved him, our connection would be nothing more than that of family. He didn't understand, but I was firm and he was going to be all right, even though that might take a while.

  It would never be the same kind of love I felt when I was with Colten.

  I only hoped that by the time I graduated, this rift would be mended. I hoped to give him the money to travel like he always wanted. It was his dream, while for me … I wished for nothing more than a place to call my home. A place with Colten and wherever he was, even though I resisted this with all my might.

  “All the more reason to rewrite your bad memories with this one,” he snarled, snapping me out of my thoughts. His nose flared as the veins on his neck bulged. “I guess I should punish you, huh? I didn’t want to pry and ask why you were taking so long with Justin, but I guess I should be jealous, shouldn’t I? Say ‘red’ if you want to stop then, my little slut.”

  I shivered at the derogatory name. Even though he had said it to me, there was something I loved about the sound of it when it came from Colten. I knew that he didn’t mean it literally, but to him it was a way to release our pent-up frustration.

  With that said, his mouth is claimed mine. My eyes widened as he crashed into me. Mean, aggressive, and assertive. He bit my lips, causing me to open my mouth in a wordless moan. He took the opportunity to enter my mouth.

  I didn’t know how we could go from rage to desire in such a short amount of time.

  Both of us drenched in desire, as we quickly stripped off all our clothes, desperately clinging to one another for warmth as the trailer didn’t have a radiator either. He was caressing every inch of my body and I couldn’t get enough. We locked into an endless wave of pushing and pulling. I knew it would be hard and fast, and frankly, that was what I wanted more than anything else right then. I wanted him to talk filthy to me, to call me all the names. This whole thing was new and exciting.

  Colten picked me up, and in just three long strides, he made it to my bed, where he proceeded to throw me onto it and caging me in one more. We were already naked, and I didn’t even try to hide from him. Especially not right now with the heated look in his eyes.

  “Does Justin get to take you like this? Make your cunt come and hear those moans that escape from your mouth?” he asked, nibbling on my bottom lip. “And you're going to be a good girl for me and take my hard cock. I want to see your pinky lips wrapped around my cock.”

  I could feel his arousal poking my tummy, and the thought of sucking him off made me a little crazy. I was already drenched while wondering if his huge cock could fit into my mouth. My eyes rolled back as he grabbed my ass harshly as spoke once more. He ran his finger over my butthole and I shuddered in fear and anticipation.

  “He didn’t, and I know it. I took your virginity. Not him. Me. Right?”

  “Yes,” I gasped when he flipped me over and slammed into me in one long stroke. I let out a loud moan, still blinded by the way he entered me. My body had yet to adjust to him, still finding him able to stretch me out in a way that stole my breath away. Not to mention, he had never taken me from behind before. He reached somewhere deeper that made me see stars.

  He knocked the oxygen out of my lungs as I panted his name, believing I wouldn’t be able to take this.

  “You’re mine, you understand me?” His voice was raspy, which made my clit throb. “All mine, and you know it. You can try getting away, Starlight, but you’re mine.”

  It felt so good to be his. I never felt so protected and safe in my life. I had always wanted to run and hide, or fight when disappearing wasn’t possible. I fought my enemies without backing down. Yet, when it came to emotions, I just couldn’t deal

  Colten scared me in a way I couldn’t comprehend.

  The lump in my throat slowly started to disappear as he reached forward, his hand finding its way around my swollen clit. Another moan escaped my lips. I jumped when he slapped it lightly with his hand. “C-Colten,” I stammered.

  He bent over so he could fold over me. “You’re so fucking wet that I was able to slam myself in you without much resistance. Your slit is swollen even though I haven’t touched you yet. You know why?”

  His voice was so low as I shook my head.

  “It’s because your body knows you want me. Your brain just hasn’t caught up with what your heart and body want yet,” he told me as he withdrew his lengthy cock from my heat.

  A pathetic whimper escaped my lips in response before his fingers started to stroke my cunt. I gasped when his fingers went deeper into my wet, tight channel. Then, using his hand that was sitting just over my clit, he started to rub in fast circular motions.

  I couldn’t even hold myself up anymore with the pleasure assaulting my body from every angle. I was on fire as my hands shook. When he shifted his hand to rub a sensitive spot, I almost lost it right there. But then, he pulled his fingers away from my body just as I was about to reach my peak.

  He was torturing me on purpose.

  As I whimpered and whined at the loss of contact, he spanked my ass soundly, three times. Then, each time he caressed that other hole with the intention of sticking his finger down there. Each time, the pain and pleasure mingled, giving me all sorts of sensations. “You’re mine, Tori. The sooner you understand that you love me, the better it will be for you.”

  I know that.

  Colton taught me how to float in the water. He’d allowed me to accept the feeling of being completely vulnerable and let him in because it was as freeing as it was scary.

  “Please,” I begged. “I need you.”

  “I know, Starlight. I’m going to make you addicted to me and only me.” He rubbed the tip of his bulbous head against my gaping hole. “I just need you to say it. Say what you’ve known since the moment your eyes found mine at the lake. How beautiful you looked that it made me fall harder for you. I felt out of control and so I bullied you—but it wasn’t because I hated you. I just didn’t know how to control my emotions around you because I fucking loved you since the moment our eyes met, baby.”

  My heart stammered at his words. Tears pricked at the corners of my eyes, and I couldn’t believe this was real.

  He loves me, and I love him. We’re fucked up and broken, but maybe, we could fix one another in some way.

  I craned my neck, turning to look at him. His gaze bore into me. My heart was pounding hard against my chest, the lump in my throat almost stopping me as my voice quivered, “I … I love you too, Colten. I love you.”

  His nose flared at my admission, then he looked up at the trailer’s ceiling. Closing his eyes, he thrust hard inside of me. Blind pleasure surged in my body, almost as
if our declaration of love we had for one another unlocked something in both of us.

  He growled, thrusting hard and fast as I eagerly took whatever he was giving me. I could feel his breathing on my neck before he began to suck and nibble on my skin there, leaving more marks on his territory. I didn’t give a fuck what would think about those hickeys because he was mine, and I was his.

  Loud moans and skin-to-skin slapping filled the trailer. It was utter filth, and yet, I craved it and so much more. He ravaged me, rewriting every single bad thing that happened to us. His thrust was violent like the man himself, almost as if he was trying to brand me.

  My moans bounced off the small trailer, and I knew people could probably hear us.

  I knew he wanted me to scream loud, so everyone would know I was taken—including Justin.

  I was struggling to stay on my hands and knees when his hand suddenly shot out to squeeze at my throat. My pussy squeezing harder around his cock, milking him for all he was worth. A tremor of fear ran down my spine. He filled me up every time, broke me in. The sounds of our lovemaking reached fever pitch while I fisted the sheets.

  I was going to remember this for the rest of my life. The way his balls kept hitting against my wet slit, the way his cock thrust frantically and quickly into me.

  The way he fucked me as if I was nothing more than a fucktoy for him—a plaything.

  I loved it, and the thought of being his one and only made me squeeze tighter around him as he grunted.

  “Fuck, Starlight. You’re so tight, so fucking good,” he groaned into my neck as he let his pleasure overtake him. “No one else is going to be able to lay a hand on you now that you said you love me. Baby, I’ve never told anyone I love them before, so you know this shit is real. You’re mine now, you hear me? No one will know how tight you are. No one will know how your desire sounds. No one can please you the way only I can, slut,” he ground out. “What did I say before, hmm?”

  “That…” I tried to make a complete sentence, licking my lips to try again. My legs were beginning to tremble, ready for the pending climax. His hands kept me upright, and I was getting closer to my release. “That you’ll be … my first and last.”

  “Good girl,” he praised. “You’re going to be my everything from now on. My girl, my toy, my fucking whore if I want you to be. Judging from the way you’re tightening around me, I know you’re going to love it as well because it’s with me. You make me crazy and out of control, and you love it.”

  His hands started to roam my body while his lips continued to work on my neck. With one hand, he dug into my hips, controlling my pacing, while with the other he pinched and twisted my nipples. Then, he guided my hand down toward my lower stomach … and lower... I could feel him moving inside of me.

  “You feel that, Tori? Do you feel how I fill you up? Your petite body could barely take all of me, but you let it happen because you know it’ll make me happy.” he continued.

  He’s going send me into cardiac arrest one day with his dirty words.

  I nodded, unable even to form any words at all.

  “Now, now, use your tongue, slut. Say it.”

  “Y-yes, I can feel you,” I said breathlessly.

  “Who could ever make you feel this good?” he continued.

  “You, Colten.”

  “That’s what I fucking thought.”

  His lips explored every inch of skin, making me his. When we returned to campus, everyone would be staring. In fact, I probably looked worse now than ever before with the number of hickeys that covered my body. Hudson and Zayn would be full of questions.

  He buried his face into my back as his strokes became more frantic and violent. I could even feel him reaching my cervix at this point. I couldn’t focus on anything else but the way his cock and hands worked my body, bringing me to ecstasy.

  Pleasure overwhelmed my body as I started convulsing around his cock.

  “I can’t take it anymore Colten. You have to let me go!” I pleaded, thinking he was going to break me after an orgasm rocked through my body.

  “But my love, you’re taking it like such a good girl,” he growled.

  “No please, it’s too much, you're too much," I was saying, probably not even making any sense.

  “Such a slut right now. Letting me use you however I see fit. Only I can use your body however I want and no one else. Only my cum will fill you up to the brim, baby,” he ground out once more, and when I least expected it, he shoved two fingers up my back entrance. I thought I was going to use the safe word for a slip second, but that just made me gaped with pleasure, and that was the final push that made me leap over the edge. Wails left my lips as I finally reached my peak.

  My pussy tightened around his cock, and then, he exploded, coating my insides with his thick, potent seed. Neither one of us said anything for a while as we came down the high. At last, he pulled out, and his cum spilled out of me, dripping down my thighs.

  He wrapped his arms around me and brought me closer to him. “I love you, Tori Watson.”

  I couldn’t help but smile. For once, I felt nothing but love and acceptance. It didn’t matter what came my way. Although I could get through anything without him, it would be so much better with him by my side.

  “I love you too, Colten Fitzgerald.”

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