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Page 3

by Vanessa Vale

  God, he was so sweet. They were so sweet. But this was my problem, my brother. I’d been through this before. Again and again. I couldn’t drag them down into this. I knew I wasn’t going to be good company, not after that call. It wasn’t fair to either of them to ruin their Friday night.

  I shook my head, stood. They rose to their feet, too. “You stay. Eat. I’m not in the mood now for company.”

  “You said he pawned some things but can get them back?”

  I nodded, knowing they’d only heard half the conversation, but had recapped it pretty well.

  “You’re not thinking of going to a pawnshop by yourself, tonight?” Liam asked, putting his hands on his hips. He’d come right from work and wore his uniform shirt. The star on his chest caught the restaurant lighting and reminded me this was Sheriff Hogan asking me this, not just Liam, the man. Both sides of him were ruthlessly protective.

  “No, of course not.” Tomorrow, I would. It was in Clayton, Montana, not some rundown part of a big city. I’d be fine.

  “You’re not going to go searching for Tommy?” he added, clearly worried I was going to go off by myself to shady places.

  I shook my head. I had no idea where to start with that. He could be anywhere from the casino on the reservation to any bar—besides Cassidy’s—in the county, to some low-life’s house where he was crashing these days. I was upset, but I wasn’t stupid. “I’m going home.”


  I knew Porter was going to try and talk me out of it, so I lifted my hand, cutting him off. I had to go before I cried. I hadn’t cried in years… all the tears had dried up when Mom died, but looking at them, seeing the concern on their faces, made a lump form in my throat. I’d held it together for so long on my own, I wasn’t sure if I could handle them right now. I’d fall apart, I knew it. And what then? They’d want me even less. What guy wanted a needy woman?

  No, I’d go home, hope Tommy was there, but since I hadn’t seen him in two weeks, I highly doubted it. I’d call him, text him, get him to respond. Yell at him. Then get the tub of ice cream out of the fridge and read a book and try to forget.

  “Please. I’ll… I’ll see you both soon.”

  I avoided looking at them as I grabbed my coat and purse and fled, knowing Tommy had ruined everything.

  Me: OMG. How could you? That was Mom’s pin!

  * * *

  I texted that to Tommy from the car. When I had no response by the time I got home, I tugged on my flannel pajamas and thick socks, texted him again.

  * * *

  Me: Where are you? Come home so we can talk.

  * * *

  Just as I settled onto the couch with a pint of Rocky Road, he texted back.

  * * *

  Tommy: Needed quick cash. I’ll pay you back.

  * * *

  I rolled my eyes at the phone. Not once, ever, had he paid me back for all the money I’d given him, or for the things he’d pawned or sold. His bedroom was practically bare now since he’d sold everything… somehow. His stereo was gone. Laptop, gone. Even his clock radio had disappeared.

  There was no point in texting him again. He wasn’t coming home. He wasn’t going to apologize. He never had because he didn’t think he’d done anything wrong. Not only had he taken one of the last things that was our mother’s and hocked it, he’d ruined my night with Porter and Liam. God, they’d asked me outright if I’d claimed them, had been waiting for my answer. Then BAM. Ruined.

  I could have stayed at the restaurant with them. They’d wanted me to do so. It had been my choice to leave. Learning what Tommy had done was another sucker punch. He was my brother. Family. Family was supposed to take care of each other, do stuff together, be together. Tommy didn’t see it that way. I’d been the fill-in parent since Mom died, been his legal guardian, but once he turned eighteen, he’d pretty much checked out.

  I could understand if he’d gone off to college across the country. Gone into the military and ended up stationed far away. It was his life and he should go live it. But what he was doing was different and downright cruel.

  Still, he was my baby brother, and I wanted so desperately to have it like it used to be. I knew it wasn’t going to happen, but that didn’t keep me from wishing. Every time he pulled something like this, it just dug that knife in a little deeper.

  Tonight was supposed to be me finally telling Porter and Liam I wanted to be with both of them. To hopefully get them to do more than just kiss me. I believed them when they’d said they wanted to know what was going on with Tommy, to listen, and that was great, but that wasn’t the point of the dinner date. I hadn’t wanted to sit in Cassidy’s with them, eat burgers and vent about my problems. They had tough jobs dealing with people who committed horrible crimes. No way did they need to spend their Friday night listening to me complain about how Tommy had gone from a sweet kid to out of control. A gambler. Possibly even worse. I’d tried my best to raise him when Mom died, but clearly I’d done a horrible job.

  I jabbed my spoon into my ice cream, took a bite, settled deeper into the couch. I grabbed my book, the steamy romance I’d gotten from the library, and opened it to where I’d left off the night before. After reading two pages of a funishment spanking and a sex scene where the woman was happily tied to a bed and brought to the brink of orgasm by the hero licking her pussy, I groaned and tossed it onto the coffee table.

  It was possible—if the night had gone differently—I could have had Liam’s head between my thighs right now. Or Porter pressing me against the shower wall and filling me up with his huge dick. I could have been in bed… with both of them, getting real man-induced orgasms instead of just reading about it. But no, I was here feeling sorry for myself, sad that Tommy didn’t give a shit anymore, that he was throwing his life away.

  I steered my thoughts to Porter and Liam. Would they spank me like the heroine in the book? Was that something they liked to do? No one had ever done it to me before, but reading about it made me hot, made me wet. I was here, alone, in my comfortable, yet not sexy, PJs, horny from weeks and weeks of wanting two men and not doing anything about it. Wet between my thighs from reading about the kind of sex I wanted to have. With them.

  The only thing I could do about it was take care of this need myself. Just like I did with everything else in my life. I was on my own. I worked my ass off, paid the bills, bought the groceries, took care of my own orgasms.

  Settling my feet nice and wide on the coffee table, I slid down on the couch and slipped my hand into the front of my pajama pants. I might not be able to have Liam and Porter tonight, but it didn’t mean I couldn’t fantasize about them, couldn’t call out their names as I slipped my fingers through my slick folds, dipped two inside my eager entrance and rubbed my clit.



  * * *

  Tommy Murphy was a little shit. I wanted to track him down and have a little chat that involved my fist in his face. But from what Liam had told me on our drive to Jill’s house, the punk needed more than that. He needed a broken nose for what he was doing to his sister, followed by some hard work. Real, backbreaking labor that made him learn quickly that there was no get rich quick scheme, no honor or integrity in using a family member like he did Jill.

  Our girl had worked her fingers to the fucking bone to take care of him after their mom died. She’d worked full-time while getting her nursing degree to support them both so the state didn’t put him into the system. And now? He wasn’t a fucking kid anymore. He needed to own his shit, get his priorities straight, like taking care of Jill instead of the other way around. He was a man and needed to start acting like one—one who took care of the women in his life, who respected and honored them.

  But dealing with Tommy could wait. Jill couldn’t. She might’ve wanted to be by herself, to close herself off from us, but that wasn’t going to happen any longer. We’d given her enough time to get her mind around both of us being her men. It was time to take over, to take contro
l. Liam agreed.

  That was why we’d given her an hour on her own and were now climbing the steps to her front porch, ready to ring her doorbell and tell her how it was going to be. A cry broke the cold silence, and I looked to Liam, my senses on alert. This was an older neighborhood, the houses small and spaced nicely apart.

  That sound had come from Jill and she was in trouble. I took one step toward the door, ready to break it down if I needed to, but Liam reached out and put his palm on my chest to stop me.

  “Porter, yes!”

  The muffled words could be heard clearly and my eyes widened. Holy shit. Jill wasn’t hurt, she was getting off. And she was calling my name.

  Liam peeked in the window to the right of the front door. When his eyebrows went so high as to disappear beneath his cowboy hat, I joined him. The blinds weren’t drawn—we’d have to talk to her about that—and we could see in. Our girl was on the couch in the middle of the room, cast in a soft yellow light of the lamp on the table beside her. Her feet were up on the coffee table before her and there was no way to miss her hand inside her pajama pants. I wished I could see how she worked her pussy. Were her fingers fucking that tight hole or just sliding over her wet folds? Was her palm rubbing against her clit or were her fingertips making tiny circles over it?

  “Liam, more. Yes, spank me. Harder,” she called out as her hips arched up off the couch.

  Her eyes were closed, her head pressed back as she bit her lip.

  Liam stood beside me, equally transfixed. “Holy fuck,” he whispered. He reached down, adjusted himself.

  My dick was rock hard, too. I’d never seen anything so erotic in my entire life and Jill was completely covered. She was playing with her pussy and thinking about us. Thinking about us spanking her. This would be top of my fantasies I’d jerk off to for a long time.

  If there had been any question that Jill wanted both of us, it was answered now. She’d sealed her fate by slipping her fingers into that pussy of hers and shouting our names.

  “She’s not coming without us,” I murmured. While I didn’t want to move from the gorgeous sight, the orgasm she was close to having was ours.

  “Fuck, yes. She wants to get off, it’s our job now to get her there.”

  I went to her door and knocked. Glancing at Liam who was still watching, he nodded, and I knew she’d stopped her play.

  I had no intention of scaring her, someone randomly knocking on her door after dark, so I called, “Jill, it’s Porter and Liam. Open the door for us, sweetness.”

  Liam joined me when the porch light came on.

  “What are you doing here?” she asked after she let us in, shut the door behind us.

  While we’d both been to her house before for dates, we hadn’t been inside. Her entry opened right into her small living room. The space was warm and cozy, but the furniture was dated, probably purchased a long time ago by her mother. I could see into the kitchen; everything was spotless.

  She was looking up at us, waiting. The flannel pajama pants and pink fleece pullover she wore weren’t the least bit sexy, but knowing what she’d done in them, that her pussy was all warmed up and wet beneath the soft fabric had me reaching out, taking her right hand and holding it up. She blushed and her eyes widened. She must have wiped her fingers on her pants before answering the door, but she hadn’t gotten all the pussy juice that glistened there. I leaned down, lifted them to my mouth and sucked on her wet pointer and middle fingers.

  I could smell her musky scent even as her sweet flavor burst on my tongue. Pre-cum spurted from my dick. I was in trouble here, ready to come like a horny teenager just from a taste of her sweet flavor, and not from the source.

  “After the call you got, we wanted to make sure you were okay,” Liam said. “But now, we’re going to make sure you get that orgasm you were working on.”

  I let her hand go and smiled.

  “I don’t know what… I mean—” We had her all flustered and turned on. No question she had an idea now of what my tongue would feel like on her pussy, flicking over her clit.

  “Sweetness, I just licked your pussy juices off your fingers,” I said.

  Liam went to her window, tugged on the cord and lowered the blind. “Close these at night, Jill. No one sees you playing with yourself but us.”

  Her eyes darted to what he was doing and quickly understood she’d been caught. We didn’t want her feeling embarrassed or have any shame about pleasuring herself; a woman was allowed to enjoy her body and we certainly loved watching her do just that. But Jill didn’t need to take care of her orgasms herself; we’d do that for her from now on.

  “We heard you call out our names as you played with your pussy. You don’t need to fantasize, sweetness. You can have the real deal. You want both of us?”

  I held my breath, waited as she looked at us. Nodded. “Yes,” she said.

  Exhilaration pumped through my veins along with the caveman need to claim, to get that pussy juice all over my mouth, my fingers, my dick. I wanted to be marked.

  “This isn’t a fling, Jillian Murphy,” Liam said. His voice was soft, but the tone deep. “This isn’t you having some fun with two dicks. We aren’t a one-night-stand to fulfill a threesome fantasy. You get between us and there’s no going back.”

  Thankfully, he had a clear mind to tell her how this was going to be. All my thinking was happening with my other head. In my pants. Liam was right. Once we got in that pussy of hers, she belonged to us. Actually, she already did. She had since we picked her up for our first dates. I hadn’t felt like this for someone in years. And now, I could see what I’d thought was the real deal with Sierra years ago had been far from it. Jill was The One. But, we wanted to be clear with her right from the start, so there was no confusion. So she knew we meant forever. So once she said yes again, she was ours.

  Licking her lips, she tipped her chin up even further. “I… I understand. I want to be with you, Liam, and you as well, Porter.” Absently, she tucked her hair behind her ear. “I always have, but I didn’t know how to tell you, if you’d think there was something wrong with me, that I was—”

  I put my finger over her lips to silence her. “If you say anything other than that you are perfect, I’ll take you over my knee and spank your ass.”

  Her eyes widened and her pupils dilated.

  Liam chuckled. “Our girl likes that idea. No, you need it, don’t you? Need to let go and forget everything because you have a stinging ass?”

  Yeah, she did. I had to wonder if she’d let some guy do it to her before or if it was, perhaps, something she’d heard about from Parker. No doubt her men reddened her ass often enough. Same went for my other cousins and their women.

  I leaned down, kissed her. This time, it wasn’t chaste. It wasn’t sweet. She gasped at the boldness of my mouth and I swept my tongue inside. Cupping the back of her neck, I gently tugged at her hair and she gasped.

  Fuck. I had to stop or I’d take her right here on the floor. “Where are your keys, sweetness?”

  She frowned, her eyes blurry from the kiss. “My keys?” She pointed to the small table beside the front door and a little bowl that held a pair of sunglasses and her keys.

  Liam scooped them up.

  “You have the weekend off and you’re spending it with us,” I told her. “At my house.”

  She looked down at herself. “I can’t go in my pajamas! I need clothes.”

  “That’s funny. Don’t you think so, Liam?” I asked.

  He grinned, then leaned down to have his turn kissing her. His hand cupped her jaw to keep her right where he wanted her. When he lifted his head, her lips were a dark pink and glistening, no doubt just like her lower ones between her lush thighs.

  “If you think you’ll be wearing clothes when you’re with us, we’re not doing this right,” he said. “We’re going to Porter’s house, getting you naked and learning every sweet, soft inch of your body. Then we’re going to make you come. Not once, not twice, but again and ag
ain until you forget your own name.”

  I grunted, thinking of how she was going to look all sweaty and sated in my bed. “Then we’re going to fuck you,” I added. “All night long.”

  “Hell, all weekend,” Liam clarified. None of us had to work until Monday and we planned to take advantage of every free minute.

  She licked her lips again and said, “Oh my.”

  Leaning down, I scooped her up into my arms. Liam opened the door and I carried her to my SUV, settled her into the middle beside me. I’d just clicked her seatbelt around her as Liam climbed in. He held up her keys and a paperback. “Locked up nice and tight. And this is some interesting reading I found when I turned off the living room lamp.”

  From the glow of the cabin dome light, I could pretty much bet it was a steamy romance based on the scantily clad couple on the cover.

  Jill blushed. Liam offered her a wicked smile as he took his hat off, sat it in his lap.

  “This is kidnapping, you know,” she told him, although I could hear the playful tone of her words.

  “That’s only if you don’t want to be with us. Last chance, sweetness. Do you want to?” I turned her head toward me, tipped up her chin, kissed her again.

  “Yes, I’ll come with you,” she said once I lifted my head.

  “Oh sweetness, you’ll come,” I replied, putting the truck into gear and driving off. “We guarantee it.”



  * * *

  When I realized they’d seen me on the couch touching myself, and even worse, heard me crying out their names as I’d fantasized about being with them, I’d wished the ground had swallowed me up. But when Porter had sucked on my fingers—my sticky fingers—all thoughts fled. That, holy shit, that had been erotic. Sexy as hell. It totally blew my mind and made me realize perhaps they were just as kinky, just as horny as I was.


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