Book Read Free

Destiny Collides Past and Present

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by J P Sayle

  Copyright © 2018 by JP Sayle

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  Book Cover design by Jay Aheer, Simply Defined Art

  Editing by Pam Ebeler, Undivided Editing

  Book formatting by Champagne Book Design

  References to real people, events, organisations, locations or establishments are only intended to give a sense of authenticity and have been used fictitiously.

  The author acknowledges the copyrighted or trademarked status and trademark on: Superdry, Mop Hair, Google, Hawthorne, Disney, Apple, Volkswagen, Audi, Dust Buster, FaceTime, Skype, Pepsi, Porsche, Wella, Go Ape, Tinder, BMW, Best Weston Hotels, HEX Ultra, Intel Xeon, NCP car park, Oakley, Davidson’s Ice Cream, Netflix.

  Films, music, and lyrics mentions are the property of the copyright holders.


  The content of some of this book is sexually graphic, with the use of explicit language and adult situations involving two/three males. It is only intended for mature adults. There are also some potential triggers of violence and partner abuse.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page





  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  About the Author

  Other Books by the Author

  On the worst day of Stuart Wilson’s life he has a chance encounter with a stranger on a street corner. He finds himself inexplicably drawn from the second their eyes connected. Over the following decade he has never forgotten the brief encounter, or the eyes that have haunted his dreams.

  Finding his life has stalled, though successful and financially independent, Stuart feels his life is sadly lacking that one thing everyone wants, love. Making a decision to change, Stuart uproots himself from his life. On the recommendation of a friend he moves to a small island in the Irish Sea, where Stuart’s life takes several unexpected turns a

  nd twists when he offers to help his new boss.

  Joe King has it all, or so it appeared, until he made a wrong choice which has left him reeling both emotionally and physically. Devastated by the turn of events he seeks refuge with his friend hoping to find some peace and quiet to lick his wounds. What he finds is an unexpected connection to his past that he struggles to accept. The present situation is hindered by a past he wants to escape that will not let go.

  Will they find the true happiness Stuart believes can be theirs? Or will the threat from Joe’s past take away what Joe is only starting to realise could be his future, Stuart.

  Guardian cats walk this earth, there to protect—if you are fortunate enough to be blessed by the fates. Princess is one such cat. Having found herself in trouble for breaking the rules, Princess believes that being paired with Stuart Wilson as his guardian is her penance. Unbeknown to her that is not the case.

  Things turn ugly when Princess steps in to protect Stuart putting her own life at risk causing her new arch enemy Maximillian, an ancient guardian cat to make a decision that has far reaching consequences for them both. Will she accept or fight the changes, only time will tell.

  The Hindu Upanishads believe:

  You are what your deepest desire is, as is your desire so is your intention, as is your intention so is your will, as is your will so is your deed, as is your deed so is your destiny.

  Those words set me on a path of believe in myself. I would not have been able to follow these dreams and desires without so many wonderful people.

  I would like to give a special thanks to:

  Robert, for just being you, the man who will clean my bathroom while I wallow in my pit writing and paying no attention to the world around me. For supporting me and coming along with me in this crazy ride, trusting me with both our dreams. I love you with my heart and soul.

  Mandy, your support and commitment to my dreams has never wavered even when I gave you my twin angst. I look forward to a future where my twin soul will be a bigger part of my writing, though I’m not moving to Douglas for that to happen :)

  I love you.

  Keren, my long-time friend, your continued support is invaluable even though now we hardly get to see each other. I miss my morning chats more than you know.

  To Jay and Pam, your continued commitment to helping my dreams come true is something I cherish every day.

  There are so many more of you: Anna K Neal, Lily Lamb, Cheryl Riddell, Jody Richey, Alexu Alex to name but a few. Thank you all for your wonderful support it means the world to me.

  To the readers that took a chance on a new author with my first book and took the time to feedback to me, thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  I am not sure if you know this, but Kindle Alexander was the first authors I read in this genre and has subsequently been there to help and support me through some very difficult times. Your kindness and honesty are unrivalled, Kindle. There are no words that can truly express how much you mean to me and when we meet you need to be prepared for a full on fan girl, so be warned.

  Throughout history, we have witnessed thousands of strange, unexplained ancient mysteries. Many could undoubtedly be explained away as everyday events that we merely misunderstood. However, there remain a large number that defies all logic.

  Folklore tales mention “animal familiars,” often repeated in fables. Magical spirit creatures resonated throughout history in creation myths, “familiars” or “spirits” often were seen as a type of guardian angel. Over centuries these stories were forgotten.

  Mystical Manx cats originate on a little island in the middle of the Irish Sea, the Isle of Man. Identified only by their lack of a tail, these mythical creatures abilities became elusive, much like the Manx fairies. But, those that have the privilege of living with one of these unique animals have an innate understanding that they are so much more than just a pure cat.


  Stuart could barely contain his frustration, feeling his hands fist into balls. He stalked out the Cummings building, heading straight down Kensington towards Notting Hill tube station. Loosening his tie, he heaved a sigh of disgust at his own behaviour. Shifting uncomfortably in his suit jacket. He could feel the sweat-drenched shirt sticking to his upper torso. Opening his jacket, he let the breeze cool his overheated body.

  He could still taste the oppression that had suffocated him inside that dreadful place, swallowing past the bitterness, he looked for the nearest shop, stopping, he got what he needed. Stepping out of the flow of people, Stuart took several large gulps of cold water. He let the iciness
ease his parched throat, removing the sour aftertaste the interview had given him. Taking a deep breath to clear his rioting mind.

  Whatever satisfaction he’d felt at receiving an interview with the prestigious company, was long gone. The meeting may be over, but he internally cursed the reality it had left him with. He was going to need to man up, because it would appear Malcolm Cummings was a first class homophobic bastard. His company was offering Stuart an opportunity of financial security he desperately needed, the thought had him swallowing the ball of tears that gathered at the back of his throat.

  Stuart blinked back the tears, avoiding eye contact with those moving around him. He felt his grief clinging to his heart as he struggled to come to terms with the past seven months. Everything had changed. Stuart kept his eyes downcast, considering what was left of his life, a sob escaped before he could stop it. His carefree existence completely gone with a diagnosis he’d not comprehended would blow his foundation to smithereens.

  His circumstances failing to give him time to grieve, his father’s death barely weeks ago, had to be paid for, along with treatment costs and his sister’s university fees. The reality had been hard for all of them when his mother’s income barely covered the household bills, never mind the thousands of pounds of debt. Those promises he’d made on his father’s deathbed to support his family no matter what, were now a hard reality. Stuart fought past the panic, sucking in a breath he felt London’s smog clog his lungs. The heaviness of the air barely registered past his out of control thoughts.

  His family was now solely reliant upon him and his income to pay the debts incurred through non funded chemotherapy treatments. He didn’t begrudge those precious months the treatment had given them as a family, any price was worth paying. The silent prayer he sent to his father for understanding had his heart seizing.

  The compromises he was going to have to make had his hands thrusting into his perfectly styled silver-blond hair, pushing it back from his face. Stuart’s charcoal grey eyes burned with intent, his body vibrated with the wildness inside him. He stalked down the street oblivious to the looks he was receiving, people moved away as if sensing the danger.

  Stuart watched the crowd of fast moving people around him with unseeing eyes. The fifty thousand flies now circulating in his system had his insides clutching in distress recalling every homophobic slur Malcolm had interjected into the conversation. The constant litany throughout the interview had him hiding his white-knuckled fists under the table. His face, on the other hand, had been harder to control with each disdainful remark. Stuart could feel the ache in his jaw even now, a testament to his restraint. Rubbing at his stubbled jaw, he hoped to ease it a little.

  His dry chuckle sounded harsh to his ears when he considered he couldn’t afford additional dental costs if he continued to grind his teeth, and preventing himself from telling Malcolm to shove his job where the sun don’t shine. He wondered what would cause such hate, and how the hell was he going to survive intact?

  He could already feel the weight of the decision weighing him down. It would seem his being gay was going to be a real problem if he accepted the job as Assistant Divisional Manager. Fuck, he’d never hidden in his life. It looked like at the ripe old of twenty-six he was going to have to jump into a closet he’d never had to use.

  He would also need to purchase a mask of indifference along with a ‘don’t give a fuck’, because sure as hell he was going to need those. Now, all I need is to find the shop that sells those, he couldn’t help the small smile at the stupidness of his own thoughts.

  Realising he’d stopped when he felt people jostle him. The excitement and noise flowed around him, highlighting his isolation even more. A city that was proud of embracing all would normally have Stuart anticipating what would come next, but now, all it did was mock him. His right to choose and be who he is, was about to be removed through no fault of his own. The thought had his shoulders sagging into his suit jacket, stopping at the traffic lights.

  Stuart’s foot tapped impatiently, wanting to get home so he could talk through his issues with his mother, he willed the lights to change. A hard jostle to his left side had him turning and glaring, he was in no mood to accept an apology.

  Words died on his lips, dumbstruck, everything faded away. Stuart’s whole world condensed down into a pair of eyes sparkling with humour behind horn-rimmed glasses. The melted chocolate gaze held him riveted. A small Elphin face seemed consumed by large glasses that didn’t hide the intelligent eyes sparkling behind the lenses. The upturned nose struggled to hold the glasses in place as hands waved in animated conversation. A perfect cupid bow mouth moved ten to the dozen, hardly stopping to breathe. Stuart couldn’t tear his eyes away, completely captivated. He tried guessing his age, his youthful appearance seemed at odds with the conversation. Not at all concerned that he was earwigging, Stuart had no clue what the electronic components were as they talked, but they sounded complicated.

  The surge of people behind him had them all stepping forward into the now clear road. Stuart moved with the crowd, following a few steps behind. The man carried on oblivious to the lack of response from the person with him. Stuart’s feet kept pace even as he realised he was heading in the wrong direction. The man’s exuberance contagious, the urge to touch made his fingers tingle in anticipation. He wanted to take a little of the joy radiating from him.

  Stuart felt pulled towards the man, as if the earth’s force field was dragging him towards what he needed. The strangeness of his thoughts had him halting mid-stride. Pushed from behind, Stuart lurched forward catching the young man’s arm as he wobbled.

  “Fuck sake, man, watch where you’re going.” The stranger’s anger had him hold his hands up in silent apology.

  Stuart aimed an apologetic smile at the disgruntled man before turning back around. A blinding smile in front of him had air stuck in his chest. Stuart tried to get his brain to function as air whooshed past his lips when the man spoke.

  “You okay, man?” The melodic voice seemed to float over him. Stuart was unsure of the accent, but he could listen to him talk all day. Feeling tongue-tied, he struggled to respond. Strange sensations spread across his chest when the man’s humour turned to concern at his lack of response. The feel of small, warm work-roughened fingers on his hand had him freezing. The internal sizzle ignited his body into overdrive, shocking him senseless when he felt an internal click as if a lock had opened inside him. Holy shit, what on earth was that?

  Stuart yanked back his tingling hand, rubbing it down his trouser leg. He watched the other man copy his action, his eyes widened as if in shock. Christ, he had to have felt it too? Stuart found himself nodding, wetting his dry lips, gulping in the smoggy air, hoping it would help his racing heart. Words formed but his mind wouldn’t release them.

  The man didn’t wait for Stuart to get his shit together. He bobbed his head towards Stuart, giving another quick flash of his amazing smile, before quickly chasing after the other man who’d been oblivious to their moment, and had carried on walking.

  The urge to follow had his gut churning, his mind chanting, mine, mine, mine. His jealousy so unexpected had his hands ball into fists. Thoughts of any person touching that man, had rage pulsing as his head pounded. The stupidity of his own possessive thought not lost on him, but it didn’t stop the questions his mind wanted answers to. Who was he? What was the other man to him? Were they boyfriends, work colleagues, friends?

  The questions had him pulling his hair in frustration. Stepping into the entrance of an alley, needing a moment to calm his ass down. The scent of rotting food hardly registered as he searched the crowd, neck craning to keep sight of the man for a few seconds longer, before the crowded street swallowed him. He clutched the wall, loss equivalent to his father’s death had his fingers digging into the brick. Locking his shaky legs together, he panted past the urges his brain was firing at him. His ears buzzed with his accelerated heartbeat; taking several minutes, he tried to regain his footin

  Rubbing at his sweaty face, I must have imagined it, surely? Am I losing my marbles? Is that what is wrong with me? Maybe it’s stress? He hung on to the thought like a life line, yes it had to be that giving him these weird feelings and strange emotions for a complete stranger. His laughter sounded strained as he tried to convince himself he was being stupid. You couldn’t possibly fall in love at first sight, could you? The ache in his chest seemed to be telling him differently. Shit, he could be jailbait and straight for all Stuart knew.

  Muttering, “Bloody buggering hell!” Stuart forced himself out of the alley and dragged his unwilling self towards the Notting Hill tube station. Every step a painful strike to his heart, his eyes watered in distress, but he continued. He was being ridiculous, all he needed to do was to get the fuck out of London, get home, sort out the mess that was his life and forget about those chocolate eyes that melted his heart into a puddle, easy. Stuart gave a heartfelt sigh, ignoring the nagging voice at the back of his mind telling him differently.

  Princess rolled her eyes, only half listening to the rant that was making her ears ring, “mother?” Her exasperated tone ignored, the telling off in full flow, it hit fast and furious, making Princess give up trying to rationalise her actions. Shrugging her small shoulders before settling on her velvet pillow. It wasn’t going to change anything, they had been having the same conversation for weeks, blah, blah, blah. She was convinced she had done the right thing, regardless of some alleged breach of an ancient law about revealing her abilities. Princess chuffed, ancient laws total gobbledygook, who remembers that crap, anyway?


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