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#BABYFEVER: A Quintuplet Secret Baby Medical Romance

Page 37

by Cassandra Dee

  “Sir, please follow me,” said the hostess, beckoning us in her wake. Jenna strode forward only to stop short when she reached the designated table. I, too, froze when I saw who was there, turned to stone by the turn of events.

  “Mom?” said Jenna. “Tina?”



  I must have looked like a startled rabbit. I couldn’t speak for a moment, my throat going dry, my vision oddly hazy. My twin had been oddly evasive lately, barely spending time at home, dodging my questions and looking shifty whenever I asked what was going on.

  “Look Tina, butt out okay?” she sniffed haughtily. “I’m doing fine in class and you’re just jealous I have a boyfriend whereas you’re still … you,” she said, shrugging. “Can’t you do something with your hair? It’s such … I dunno, curls are out, can’t you get a blow out or something?”

  I brushed my hair back self-consciously but it was no use. The curls sprang back into place like springs, a halo around my face. But I was sick of my sister’s nasty attitude and revealed some claws of my own.

  “You tell me what’s going or find another driver,” I hissed. “I’m through chauffeuring you around.”

  That sparked some fear in Jenna’s heart given that Ubers don’t exactly come on campus. “Oh Teen, you know, I have a boyfriend up in the City now. In fact,” she confided, her voice hushed, “he proposed two days ago. He gave me a massive diamond ring but I can’t wear it around campus because other girls would be jealous.”

  I immediately sniffed something amiss. Jenna would never hold back on bling, especially if it’d make her the envy of other women. Either the diamond was flawed or she was making this all up.

  “Fine, do whatever you want,” I said stiffly. “But don’t come to me if you need my notes before exams.”

  “Oh Teen,” Jenna wheedled, cocking her head sassily. “It’s just Contracts this time,” she said. “I only missed two classes and I need your help.”

  “No way,” I said firmly. “There’s still three weeks before the final, do your own reading. Besides, why don’t you study at your boyfriend’s? Does he not have a desk or something?”

  “Because he wants me to be his hostess,” she whined. “We go out almost every night, I swear it’s a job unto itself. But Teen,” she confided. “Tonight I’m meeting his dad and brothers,” she said with a dramatic air. “For someone who’s engaged, it’s about time I met his family,” she added, pouting.

  I sighed again. Jenna was onto another adventure, complete with fancy dinners and beautiful clothes. Meanwhile, I was just having dinner with our Mom … again. Okay, fine. A date with Mom. I had an hour to get ready before driving up to the City.

  “Listen Jenna,” I said. “Just be careful okay? You’ve told me nothing about this guy, you’ve missed a ton of class, and it’s weird, okay? Everyone at school is wondering what’s going on since you disappeared off the face of the earth.”

  “I just have a private life, okay?” she snapped. “Butt out Tina, I’m fine.”

  I sighed again and headed up the stairs. What could I do? I started changing and bracing myself for a tête-à-tête with Mother.



  The brunette was like a startled deer, her caramel eyes wide, almost quivering at the sight of me. He curls were riotous, streaming about her shoulders, and she was wearing a flannel dress. It was definitely her. The girl from the party, the one who I’d had the amazing sex with, was at this family dinner.

  “Mom?” asked Jenna again, staring at an older woman sitting next to my dad. “What are you doing here?” she demanded in a rush, her eyebrows beetled as her face turned an unflattering shade of red.

  The older woman was gracious and elegant, a genteel, older version of Jenna. Her blonde hair was swept back and she wore an expensive suit, laying one hand gently over my father’s.

  “Jenna, I should ask the same thing,” she purred smoothly. “Harold was going to introduce me to his sons tonight … but evidently you already know one of them,” she said, nodding at me.

  Before I could react, a familiar deep drawl interrupted from behind us. “Heya fam,” grinned Matt from behind us, his black hair damp, his smile disarmingly friendly though sharp as a razor. He stared blankly at Jenna before turning to the older woman.

  “You must be Mary,” he growled before leaning over to give her a kiss on the cheek.

  I was fucking stunned. This woman was my dad’s fiancée and also Jenna’s mother? Even more unreal, Tina was here for some reason … the brunette of my wet dreams making an appearance in the most unlikely of places. What the fuck? Seriously, what the fuck?

  Jenna stuttered like a stuck lawn sprinkler before my father stood up, taking the reins. Harold wore an expensive suit, but fancy clothes can’t hide that he’s a bear of a man, a man who works with his hands as a successful general contractor. “Mary, Tina, Jenna,” he said courteously, nodding at the women. “Meet my rascal sons, Jake and Matt. Although it seems there’s some intra-family dating going on here,” he said with a deep chuckle.

  Holy fucking shit. Tina was Jenna’s sister? The woman I’d fucked senseless at the party was going to be my sister-in-law? What the fuck was happening?

  The brunette looked just as mystified, her eyes wide but observant, her lips trembling oh so slightly. Those luscious pink lips … their pale curve and slight glisten made me tremble, my body hardening immediately. How it felt to see those lips envelop my stiff cock …

  But I was shaken out of my trance by Jenna, pouting and rattling at my arm. “Jakey,” she said. “My mom is evidently getting married to your dad … so we’ll be step-siblings,” she said with a sneer of disgust. “But whatever, it’s not like we’re related or anything. In fact, we’re all adults so no one can tell us what to do,” she tossed off breezily, shaking her blonde hair over a shoulder. “Jakey’s already bought me a five-carat stunner, you know … check it out,” she said, waving the ring beneath her mother’s nose.

  Tina went completely still at the sight of the massive rock on my fiancee’s hand. Her expression betrayed nothing but a hot flush crept up her cheeks and her breathing quickened. Before I could interrupt, Mary murmured her approval.

  “Well Jenna honey, it looks like you’ve done well for yourself. Jake and Matt, please take a seat,” she said graciously. “Harold, where are your younger sons? I’d love to get a look at them too … and see if they have my other daughters in tow,” she added mischievously. “The world is so small maybe Karina and Callie have flown out from New York, who knows? It’s already been a day of surprises,” the blonde said with a wry smile for the group.

  “I’d say,” Harold growled in return, turning to the older woman with adoring eyes. “With social media and everyone traveling in such small circles, who knows what’ll happen next?” he shrugged.

  “Hear, hear,” chimed Matt, raising a glass. “Here’s to coincidences … and new beginnings,” he said with a pointed glance at me.

  What the fuck? What was my brother getting at? Obviously he knew I felt nothing for my so-called fiancée, but did he have any idea of who Tina was to me? Had he guessed? Suddenly, Matt’s intentions become clear. My fucking brother was gazing with silent appreciation at the brunette’s curves, letting his eyes trail over her ample cleavage, savoring the slim white hand that held a wine glass aloft. I was filled with a murderous, red-haze rage. “Mary, Harold, to you,” I said through gritted teeth. “And to the Sterlings,” I managed, shooting my brother a fuck-you look.

  But Matt was oblivious. He’d sidled into the seat next to the curvy brunette and was already making small talk, chit-chatting about some bullshit, probably some touching story of growing up on a ranch, playing with lambs, girls love that shit. But I realized I knew almost nothing about my mystery brunette, my frustration and powerlessness overwhelming. I needed to stop this fucking farce from going any further.

  “Jake,” said Mary as she settled a napkin in her lap, “tell
us a little about yourself.”

  “Oh Mother,” cried Jenna before I could speak, “Don’t you keep up with current events? Jake is the CEO of Sterling Pharmaceuticals, they IPO’d six months ago,” she said triumphantly. “The first unicorn to go public in a year,” she announced in a loud voice, as if hoping the restaurant would overhear.

  “Harold,” said Mary, slapping my dad playfully on the arm. “You didn’t tell me that you were the Sterlings of Sterling Pharma. Of course I’ve heard of the company, I think my mother, Jenna and Tina’s grandmother, uses their diabetes drug.”

  “Darling, I didn’t want to say anything,” rumbled my dad. “Sterling belongs to my boys. I’m just a plain old working man, rough around the edges,” he rumbled.

  “Oh you!” flirted Mary shamelessly, giving his arm a warm squeeze. “You’re the most sought-after contractor in San Francisco, don’t play it down,” she said with a sweet smile.

  Fuck, these aging lovebirds were so disgusting that I almost wanted to puke. But even more worrisome was Matt putting the moves on my curvy brunette. I could see him leaning close to her, his interest evident by his body language. What the fuck? We were all step-siblings here, didn’t he realize what a fucking incestuous lech he was?

  Meanwhile, Tina’s body language looked receptive. She was laughing at his jokes, nodding in agreement with something he was saying and took a delicate sip of her water, her eyes meeting mine momentarily over the rim of the glass. Fuck … I needed her. Just the sight of those caramel eyes looking up at me … it reminded me of her on her knees in my bedroom, gazing sweetly up at me as she tasted my cock.

  I adjusted myself uncomfortably in the chair, my body rock-hard and ready to spew at a moment’s notice. Unfortunately, Jenna noticed and slipped her hand provocatively onto my thigh, her fingers trailing my bulge under the tablecloth. “We wanted to let you know that we’ll be getting married at Memorial Chapel,” she announced before lowering her voice confidentially. “We’re going to have about three hundred guests, including Mark Zuckerberg and Larry Ellison. Because Zuck is one of Jake’s friends right? And Larry wants us to take his yacht for the honeymoon.”

  I was annoyed. Sure, these were professional acquaintances but I wouldn’t say they were friends per se. I mean, let’s get real. Sometimes you’ve got to slash another man’s throat in business, and I knew both Zuck and Ellison wouldn’t hesitate to cut me under the right circumstances. Fuck, I’d beat their wives and children if it got me what I wanted.

  But I must have growled something that made Jenna smile brightly and Tina flush, looking at her glass. The brunette got up hastily, mumbling some excuse, and made her way to the back of the restaurant.

  “What’s gotten into her?” asked Jenna breezily. “Oh I know, we had finals and it’s been rough but she’ll be fine. Anyways, are you all free the first weekend in June? I’ve already reserved the chapel for that Saturday.”

  I couldn’t take it anymore. Getting up, I too made my way to the back of the restaurant in pursuit of the beautiful brunette.



  This night was turning out to be a sheer nightmare. The quiet dinner with Mom had somehow morphed to include her newest boyfriend, but okay, three is fine. A nice dinner was a nice dinner, and I was already a goner with the plaid shirtdress. Inappropriate before, it was going to be doubly inappropriate in the swanky atmosphere of San Francisco’s newest mod restaurant. But I sighed and nodded, defeated before the night even began.

  But when Mom casually tossed off that she and Harold were engaged after a mere three months of dating, I was shocked.

  “Mom!” I cried. “I haven’t even met him yet! And I mean, you’re, you’re so … old to be getting married,” I said with horror.

  “Old but not dead, sweetie,” she chimed, looking at me wryly from the driver’s seat of her coupe. “Even seventy year-olds get married,” she added mischievously. “It’s about time you did too.”

  I didn’t even want to go down this road. Twenty-five is not over the hill, not in the enlightened times of “leaning forward” and Hillary Clinton stumping for President. But I’d wisely kept my mouth shut. Any conversation in that direction wasn’t going to be positive, at least for me.

  So when she’d off-handedly mentioned that Harold’s sons were going to join us, I was already resigned. Just grin and bear it, grin and bear it, I reminded myself. Soon I’d be back in my apartment in my comfy PJs, readying myself for another night of cramming.

  But when the man appeared … oh god, all the blood drained from my body and I felt like a limp, lifeless doll. He was exactly as I remembered. I could catch a whiff of male aftershave as well as his personal scent, that heady, woodsy smell that concentrated itself behind his balls, the musk lingering in my nostrils long after I’d left him. The introductions went by in a blur. His name was Jake. I managed to catch that in the whirlwind of conversation, plus the fact that he was engaged to my twin.

  “See Mother? See Tina?” Jenna scoffed as she flaunted her bling. “It’s gorgeous isn’t it? Five carats, VVS1, cushion-cut, Jake had his eye on it the moment he met me,” she preened.

  Really? My mystery man, whom I’d hooked up with a mere four months ago was now getting married to my sister? My mind ran furiously, trying to piece together some kind of timeline. I guess Jenna hadn’t started missing class until recently … it was possible, I guess.

  Ugh. My heart crashed and I felt leaden with exhaustion. The man I’d fantasized about, whom I’d built up in my head as a hero of sorts, was part of this sordid drama, another twist in my twin’s perfect life. And he’d been fucking my sister for the last few months … while I was pregnant with his child.

  Because it’s true. That one night, the one night that I had sex in my life, has led to this … pregnancy. It’s hard for me to believe. I mean, they always say that you can’t get pregnant the first time, and it had all happened so fast, you know? One moment I was still clothed and the next, I’d been transformed into a naked slut, the big man shooting his cum into my body, leaving me filled with the most delicious hot juices. I’d reveled in my femaleness afterwards, curled up in the sheets as he made his way to the shower. I’d figured it was nothing … just a tumble with a stranger at some random party, and I’d snuck off as soon as he was out of sight. Let’s face it, hot guys aren’t looking for girls like me, a bookish nerd with glasses and comfy clothes.

  So I’d scooted out of there, my disheveled appearance and prolonged absence provoking a gasp from my best friend Hailey.

  “Tina, what happened?” she’d cried. “Where’d you go? Who was that guy?”

  Oh, Hailey. She was like me, a total tag-along. We were the nerds of law school with our heads buried in books, monastically abstinent in our basement carrels. But I didn’t know what to say because I knew nothing about him … not his name, what he did, nada. I couldn’t very well say, well yeah, he has the biggest dong I’ve ever seen, in fact the only dong I’ve ever seen, and I kissed it and fucked it until I was delirious, but no, I don’t know his name.

  Instead, I’d mumbled some half-hearted answer, saying he was a businessman who’d asked some questions about how to set up an LLC. And it sucks, but it was easy for Hailey to believe that I was just a source of free legal knowledge, and not a fuck doll who’d just been taken and screwed.

  Sigh. So that’s what life has come down to, huh? I was so undesirable that no one, not even my best friend, could imagine that a hot guy would want me. But at least I had my memories. I mean, the man still starred in my wet dreams even months later. His abs were tight with no flab whatsoever, his blue eyes mesmerizing, penetrating, making my cunny run just from his gaze. It’d been the best night of my life, and I wasn’t expecting lightning to strike again.

  So the unexpected pregnancy was a shocker. His sperm … that virile, delicious male cum had worked its magic and now I was going to be a mom. I’d asked around half-heartedly to see if I could figure out who the man was,
but unfortunately, there was no way to even get started. I mean, what was I going to say? “So, yeah, I met this really beautiful man at a party, didn’t get his name but I fucked him, and I’m looking for him now?” I’d be laughed out of Dodge. It’s embarrassing but I’d even posted a “missed connections” ad on Craigslist, hoping he’d see it somehow, but attractive men don’t surf the web aimlessly perusing personals.

  So I was in a jam. I figured I’d ace my exams, graduate and then contemplate next steps. I just needed some time to clear my head and it seemed like a fine idea, except when I showed up at dinner … and the man was there.

  I’d almost fainted when his massive bulk trailed Jenna into the restaurant. He was gorgeous still, dressed in a dark suit, his black hair brushed back from his forehead, commanding, powerful, breathtaking. But my sister … my simpering twin was teetering on high heels and a tiny dress, with a big diamond ring on her finger. What? How? Was this the secret boyfriend she’d missed so much class for? I mean, really? Mom and I were supposed to have a quiet dinner for two, and now Jenna had somehow magically appeared with my man in tow.

  Bile rose in my mouth, the acid stinging the back of my throat like pure poison. Could this really be happening? Could my sister’s fiancé be the father of my child? It was too much and I had to leave the table. Mumbling excuses, I pushed my chair back hastily, knocking my napkin to the floor.

  “Come back soon, pretty lady,” drawled Matt, my soon to be brother. Oh god. Matt was handsome as sin, I admit, but the whole situation was overwhelming. I’d sucked his brother’s balls already … oh god.

  I stumbled into the ladies’ lounge, breathing a sigh of relief and leaned against the door as soon as it slammed shut. The perfume in the lounge was strong but at least it was quiet, with no one else in sight. I needed to catch my breath and just relax for a moment, get a hold of myself before making my way back to the table.


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