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Bringing Heat

Page 5

by Viola Grace

  She felt horrible that the during-sex Idalia was so different to the post-sex one. The lack of inhibitions made her drive for what she wanted, but once she got it, she didn’t know where to go from there.

  The song started in her head again, calm and lazy and incredibly smug.

  Los withdrew from her and cuddled her against him. “That was a very successful test, my consort. I look forward to continuing our research as to what best suits our coming together.”

  She blinked. “I thought...”

  “What, that now I am at the surface, you are done? Oh, no, my rose. We have only begun. Rest now.” His song in her mind swept her away, and she dropped off in his arms.

  Idalia woke in an actual bed with the sounds of other people in the air. She sat up, and there was a sheet over her. Her skin wasn’t causing it to flare into flame. Interesting.

  She sat up, and a door opened. Three women came in and bowed. “Mistress, please, let us help you get ready and dressed. Master Los is waiting for you.”

  “Um, okay. What am I supposed to be doing?”

  The younger women giggled, and the older woman made a sharp barking sound before looking at Idalia again. “We will bathe you, and you will be dressed to join Master Los.”

  “Um, I can bathe myself.”

  “Mistress, we have been assigned to take care of you. You have been on your own for too long.”

  Idalia blinked. “Fine. Show me what I need to have done.”

  The woman nodded, and Idalia got to her feet. Naked, she followed her maids to a bathing room that was huge. The substance in the tub was hot water, but it was the scrubbing station that caught Idalia’s gaze. There were footprints to stand on, and she stood with her arms out at her sides while the maids scrubbed her skin with a hard abrasive. There was no gentleness or care, but it didn’t matter. Her body didn’t feel much that they did.

  She asked the woman who actually spoke to her. “How large is the thaw area?”

  “One hundred kilometres and spreading quickly.”

  Idalia was glad her cheeks didn’t really show a blush. “Oh. Good.”

  One of the younger women put some kind of cleanser in her hair and scrubbed. When that was done, she was ordered into the near-boiling pool.

  The ladies used long sticks to scrub the cleansing grit from her, and that was when she realized that they couldn’t enter the water that felt pleasantly warm to her.

  She batted away the sticks and took one of the cloths that was nearby, removing the grit from her skin and hair as thoroughly as she could before she plunged into the water and barrel rolled until she was free of all the sand and pumice. It smelled nice though.

  She got out of the water, and her skin dried quickly. She was put in a belt made of metal shaped to look like flames, a panel of skirt in front and behind that left Los’s mark clear for any who wanted to see his artwork. The bra was a nice surprise. It was more of a breastplate with incorporated fabric, but the fit was comfortable, and she didn’t have to worry about feeling chilled in public. She was given boots and fingerless gauntlets. Her hair was braided down her back.

  “Oh. Right. This isn’t a hairstyle that you guys wear.”

  The older maid nodded. “That’s correct, but to fly with Los, you need protection and your hair needs to be contained.”

  “Fly with?”

  A deep voice spoke from the doorway. “Breakfast first, Idalia. We will travel far today.”

  She looked at him and swallowed. Black hair, pewter skin, eyes that were lit with fire, and a wrap around his hips that looked like it was incidental and barely covered what really should never be covered. He was beautiful. The silvery wings that rose behind him just completed the image of a stone statue. The heat in his eyes said that he was still too hot to touch, but she knew that was a lie. His eyes had been far hotter last night.

  “So, about the tendency to put me to sleep when you think I need to chill out...” She put her hands on her hips and looked at the maids who were still sunk into deep bows. She whispered to Los, “Do they always do that?”

  “Yes. They do. Get used to it.” He whispered back and held out his hand. “You look stunning but sadly more dressed than I like.”

  The older maid said, “Master Los, you did say she would be flying with you today. More coverage was needed.”

  She stepped toward him and took his hand. He pulled her suddenly, and she thudded against his chest. His kiss was intent on arousing her, and when he lifted her up and slid a hand under her skirt, the fingers curved around her thigh and found her welcome for him gathering by the second.

  She leaned back and hissed. “Stop it.”

  His eyes flashed with irritation. “Why?”

  “You promised me breakfast.”

  He sighed. “You are correct. You are still mortal, after all.”

  He didn’t put her down, he just carried her as if she weighed nothing. Of course, to him, she did.

  Idalia was carried through some kind of petition chamber, up to a backless throne, and then Los set her down on his leg and gestured for food to be brought.

  Her legs were the only thing stopping his junk from being on full display, and she was quite sure she didn’t care.

  “Well, that solves a mystery.”

  He stroked her hair and neck. “What mystery, my rose?”

  “Why there were no images of you in the book. I would have been hiding in the library if I had seen you naked from the start.”

  He snorted, and fire shot from his nose. She was startled into a giggle, and she really didn’t giggle.

  “Master Los, we have completed the map and the listing of the outposts that are unmanned.”

  “Excellent. We will be on our way as soon as my rose has eaten her meal. It has been a while since I have flown, so I may not be as fast as I was the last time.” He stroked the mark on her thigh. “I also may need to stop for distraction breaks.”

  She took in the hundred or so people who just heard him say that and not one of them flinched. “Fine, but pack some snacks. Distractions make me hungry.”

  She covered her mouth after she said it, and she heard the deep chuckle. “I will take care of you, my rose.”

  “Uh-huh. Cum doesn’t have enough calories for me.”

  He whispered in her ear, and she blushed. According to him... his did.

  “Uh, thanks for the offer, but I am going to stick with actual food.”

  The food showed up on a tall stand, and she ate while he discussed their path around the globe with the representatives of Los. While the world was thawing, there were areas that needed heat faster. They were going to go and heat up those regions, and she was pretty sure she knew how it was going to happen.

  Idalia went through her meal efficiently, and since they were going to fly, she had focused on not overeating. If she was going to hurl, she wanted to be ladylike.

  She wondered how fast he could go while carrying her in his arms.

  They walked to the top of the tower, and he smiled. “You are going to have to settle in place with your supplies.”

  She snorted. “If this monstrous pack is my supplies, you aren’t getting any.”

  He made a weird chuffing sound. “I don’t need any. I eat for politeness.”

  She smiled. “Then, they are definitely for me.”

  “They are. There are also blankets so that you can cover up while we fly.”

  “We? I am hearing we again.”

  He laughed. “There is definitely a we in action now. Los will let you know when he thinks you are ready to get to the next level.”

  “Wait. There are levels? Like a video game? I suck at those, but I understand the idea.”

  He snorted, and they reached the roof where folk were gathered tightly to the edge of the entries to the building below.

  “Why are they giving you so much room?”

  He leaned in and kissed her. “Because I won’t be able
to do that for a few hours.”

  She was a little surprised, but he stepped away from her.

  “Idalia, I will extend my claw and raise it. You climb up and settle. There is a space between my neck ridges, so make sure you are comfortable and have a good grip. I know you have strong thighs. You are going to need them. Feel free to heat your skin by whatever means you see fit. Tap my neck when you are ready to take off or just tell me. I can hear you.”

  She was left bemused as he walked away from her and his form blurred. His wings got bigger, his body more silver, and then, he was a white-hot dragon crouched on the stone. He looked at her and bent his leg.

  “Holy shit.” She walked toward him and could feel the heat coming off him.

  She settled the pack on her back and climbed up onto the claw that he held out to her, and then, he boosted her up and onto his neck. She climbed and smoothed a hand along the neck ridge, finding a spot that would let her sit but not interfere with his range of movement.

  When she settled, she took a thick blanket out of the pack, fastened the closures again, and settled it around her. When she was ready, she sighed. “Okay, big boy. Let’s go.”

  She gripped the ridge of his neck, and he walked to the edge of the tower before stretching his wings and simply stepping off. There was a cheer below, but she didn’t care. Dragon riding hadn’t been on her brief.

  She held on, and he flew in a straight line, heading southward from the tower. It looked like they were going to start heating up the equator.

  Idalia held on and kept herself warm as they passed over the snowscape below. It was amazing. The world beneath was icy and green in equal measure. Mountains were beginning to manifest, and the world was coming alive.

  She wondered where the animals and bugs were.

  She would enjoy the world without mosquitos while it lasted.

  Chapter Eight

  When he finally landed at an outpost, there were several figures wrapped in furs waiting to greet them.

  She slid off his neck and landed on her ass. Her legs weren’t trained to be that wide for that long.

  He shifted to his normal form and picked her up. “You should have told me your legs were going numb.”

  She snorted. “It isn’t my legs, it’s my ass.”

  “Oh, that we can work on.”

  “You couldn’t work on my legs?”

  “Oh, I could, but your ass is a lot more fun.”

  The folks from the outpost approached them, and the ground turned green where he walked.

  “Master Los, we have quarters ready for you and your consort.”

  Idalia chuckled. “Oh, good. Sounds like I get my own room.”

  He tightened his grip on her. “To quote you, my rose, like fuck you do.”

  She laughed, and it was actual enjoyment. Her legs were tingling and her ass was numb, but she was finally having fun, or she had gone insane. It was a fine line.

  The citizens looked at her warily as she was carried with the utmost care to the master’s quarters. He asked for food for her and a bath to be run for the morning before they left.

  She blinked. “The morning? What about now for my numb butt?”

  “I will take care of your backside.” He laughed.

  He sat her on the edge of the bed and removed the gloves and the boots. When he undid the clasps on the top, it was obvious he had done this before.

  He leaned forward and took her breast into his mouth, drawing strongly until he scraped the nipple with his teeth. He repeated it, and her skin was singing with the heat he left behind.

  Los undid the clasp at her hip, and the skirt slithered away. He lifted her and settled her on the bed, on her stomach. He began a slow massage of her legs and worked his way up to her butt.

  “I can only feel the heat of your limbs on me, not what you are doing. My back is wide, you can move around back there. If I feel you moving, I will take care with my position and flight.”

  She grunted as he started to massage her buttocks with warm and even strokes. Her skin was humming when he worked up her back.

  “Um, my butt is fine now.”

  “Your hips are also tense, as are your shoulders. My poor mate, you are just a ball of tension.”

  She tried to look at him, but he continued to massage her, and when he had worked his way up to her neck, he leaned over her and pressed his mouth to the join of her neck and shoulder. He slowly started to kiss and lick his way down her back, tracing fire under her skin.

  She exhaled in a rush and dug her fingers into the bedding as he hit a sensitive spot, and she moaned.

  “Master Los, the food you asked for.”

  He slid a hand between her thighs, and his fingers eased into her. “Bring it.”

  He kept his hand moving as he directed the servant to set the tray on a stand near the bed. He smiled. “Thank you.”

  The server left and closed the door.

  Idalia’s hips were moving against his hand. “I can’t believe you did that.”

  He laughed. “After all these years, I have very little shame left. You will get used to it. When I need you, there is no time for hesitation. It is fine for now, but you will need to respond faster, my rose.”

  She twisted and looked at him over her shoulder. “Why do you call me that?”

  He smiled. “Your soft pink petals.”

  It took her a moment, and then she said, “Ohmygod,” and pressed her forehead to the bed.

  He laughed. “I will have to design a flower in your honour.”

  “No, you really don’t have to.”

  He leaned in and whispered in her ear, “Oh, but I want to.”

  She swallowed as he continued to slide his fingers into her in a slow rhythm. She moaned and raised her hips toward him again and again.

  When he moved behind her and his cock pressed against her, she widened her thighs, and he worked his way into her. She was pinned and surrounded, but it wasn’t until he flexed his wings and created a private space for them full of scent, heat, and darkness that she started coming to the realization that she was not alone and wouldn’t be again. He wasn’t going anywhere.

  She moaned, grunted, and when her body couldn’t hold back any more, she keened her release and felt a pulse of power running through her as he followed her into bliss.

  He didn’t collapse on her but withdrew, turned her over, and slid into her again. She was dazed, but as he started to thrust, she rocked with him. It was the start of a very long night.

  She struggled to waking in the morning. She was thirsty. At some point during the night, he had helped her eat before he started again. She had lost count of how many times he had coupled with her, but it had passed four, and she stopped counting.

  “Aw, little rose. Tired?”

  She was glaring and not looking at him at the same time. “That was... excessive.”

  He chuckled. “That was average. The first night together was a test. Now that I know you can take me without trouble, things may escalate now and then.”

  She grunted and flexed her legs. Sore, but she could manage. At least he varied positions. “You should really seek a therapist or something. That can’t be healthy.”

  He chuckled. “Do you need help getting up, Idalia?”

  She thought about it. “Yes. Please, Los.”

  He wrapped his arm around her and rolled her to her belly again, massaging her back and thighs but settling energy under her skin.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Los is helping to heal you. You have some bruising and swelling from last night, so a bit of acceleration on the cellular level will have you back on your feet in no time.”

  He pressed soft kisses across her butt and thighs.

  “Please, tell me you aren’t starting again.”

  He nipped her thigh lightly. “Just showing my appreciation for all they have done.”

  Her snort was not ladylike, but ther
e was power under her skin now, and she had the funny feeling he had been pumping it into her all night. She should have been covered and sticky, but it had nearly completely disappeared.

  The bath was not as hot as the one at the tower, but she knew how to scrub her new skin and hair. She sluiced herself clean and rapidly rolled in the water to dislodge the last of the grains of grit.

  Her hair dried quickly, and she brushed it and braided it in preparation for travel.

  She got dressed, put on her pack, and met him outside. The ground was green and smelled of new melt. As far as the eye could see, there was green and growing plants ready to begin their struggle to full height again.

  “Whoa. That is a lot of melting.”

  The headman of the outpost was grinning and bowing to Los, and her ride hadn’t bothered getting dressed. She didn’t look at his penis but kept her eyes on his chest or higher.

  The headman looked at her, and he bowed. “Thank you for your service, honoured consort.”

  Los corrected him. “Not consort. Mate.”

  “I beg your pardon, Master Los. Your mate is generous to offer service.”

  Los smiled slowly. “Yes, she is. Idalia, are you ready to continue our journey?”

  “No, but let’s go. Time to thaw the world.” She kept the other part silent. One fuckfest at a time.

  Los chuckled but transformed. She climbed up, and the ridges she had sat on the day before were there, wider and softer.

  She settled, and they were easier to sit on. “Thanks for the reno, sweetie.”

  She gripped the ridge in front of her and tapped him with her heels. He rose up and ran fifty metres before he launched upward. The heavy beats of his wings pushed them up and into the sky.

  She gasped when they reached his preferred altitude, and she had to use the heat inside her to heat her body. Idalia moved around and wrapped a blanket around her again then squirmed until she was comfortable. There was a flash of pleasure, and she noticed that when she rubbed on the flattened ridge, she was stroking her clit.


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