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by Pepper North

  Firm lips captured hers. She might have been able to resist a plundering kiss, but this was soft and sweet. Indigo caught herself leaning closer but couldn’t stop her revealing action. She wanted his kiss.

  When his lips teased hers apart, she opened her mouth eagerly to deepen the kiss. His taste exploded over her taste buds as his tongue swept into her mouth - not invading but confident and sure. Indigo shivered against him as the sensation of rightness enveloped her body. She pressed her body against him as her hand shifted from trying to push him away to dragging herself as close as possible.

  A small sound of disappointment slipped from her lips as he lifted his mouth from hers. Unsure and bewildered, Indigo stared at him in confusion. Who is this man? she wondered, but this time her thoughts were not to cringe in terror but eager to know him.

  “Blueness, I have waited for you to arrive for so many lonely days and nights. I will treasure you for the rest of our days together,” he vowed.

  Indigo felt something click into place inside her. Something about this enormous man reassured her completely. The vestiges of terror that still lurked in her brain were wiped away. She didn’t know who this man was, but she knew soul-deep that he was hers.

  Reaching up tenderly, she rubbed against the rough stubble of his beard. “Will you explain all of this for me?” she asked with a small smile.

  “I am a Sorcerer of Bairn. Each sorcerer is matched with their perfect droblin or his fated mate. We never know when our mate will spring into existence, but when she does our bodies and minds recognize her. For some, their fated mate never springs to life while the sorcerer exists. For those, they die, having waited all their lives for something precious.”

  He waited several seconds for her to digest all the information that he had shared with her. Trying to anticipate her question, Hagan laughed in delight at the first bit of information that she asked.

  “What’s your name?”

  “My name is Hagan, blueness,” he answered with a fond smile.

  “Blueness?” she questioned with a puzzled look on her face.

  “I have watched you grow from a small infant to a beautiful young woman. Your blue eyes have entranced me from the beginning. I have waited to look directly into your gaze,” he confessed. “Thus, I have always called you, blueness, in my mind.”

  While she thought about his words, Hagan settled her more comfortably on his lap. Her back rested against his broad shoulder as his heavily muscled thigh supported her weight with ease. “Why are you so big?” she blurted.

  “To contain magic, a sorcerer’s body must be strong and healthy. If not, the magic in my body would consume my essence and end my life. My purpose and my magic are intended to care for and to protect you. I have prepared many years for your arrival,” he explained.

  “I don’t understand,” she confessed. Her brain whirled with the events of the last twenty-four hours. The threats at home combined with the unfamiliarity of her surroundings to create an impenetrable barrier.

  “Let me show you how the Sorcerers of Bairn began,” Hagan suggested with a fond smile. With one thick arm wrapped around her waist, Hagan cuddled her to his body for a few seconds. Then, he pressed both palms together in front of her. When he opened them as if opening a book, a light appeared to rest of his palms. He blew softly on it, and it grew in response until it was a foot square. “Watch carefully. This is the history of the first Sorcerer of Bairn.”

  Indigo was fascinated by the light and watched in amazement as it swirled with colors before turning into moving pictures. As she watched, a strong male figure emerged from a fog.

  He conjured a large medieval home and slowly filled it with all types of wonders. But the mood was gray, and his face was sad. One day, he opened the door to find a large white flower bud lying on the step devoid of color. He lifted it with ease and took it inside. Placing it on the table, he noticed that each time he touched the budded blossom, a hint of color would burst through the whiteness only to fade when he removed his fingers. Intrigued, he sat and cradled the blossom between his large hands. He was shocked to find the bud not only turning colors, but warming in his grip. For twenty-two days, he held the bud in his hands as it began to blossom and spread its petals. On the twenty-second day, the final petals curled open, revealing a beautiful young woman inside. His joy was palpable as he lifted her carefully from the blossom, which began to wither instantly.

  His new companion was weak and unable to care for herself. He wrapped her tenderly in a diaper and warm clothing. The sorcerer coaxed her to drink from a bottle to gain her strength. As the young woman blossomed and grew stronger, the sorcerer found his powers and strength increased as well. Their love for each other grew with each passing day. It was the sorcerer’s infinite joy to care for all his love’s needs, just as if one would care for a baby unable to fend for itself. The young woman was very wise and simply enjoyed the loving closeness with her mate. The pictures ended with a final reminder of the white bud appearing magically on the sorcerer’s step.

  Speechless, Indigo turned to look at him. It was like the books she had stuffed into her e-reader. There was no disguising the correlation with the age play stories she loved. She searched her mind trying to come up with some other rational explanation of the legend that he had just shared with her. Finally, she squeaked, “Really?”

  Having paused several long seconds as she thought, Hagan began to speak again, pulling his hands toward her body. This time his voice held a power unlike anything she had heard before, and a white fog began to rise from his palms to form wisps that wrapped around her body. “You are mine, and I am yours, Indigo. You are my destined one, and I have been waiting for you since your conception. As have all the Sorcerers of Bairn past and present, I will care for you completely.”

  As the whiteness wrapped around her, Indigo reached out to cling to his powerful forearm. He was her lifeline. The one she already trusted. She knew that she was his. Enveloped by the burst of white energy, her mind fled into sleep.

  Chapter 8

  Her thick eyelashes rested on her cheeks as Hagan tenderly cradled her against his hard body. He shifted her carefully to pull off his shirt. Hagan needed to feel her against his skin, and the powerful sorcerer knew direct contact would help foster their connection.

  There were a million things to do to protect his droblin, but the powerful sorcerer couldn’t tear himself away from his droblin now that she had finally arrived. The terror of watching the evil forces attempt to abduct her as the last minutes ticked down for her life away from him had nearly cost him his sanity.

  Only the support of the other sorcerers, feeling his turmoil through the communication bonds they had created, had kept him reassured that he wasn’t alone. As each droblin arrived, the threat grew. Indigo was now with him, and he would protect her with his last drop of magic. The others would assist as well.

  Now there were only three, Rose, Jade, and Scarlett, who awaited their twenty-second birthdays. His thoughts went to the three sorcerers who waited and worried. Would their droblins be as resourceful as his had been? Would the three young women heed the warning that the others would try to share?

  Quickly, he sent mental messages to the other twelve sorcerers. One for each droblin united by the Magic of Twelve, except for the delicate Marigold who had discovered twin sorcerers awaiting her. That had been the first secret uncovered by the arriving droblins. Many more hidden powers had revealed themselves in the days that followed.

  Hagan had waited for his power to read minds to change the relationship that he had with the other Sorcerers. It had not. Other than the bruising punch that Conall’s oversized fist had delivered gleefully to his arm when Hagan revealed his hidden power, the other sorcerers in the group had not changed their attitude or behavior toward him. His power could help protect all the droblins. That was all they were concerned about.

  Now, looking over Indigo’s beautiful face, Hagan understood. Nothing else mattered now that she was
here. All the powers they had hidden from the united group of thirteen and all the other Sorcerers of Bairn held one purpose. Protecting the droblins was the key—to everything.

  Chapter 9

  Indigo was toasty warm and snuggled against a firm surface. “Mmmm!” she murmured as she ran her hands over the surface that she laid against. Her eyes blinked open to see an expanse of golden-brown skin under her cheek. Confused by sleep, she tugged at the light brown soft hairs that sprinkled across the surface.

  “Ouch, droblin.” The surface below her ear rumbled with the deep words and the quiet laughter that gently shook his chest.

  Shocked, Indigo pushed away from him as she processed that she was laying against his bare chest. “What…” she began as her voice trailed away. His hands deftly rotated her body to sit up, cradled in his arms. Her eyes met his gray ones. “Hagan. I thought you were a dream. It’s real? I’m here?” she asked, looking around.

  “Yes, blueness,” he answered warmly. “You are really here. Lie back and let me help you recover from the shock of the transport and the beginning of the bonding process.” Hagan’s muscles moved her effortlessly to lay across his lap.

  When he pressed the nipple of a warm bottle against her lips, Indigo squirmed, trying to avoid letting it into her mouth. She watched him set the bottle down with a firm click. Smiling in confidence that she hadn’t just let him run ramshackle over her, Indigo gasped when his hands lifted her and rotated her body to face downward.

  When he lowered her to lie across his lap, Indigo began to struggle once again. “No, Hagan!” she shouted in protest as his hand pulled her nightshirt up, revealing her naked bottom and all of her back.

  Switching his hold on her body, he easily stripped off the nightshirt and dropped it to the floor below her face. When she frantically reached out for her clothing, Hagan trapped her hands behind her in one large hand. The other rested warmly over the swell of her bottom.

  “Indigo, you need to learn now that your lonely independent life ended the moment you turned twenty-two. You now will follow my directions without argument,” he began and paused as his droblin began to protest—loudly.

  “I don’t have to do anything you say. I’m a grown woman, and I get to make my own decisions and choices!” she yelled over her shoulder. Her rebellion froze in her throat as the sound of his heavy hand firmly swatting her bottom rang through the room.

  Thwack! Instant heat and a stinging sensation burst through her skin.

  “What! You can’t spank me,” she yelled even louder.

  Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Rang through the room as his firm hand spanked her bottom quickly. Heat burst through her skin as his hand continued to land against her punished skin. The large man didn’t say a word but delivered the consequence of her resistance to her defenseless derriere.

  The first tears escaped her eyes and dripped to the floor. Fiery anger filled her mind as she ineffectively struggled against his iron hold. Kicking her legs and even trying to bite him, Indigo refused to lose this battle. Her stubbornness showed in the increasing redness of her skin. His swats did not falter.

  Suddenly her resistance dissolved. Indigo sagged over his hard thighs. Her sobs filled the silence, and she realized that he had stopped spanking her the moment she had quit fighting him. His hand smoothed over the abused, red flesh bringing a gasp of awareness as he caressed her sensitive skin.

  “You must follow my directions without argument, blueness. Your life depends on learning this lesson. I know what you need to be healthy and happy. Will you allow me to care for you now?” His deep voice rumbled over her exposed body.

  Quickly, she nodded her head as she tried to roll back over on his lap. His hands held her firmly in place. She looked back at him in confusion. His eyes were focused on the swell of her bottom and her thighs. Indigo squeezed her inner thighs together, realizing that the punishment had affected her doubly.

  She was wet. Feeling the slick arousal on her upper thighs, Indigo knew that the sorcerer could see the glistening wetness. Somehow that made her even hotter. Even though she was embarrassed to have responded to his dominance, Indigo’s arousal flared with the knowledge that he could read her body’s responses and that everything was revealed to his eyes.

  “Can I get up now,” she begged, drawing his gaze to her face.

  “I had hoped you’d learned your lesson. Your Pappa knows what you need,” he said with steel in his voice. His gray eyes forced her gaze to lower, and she relaxed over his lap once again.

  “Pappa?” she whispered toward the floor as all those stories she had devoured in the dark seclusion of her bedroom flicked back into her mind.

  “Yes, my droblin. You will call me Pappa when you are ready. Now, are you ready for me to take care of your needs?” he quietly asked as he held her firmly in place.

  Slowly, she nodded her head.

  Instantly, his free hand stroked lower on her body, dipping between her thighs. At her low moan, Hagan reassured her softly, “Your Pappa knows what you need even before you do. There is nothing taboo or secret between us. What brings you pleasure, pleases me.”

  His fingers traced the cleft from the top of her buttocks into the wetness between her thighs. First lightly and then with a firmer stroke, Hagan dipped his fingers into the pink folds that lay between her legs. “Thank you, blueness,” he complimented as she shifted her thighs away from each other to provide him more space for intimate play.

  “A… aa… aaah!” her stuttered moan of pleasure stiffened his already rigid shaft. Her mere presence had aroused him seconds after her arrival. Now, his eyes memorized the picture of his droblin stretched over his lap as she lifted her bottom to entice his fingers to touch her more intimately.

  Tracing the opening of her vagina, Hagan paused to brush his index finger lightly over that sensitive bundle of nerves at the top of her channel. When she shuddered against his thighs, he repeated the motion several times until her breath caught in her throat with each stroke. He treasured the small noises she made as his fingers explored her intimate spaces. Hagan reminded her to breathe as one thick finger forged patiently into her snug opening.

  “You are so tight, blueness. Your Pappa will need to be careful when I enter you. You are little, and I am large. You will need to be very brave,” he continued to speak gently to her while allowing her to hear the desire in his voice. “Can you be brave?”

  Immediately, her head nodded fervently. “Yes, Pappa,” she answered him, automatically using the title that he referred to himself with.

  He knew that she hadn’t acclimated to using Pappa so quickly, but the term was settling into her mind. Smiling, he was proud of his droblin’s responsiveness that had distracted her thoughts. His fingers quickened within her body as he drove her stressed body into the climax she needed to relax. When she cried out her pleasure, Hagan once again rotated her body to lie against his bare chest.

  The beautiful blue eyes that had captivated him so long ago looked at him with dazed pleasure. They widened as Hagan lifted his fingers to his mouth to lick her bountiful juices from his skin. “Mmmm!” he murmured, unable to resist, and his low, intimate laughter greeted her enchanting pink blush.

  Drawing the bottle to his hand with a flash of magic, he again brushed it against her lips. Hagan smiled broadly at her as her mouth obediently opened this time to allow the nipple to enter. Her “mmmm” of pleasure echoed his bringing fresh waves of fond chuckles and pinkness.

  Chapter 10

  Those deep blue eyes studied him carefully as he cuddled her in his arms. When she shivered, he used his magic to bring a soft blanket to cover her. Her lips smiled around the nipple as she drank. He was glad to feel her relaxing in his arms, and Hagan made a mental note. Orgasms helped release stress and negative emotions for his droblin.

  When the bottle emptied, he removed it from her lips. Her pink tongue chased the last droplets from her lips. Hagan smiled his approval. The other sorcerers whose droblins had preceded Ind
igo had shared all the favored concoctions. He now knew which formulas tasted best for a human palate and which foods they would eat and the ones they needed to eat anyway.

  “You are lovely, blueness. I am the most blessed of sorcerers,” he murmured.

  Turning pink once again, Indigo pulled the blanket up under her chin as she peered up at him. “Where am I?” she asked.

  “Would you like to see the home I created for you?” he asked. Her question signaled that the nourishment and the orgasm were helping her settle into her new home. He lifted her easily to sit up on his lap. Indigo hissed as her spanked bottom pressed into his thigh. It took several seconds for her to shift her attention from her soreness to notice that her body was exposed. He stifled a laugh as she quickly yanked the blanket back over her body.

  “Can I put my nightshirt back on?” she asked, looking over at the floor. She swayed slightly as she looked way down at the floor.

  It appeared that she hadn’t realized how far she was away from the floor. This was a problem that many of the droblins still struggled with each day as they lived in a world that was built sorcerer-sized rather than droblin-sized. Their sorcerers, of course, had created special mats and small tables and chairs for them. The droblins seemed to find it a challenge that they couldn’t resist trying to sit on the large furnishings without help. He had seen many red bottoms when they had almost taken a tumble and injured themselves.

  Spankings were the preferred method of teaching the droblins, but the other sorcerers had given Hagan several suggestions on how to deal with recalcitrant young women. It was imperative that Indigo obeyed his commands without hesitation or question in an emergency. After watching her throughout the years, the sorcerer also knew that her personality needed to be submissive to be happy. He would make sure that she was both safe and content.


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