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The Biker's Virgin (Satan's Beasts MC: Nomad Chapter Book 1)

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by Sam Crescent

  Ape had gotten him all the information he needed last night. All it took was a couple of the right questions to the women begging to be fucked by his men. Piper was the sister and daughter of two of the town’s biggest sluts. Again, not his assessment, some angry woman’s assessment. He didn’t like to get between women.

  He remembered the woman he’d saved last night. She hadn’t been looking for a man’s attention and if she was, she could have fooled him. There was no way he got the sense that she was playing last night.

  “You okay?” Ape asked.

  “Yeah, I am.”

  He glanced at the third table where one of the town women sat. She laughed at something Bad said. Clearly, she was after a good time, but Colonel wasn’t interested in the woman.

  No, his entire focus was on Piper.

  She came out of the backroom, complete with a ghastly uniform, an apron, and a smile. She grabbed a coffee pot and started to serve up. After she did the coffee, she made the rounds, notebook and pencil in hand, heading back to the counter to serve.

  “Piper,” the woman wrapped around Bad said, yelling across the room.

  She looked up and her gaze went wide and then she shook her head. She glanced down the tables and stopped when she spotted him. There was no smile for him, just annoyance as she approached the woman.

  “This here is my sister, Piper,” the woman said.

  “Candy, what are you doing?”

  “I’m getting better acquainted with these handsome men. Showing them how nice we can all be.”

  Piper rolled her eyes.

  “You like to work enough for all of us. I’ll have a big breakfast, make it a full one, and don’t scrimp on the scrambled eggs,” Candy said. “My sister is amazing. She’ll take care of you.”

  One by one, the men gave their orders.

  All of his club had been warned about Piper. They were to stay away from her. He’d already staked his claim and he wasn’t backing down.

  When she came to his table, she hesitated, but he didn’t mind.

  “Morning, sweetheart,” he said.

  “Morning, Colonel. How are you?” she asked.

  “I’m good. Even better now that I’ve seen you. That’s your sister?” he asked, pointing down to where she was already making out with Bad.

  “Yeah, she is. She really wanted to meet you guys. I guess gossip does run fast around here.”

  “You didn’t mention us to her,” he said. Most people liked to gossip when they came to town. He’d gotten used to it.

  “No, I didn’t have time. I’ll get these orders ready for you,” she said.

  “I didn’t give you my order.”

  “Right, of course.” She stood, pencil to pad, poised to take his order. He liked that he made her nervous. He gave his order and watched her go, admiring her ass.

  “You think she’s what people say she is?” Ape asked.

  “No, I don’t think she is.”

  She avoided a couple of grabs to the ass and Colonel was tempted to put the men in their place, but he was happy to watch her do it.

  There was no way he could keep doing everything for her. She had to learn to do things herself. He’d known her for less than twenty-four hours and already got the sense that she had a hard life. Not one she wanted to experience either. Her sister was completely oblivious to her, apart from when she wanted something.

  The orders came through quickly. No one approached them. He’d been to towns where he’d been ordered out of eating establishments. The boys loved confrontation, but for now, they were willing to play nice as they wanted to stay here.

  Colonel didn’t mind being on the open road, sleeping anywhere. He’d slept on the roadside, even in a public toilet when the need arose. No one made him stop.

  All he wanted to do was be free, to fly, to soar. On his bike, on the road, it was the best place to be. Women came and went, of course. Some liked to ride with them for a short time, but they always found happiness elsewhere.

  Piper was the first woman in a long time to really intrigue him. She brought out their food, offered them all a good breakfast, and got back to work.

  Candy kept on demanding her sister’s attention and he saw it pissed her off, but again, she didn’t show it.

  He wanted to know this woman. Why did she put up with her sister? What did she think of the rumors about her? Who she really was, because on the surface, she was putting on a brave face, but it wasn’t the real her. He saw a kindred soul. Someone bursting to break free, if only there was someone there to guide her.

  After finishing up his breakfast, they left the diner and Candy was already on the back of Bad’s bike and heading toward the cheap motel they’d found. They were staying in the rooms and had already paid upfront.

  “Are you coming?” Ape asked.

  “Nah, I’m sticking around for a little bit.” He slid his sunglasses into place as Ape looked behind him.

  “The girl from last night, seriously?”

  “You know me. I like a mystery.”

  “Yeah, there’s a mystery and then just plain boredom. There are willing women.”

  “I know who I want, Ape. I don’t need to justify my actions to you. Go, have some fun. You don’t have to worry about me. No one here is going to kill me.” Besides, he had a feeling Piper would be more open around him if he didn’t have his men at his back.

  Chapter Three

  Piper was tired.

  After the breakfast and lunch shifts, it was time to go home, grab a shower, and head to the bar where she’d work until midnight before making it home for some much-needed rest. She wanted her bed.

  Leaving the diner, she took a couple of steps then stopped at his voice.

  “Is that all you do, work?”

  She turned to see Colonel leaning against his bike, sunglasses down. He looked deadly still but there was something about him she couldn’t quite put her finger on. Maybe it was why she wasn’t running away terrified of him. There was just something about him that called to her, that helped her to forget all her wishes and desires.

  “What can I help you with?” she asked, not wanting to answer his question. Yes, all she did was work because she wanted to live her own life away from the judgment of others. Being in this small town was killing her slowly and surely, but she couldn’t see a way out.

  “Yeah, how about I give you a ride?” He patted the seat of his bike.

  “I’ve got to get home and get ready for work.”

  “More work? You know all work and no play makes for a very dull life.”

  “A dull life I’m happy with.”

  “But it’s not one your sister takes or your mother, if rumor is to be true.”

  She laughed. “So you already know so much more about me than I know about you.”

  “Why don’t you climb on this bike and I’ll give you a little more information? I promise I won’t kill you or hurt you. Just have some fun.”

  “I’ve still got work to do.”

  “I’ll give you a ride, drop you off at home, and then take you to work. How about that?”

  She stared at him, assessing. “What’s the catch?”


  “Yeah, I know nothing in this life comes without some kind of payment.”

  “I get the pleasure of your company.”

  She was jaded from life. She hated how little trust she had. “Really? You don’t even know me.”

  “You’re not used to people liking you, are you?”

  “I don’t trust easily. Most of the time, people want something from you.”

  “Technically, I do, I want your company, and now I’m asking you to just let me have your company.” He waited to see what she’d do.

  “You’ll make sure I get to work?”

  “I will.”

  She nodded. “Fine.” She walked toward him. “Do you have a helmet?”

  “Nope, but don’t worry, sweetheart, you’re going to love this.” He reached for her h
air, taking out the band that held it up.

  “Hey,” she said as he tugged on the locks.

  “You’re not going to want it for long.” He winked at her and then ran his fingers through her hair. “You need to relax and the only way to do that is to feel the wind rushing through you.”

  She didn’t want him to touch her but his large hands felt good as they ran through her hair, making her want things she really shouldn’t.

  He climbed onto the bike. “Get on, sweetheart.”

  She hesitated for a split second, aware of prying eyes watching them.

  They think you sleep with their husbands and men. Stop trying to satisfy them and get on the damn bike.

  Holding on to Colonel’s shoulders, she straddled his machine. Her thighs on either side of his body.

  “You’re going to have to hold on tight, sugar,” he said.

  She wrapped her arms around him, letting out a squeal as the bike jerked forward, but he didn’t stop. She held on to him tightly. At first, she closed her eyes, terrified they were going to crash. Little by little, she became aware, heightened, ready for anything. Slowly, she opened her eyes and saw they’d left the town behind. She didn’t know where they were heading. They passed a couple of cars and trucks. He swerved around, overtaking a minivan, and they traveled faster, the speed picking up. Tilting her head back, she gave herself over to the feel of the ride, the pleasure, the rush, the danger. All of it combined and she couldn’t get enough of it. She didn’t want it to stop.


  She wanted more.

  This was the most amazing feeling she’d ever experienced. The rush of pleasure was a high she’d never encountered.

  Colonel came to a stop at a rundown garage. She’d never been there before. Some of the windows were shattered and the sign had given way to rust and age.

  Climbing off the bike, she fell down on her ass, gasping.

  Colonel chuckled. “Your first ride?”


  He helped her to her feet.

  “Does this happen often?”

  “Not really, but I’m used to men and women who ride a lot.”

  “Oh,” she said.

  “Don’t worry about it. Are you feeling steady?” he asked.

  “Yeah, I’m fine.”

  Well done, Piper, now you look like a child in front of him.

  He let her go and she swung her arms in front of her, looking around, trying to think of something funny to say.

  “Enjoy the ride?” he asked.

  She nodded.

  “I don’t get to hear words?”

  “You know I enjoyed it. It was a lot of fun.”

  He chuckled. “Do I make you nervous?” He stepped up close to her.

  Any other man, she’d go on hyper-alert to get away, but with Colonel, she didn’t know why, but she had this overwhelming desire to get as close as possible to him. She stood her ground, waiting. “No.”

  “Really.” He cupped her cheek. “Tell me, Piper, how old are you?”

  “Why do you want to know?”

  “I’m curious about the woman I’m going to fuck.”

  His dirty words shocked her and she pulled away with every intention of leaving, but he stopped her with a hand on her wrist.


  Colonel noticed she pulled away when he got blunt with her. He was only stating a fact as far as he was concerned. She would be in his bed.

  “I’d like you to take me home now.”

  “You’re nothing like the rumors say, are you?”

  She looked away from him, and all he wanted was for her gaze to be on him. Finally, after what felt like a millennium, she looked up and glared. Her shoulders squared as if to do battle.

  “I’m not like my mother or sister.”

  “What happened to your father?”

  “I have no idea where he is.”

  “So what was going on with Dave last night?” Just the name rolling off his tongue made him want to commit murder.

  “Just because I’m not like my family doesn’t mean others don’t think I am. They try to take what isn’t freely offered. No one would for a second believe I was a virgin.”

  The moment she spoke those words, Colonel was determined to be the first and only man between her spread legs. She covered her mouth with her hand as if she’d said something disgusting. “Forget I ever said that.”

  He advanced toward her but she stepped back. It was his look. She’d come to a board with advertisements on it that stopped her from leaving him. He put his hand either side of her head, caging her in. Some of her wild hair was behind his hands, and he didn’t mind keeping her in place. If she moved, she’d cause herself some pain, but he had no interest in hurting her.

  He wanted her to know that he wanted her more than anything. Staring into her eyes, he smiled. “You really shouldn’t have said that.”

  “I’m not a virgin.”

  “Don’t lie to me. Your honesty is refreshing. I have no interest in lies. You’re a virgin? No man has ever touched this virgin pussy?”

  He didn’t put a hand on her. Her lips called to be kissed. He wanted to fucking take her but instead, he held back, not wanting to overwhelm her. Piper was used to people taking what she didn’t want and he wasn’t about to start up now. He had no interest in hurting her. What he wanted from her, he’d get it, but he had patience and rushing her wouldn’t work.

  She shook her head at his question.

  What had he asked her? Oh, yes, if no man had ever touched this virgin pussy.

  “I think it’s time I take you home.” He stepped away from her and climbed onto his bike.

  “Is that it?” she asked.


  “You don’t want anything else?”

  “When I want something, I’ll ask for it. For now, I don’t want anything.” He winked at her.

  “Why did you do all of that?”

  “I wanted to find out what you were like and now I have my answer.”

  “It doesn’t make any sense,” she said.

  “Come on, get on. We have a deal, don’t we?” He promised to get her home then to the bar for yet more work. Didn’t this woman know how to play? He had a feeling she didn’t. He’d teach her how.

  She hesitated for a split second before rushing toward him.

  He waited to ride until she’d gotten comfortable. “Tell me where I’m headed once I hit town.”

  She gave him directions and at first, he rode all the way into town. He didn’t once slow down his speed. He was the kind of guy who liked to go fast and no one was there to stop him. Piper didn’t let go of him and the heat of her pressed against his back. Soon, he’d be inside her, claiming her cherry, letting her know what it was like to be fucked by a man. Her first time was going to be perfect. Painful, there was no getting away from it, but he knew how to ride that pain with pleasure and he would.

  Arriving back to town, he followed her instructions and came to a trailer park. He stopped abruptly and she went to climb off.

  “Tell me which one?” he asked.

  She pointed across the field toward a modest-sized trailer with a couple of deck chairs out front.

  He parked his bike and waited as she climbed off. This time, she didn’t fall down.

  “You wait here. I won’t be long.” She walked into the trailer but he was curious by nature. Following her inside, he saw it was clean and tidy and clearly owned by women.

  “This is home?”

  “Yes, has been all my life.”

  “And you don’t know where your father is?” he asked.

  She came out of a room with a towel in her hands. “I don’t know who he is. No one does. My mom liked to party and she said no one needs a dad to have a good life.”

  “Did your mom give you a good life?”

  “She did. Or at least she tried to. It’s kind of hard as she had a reputation before I went to school. She works hard though, parties even harder.” She shrugged.r />
  She disappeared into a small alcove, sliding the door closed. He stepped closer, hearing the shower run.

  This was her life. He walked into the room she’d come out of. It had a single bed pressed against the window. It looked like she shared with her sister. One bed was made, the other not.

  On the bed was a book. He picked it up and started to flick through it. There were locations, cutouts from magazines, postcards of places to go, museums to visit.

  Seconds later, she appeared in her bedroom. “What are you doing?”

  “You want to travel?”

  She sighed. “It was a dream but now I’d settle for an apartment. If my sister’s here with a man, there’s no way I’m sleeping in my bed, so I often take the couch, or outside. I’m ready to leave when you are.”

  She wanted to get out and explore, and he was a man who lived on the roads. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to know he could give her her heart’s desire, but could she give him his?

  Chapter Four

  Colonel sat at the bar, nursing a beer while she worked. He’d offered to take her home after work. Piper had tried to decline, but he wasn’t having any of it. Today, he hadn’t crossed the line. He hadn’t forced himself on her, and for that, she couldn’t wipe the smile off her face.

  He was … nice.

  Sure, a little blunt and she had no doubt he wanted to fuck her, but he hadn’t. He’d kept his distance and now, she couldn’t stop looking at him. What made him tick? Why did he want someone like her?

  A couple of women had already approached him for a good time. Each one, he’d declined and sent them on their merry way.

  She liked that.

  Grabbing her tray, she made the rounds, picking up empty glasses to go clean. Colonel sat in the space opposite where she washed glasses. Eric liked to keep a nice clean ship, as he called it. With over fifteen glasses collected, she made her way to the sink and started to wash them.

  “It’s a slow night,” Colonel said.

  “It’s still early. Give it another hour. There will be more people arriving. It gets busy Friday and Saturday. Then it’s a madhouse and you can’t hear yourself think. It’s crazy.”


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