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The Biker's Virgin (Satan's Beasts MC: Nomad Chapter Book 1)

Page 4

by Sam Crescent

Going back to her tits, he cupped them close, leaning forward and sucking on her nipples. He slid his tongue across each mounded peak, hearing her cry out and scream for more.

  “That’s it, baby. Yeah, I fucking love to hear you scream with pleasure.” He bit down on one hard bud, relishing the sounds as he soothed out the pain with his tongue.

  He wanted more. Her hand wasn’t enough.

  Pushing it out of the way, he moved her so she was kneeling on the bed in front of him.

  “I love your ass and I’m going to fuck it, baby.” He spread the cheeks wide, admiring the curves. “So pretty.” He stared down at her anus. He wouldn’t fuck her there tonight but soon. So very soon. He looked forward to it.

  Stroking to her pussy, he began to finger her clit, drawing back to her soaking cunt and spreading her open. He waited to see if she was too sore to be fucked. When she gave no sign of being so, he gripped his cock and slowly fed his dick to her pussy.

  Inch by inch, he sank inside her, feeling her tighten around him. When he got to just an inch to get within her, he grasped her hips and slammed that last part deep inside.

  Fuck, she felt so good. Better than he ever imagined.

  After pulling out of her, he slammed in deep. Again, he did the same, this time though, he looked at his dick, seeing her cream on his cock. He wanted her to come with his dick inside her. Sliding in to the hilt, he grabbed her hip, ordering her to stay in place. With his other hand, he found her clit and started to stroke her, building up her pleasure.

  Her cunt fluttered around his dick.

  He gritted his teeth, trying to focus on her and getting her to orgasm. All he wanted to do was pound her pussy. Make her scream his name. For the sounds to echo around the room like sweet music. Instead, he held back.

  He gave her time to find her release, building it up. Each ripple testing his sanity as only his woman could. She fucking blew his mind.

  When she came, he was so fucking happy. The pleasure was instant. The hit of lust desperate and hungry. He couldn’t stop. Gripping her hips even tighter than before, he began to fuck her harder, going as deep as he could, making her scream his name. He loved every single second of it.

  Driving in deep, he was so close to coming, and this time, when he found release, he held himself deep within her, pulsing his cum into her womb.

  This woman was his.

  He’d never felt so consumed, so possessive of a woman before. Piper wasn’t a passing phase. She was the real deal and he was going to hold on to her, keep her forever. He was going to show her the world.

  She collapsed to the bed. “Wow,” she said. “Where have you been all my life?”

  He chuckled. “You’re still young. I’ve been waiting for you.”

  “How old are you, anyway?”

  “I’m forty. Does that bother you?”

  “No, not at all.”

  “Good.” He pulled her up and kissed her lips hard. “How old are you?”

  “I’m twenty-one.”

  “So fucking young.”

  “I’m not innocent anymore. You’ve taken care of that.”

  “You’re right. I have but I still need to dirty you up a bit. You’re way too clean.”

  Chapter Six

  “You don’t have to go to work today. I forbid it,” Colonel said as he pressed her against the bed, refusing to let her get up and go.

  “You forbid it?”


  She giggled. “What does that mean exactly?” Every single time she’d gone for her clothes, he’d pulled her back. Now, she moaned as he pressed his palm against her pussy. She cried out his name as he slid his fingers deep inside her while teasing her clit. Even though she was sore, it wasn’t painful and she moaned as he teased her. Awakening the fire within her blood for more.

  “It means you’re staying in this bed.” He kissed her neck, her chest, and down her body until he got to her clit. “Spread those pretty thighs for me.”

  She did.

  He sucked and nipped at her clit, setting her on edge with pleasure unlike any she’d ever felt.

  What happened to the woman she’d been yesterday who didn’t have sex or even consider a man’s attention?

  She wanted Colonel. Thrusting her pussy up onto his face, he growled for more and she was more than happy to give it to him.

  Rubbing herself against him, she felt her release building. It shocked her how fast her body quickly changed, building toward an orgasm she hadn’t seen coming.

  “That’s right, baby. Fuck my face. Let me have it.”

  She did, giving him everything he asked for. Her orgasm rushed through her body and even before she’d finished her release, Colonel was there, sliding inside her.

  “I’m never going to get bored of this. You’re so perfect.” He slammed his lips down on hers, his fingers gripping her head, holding her in place as he pumped his hips, going deep as he fucked her. His pace increased and she wrapped her legs around him.

  Colonel wasn’t done though. With his arms wrapped around her, he turned so she became the one straddling him.

  “Now that is a pretty sight.” He grabbed her tits, squeezing the nipples before soothing them out with his fingers. She arched her back, moving up and down his length.

  His hands moved from her tits, down to her hips, then back up again. He lifted up, sucking on each of her nipples before gripping her ass, spreading the cheeks wide.

  He helped her move and the pleasure inside her increased. His cock seemed to grow harder with every passing second. He filled her so completely.

  “Yes!” She screamed the word and it echoed around the room.

  “Take your pleasure, baby. Let me hear you have it. That’s right, fuck me harder.” Even as she rode him, Colonel still had complete control. He showed her what he wanted and she gripped his shoulders, holding on tight to him.

  What had he done to her?

  He’d invaded her life. She rode him to his orgasm and she felt as he flooded her pussy. Each pulse set off mini waves of pleasure within her.

  Afterward, she kissed him hard, climbed off, and disappeared into the bathroom to clean herself up.

  “You’re going to have to take me now. I need to go home first, to get changed into my uniform.”

  “You really want to go?”

  “Colonel,” she said, stepping up close to him. “You’re passing through here. When you leave, I still need a job.” She cupped his face and tried not to think about the thought of him leaving and what it would feel like.

  A sharp pain filled her body at the thought of never seeing him again, but that was crazy. There was no way she could feel that way about a man she barely knew.

  Colonel groaned. “Fine. But same rules apply. I’ll take you to and from, got it?”

  “Got it.” She quickly dressed in the clothes she wore yesterday.

  “Also, pack a bag. We’ll be coming straight back here.”

  “Fine. Fine.”

  Within ten minutes, they were on his bike and heading to her trailer home. When they got to the park, she was surprised to see her mother sitting out in one of the deck chairs, smoking a cigarette. She had thought her mother quit, but surprises seemed to be coming all over the place of late.

  She climbed off the bike.

  “Mom, this is Colonel. Colonel, this is my mom.” She didn’t want to tell him her mom’s name.

  Rather than linger on the why, she walked into the trailer, going straight to her room. There was no sign of Candy.

  “Are you fucking him?” her mother asked, coming into the trailer.

  She didn’t see Colonel.

  “It’s none of your business.”

  “Sweetheart, I know you don’t think much of my way of life, but listen to me here. That man, he’s not going to stick around.”

  Again, the pain. “I know that.”

  “You’re a passing fancy to him.”

  “I know that. You don’t think I get it? I haven’t seen all of this
happen before with you. I’ve seen the men come and go, and not stick around. Hey, I’ve seen married men who come and go. I … I like him, okay? He’s not like anyone from around here.”

  “What will you do when he leaves?”

  “The same as I’ve always done. Work hard, ignore the men who think they can have me, and just keep on going. It’s what we all do, right? Keep on moving forward.”

  “I know you hate me.”

  She shook her head. “I don’t hate you, Mom. I never have. I don’t always agree with your choices and yes, they’ve affected me a lot, but I don’t care anymore. I know he’s going to leave, sooner rather than later, but for now, I’d like to just, keep this little piece of fantasy before it leaves. Can’t I do that?”

  Her mother smiled at her. “Of course, you can. I should have known I couldn’t give you advice. You’ve always known what you want and how to get it.”

  She did, but she never got it. She accepted the hug from her mother. For a few short minutes, she didn’t have to worry about the man who would leave her life soon.


  “Do you think it wise to take her with us?” Ape asked.

  “Tell the boys she’s coming,” Colonel said.

  He watched as Piper moved around the bar, serving drinks, being the perfect employee. This wasn’t the life he wanted for her. The conversation he’d overheard with her mother … she wasn’t a passing fancy to him.

  “This life isn’t for women,” Ape said.

  “I know. That’s why I’m bringing her. She’s different, Ape. I need her.”

  “Do you love her?”

  “Yes.” He didn’t even hesitate. “I know it’s fast but I just know. I don’t want anyone else in with my life. Maybe it’s love at first sight or some shit like that, but I know the way I feel, and I’m not going to deny it.” All the boys had ever known was his love of the club, not of anything else. He didn’t want to be with anyone else. Piper was everything he’d been missing. She’d ride on the back of his bike. The past couple of days, he’d loved feeling her there, and he knew it was where she was meant to be.

  He needed to convince her of the same thing. Not that he doubted himself, not even for a second.

  “I love her, Ape, and I’m not leaving her behind. Tell the boys we’ll be leaving by the end of the week and we’re going to be having a plus one. Take care of her for me until I get back.” He’d seen a jeweler in town and he wanted to go and see if he had time. He’d noted the late time-opening slots. After leaving some cash for the boys, he made his way out to his bike and took off toward town.

  He still had a good half an hour before the shop closed. Once he’d parked the bike, he headed inside with plenty of cash on him.

  The man behind the counter looked a little nervous as he entered.

  “I’m not here to steal. An engagement ring, I’d like to pick one. You got them?”

  “Y-yes, o-of c-course.” The man’s hands were shaking as he showed the display where the rings were waiting.

  He watched as the man took out the case.

  Glancing over the rings, he settled on the perfect engagement ring. The band was slim, and the diamond in the center, small and sweet.

  “I’ll take it.” He also found a single band for himself, and he pulled out the money. The jeweler didn’t ask any questions, and Colonel took the rings then headed back to the bar.

  Ape was still there, along with the boys.

  “You told them?”

  “I did,” Ape said. “There’s a bit of a problem.”


  “Piper may have heard me telling the boys we’re leaving at the end of the week. I think she loves you too, boss. She looked devastated.”

  “Fuck!” There was no sign of her at the bar. Getting to his feet, he approached Eric, who let him know she’d stepped out for a little while. She’d needed a break.

  Leaving the bar, he rounded the corner and he heard a sniffle. He didn’t give her a chance to see him as he watched her.

  Tears ran down her face, which she tried to cover up. She swiped at her cheeks, clearly angry with herself with how harsh she rubbed at her cheeks. “Stupid,” she said.

  “I hope you’re not calling my woman stupid,” he said, stepping toward her.

  She rubbed at her face. “I poked myself in the eye.”

  “Both of them?”

  “They watered against my will. You’re leaving.”

  “I am, at the end of the week.”

  “When were you going to tell me?”


  “Oh, so I’m the last one to know. It’s fine. I’m not important.”

  “Shut up,” he said.


  “You heard me. I need you to shut up.” He went down on one knee.

  “Colonel, what are you doing?”

  “I was going to tell you tonight in the privacy of my hotel room, Piper. I know this is new between us. I know we’ve still got a lot to learn from each other and about one another, but—” He stopped to take the ring out of his pocket. “I want to learn everything about you as I go. There’s a nineteen-year age gap and I know you can throw this in my face. There are plenty of men out there who can give you a nice house, a family. I’m offering you the chance for devotion, the open road, and a life of adventure. It’s not going to be easy. There will be nights we’ll fall asleep under the stars. What I promise you is you’ll live, be my old lady, at the back of my bike, and maybe in time, I’ll even get you your own. One day, down the road, we’ll make it official. You’ll become my wife.”

  “You’re proposing to me?”

  “I want you with me. Every single chance I get. I know you’re young and you’ve got your whole life ahead of you.”

  “Yes,” she said.


  “I’ll marry you. I want to come with you.”

  “You’re sure?”

  “Did you doubt I’d say yes?”

  “I didn’t know what to expect with you, baby.”

  She held her hand out for him, and he slid the ring on her finger. “We’re leaving this week.”

  “Enough time for you to get your shit together and for us to be on the open road.” He wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her close. “You think you can handle it?”

  “I know I can. I want to. I want to be with you. I know it’s all sudden, but there’s no one else I want to spend my life with. It feels crazy what we’re doing.”

  “I’ll take care of you. Every step of the way,” he said. “You’re part of me now, Piper, and I won’t ever let you go.”

  Chapter Seven

  The end of the week

  “You don’t have to go,” her mother said.

  Piper hugged her mother and her sister. Behind her, Colonel and the boys all waited for her. She’d finished her time with Eric and at the diner. She’d handed in her uniform and keys, as well as the keys she’d been given.

  “My sister, a biker chick. I didn’t see it coming,” Candy said. “You don’t want to stay?”

  “There’s nothing here for me. You know that. I’m unhappy here. At least with Colonel, I have something.”

  “And you love him?” her mother asked.

  “I do. It’s crazy, isn’t it? I never thought I’d feel anything like this, but it is sudden, and you know what, I don’t care. I love him. I know deep in my heart this is different, and it’s amazing. One day, we’re going to get married.” She rolled the ring around her finger before bringing the diamond up for display. “I’ll keep in touch. I’ve got a cell phone, and you can call me anytime.” She hugged her mother and her sister again before stepping away.

  Colonel had purchased a pair of jeans and a jacket for her. He promised her leather cut would state whom she belonged to, and who her man was.

  Stepping away from her family, she walked toward the man she loved. He straddled his bike and as she went to move in behind him, he stopped her by cupping her cheek. “Are you
sure this is what you want?” he asked.

  “I love you, Colonel. There is nowhere else I want to be. This is the life I want and I choose you. I choose us.” She went on her tiptoes and kissed him.

  It started out as a chaste kiss, but Colonel wasn’t going to have that. He slammed his lips down on hers, and she cried out, melting against him, wanting him, hungry for him.

  He gripped her ass, showing whoever looked who possessed her.

  Once he was done, he waited as she climbed on the back of his bike. At first, her nerves were clawing at her as she wondered if she’d made the right decision.

  This was all new territory for her. A life away from her family, away from a town.

  Each mile they got down the road, the trapped feeling and the sickness in the pit of her stomach eased. She started to feel free, alive, awakened once again. This was her life now.

  Out of town, on the road, she didn’t read the signs, but each mile made her feel freer. When they got to the open road with no one around, she let out a squeal as Colonel fired the engine and their speed increased.

  This was her life now. A new adventure.

  One she was going to cherish for the rest of her life.


  One year later

  “You may kiss the bride,” the priest said.

  Colonel didn’t hesitate as he pulled Piper against his body, slamming his lips down on hers, sealing their marriage. Their rings held their wedding bands and engagement bands. In time, it would hold an anniversary one as well.

  For now, it was one year exactly since they met, and as he picked her up, his boys cheered. They’d made a quick stop in Vegas, and he carried her out of the church, toward the hotel room.

  “You’ve got to let me walk,” Piper said.

  “Not happening, baby. You’re my woman and I say what goes.” He kissed her hard. “Enjoy your night, boys. Tomorrow, we ride out.”

  He carried her over the threshold where his boys waited until he closed the door. Once he did, he tore off the leather jacket he had made for her. To anyone who looked, it stated, Satan’s Beasts MC, Nomad Chapter, President’s woman! She wore it everywhere. Not a day had gone by that he regretted his decision. She was still in constant contact with her mother and sister, but they hadn’t returned to town.


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