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About Last Night

Page 6

by S. E. Law

  It’s her.


  Her back is to me, and she’s talking to Jane. Jane is wriggling out of her clothes, exposing her petite, small-breasted body. They don’t see me, but I’m close enough to overhear them.

  “Come on, girl,” says Jane. “Let’s go skinny-dipping!”

  Missy shakes her head no. She’s devastatingly beautiful, dressed in a form-fitting outfit that highlights her curves. “I don’t want to take my clothes off just yet,” she replies.

  A woman with elegant dreadlocks comes up behind Jane and nibbles on Jane’s earlobe. Of course, it doesn’t throw the skinny girl off at all. She keeps talking to Missy as the woman caresses her naked breasts.

  “Don’t tell me you’re suddenly shy.” Jane turns to the woman. “Hi, I’m Jane. What’s your name? Or does it matter?”

  “Bianca,” the woman answers. “Does your friend play, too?” she asks, throwing a sultry look at my beautiful woman.

  “I do,” says Missy hastily. “I mean, not with you – but I don’t mean that, you seem nice – I just mean –”

  “Missy’s got a Prince Charming – long, strong, and hung like King Kong,” chirps Jane helpfully.

  There were dozens of people at the orgy last weekend, but the woman with dreads scrunches her brow.

  “I think I remember him,” says Bianca. “He was really cute, right? I only saw him for a moment.”

  Jane snorts.

  “That’s because he spent all his time upstairs, lavishing affection on my bestie here.”

  Missy nods, a little embarrassed.

  “That’s right,” she says. “He did, and it was amazing. And that, Jane, is why I don’t want to take this dress off.” She gets an adorably shy look in her eye. “I want him to see me in it, and I want him to take it off me.”

  It’s time to make my entrance, and I step out of the shadows.

  “Done,” I say. “Happy to be of service.”

  The look on Missy’s face when she sees me is a look I’ll remember to my dying day. So many emotions wash over her mien at once: first surprise, then delight, then a little girl shyness at how much she can’t hide her feelings. I see an unmistakable flicker of lust as well. I can’t help but notice how she unconsciously licks her lips, that gleaming pink tongue like a kitten’s.

  I don’t wait this time because there’s no sense in being a gentleman tonight. I know she’s as hungry for it as I am.

  “Come on, Bianca,” says Jane, sensing the electricity coursing between us. “Let’s take a dip in the pool and leave these lovebirds alone. I hear saltwater is good for the skin. This is a saltwater pool, isn’t it?” she smirks while striding away.

  I don’t even wait until they’re gone to make my move. I unzip my fly and take Missy’s hand roughly. “Touch it,” I command. “I want you to stroke it.”

  My beautiful girl doesn’t hesitate this time, despite the fact that we’re not alone. She fishes into my fly and pulls out all rock hard ten inches of me. She strokes it with bad girl vigor, relishing its feel within her tightly gripping fist. I love this woman for who she is, but I also love watching a good girl get naughty.

  “Cup your hands around my balls,” I order. She does. “Can you feel that?” I whisper hotly into her ear. How tight they are up against my body? I’m ready to come right now. But I don’t want to splatter up that pretty dress of yours because you look so very delicious in it.”

  There’s a soft patch of moss poolside near us. Some other couples are already using it as a pleasant natural mattress, and judging from their frenetic moaning, it works really well.

  I push Missy firmly down onto the moss and pull up the bottom of her skirt. The black silk rides up her voluptuous thighs and exposes a very wet and very pink cunt, all ready for me. The dirty girl didn’t even wear panties, I growl with satisfaction to myself.

  I rub the underside tip of my cock against her clit, relishing the tension between my own erotic sensations and enjoying her reaction. She’s loving it. Her hands reach up to stroke her breasts underneath the black silk, but she can’t get to her nipples and it’s driving her crazy.

  I plant a fierce, hard kiss on her neck and reach up to the black lace front of her dress. I take the fragile lace in my hands and rip it in one swift movement. It rends easily under my fingers and she gasps at the tearing sound.

  “What?” she gasps, looking down. “Did you really just do that?”

  I push away the fabric to caress and tease her nipples.

  “You’re not so shy now,” I growl into her ear. “And I want all these people to watch me fuck you.” I pause to suck and tongue one of her nipples, just as I tease her opening with the very tip of my cock. She inhales sharply. “Just one fuck and you’ve become a real little slut, haven’t you?”

  It’s gotten quiet. The other couples around us have stopped their own erotic activities to take a look at what’s going on next to them. I’m not embarrassed to have a crowd watch me make love to Missy, even if this is also the first time I’ve done this with an audience because nothing is going to stop me from having this woman right here, right now.


  Except one thing.

  “I know you want it,” I rasp into her ear as I lick and nudge her earlobe. My cock is giving her half an inch now, not quite enough to swallow my entire head but just enough pleasure to let her know I mean business. “And I’m going to give you every inch of it. But here’s the thing, my darling slut,” I say as I stick my finger in her mouth. She rolls her tongue around it eagerly. “I want to hear you say it.”

  I slide it out from between her luscious lips and roll my dickhead along the bottom of her clit with a feather-light touch. It’s a little trick I’ve learned about women – sometimes the lightest touches are the ones that send them to the stars, and Missy’s no exception.

  “Yes,” she moans, reaching for me. “Yes, I want to do it out here, in the open.” She tears at my shirt, snapping the buttons so her hands can stroke my hard, muscled chest.

  I push an extra half an inch inside her. I love the way the teasing is making her cunt jump and flutter on the inside. I want to shoot inside her right now, and fill her as deeply as I can with every ounce of my hot cum, but instead I pull out of her wetness. Her eyes blink with surprise at me, thighs still wide and welcoming.

  “Get on your hands and knees,” I command. I pull the hem of her dress up to her waist, so everyone at the party to good view of her plump, delicious ass and her juicy pink snatch. The front of her dress is in tatters.

  “Did you get this pretty outfit just for me?” I ask as I stroke the contours of her bottom. “You do look very sexy in it. Not at all like the sweet good girl I met last time.”

  “I did get it for you,” she squeaks out between gasps. “I guess you changed something in me.” I run a crooked knuckle up and down the pink of her slit and watch her squirm in appreciation. There’s a crowd gathering now. Some are only politely observing. Some are savoring the sight and lazily stroking themselves or enjoying some oral attention from another curious onlooker.

  I strip myself out of my shirt. There’s a low murmur of approval through the crowd when they see my muscled torso. I don’t care. I’m not owning this woman in front of everyone for my benefit. I’m doing it for hers. And, judging from the dribbles of hot fluid beading on her clit and dripping to the ground, she’s very much enjoying the attention.

  “Take it,” I whisper.

  I ease into her waiting folds, loving the slide. Missy’s eyes flutter closed and her mouth opens in a frozen oh! position but no sound comes out. I press deeper still with everything I’ve got, angling my cock so I know I’m nudging every secret tingling spot inside her. I’m not going to stop – or allow myself to cum – before I see that gush of pleasure spill out of her pussy. I love it when women squirt their nectar all over me.

  I grab her wide hips and pull her pussy fully onto me. “You are a delicious woman,” I tell her. “And to think, you
were saving this little pleasure box all for me.” Her face is flushing and her teeth gritting. Her huge breasts sway beneath her torso, swiping along the soft moss.

  I can feel my cock bouncing against the very top of her cervix, touching her with everything I’ve got. Oh, god, I’m going to make her come soon, because I don’t know how much longer I can hold out –

  Suddenly Missy lets out the lowest, most guttural groan of pleasure and I feel a wet spill against the base of my cock. The sight of that nectar gushing out as her cunt spasms tightly around my cock is the last straw. I roar and pump multiple jolts of semen deep inside, spraying her fertile fields with hot stream of jizz. It feels so good that I almost black out for a moment.

  “Shit,” I groan while reaching around to stroke her little nub. Her pussy juices hard into my hand, even as the folds continue to milk me dry.

  “Oh Trevor,” she gasps, big breasts swinging wildly now. “Yes, just like that.”

  She’s coming so hard that my dick is almost pushed out by her clamping pussy. The girl’s dropped to her elbows because she’s losing control, and I love it. An even more enticing view of her now very open and very flushed pussy appears, and slowly, I run a finger around the tiny brown spot of her ass.

  “Trevor!” she gasps in shock, turning to look at me over one slim shoulder.

  I chuckle.

  “Don’t worry, I won’t take you here tonight. Well, not now at least. We’ll save that for another session, pretty girl.”

  She moans and drops her head so that her forehead’s almost on the grass. That’s a good girl. I grip her hips and finish pumping, the last drops of ejaculate landing in her sweet pussy.

  “Oh,” she moans throatily. “Yes, just like that.”

  With a chuckle, I take my sweet time pulling out of her because I want to prolong the sight of my semen spilling out of her. It’s fantastic. My huge cock appears, glistening and veiny and definitely satiated. Her folds contract once more, and then a tiny bead of white fluid forms right at her hole. It grows and grows before slipping wetly down one thigh.

  Good. Missy loves it because she doesn’t bend over demurely or pull her dress down. If anything, her knees widen, and she reaches one hand back to pull a big butt cheek out of the way. She lets everyone see what I’ve done to her – the hotly dripping pussy, the way her folds are flushed bright red and still twitching a bit from pleasure. The girl even wiggles her bottom a little for the audience, as if putting on a show. She’s now a slut, through and through.

  But she’s my beautiful slut, to be exact. We may have put on a performance here, but this girl belongs to no one but me.



  I’m still reeling from that life-changing orgasm while Trevor takes me gently by the shoulders and rolls me over onto the moss. I’ve got tears in my eyes again. I can’t help it, but I’m not alarmed or embarrassed about the emotions this time because I know it just means I’ve been overwhelmed by pleasure and sensation. It’s a wonderful feeling to be honest.

  “I wasn’t sure if you’d come back to another party like this,” he says in a quiet voice. I smile faintly.

  “I wasn’t sure, either,” I murmur. The curious onlookers around us quietly disperse. They may all be horny voyeurs, but I do appreciate that they respect a couple’s intimate moments. “I guess deep down, I didn’t want to miss a chance to see you again.”

  He kisses the tender, yielding skin on the underside of my breasts. The sensation of his lips on such sensitive skin sends tingles up my spine.

  “I need to see you again,” he says urgently. “Here, and places other than here. As soon as possible. Tomorrow, even? Sweetheart, I can’t wait a week for another Club Elegance party to get my cock inside you again. You’re something special.”

  His insistence makes me feel so good, and I blush.

  “I’d like that too. Oh wait, but I can’t do tomorrow because I have a family thing.”

  “Later then?” he persists. I laugh. Trevor’s insistence is very flattering. I’ve never had a guy after me like this before, and it warms me to know that someone wants me this bad.

  “Maybe. My family event starts early, so maybe after that. And my mom? She’s a little high strung, so I’m going to be running around after her all morning, preventing preventable disasters. Sorry, I know this isn’t sexy talk. It’s not like anyone wants to hear about my nutty family.”

  He’s not fazed at all.

  “I do. I want to know you better.” He kisses my hand and I feel like a duchess in a fairy tale. “I’m staying at Hotel Papillon. They’ve got a five-star restaurant in the penthouse and I hate dining alone. Join me in the evening?”

  Oh wow. He picked the right way to win my heart, that’s for sure. “I do love to eat,” I admit with a self-deprecating smile. “You don’t really get this curvy without loving food.”

  “Then I think you should keep on indulging your desires,” he says, “because you’re absolutely delectable.” I flush with delight again.

  “So does this mean I can order dessert?”

  He grins.

  “Make that two desserts. I want to watch you devour a crème brulee like I devour you.”

  Okay, that’s corny, I think, but it still makes me giggle. I get a little shiver of glee all over. “The thing with my mom will probably be over by mid-afternoon,” I promise. “I’ll let you know.”

  Trevor nods.

  “Then I’ll come get you. Where do you live?”

  Ooh, getting personal now. At first I hesitate, but then I get over it. This man wants to see me, and I want to see him too. It’s a new chapter in my life, and I can’t wait.

  “You know the big mansion where the first party was? I’m almost across the street from it, in the little brick house with the red and white flowers. You can’t miss it.”

  Trevor leans forward to press a kiss on my swollen lips.

  “Then it’s a date. I’ll get you at five, if that works. But before then,” he says as he reaches for the zipper hugging the curve of my waist, “I’m not done with you.”

  I giggle even as he slides the dress off me because I was hoping he would say that.

  I don’t get home until the birds are singing and the sky is slowly turning from grey to a pale blue. I’m humming a little tune to myself as I walk in the front door when the sounds of crashing pots and pans greets my ears. Oh no, I think. Please don’t let the drama be starting this early.

  “Missy!” I hear my mother’s terse voice from the kitchen. “Where have you been? I need someone to start moving chafing dishes to the restaurant.”

  Oh shit. This isn’t good.

  “I was out with Jane,” I answer, and it’s not really a lie. Jane was at the party, after all, even if I spent most of my time making love to Trevor. I try to change the subject before she grills me more about my whereabouts.

  “Why are you bringing chafing dishes to the restaurant? Don’t they have that kind of stuff already?”

  Nancy appears in the doorway. It’s five a.m. and yet she’s already dressed in her yellow brunch suit, heels, and pearls. She’s hastily tied an apron around her waist, and her blow-dried hair is already a wreck. Luckily she’s too frazzled to notice my new dress – or the rip that stretches up the entire front.

  “Because, Missy,” she says, enunciating as if I’m stupid, “how else am I going to transfer thirty servings of Eggs Benedict from here to there?”

  I sigh.

  “It’s a restaurant, and they know how to do this kind of thing.” I step over the pile of pots and pans littering the floor. “That’s their job, to make thirty servings of things for people. Why are you making this difficult for yourself, Mom?”

  My mother doesn’t say anything. She just stands still in the middle of the kitchen. Nancy’s trying to keep her composure but she can’t stop her face from crumpling into tears all of a sudden. I gingerly walk over and take her by the shoulders.

  “Mom,” I say gently. “Mom, it’s o
kay. Don’t cry.”

  “It’s not okay,” she says, dabbing at her eyes. “I messed this up the first time and I’m not going to ruin my second chance.”

  “What did you mess up, Mom?”

  “The wedding. The husband. The marriage. I was so young. I know he’s your father, but . . . I just wish I had held out a little more. That I had done better for myself. And then getting married again, and divorced again. Dragging you through all of that. Getting old is crazy,” she says, giving me a little sad smile. “A know-it-all eighteen year old decides a direction for your life, and at forty-five, you’re the one who has to live it.”

  “Mom, you did okay. You did better than okay. You did choose well, because I’m here. And I’m me, and I like me. I know you did the best you could. You’ve been strong, and the struggle is over now. You can put your feet up, and let the restaurant make thirty orders of Eggs Benedict, or anything else the party needs.” I take her face in my hands and look her in the eyes. “Remember: this is your day.”

  Nancy laughs, and hugs me. “Thanks, sweetheart. I guess I needed that.” I hand her a tissue and she wipes the running mascara from her eyes. “I guess I’m just nervous about you finally meeting Jim. I just want you to like him and his family.”

  I nod.

  “You chose him, so I’m sure I’ll adore him. Now come on,” I say, leading her out of the kitchen. “You go upstairs and clean yourself up. I’ll call the restaurant and work out the menu situation. Then we’ll both take a deep breath before we go to the restaurant.” But my mom still has reservations.

  “I don’t know,” Nancy says hesitantly as she climbs the stairs. “I have this feeling it’s all going to be a disaster.”

  “The Titanic is a disaster, Mom,” I say. “Don’t worry - this is just brunch.” Nancy sniffles and disappears up to the second floor.

  A few hours and a dozen phone calls later, I make sure my mom has a beautiful event waiting for her. I’m very proud of myself because I don’t usually dial up restaurant managers and negotiate a last-minute menu that’ll make everyone happy. I think it’s Trevor’s influence, to be honest. Meeting with him, and making love to him, has put a spring in my step, and I feel confident and sassy. He’s doing wonders for my self-esteem. Not to mention, I feel very pretty in a sleeveless raspberry top and white flowing knee-length skirt I pick out to wear at the party.


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