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About Last Night

Page 8

by S. E. Law

“Sounds interesting,” says Nancy. “Maybe you and I should go sometime, sweetheart. Wouldn’t that be fun? Maybe we could make some new friends as a couple.”

  “No!” Missy says quickly.

  Everyone at the table turns to look at her.

  “I mean,” she stammers, “I think you’d be bored, Mom. It’s a lot of people talking shop.” Her mom looks at her with puzzlement in her eyes.

  “Well, how do you know, sweetheart?” says Nancy. “Have you been to one?”

  Missy’s face is going red.

  “No, no, Jane went once. It was for a work thing,” Missy quickly adds. Her mom nods with understanding.

  “Oh right, your friend Jane. What an odd bird. She’s a paralegal for that law firm, isn’t she? Even with that pink hair, she got hired,” muses Nancy. “Well, that’s the last thing I need, a room full of lawyers. After two divorces I’ve had quite enough of them.”

  Jim takes Nancy’s hand. “Well, then, honeybun, I promise that you’ll never have to talk to a divorce lawyer ever again.” They smile and kiss, lost in their own world again. But suddenly, Nancy turns to me.

  “Trevor, tell us about yourself. I’m so excited you’re my new stepson, and if you’re as half as sweet as your dad is, I’m sure the ladies just love you.”

  Missy’s going red in the face again, and I laugh lightly.

  “You’d have to ask the ladies that. But, like my dad, I am a one woman kind of guy.”

  “Are you married?” Nancy asks like a bright-eyed squirrel.

  “No, and not dating anyone at the moment,” I answer. “But I do have my eye on someone special.”

  Very carefully, so Jim and Nancy don’t notice, I let my hand creep up Missy’s thigh, right to the crease in her lap where her leg meets her hips. I lazily drag my finger back and forth against the hem of her panties, teasing her with how closely I’m skirting around the treasure trove I know she’s got under that virginal white skirt.

  She parts her legs a little, just enough for me to creep one crooked finger down to tickle her clit ever so slightly. What I’m doing to her under the table must feel good. The beautiful girl keeps on buttering her croissant with great concentration, her eyes fixed to her knife. But I hear her trying to control her breathing, those full breasts heaving up and down.

  I’m restraining myself, too. I’d love for everyone to go home right now so I can sit her up on one of these tables and lap at that deliciously wet cunt. Or have her run her tongue up and down my hard shaft until she takes the whole swollen head in her mouth. She’s so good at that. My sweet little slut is a good study, and I know I want her body, but clearly, this isn’t the time. As much as I want her, I can control myself for the sake of the engaged couple.

  “As far as my love life goes, that’s all I’m going to say,” I conclude to Jim and Nancy as I give Missy’s clit one last soft pinch. She gasps, her nipples growing tight under her dress. “A gentleman never tells, you know.”

  Both of them nod and murmur, agreeing with me.

  “I respect a man of discretion,” chirps Nancy. “You’ll make a good husband, Trevor.”

  This time, Missy almost spits out her water as I chuckle low in my throat.

  “Why thank you, Nancy. I do hope to make a lucky woman happy one day.”

  Missy’s staring at the wall, her face a beautiful shade of pink, and I laugh to myself. After another half hour of light chit chat, it seems the party is winding down, and everyone is saying their goodbyes. As we stand, I offer my hand to Nancy. “It was very nice to meet you, Nancy,” I say. “Should I call you Mom, or would that be too soon?”

  “Oh, of course it’s fine,” coos Nancy with a big smile. “Besides, I’ve always wanted a son. We’re going to be family soon.” She gives me a big, motherly squeeze, and Jim smiles at the sight.

  When she lets go, I turn to Missy.

  “Nice to meet you, stepsister,” I say as I bring her in for an embrace. I can feel the gorgeous girl’s heart pounding as I hold her close. I turn our bodies so her butt is facing the restaurant wall, and quickly, before anyone notices what I’m doing, I reach down under her skirt to gently stroke the swollen pussy she’s hiding under her good girl panties. Like a hungry little slut, the fabric is absolutely sopping with her juices, and I groan with appreciation.

  “We made a date for tonight, remember?” I whisper in her ear. “Two crème brulees and more if you want it. I still want you to come to dinner with me. You can sneak out. Make an excuse.”

  She’s just about to murmur something when we’re interrupted. I practically jump out of my shoes, but slide her a glance. I want her in my arms again, and soon.

  “By the way, Trevor,” my dad says as he slaps me on the back. “I forgot – I still need your help tonight getting that old trailer off our property before the reception.”

  “Can it wait until tomorrow?” I ask, trying to hide the annoyance in my voice. “Tonight’s not a good time.”

  Jim shakes his head. “Sorry, son. If I don’t get it off those concrete blocks tonight the property inspector’s going to see it, and that rusted hunk of junk is going to cost me. Your BMW’s the only car with enough horsepower to drag that thing.”

  I shake my head with impatience.

  “I’ll just give you the keys to the car. I trust you to drive it. It’s fine.”

  Jim shakes his head. “I can’t drive that thing.” He turns to Nancy. “You should see inside that car. It’s got more dials and readouts than an airplane cockpit. I can’t tell whether I’m pressing a button to turn on the radio or launch a missile!”

  I can’t force the issue with him right now because it is his engagement brunch after all. “No problem,” I say with the friendliest smile I can muster. “I’ll be there.” Muttering to Missy, I say, “Raincheck, sweetheart. We’ll reschedule.”

  Meanwhile, Nancy’s brow furrows. “But you’ll still be coming for dinner tonight, right?”

  Missy jerks a little.

  “What?” my stepsister-to-be asks. “You didn’t tell me anything.”

  Nancy makes a little wave with her hand.

  “Oh sweetheart, Jim and Trevor are coming over to our house for dinner, just the four of us this time. I told you about that, remember? You must have been on your phone. Kids these days are so into their screens that it’s a hazard,” she sighs.

  “No, you didn’t say anything,” says Missy in a tight voice, but I step between them before an argument starts.

  “We’ll be done moving the trailer by then, Nancy. It’ll only take an hour tops, so yes, we’d be happy to come.”

  “Perfect!” coos my new mom. “Dinner it is. Oh, look at you, Missy. You’re all flushed. I bet it’s the champagne. Missy’s never been a big drinker before,” she says in a conspiratorial voice. “This is all new to her.”

  I grin while shooting a sideways look at my new stepsister.

  “Good because we’ll have a lot of fun figuring things out together. Exploring new territory and new relationships, right? That’s what life is about.”

  The beautiful girl blushes again, and I love it. Missy is so intriguing and luscious, and I can’t wait to get my hands on her again.



  I can’t stop thinking the word.



  STEPBROTHER?!?! What are the chances?

  “Missy, are you all right?” my mother asks. “You’ve been awfully quiet this whole ride home.”

  Whoops, I think. Time for a little white lie. “I think those Eggs Benedict aren’t sitting right with me,” I moan while clutching my stomach. Nancy glances over at me in the car with concern.

  “When did you eat the eggs? I barely saw you touch your food, sweetheart. Maybe you’ve just got a case of the nerves. I know I’d be nervous, too, if I was meeting my new stepfather and stepbrother.” Just hearing her say the word “stepbrother” makes me a little carsick.

  “And thank you for being so nice to
Jim and Trevor,” my mom prattles on. “You were so nice to me this morning, honey. I know I can be a little high strung sometimes, and you really did save the day by calling the restaurant and making sure everything was set up right.”

  I shoot her a wan smile.

  “Thank you, Mom. I was happy to do it. I’m just glad you’ve met someone who makes you smile,” I manage in a somewhat normal voice.

  “Well, I hope someday you’ll meet someone just as wonderful, just like Jim,” she coos with a silly grin on her face. “He’s such a wonderful man.”

  Internally I cringe. I’ve already met someone just like Jim, and in fact, they share DNA. That thought makes me feel guilty again, and yet also a little tingly, like I’m being naughty. Who knew being bad could be so amazing?

  When we pull up to the house, I make a beeline for my bedroom. I’ve got to change out of these sopping panties before anyone finds out how wet I’ve become from Trevor’s touch. I quickly throw on some shorts and a summery tank top and head back downstairs.

  “I just found an overdue library book in my room,” I say hastily. “I think I’ll return it before they close.” It’s my second white lie of the morning, but Nancy doesn’t even suspect.

  “Of course, sweetheart. Have a good time,” she calls from the kitchen.

  I hop on my bike and ride the ten blocks to our town’s little library. It’s not huge like the university libraries I’ve come to know in Boston, but it’s got a special place in my heart. Just being in the quiet building relaxes me enough to get some perspective on my troubles, and that’s why I knew I needed to come here now. Even though I loved Trevor’s attention, that brunch was too stressful for words. I need to unwind before I even think about what’s next.

  Humming a little, I trail my hand lightly along a bookshelf. I have so many good memories of this friendly little library. I spent every grade school summer here working through the The Babysitter’s Club books, and before then I was sounding out Hop on Pop. I guess everything I know about a child’s love I learned from reading and re-reading The Velveteen Rabbit. And I definitely learned about life from The Very Hungry Caterpillar: eat all you want and turn into a beautiful butterfly in the end.

  But now I need very grownup advice that a little caterpillar can’t give me, no matter how hungry it gets. I go looking in the romance section, but after paging through a few dog-eared novels I realize this isn’t going to be useful. The heroines seem too, dare I say, wishy-washy? I like them flirty and sassy, and when they’re constantly passing out from god knows what, it’s not helpful.

  Then I turn to my old friend Jane Austen. But did she ever have the dilemma of Mister Darcy pounding her cunt so hard it made her squirt? Just the thought of that very unlikely scene makes me giggle loudly enough for a librarian to shush me.

  Where to turn? I need a grown woman’s advice about love, sex, and what to do when you’re in an impossible situation. I spy a book on the shelf and gulp when I see that its titled House of Incest. Holy smokes. That hits a little too close to home, but at least there are many other books on the shelf next to it, all written by the same author, Anaïs Nin. I pull one book down and it falls open to a page with the quote, “Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.”

  Maybe this lady is on to something, I think. Even though this week has been full of new experiences that are definitely outside of my comfort zone, I’m still proud of myself. I’m proud that I didn’t run out of that first sex party like the scared little virgin I was. I’m proud that once I was in bed with the sexy Trevor, I let myself become a woman in full. I’m proud I helped soothe my mom’s jangled nerves, and I’m proud I made it through that whole stressful brunch without curling up into a ball.

  I’m even proud I splurged on that lacy black dress for myself, just so I could look as beautiful as I feel. Even if it only lasted for one night before Trevor ripped it off me, it was still worth it. That sensual, ecstatic night by the pool makes me tremble with lust once again.

  Jane is right – going to those parties makes you feel free and happy, and I’m glad that I followed her advice. I bet ol’ Anaïs went to a couple of those parties in her day, too. I browse through some of her other books and, yep, sure enough I’m not the only woman in the world who’s been confused, elated and ecstatic all at once. It’s nice to not feel so alone.

  “Ok, girlfriend,” I say to myself as I scoop up a handful of books and take them to the checkout counter. “You’re coming home with me.” That afternoon I read every one of those books until I fall asleep with one in my hands.

  I wake up in the light of the setting sun to the sound of my mother vacuuming downstairs. Oh, that’s right, I remember. She’s cleaning because Jim and Trevor are coming over tonight. I quickly jump out of bed and into a hot shower, giving myself a luxurious scrub. I pamper myself with the good shower gel that smells like sandalwood and roses, and make sure to stroke every inch of my skin with a deluxe body cream after drying off.

  After all, I want to look nice for Trevor, even if I’m still conflicted about our new relationship. Thoughts race through my head at light speed. Yes, it is wrong to have sex with a stepsibling. But we are adults, and it’s not like it’s anything we haven’t already done. But what if our parents find out? I don’t want to complicate this marriage for my mom because after all her bad luck in love, she deserves at least one happily ever after.

  But as much as I keep telling myself that cutting things off with Trevor is the “right” thing to do, the more my body – and my heart – want him. I don’t want to say anything to jinx it, but I think I’m starting to feel something for him. I mean, he’s not just nice to look at. He’s devilishly charming, with a sense of humor and a smile that lights up my world. Not to mention, he gives great orgasms.

  The old me would have said, “Stop dreaming because you’re just a chunky gal from nowhere, and he’s a devastatingly handsome race car driver.” But the new me is starting to believe that anything’s possible, as long as you have the courage to go for it.

  I pick out a gorgeous dark blue dress and accessorize with some dangling sapphire earrings. I want to look just pretty enough to catch his eye, but not so seductive that my mom will start asking questions.

  “Missy, are you –” my mother says as she knocks on the door frame. She sees me in my dress and her mouth drops open in awe. “Sweetheart, you look absolutely radiant. I’ve never seen you in that dress before. Is it new?”

  “Oh no, I’ve worn it before,” I say as I kiss her on the cheek. “I’m just in a great mood today, that’s all.”

  “Well, I’m glad you’re ready because Jim just called. He and Trevor will be here in a few minutes. Would you help me with the roast chicken?”

  “Of course,” I say while tripping down the stairs. My mom is an excellent Southern cook, and tonight we’re having all the classics: corn bread, greens, and pecan pie for dessert. I’m whipping up a quick gravy from the pan drippings when the roar of a powerful engine sounds on our street. That’s got to be him, I think.

  “I’ll get it,” I say while tearing off my apron. My heart is pounding in my chest. I’m so excited to see Trevor again, but it’s important to stay cool. After all, our parents are here.

  “This isn’t a date,” I tell myself as I open the door. “And it’s certainly not a Club Elegance party. It’s a family event, so behave yourself.”

  But when I take one look at my dark, handsome lover stepping out of his sleek black sportscar, I lose all common sense. And when he locks those vibrant blue eyes into mine, I know we’re both thinking the same thing.

  Jim steps out of the car and heads up the walkway.

  “Hello, Missy!” he sings while enveloping me in a big bear hug. “You look nice.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Ellis,” I murmur.

  “Please, just call me Jim. Or, Dad, if you like,” he says with a wink.

  “Hey, sis,” says Trevor as he hugs me hello. Then he whispers in my ear. “You look go
rgeous.” The heat rushes to my face when he says it.

  “What happened to the BMW?” says my mother as she hugs and kisses Jim hello. “Did everything go alright?”

  “Moving that trailer burned out the motor,” Jim sighs. “But luckily there’s a luxury car dealer in the next town who’s looking it over.”

  “They know me there,” explains Trevor, “and lent me this Maserati while they’re fixing it.” He turns to me with a sparkle to his gaze. “Want to take a ride? It handles like a dream.”

  Every cell inside me is screaming yes! but my mother interrupts. “Later, sweetheart. Dinner’s hot now, so let’s sit down and eat.”

  Obediently, we all take a seat in the dining room. I sit next to Trevor again, but notice with some disappointment that the chairs are too far apart for him to tease me with his fingers like last time. Oh my god, I’m becoming such a horny little slut. To make it worse, my mom smiles beatifically.

  “Let’s say grace,” says Nancy, and we all take each other’s hands. I love the feel of my soft hand inside Trevor’s big rough one. We’ve done so many things together with our bodies, but I think this is the first time we’ve ever held hands, and it’s a wonderful feeling. I give his palm a little squeeze, just enough to make him slide me a sidelong glance and a warm smile.

  “Jim, would you like to carve?” says my mother after the prayer’s done.

  “Thank you, Nancy,” he says while standing and hitching up his pants. “Trevor, how about opening the wine?”

  “Sure thing,” says my new stepbrother. He spears the cork with the corkscrew and gives it a few hard twists before popping it out of the bottle with ease. Wow, I love the fluidity of his movements, and how he’s so adept. Suddenly I’m seized with an urge to have those strong hands all over me again and go hot all over. Fortunately, my mom interrupts.

  “Oh, silly me. I forgot to put wine glasses on the table. Missy, would you be a dear and get some from the kitchen?”

  “Sure,” I say, hopping up from my seat. “No prob.”


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