About Last Night

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About Last Night Page 12

by S. E. Law

She smiles at me a little sadly.

  “Yes,” she murmurs. “I guess you are, but call me okay? I’m worried about you not having a place to stay yet. You call me the minute you get settled because I won’t be able to sleep until I know you’re fine.”

  I smile at her.

  “Will do, Mom. Okay, I’m going to the library now to return my books.” She laughs a little as well.

  “What time is your flight?”

  “Ten pm. I’ll just take a taxi to the airport, no need to drive me.”

  Nancy sighs again. “When did you get so old? When did I get so old? My baby doesn’t need me anymore, and it makes me miss when you were just a little girl saying “Ma-Ma! Ma-Ma!””

  “Mom, I’m fine okay? We can’t turn back the clock and that’s for the better,” I say in a gentle voice while patting her back. “Hang in there.”

  “Okay, sweetheart. You take care, alright? And call me!” she adds as I head out the door.

  “Will do,” I say with a final wave. “I’m just headed to the library, so I might see you one more time before I leave.”

  With that, I exit the house. Man, that was so exhausting. Somehow, Nancy always has so many issues, and I feel like I take care of my mom more than she takes care of me. But finally, I’m free, and hop on my bike to start pedaling. Within ten minutes, I’m pulling up to the public library, and it’s easy to place the books in the return book slot. I’m hopping back on my bike to go home when I hear Jane yelling, “Missy! Yo Missy!”

  I turn around to see her racing towards me with a paper bag in her arms.

  “Hey,” I say, hugging her. “What are you doing here? I didn’t know you used the public library.”

  She rolls her eyes.

  “I don’t. I’m looking for you, what else? Good thing I caught you because guess what?” She reaches into the paper bag. “I made you a going away present.”

  Jane hands me a macaroni necklace, the kind you make in nursery school with glitter and yarn.

  “Um, thanks?” I say, flattered but confused. “But what is this exactly?”

  Jane doesn’t even blink an eye.

  “Just your basic ‘best friends forever’ bling. I made it for you because macaroni necklaces are da bomb. They take me back to junior high summer camp, where you make friendship bracelets and lanyards. Man, life just goes downhill from there, doesn’t it?” She takes the necklace from my grasp and lowers it over my head like I’m winning a gold medal. “Looks great,” she says. “The glitter matches your eyes.”

  “Um, thank you,” I say. “This is very sweet of you. You know what? I’m going to wear this on the plane ride home. So what if people stare at me?”

  Jane throws her head back and laughs hysterically. I roll my eyes.

  “Trust me, that’s not the piece of jewelry they’re going to be staring at.”

  I shoot her a sharp look. “What do you mean?”

  But my best friend won’t meet my eyes, and instead reaches into the paper bag again. “By the way, Mister Wubbles told me he wants to go home with you, too.” She opens up my backpack and puts Mister Wubbles in the pocket where I put my house keys. “He wants to be the first tiger in his family to go to a big, important university. You know, he comes from a family where they usually don’t even go to school, much less college.”

  “Oh, Jane,” I say, giggling despite myself, “I’m going to miss you so much. You are such a amazing, zany friend.” I hug her tightly.

  “I’m gonna miss you too, girlfriend.” She zips up my backpack for me and pats it. “How about I visit you in Boston this year? That’ll take the sting out of those winters, right? I mean, I don’t exactly look forward to having sleet blowing in my face, but it is what it is.”

  I smile, taking her hand.

  “That sounds great, and thanks for that text about the Club Elegance party tonight. Obviously, I’m leaving town, but you have a good time.”

  “You know it, girlfriend.” My buddy blows me a kiss and runs off. “See ya sweetheart!”

  With a nostalgic smile, I turn away. Somehow, it never seems like Jane and I grow apart. Even though we’re so different, our conversations always pick up right where we left them.

  Smiling to myself, I decide to go into the library a bit. I spend some time browsing the stacks, and then look up to see that the sun’s setting. Oh wow, where did all the time go? Hurriedly, I hop on my bike and start pedaling. It’s beautiful out, with gold and orange rays of sunset gleaming on the cement pavement. The leaves whisper softly, and a gentle breeze blows against my face.

  It’s almost dusk when I reach home, and the fireflies are out now, doing their flashing courtship dance on everyone’s lawn. I’ll miss North Carolina moments like this, and the possibilities that could have been with a magnetic man like Trevor. But I’m optimistic about starting over again in Boston, and it was time to say goodbye.

  Unfortunately, my good mood deflates as soon as I realize I can’t find my house keys in my bookbag.

  “What the hell? Where did I put them?” I mutter as I dump my backpack out on the lawn. The only thing in my bag is Mister Wubbles, and if he knows where my keys are, he’s not telling.

  I knock on the door.

  “Mom!” I yell. “Mom, I’m locked out.” No answer. Nancy must have gone out with her friends. Go figure. And she doesn’t have a cell phone because they’re too new-fangled for her.

  “Great,” I moan as I flop down on the front porch. It’s getting dark now, and my luggage and plane tickets are inside! How am I going to get back to school?

  Just then, my cell phone rings, and I pick it up morosely.

  “Hey, girlfriend,” says Jane. “I accidentally grabbed your keys when I put Mister Wubbles in your bag. Can you meet? I’m at the Cosmo Club.”

  Oh no, I inwardly groan. “You mean, you’re at the Club Elegance party,” I say with acid in my tone.

  “Well, yeah,” she admits sheepishly. “But I can’t leave because I already paid the entrance fee and they stamped my hand. No readmittance. Please just come, girlfriend. You don’t have to stay. I’ll just give you the keys and you can go.”

  I sigh. This is not what I want to do tonight, especially since I look so grubby in my cut-offs.

  “Are you at least dressed?” I ask sharply. “Or are you already circling a man?”

  Jane giggles a little.

  “Nope, the fireworks haven’t started yet. So are you coming or not?”

  “Well, it looks like I don’t have a choice,” I grumble. “Okay, I’m on my way.”

  I like riding my bike, but the Cosmo Club is just a little too far away for it to be a fun outing. By the time I get there, my thighs are chapped, my hair is a mess, and my tank top is sweaty. Not the way I want to enter a swanky nightclub, to say the least.

  At least the Cosmo Club is easy to spot. After all, it’s the only business on a long lonely road. There’s a large pink neon sign of a martini glass flashing on and off under club’s name.

  A bouncer stops me at the door. “ID,” he grunts.

  Oh, no. I brought my keys and my phone, but I left my wallet at home. How am I going to get inside? Then I remember.

  “Whatever you want?” I say with a nervous smile, half-begging, half-asking.

  He nods without changing his expression, and I exhale, relieved. Good thing I remember that Jane said those words way back when during my first Club Elegance party. He inks up a small stamper in the shape of a heart and holds it out to mark the back of my hand. But then he hesitates.

  “Fifty bucks,” he demands.

  I don’t have fifty bucks, and my heart sinks. What now? It sucks to come this close only to fail.

  Suddenly a woman appears behind the bouncer. She’s a thin blonde in her mid-forties. I can tell she’s older but, honestly, if I look that good at forty I’ll be very, very happy. She scrutinizes me and nods.

  “It’s okay, Eddie,” she says to the bouncer. “She’s good to come in.”

shrugs and stamps my hand. I follow the woman inside. She turns to flash me a bright white smile.

  “My dear, welcome to the club. I’m Monica, one of the organizers. I think I’ve seen you before, right? You’re the lovely lady who stole the heart of a tall, dark, and handsome man, am I right?” She smiles at me, and I’m worried she’s setting me up for a fall, but then again, what can I do about it? At least she got me in for free.

  “Um, yes,” I answer as she walks me through the bar. Of course, there were quite a number of tall, dark and handsome men that first night, but I know she’s talking about Trevor.

  I look around surreptitiously as we walk. Jane was right, there’s nothing crazy going on down here on the first floor. I recognize a few faces from the last party, but everyone’s just chatting and having drinks. To the casual observer, it just looks like a regular weekend at an upscale bar.

  This time Monica’s smile is warm. “That’s wonderful. We only want sex-positive members at Club Elegance, not to mention those who want to explore the poly lifestyle. But I do love seeing people fall in love. That’s always a nice bonus to this job.”

  What? She seems off her rocker because she doesn’t know me. But I nod and smile, still looking around. We’re at the back of the bar now and there’s a dark staircase tucked into the corner. I scan the room nervously. Where’s Jane?

  “Um, I’m sorry,” I say. “I’m just here to get my house keys from my friend. I’m not really here for the party. I really appreciate you waiving the fifty dollar cover, but I’ll be leaving shortly, as soon as I find my friend.”

  “You don’t have to stay,” murmurs Monica. “But would you like a drink at least? Or maybe some privacy to freshen up? You look like you’ve had a workout. I don’t know about you, but I hate being sweaty, unless it’s from a vigorous session of making love.” She winks at me, and I swallow. Come to think of it, I do smell pretty bad, and there’s no sense in staying this way.

  “Okay,” I say. “I’ll just freshen up, and then get my keys and go.”

  We’re at the top of the stairs now. Monica holds open the door to the bathroom. “Here you go, sweetheart,” she says. “Take your time.”

  I step inside the small but elegant restroom. Near each sink is a complimentary array of toiletries like lotion, mouthwash, soft towels, and a hairbrush. The blonde woman is right – it does feel great to splash some cold water on my face. I comb my hair with the brush, and when I survey myself in the mirror, I’m pleased that I actually do look presentable after a little sprucing up.

  Okay, I think. Let’s get those keys and get out of here.

  I take a deep breath and walk into the party on the second floor.

  Just as I imagined, it’s the usual scene. Naked bodies tangled over each other, moving rhythmically, sucking and licking and fucking each other on every surface and up against every wall. An occasional moan or gasp punctuates the chorus of moans. But I walk through the second floor absolutely unperturbed because all these people having sex right out in the open doesn’t shock me anymore. It’s turning me on a little, and it shows that I’m definitely not the intimidated virgin I was a few weeks ago. In fact, I was doing some of my own exhibitionism with Trevor sliding into my pussy again and again. Damnit. Trevor. Gritting my teeth, I scan the room for Jane.

  To my surprise, she’s sitting on a low couch at the back, still clothed in her bra and panties. There’s a striking woman with dreadlocks sitting next to her, and I recognize her as the woman Jane was fooling around with at the last party.

  “Hey, buddy,” I say trying not to look too closely. “Do you have my keys?”

  Jane doesn’t even look up.

  “Oh hi!” murmurs the woman with dreadlocks. “I’m Bianca. I think we met at the last party.”

  “Yes, I remember you,” I say in a tight voice. “Um, Jane? My keys?”

  My friend finally looks up and smiles at me in a way I’ve never seen her look before. “Missy,” she says in a hushed voice while looking at Bianca, “I think this woman is the one.”

  The African-American woman smiles. “We’re still going to have a good time tonight, but this time, we’re doing it as a team,” she says before leaning forward to nuzzle her nose against my friend’s.

  “Oh my god, you’re so romantic,” Jane coos. “And you’re right. If anyone wants Thelma,” she says, pointing at herself, “They’re going have to take my lovely Louise, too.”

  “A ménage a trois,” sighs Bianca. “How lovely.”

  “Um, that’s great,” I say, still trying to avert my eyes. “But I do have to get back to my house. I’ve got a flight to catch tonight and I need to get going pronto. Keys, please?”

  Jane sighs and procures the keys. But just as I reach for them, she snatches them away.

  “I have a confession to make,” she says. “I didn’t grab these by accident. I swiped them when I put Mister Wubbles in your bag.”

  I gawk at her.

  “But why would you do that? That’s mean.”

  Jane’s just about to say something when she’s interrupted.

  “She had a good reason,” I hear a low rumble behind me. Oh my god. It’s him. I’ve heard that voice say polite things to my mother at the dinner table, and I’ve heard that voice hiss unspeakable things in my ear while his cock makes me feel good. I can’t breathe, and literally begin to hyperventilate a bit.

  I turn around slowly, almost afraid of what I’m going to see. But sure enough, it’s Trevor, and my knees go weak, as my heart pounds furiously. What does he want? Why is he here? Did Jane set us up? Slowly, our eyes meet and the sparks fly.



  The gorgeous girl turns around slowly. She’s absolutely luscious, even wearing a simple tank top and shorts. Her heavy breasts strain against the cotton, and those thick thighs look good enough to bite.

  I don’t know what Missy is expecting, but it’s definitely not the diamond I have stashed in my pocket. The look on her face is sheer bewilderment, as well as arousal.

  “Um, hi,” she says awkwardly. “What a coincidence. What are you doing here?”

  My brows raise.

  “This is Club Elegance. We met here, remember?”

  Her cheeks flush beautifully.

  “Um yeah, that’s right. How strange that you just happen to be here for the five minutes that I’m here. But I’m going,” she says in a rushed voice. “Jane, my keys. Now.”

  I hold up a hand.

  “Sweetheart, you’re right. This isn’t exactly a coincidence, and I’m not going anywhere until you hear what I have to say,” I answer. The steely tone of my voice makes some of the party guests turn around to see what’s going on, and Missy gulps a little with nerves.

  “I’m not angry about yesterday,” I continue. I stroke her gorgeous chestnut hair. I don’t even notice, or care, that she’s not dolled up in a pretty dress tonight. It’s not about what she’s wearing. She is utterly beautiful to me.

  “You’re not?” she asks in a tremulous voice. “But what about our parents? And that whole scene?”

  I shrug.

  “You know, their lives aren’t our business. Nancy and Jim are grown adults, and they need to figure out their own shit. I mean, I’m sorry that they caught us having sex at your mom’s house, but it’s not like we broke any laws. We have no manners, but our parents will forgive us.”

  Missy flushes as Jane sits bolt upright.

  “You guys are so bad,” she scolds playfully. “I can’t wait to see what happens.”

  I stare at her.

  “Do you mind? A little privacy please?”

  Jane rolls her eyes before languidly getting up, pulling Bianca up with her.

  “Come on, let’s go somewhere else,” she says. “Our little lovebirds need to sort out their issues,” she says with a wink.

  Finally, they disappear and I’m alone with my beautiful girl. Well, as alone as you can be with people making love fifteen feet away on a neighboring cou
ch. But Missy doesn’t care, and tears spring to her eyes.

  “I’m so sorry about all that,” she says in a quiet voice. “They called off the wedding, and that’s not what I expected to happen.”

  I hold up a hand.

  “Listen sweetheart. That wedding was never meant to be. It’s clear that Nancy and Jim have issues, and they have to work it out on their own. If anything, it’s a plus that we broke them up. I mean, can you imagine how bad it’ll be after they get married if this is how they are before the wedding bells even ring?”

  Jane looks at me through teary eyes.

  “Yeah, but that’s the horrible part. We were the impetus to their break-up. I wish it didn’t have to be like that.”

  I pull her into my arms, stroking her brown curls.

  “Honey, we did nothing wrong. I mean, sex in the kitchen isn’t ideal, nor is getting caught by your mom. But do you see what I’m saying? Nancy and Jim were never meant to be, we just helped them along to their conclusion. And, we have to focus on our own lives. You and me, together.”

  She pulls back a little, looking up at me with troubled brown eyes.

  “You and me?” she asks with confusion. “That’s the thing. How can there be a you and me if we’re related? I mean, it’s kind of wrong, isn’t it?”

  I stroke her cheek gently, adoring her beauty.

  “No sweetheart ,it’s not wrong. We’re not related, and we’re not going to be related because our parents aren’t getting married anymore. This whole stepbrother stepsister thing was a little weird, I admit, but it’s not going to happen, so we’re into the clear.”

  Realization dawns on Missy’s face.

  “You’re right,” she whispers. “I mean, everything happened so fast that I forgot that if Nancy and Jim don’t get married …”

  “Then we’re not related, by blood or marriage,” I finish for her. “Does that make things better for you, sweetheart? We’re just two regular people who love one another.”

  Her face lights up with joy and adoration.

  “Do you love me Trevor?” she asks in a quiet voice. “I kind of can’t believe it, especially after everything that’s happened.”


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