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About Last Night

Page 13

by S. E. Law

  I take her hand in mine, softly stroking her palm.

  “I do love you, Missy Baker. With everything in my heart. And to make it official, I wanted to ask you something.”

  It’s true that things are happening fast, but I know what I want, and when that happens, I go for it. Slowly, I get down on one knee before her. An excited murmur ripples through the room as all eyes turn to watch. Missy’s eyes go wide and her hands raise to cover her mouth. I take the ring from my pocket and snap the velvet box open.

  “Will you?” I ask gently. “I love you more than anything, Missy Baker, and would be so honored if you’d be my wife.”

  Tears fill her eyes.

  “Yes,” she says in a voice filled with emotion. “I love you, Trevor Ellis, and this is a dream come true. I’d love to be your wife.”

  I jump to my feet and seize the curvy girl, kissing her fiercely. All of my want and need pours into this magnificent woman with the strength of my kiss. She kisses me back with equal fervor and wraps her hands tightly around my waist, holding me close. Meanwhile, the party erupts in happy applause. Breaking away for a moment, I slide the ring on her trembling finger.

  “It’s absolutely beautiful,” she says in a hoarse voice as she wipes away a stray tear.

  “The diamond’s exactly where it belongs,” I whisper in her ear. “You and I will be together, forever, sweetheart, from here on out.”

  My words are true because this woman and I overcame multiple obstacles before cementing our love for one another. There was her crazy mom Nancy, as well as my stick-in-the-mud dad Jim. There was the fact that Nancy and Jim were going to be married, making us stepsiblings. And there was the fact that we met at a sex party, indulging in the naughty before even knowing each other’s names. But all’s well that ends well, and now that the gorgeous girl is wearing my ring, I couldn’t be happier.

  Epilogue One


  Missy and I break away from our kiss for a moment to be interrupted.

  “Holy cow,” breathes Jane. “That rock is the size of Mount Rushmore!”

  We ignore her friend as Missy looks up at me with a naughty gleam in her eyes.

  “Am I a total slut,” she asks breathlessly, “if I feel like I want your cock in me right here and now?”

  “Yes,” I chuckle. “And I love you for it. You’ve learned well, my sweet.”

  Missy giggles and presses her hand against the hard bulge tenting my pants before stroking her whole palm up and down against my cock. We’re still in Club Elegance, but what better place to consummate our love for one another? We met at the steamy sex party and are cementing the physical manifestation of our love again at one of its venues.

  “You’ve gotten bold,” I growl as I run my hands up and down her exquisitely voluptuous body. “I wonder who’s trained you that way?”

  “Oh Trevor,” she laughs. “It’s you. It’s always been you.”

  Those are the words I love to hear. Growling, I quickly scoop her up under her succulent butt, carrying her with her legs wrapped around me just as I did in the kitchen. “Careful what you wish for,” I say as I throw her down on a nearby velvet couch. She bounces and laughs, flushing beautifully. I want this woman so bad, but I have one more announcement to make.

  “Attention please,” I call out to the room. “This woman will be my wife, and I’m going to make that happen as soon as possible. Our wedding night will be a sacred moment only between us, but until that happens, I’d like you all to witness what a gorgeous slut my fiancée is because I’m going to fuck the living daylights out of her, right here and now, for your viewing pleasure.”

  The crowd bursts into oohs and ahs as a burly man pushes to the front.

  “Excuse me,” he says. “I’m actually am a justice of the peace registered with The Church of the Everlasting Saint. I can marry you right this instant, if you want.”

  What? This guy? He’s dressed like a BDSM master, but then I look at Missy lying on the couch beneath me. Yes, I want her. My cock is ready to burst out of my pants as I anticipate plunging into her tight velvety cunt again. But I want to marry her even more.

  “Let’s do it,” I tell the beefy man. “But only when I say so.”

  “Are you serious Trevor? My mother’s going to kill me,” Missy laughs. “She’ll flip when she finds out she didn’t get to throw me the big wedding of her dreams.”

  “Forget your mother,” I say as I pull Missy’s tank top over her head. The sight of her luscious breasts barely contained by her lace bra is almost more than I can take. I pull the cups of her bra down roughly and suck on her hard nipples, as my fiancée gasps and rolls her eyes in sudden ecstasy.

  “What’s the wedding of your dreams?” I ask as I run my tongue in circles around her nipple.

  “I …,” she gasps. “Well …” Good, she can’t even think straight from the sensations. Exactly how I like it.

  The beefy man appears behind us, carrying a small book. “Just tell me when you want me to begin the ceremony,” he sings.

  My girl comes to, and reaches down to unzip my fly. She’s purposely teasing me by doing it as slowly as possible. “Uh-uh,” I say while stopping her fingers. Then I pull my massive shaft out, and a gasp runs through the room as they see my massive size.

  “Oh my god,” I hear a woman murmur. “Lucky girl. I wish I had that on my wedding night.”

  Internally, I grin. I’ve pledged this cock along with the rest of my body and soul to Missy, and she’s the only one who’s going to enjoy its girth tonight – or any night, for that matter. I wrap my hand around it. “Stroke,” I command. “I know you want to.”

  “I do,” she confirms breathlessly. “Not to mention so much more.” She sits up and slowly sucks the massive purple head between her lips. Oh shit. My girl has grown so skilled in such a short time, and I love the expert way she slides and curls her warm tongue under and around my knob. Plus, she loves sucking me off which only make the sensations sweeter.

  A little squirt of my pre-cum bathes her tongue, and she moans with ecstasy, swallowing it down. I want to spurt my hot load all over her full delicious lips right now, but not tonight. I know what she really wants, and I won’t deny her that pleasure.

  Slowly, I pull her cut-offs and panties off of her hips with one smooth move. “Take off your bra,” I command. Shyly, she reaches behind her back and unhooks it without hesitation as I strip off my shirt. Her huge boobs bounce out, pendulous and creamy, and I want her more than ever. But first things first. My blue eyes gleam as I take that small chin in one big hand.

  “I want a baby with you,” I rasp as I tease the tip of my cock against her wet entrance. “I want to get you pregnant tonight. Just say the word and I’ll do it, sweetheart. Is that what you want too?”

  I know it’s sudden, but everything about us is sudden. I tease her more by circling her sensitive nub with my cock, stroking along the bottom, and she throws her head back while cupping her breasts.

  “Yes Trevor,” she moans breathlessly. “Yes, give me a baby.”

  That’s all I need to hear. I plunge my cock into her, and the textured velvet of her tight pussy has never felt more incredible than it has in this instant. Stars swim beneath my closed eyelids as I struggle to keep my strokes contained. I lick my thumb and forefinger and gently slide them up and down her clit in a feather-light pinch even as my cock swings in and out of her wetness. I can feel the excitement building inside her. Her pussy nectar thickens a bit, and then she gushes out a waterfall of honey while squealing with animal pleasure at the force of her orgasm. My cock can’t take it anymore.

  “Boy or girl?” I whisper in her ear. “Boy or girl?” I demand again.

  But Missy can’t answer as her snatch clamps and clenches around my hard rod. I pound my cock deeper into her, and then the apocalypse happens.

  “Boy,” I grunt, exploding into her pussy. “Girl,” I say, with another hot gush. Oh shit, oh shit. I come again and again, jetting gallons of
hot jizz into her pulsing pussy.

  “Yes!” she squeals with ecstasy, as her beautiful body sucks it all in. “I want it.”

  Still panting and shaking even as my balls empty, I turn to the burly man behind us. “Marry us now,” I say. “Our names are Trevor and Missy.”

  The man doesn’t blink an eye.

  “Missy,” he promptly begins reading from his little book, “do you take this honest and honorable man to be your sacred partner in life?”

  Missy moans a little, her eyes closed.

  “Sweetheart,” I nudge her before pinching her clit again. “Say yes.”

  The beautiful girls opens her eyes blearily, her body flushed with pleasure.

  “I do,” says Missy. “Yes, absolutely.”

  The burly man nods.

  “And Trevor,” he says, turning to me, “Do you take this lovely goddess to be your eternally devoted wife?”

  I don’t hesitate for even a second.

  “I do,” I say. “She is my one and only, and my true love.”

  The man beams while nodding happily.

  “Then I, Martin Lukas, under the auspices of the Church of the Everlasting Saint, do declare you eternally wedded husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.”

  Of course, the command is a little weird given that my cock is balls deep in her wet pussy at the moment. But I respect tradition, and leaning forward, I plant the most passionate kiss ever on Missy’s ready lips. She kisses me back with equal passion, our fervor rising to the fore once more.

  “I love you,” I whisper into her mouth.

  “I love you too,” she whispers back as we clasp one another. The room erupts into whoops of applause and cheers.

  “Congratulations,” one voice says.

  “Man, what a crazy couple,” adds another one. “Doing it right here in Club Elegance.”

  “Do you think the marriage will last?” a third person adds.

  But I don’t care, merely clasping my girl close and kissing her again. This woman was made for me, and I for her. Sure, nothing about us is traditional, but why stick to the tried and true? After all, the edges are where we like to play, and together, we’ll make it work.

  Epilogue Two


  Six months later, Trevor and I are finally on our honeymoon. After we got married at Club Elegance, we repeated the ceremony at City Hall before a justice of peace in order to make it legal. It was the happiest day of my life, although both Jim and Nancy looked a little uncomfortable as our witnesses.

  “It’s going to be fine,” I soothed my mom before the ceremony. “It’ll only take fifteen minutes tops.”

  “Oh it’s not that,” she hemmed and hawed. “It’s just … well, what if Jim hates my guts?”

  I smile gently.

  “I don’t think he does, Mom. If anything, I think it’ll be great time to reconnect with your former fiancé.”

  And I was right. After the ceremony, Jim and Nancy started talking, and they’re now exclusively dating. Don’t ask me what happens if our parents actually get married because that would bring the whole stepsibling issue back into focus. But I don’t think it matters anymore because Trevor and I are a happily married couple, and we’ve realized that as adults, our parents have their own lives. It’s not our job to help them find contentment and satisfaction because they have to do it on their own.

  But that’s for another day. There’s no sense in worrying about what could happen because right now, I have the here and now. After all, my husband and I are in Milan for a belated honeymoon, and it’s amazing because Trevor’s rented a luxurious penthouse suite for us to enjoy.

  I’ve been taking advantage of every amenity. I went to the pool, the spa, got a massage, and had my hair done. Not to mention, Trevor and I are spending a lazy afternoon in bed, just enjoying one another’s bodies. He’s sleeping next to me right now, and my heart flutters while taking in his handsome form. My husband has broad shoulders, a wide chest, and long, powerful legs. I know just the way to wake him up.

  I slide down the crisp white sheets to reveal his swelling cock. Just looking at his wood is enough to give me a shiver of anticipation that goes right down to my clit, and I moisten hungrily.

  Leisurely, I lower my mouth to the head of his shaft and begin enjoying the sensation of my tongue stroking its familiar textures. He’s heavenly – thick and hard, with a tasty bulbous glans and veins I love to trail my tongue along. Before soon, he stirs and looks down, sleepy eyed with pleasure and amazement. His long fingers lazily stroke my hair.

  “Mmm,” he murmurs. “I love it when you wake me up like this, sweetheart. But if I recall from last night, I do believe it’s your turn.”

  Trevor slides out from under me and rolls me over, lavishing kisses down my front as he palms my breasts. “Let’s see if you’re as wet as I’m hard,” he murmurs into my navel before his kisses dance down my belly. He laps at my clit, just once, to gauge my reaction.

  Of course, I moan out loud, making him chuckle.

  “Wow, somebody’s hungry for it,” he murmurs. The subtle vibrations of his voice on my cunt sends tiny shudders of pleasure up my spine. “Let’s hear you beg for it,” he growls.

  I know what he wants, and don’t hesitate at all.

  “Please eat my pussy,” I mewl, this time threading my fingers through his dark hair. I decide to get cute about the situation. “Oh, please, my big strong hunk of a husband,” I say in an overdramatic voice, “have thy way with me and ravish my precious maidenhood.”

  Trevor just laughs.

  “Someone’s been reading too many cheesy romance novels in search of love quotes for her husband,” he smirks as he kneads and massages the tender hood of my clit with one insistent finger. “And I’m pretty sure that maidenhood is long taken care of.”

  “Are you sure?” I tease him. “Maybe you should check again, just for safety’s sake.”

  “If milady insists,” he says as he lifts his mouth from my cunt to back up a little more. Slowly he lifts my legs over his shoulders and manually parts my pussy lips with his thumbs, looking at the hot pink slit within.

  “Mmm, baby, no, I don’t see a hymen. But maybe my eyes are failing me. Let me try to find it with my tongue,” he murmurs, before bending forwards and licking up inside my cunt. The sensation is overwhelming and I cry out, clutching his shoulders.

  “Oh god,” I moan, as his tongue strokes up against my walls, alternately licking and biting my clit before teasing my hole. Trevor always makes me so crazy, and in response, a hot gush of liquid drenches his chin.

  At that, my gorgeous husband climbs up, his face wet with my liquids. “No, I didn’t find a hymen sweetheart. But since we’re on the topic, if you’re researching slutty quotes, I’d love to hear something like, ‘Give me all ten inches, big boy.’”

  I open my mouth to laugh but before any sound comes out he’s treating me to that ten inches as deep as it will go inside my pussy. My laugh turns into a squeal of delight as I grind my hips against his, begging for more.

  “Yes,” I pant. “I’m your slutty slut.”

  He growls, those blue eyes seizing mine even as he pounds harder.

  “That you are, my sweet wife. You’re my slutty ho, and I love it.”

  We know so much about each other’s bodies now that it barely takes any time to trigger my gushing climax.

  “Oh!” I cry out, tossing on the sheets as my pussy spasms uncontrollably. “Oh shit!”

  “Naughty girl,” he rumbles in my ear even as fluids run all over his dick and thighs. “Soaking the sheets like that.”

  I used to get embarrassed about squirting but that’s before I realized how much Trevor adores it. He’s being calm, but I can tell my intense orgasm has turned him on. His cock swells to a titanic size inside me, and from the way he’s pounding into me, I know that he’s just about to come too.

  But instead of erupting, my man pulls out and aims his dick lower, nudging my back folds. My eyes fly o
pen with shock. Of course, we’ve done anal before, but does he really want it now? Right when he’s about to come?

  Trevor nods.

  “Take it, my little butt slut. You can do it.”

  With that, he eases the head into my back hole, and my eyes close with the sensation. Oh god, it’s so tight and yet so fucking nasty too. I moan, rubbing my nipples, and that seems to help a little. My butt loosens a bit, and he’s able to slide the full ten inches in.

  “Yeah, you’re my little slut,” he croons before capturing my mouth in a kiss. “Your tight anus always eats up my dick so good.”

  With that, the heavy slide begins. He owns my ass and before I know it, I’m exploding with a second orgasm, this time with his cock in my bottom.

  “Oh god,” I moan. “I love it so much. I love you, Trevor.”

  He grows rigid, and then his dick jerks in me before blasting me with hot, bubbly semen.

  “I love you too, sweetheart,” he groans into my neck as gallons of sperm are dumped in my ass. “Forever.”

  With that, we stay in each other’s arms as our bodies merge in completion. After all, this is the man for me, and I’m the woman for him. We met in a sex club, which is unusual, but every couple has their own story, and this is ours. We won’t be sharing it with the entire world, but why does it really matter? After all, couples meet in all sorts of different settings now.

  What’s more important is that our love is one hundred percent real. The fact that my mom and his dad almost got married seems like a trivial point now. The fact that we almost became stepsiblings is a thing of the past, and even if it happens, it won’t bother us anymore. Trevor and I have merged our hearts, lives, and bodies, and together, we’ll chart a path forward.

  The End

  About the Author

  S.E. Law loves writing bad boys. In fact, since high school, she’s been observing bad boys with a keen and observant eye: the lovers, the fighters, and the ones that make you go “ahhh …” She enjoys writing books that will hopefully make you go “ahhh …” over and over again, while also getting some laughs (and maybe even some tears).


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