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Mission to Sector ZZ1219

Page 16

by Jerry D. Young

  Willi could not stop the gasp she made when she saw the house. “That’s… That’s… That’s a castle!” she blurted out.

  “It just looks like a castle,” Johnny replied. “Well… Mostly just looks like one… There are some features…” But Johnny’s words faded away as he moved to exit the taxi.

  Willi could see the pain on his face, around his eyes, when she hurried around the taxi to try to help him. But he was already out and had credit chips in his hand.

  She started to protest, but the eager taximan was already taking the money, more than happy with what Johnny gave him. Along with the caution to drive directly to the gate and through it.

  And a further caution that it might not be a good idea for anyone to show up looking for them here, if Johnny found out the driver was responsible for the information leak.

  Willi hurried to take Johnny’s arm on his injured side to help him up the stairs leading to the ornate entry to the house. The steps were low and deep, so Johnny had little trouble with them. He did seem to appreciate Willi’s help, for he did lean on her a bit more than she thought he might.

  But they were soon inside, and Willi essentially forgot about Johnny for a couple of long minutes as she gazed around in awe. When she finally turned around the rest of the way and her eyes were again on Johnny’s, hers were wide.

  “This is a castle!”

  A one arm shrug, lifted eyebrow, and Johnny was saying, as he tugged gently on her hand to lead her somewhere. “Not really… Mansion… perhaps. It probably does qualify as a Mansion. My… Uh… the owner would certainly consider it such.”

  “To whom does it belong?” Willi asked, her eyes now going forward, to what she was fairly certain would be a kitchen.

  Fortunately for Johnny, Willi became distracted by the marvel of a kitchen, and did not press for an answer. When Johnny stopped at the central island counter, so he could lean against it, Willi’s hand slid from his as she approached the far wall. The wall was beautiful, no doubt, with the highly figured woodwork and stone masonry. “Where are the appliances?” Willi asked, turning back toward Johnny. “This is a kitchen… Right? Where is the cooker? The chill box?”

  Willi jumped slightly at the sound behind her. She whirled around and took a step back. Johnny noticed that her movement put her between the sound and him. She was protecting him… Johnny felt something so deep in his heart that he was not even sure it was a feeling, or just simply a total body change, from the love he thought he felt for Willi, to something so much more that he was not even aware it could exist.

  “Oh. Voice acti…” Willi was saying, as she turned from the wall to look at Johnny again. Her words faded when she saw the look in his eyes. And then he reached out to gently take Willi’s hand in his good one and tugged her to him.

  Breathing hard even before his lips neared hers, her lips made a small ‘o’ as he breathed the words, “You mentioned kisses…” And then he was the one doing the kissing. Exactly the way she wanted.

  With just enough presence of mind, barely, to not knock Johnny over, she kissed him back with every bit of passion that had been building since the first few minutes in the cargo shuttle.

  Willi got her wish. It was not long before she had to break the kiss. She simply could go any longer without breathing. “Oh…” she whispered, taking deep breathes, her wide-open eyes taking in the look in Johnny’s eyes.

  She did not have much experience, but she knew what she was seeing in those deep blue eyes. The very same thing she suspected he was seeing in hers, as he stared deeply into them.

  “I think…” she managed to whisper, though it was a struggle.

  But Johnny saved her the need to come up with any additional words. He cleared his throat. Once, and then again, before he could speak. “Um… Yes. I think perhaps…” Johnny dragged his eyes away from Willi’s face. “I think perhaps we should see about getting settled for the evening…”

  When he glanced back at Willi, she still had her eyes on him. It was another moment before she spoke. “Oh,” she suddenly muttered. “I did not think to bring…”

  Johnny shook his head. “Everything you might need will be in the rooms. Just go up and take any one of those in the west wing that strikes your fancy. I… Ah… I believe I shall go up and lie down for a bit, myself. We can find some supper a bit latter.”

  Willi’s right had went to Johnny’s good arm, a bit of worry in her eyes now. “Are you alright? Do I need to help you up?”

  Seeing the look that flashed across Johnny’s face, Willi felt herself blushing slightly, but the look was gone in an instant, and Johnny had turned away. “I am fine. I just need to get off my feet for a bit. Take a nap. When I take the next full dose of the medications here in a few minutes I will be out of it for quite some time.”

  “Ah…” Willi still hesitated. “What should I be doing?”

  One glance over his shoulder, which caused a wince, and Johnny shook his head again. “Nothing really. Just make yourself at home. If you happen to need anything you cannot find, feel free to come wake me. I will be in the fifth bedroom down the east hall.”

  Willi nodded. She still did not move. Not until she saw Johnny enter what turned out to be some type of personal lift. Then, with a tiny sigh, Willi headed for the grand staircase in the entry hallway and made her way upstairs.

  After entering the first bedroom she found, Willi was halfway down the hallway toward the area where Johnny was going toward before she had a chance to think about things.

  She had seen the women’s clothing scattered about the bedroom, and her first thought had been that Johnny had a woman in the house. But she stopped her angry march to confront him about it just as suddenly as it had started. Rather sheepishly she tiptoed back to the room, and pulled the door closed.

  Willi had to try two more doors before she found a room that did not have women’s clothing strewn about rather carelessly, she thought. She did realize she was still somewhat annoyed with the idea, but managed to control her temper. She would find out what she wanted to know later.

  Willi, never known for her cooking skills, was rather inordinately proud of the meal she had ready, set out on the island counter when Johnny joined her in the kitchen a few hours later, just as she was trying to decide whether or not to go up to wake him.

  She watched, rather anxiously, as Johnny ate the meal with one hand, chaffing at his requests to not help him, each time she tried to do so. Willi realized he was being very gentle with her, recognizing her concern for him.

  Willi did put her foot down, however, when he got up to try and help her do the minor cleanup work after the meal, upon which he had lavished praise.

  It was only when she had sent him off to the living room to wait for her that it struck her, about the same time as her face reddened, that the praise had been a bit overdone, and she suddenly suspected that he was aware of her lack of culinary skills. Though how he could possibly know, she did not question.

  A bit of a huff, and Willi finished the clean-up, very glad that Johnny had not come down any earlier, because that had given her time to do the major clean-up required after the actual preparation of the meal.

  Although this kitchen, like many, was highly automated, it was well-equipped with manual meal preparation equipment, which was what she had used, wanting to do more than just punch a few buttons. Just to prove to herself she could.

  When Willi joined Johnny, sitting beside him carefully, on his good side, she was still in the process of deciding how to broach a few of the subjects for which she was desperately wanting explanations.

  Just as she opened her mouth to ask the first question, Johnny, staring out the huge expanse of view screen that looked out upon the magnificent view of the mountains off in the distance, began to speak. His hand found hers, and he gripped it firmly, Willi’s other hand going to clasp his in both of hers.

  “I know you are burning with some questions, Willi,” Johnny said quietly. “Before I get to giving y
ou some answers, I would like to ask you something very important.”

  When he turned to look at her, his blue eyes delving deep into hers, she was not sure quite what to make of his solemn expression. Almost apprehensive, Willi nodded, and muttered, “Of course, Johnny.”

  “You don’t have any weapons on you, do you?”

  Her eyes widened, and then narrowed, as another of Johnny’s smiles curled his lips as he looked at her for a moment longer before he grinned.

  “I am so going to…” Willi half yelled, trying to pull her hands from Johnny’s one-handed hold. But her words faded, as, with just a tug, Johnny had her against his side, his lips on hers again, to silence her.

  A bit later, when both came up for air, Willi managed to mutter what was a very weak threat. Which Johnny ignored.

  “Okay. We really do need to talk about a few things, Willi,” Johnny said, shifting slightly into a more comfortable position. When Willi tried to move, to make him a bit more comfortable, he tugged again, and she settled into his side once more, deciding that if he wanted her there, she would be there.

  “First things first, though,” he began. He pulled his hand free and reached into the edge of the healing cast. Willi thought he had added another jolt of pain killer but realized that he was pulling something from the cast, not using the medication control panel.

  A flick of his thumb, and as he slid off the wide sofa onto his good knee, with just a bit of a wince, Johnny had an old-Earth-style velvet ring box open, holding it up to her. “Will you, Wilhelmina Hortense McKindrick, become my wife, forever and anon?”

  It was only after her nearly whispered, “Oh, yes, Johnny! I will. Oh, I will…” that she looked at the open ring box as she reached to remove the ring so Johnny could slip it onto her finger.

  Her eyes cut back up to his. “That isn’t… real… is it?” Willi shook her head. “That can’t be real. Tell me that it is not real,” Willi almost begged.

  “I am afraid so, Willi. Definitely real.”

  “But that is…” Willi could not bring herself to say the almost sacred name.

  “Yes, it is. It has been in my family for generations. And now it will be in our family for generations to follow.” Johnny took the ring from Willi’s rather limp fingers and managed to slip it onto the ring finger of her left hand.

  “Your name… Johnny, what is your real name?” Willi asked softly, clutching his good hand with her right hand.

  “Oscar John Anderson,” Johnny replied.

  Willi looked thoughtful, but before she could remember what it was that she seemed to be vaguely trying to recall, Johnny added, “Of course, I am also sometimes known by the name I inherited from one of my ancestors. Sir Dunigan Quincannon.”

  “You’re Royalty?” Willi squeaked out.

  Johnny sighed. “Technically, yes. But you know as well as I that the old royal lines really have no meaning anymore. They haven’t for a long time.”

  Willi studied Johnny’s face for a few moments, and then, with a slight nod, she said, “I know. But for some… that history carries a great weight, and responsibility. For the great ones. The ones that took their leadership role and responsibilities very seriously. Such as the Quincannons, back long before the Europeans began to move to what was known as the New World. Even Wolfgang Quincannon, when he went to Montana, and made his deal with the Tribes. Even he felt those responsibilities.”

  “You are a very astute young woman,” Johnny whispered, leaning forward to kiss her softly. “And know your history.”

  “It is why you do… at least some of the things you do, isn’t it?” Willi asked after the kiss, and Johnny was on the sofa again beside her. She was pleased more than she would admit that Johnny actually nodded in response. That he did not try to wave it away, the way he might with someone else.

  Suddenly Willi remembered the women’s clothing in two of the bedrooms. “Oh,” she said, watching Johnny, “You know, I found some women’s clothing in a couple of the bedrooms in the wing where you have me staying. Would you mind explaining?”

  “Ah,” Johnny said, that sardonic grin back on his face that Willi had not seen for a while.

  “Be very careful, my love,” Willi warned him, mostly in jest. “What you say right now could have great impact on just what happens in the future.”

  “You are a wonder, Willi,” Johnny suddenly said and then laughed. “Some window dressing. For Sir Guy.”

  “Just how much dressing? And how much undressing? There were clothes all over those two rooms.”

  “Nothing for you to worry about, Willi,” Johnny reassured her. “They were professional actresses, playing parts that helped me get established when I first arrived.”

  Willi’s eyes narrowed. But she decided to let it drop. No need to torture herself. Or Johnny. He did what had needed to be done. At the time. “Well, we will handle such things a bit differently in the future, if such is required. And I am pretty certain it will not be.”

  Johnny opened his mouth to reply but decided to just shut it and kiss Willi again. It was probably safer, and much more pleasant.

  A bit more kissing, though enjoyable for Johnny, soon had the pain level up more than he was comfortable with. A wince, that Willi saw, and Johnny reached for the medication control under the edge of the cast when she shifted away slightly.

  “I am so so…” Willi protested.

  “No, Willi. I just have to be careful. I would much rather be kissing you, believe me.” Johnny leaned back slightly and breathed shallowly for a few breaths. Willi took his good hand back into both of hers and just held it gently, as she watched him beginning to relax, his eyes closed, as the medication took effect.

  “Johnny, I want you to go up and lie down. And do not argue. I will be helping you.”

  She did not move, and Johnny cracked one eye open, to see her watching him. He managed a smile. “No argument from me,” he said after a moment. With that, Willi rose, and Johnny let her pull him up with care.

  He even leaned on her somewhat. Perhaps more than actually necessary. Especially as they rode up the elevator. Willi gave him a wry look as she eased him down on the edge of the bed. “Are you finished now?”

  Johnny chuckled. “Oh, I suppose,” he replied.

  Willi stepped back. “Do you really need me to help you?”

  “No, Willi. I can manage. I think we should probably ease back a bit. I’m…”

  “Um… Yes. You are probably right.” Willi hurried out of Johnny’s room.

  Johnny managed to get himself to bed, and with one more dose of pain medication he was quickly asleep.

  Willi, on the other hand, keyed up now, was simply wandering around the house, her right hand worrying the ring on her left hand. Thinking. Thinking a great deal. There was no doubt in her mind that she loved Johnny. Loved him deeply. And she was just as sure now that he loved her the same way.

  “But marriage… and children… and the business… and…” Willi’s words faded away as she looked off into the distance as the light faded. She simply had not thought about any life beyond that of being a pilot and a trader. Even thoughts of becoming the head of the family when her mother retired had not really been in her mind since she had first realized as a child that it would happen. Eventually.

  Now, not only did she have those responsibilities, but she would be a part of Johnny’s world, and his responsibilities. “How did my life get so complicated so fast?” she asked herself when she finally went up to bed.

  Chapter Six


  Johnny groaned when he came awake early the next morning. A quick touch of the pain dispenser and he rested a few minutes, a smile forming as the pain lessened, and thoughts of Willi entered his mind.

  It was a few moments longer before Johnny realized that it was the buzz of his communicator that had woken him. He kept it in silent mode almost all the time. The device would only give a sound if he failed to answer in a timely manner after the initial signal.

p; Johnny fumbled slightly, reaching for the communicator on the bedside table. Though there was no one there to see it, Johnny’s features changed dramatically from the happy smile, tinged with just a bit of pain, to the plain, emotionless façade he often wore when things were not the way he would wish them to be.

  A touch and the communicator went back into standby mode. Johnny, despite the pain, and without triggering additional medication, rose from the bed and began to dress. Showing almost none of the frustration he began to feel with the difficulty he was having, Johnny made a decision he figured would cost him, but needed to be made.

  When he activated the house communicator and spoke Willi’s name, he steeled himself, in more ways than one.

  “Johnny?” a very sleepy sounding Willi asked. She rolled over in bed and squinted at the bedside display. “It’s five in the morning…” she muttered.

  The particular sound of Johnny’s voice was beginning to register on Willi’s somewhat foggy mind. And she started to come awake very quickly then.

  The words were coming out of her mouth even as she swung her legs around and tried to get up. But her unsettled sleep during the night had twisted the coverings around her legs, and she literally fell out of the bed, forcing a huge “Umpf!” out of her when she hit the floor.

  Not one to panic, ever, Johnny found himself out of his bedroom, running as best as he could toward the other wing of the house, no notice of the pain, or anything else, as he headed for Willi, the thought that something might already be happening nearly terrifying him.

  “Johnny, are you okay?” Willi was saying now, trying to untangle herself and get off the floor, something in his voice when he had called her moments before really bothering her.

  When there was no response, Willi muttered, and redoubled her efforts to get up, finally able to kick with her legs enough to get free of the coverings. Now she was starting to feel like something was terribly wrong as her next, “Johnny! Say something!” went unanswered.


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